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Muckraking Tabloid Journalist Jason Schreier upset at a new game studio "Lacking Diversity in 2021"


I think the biggest issue with those that say "tune Jason and people like him out" is that unfortunately, twitter/social media/cancel mobs are powerful because they're being used by businesses and governments to make decisions. So unfortunately by default they are already given a disproportionate share of power in those spheres of influence.

But by not relying on social media as your way of interaction and getting shit done you start actually getting real shit done. I'm glad I don't have Twitter or any social media app.

The more people get off those platforms which is happening now the less they are emphasize.

Those the shout the loudest usually have the least to say or contribute of worth.


His account now says he's limiting who can view his tweets. That's not the same as being blocked, so I am disappointed in him.
I quoted this tweet:
as a reply to several replies of his original tweet so that he cannot hide them (I am blocked by him anyway).
Maybe he noticed and got salty.
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I bet Jason didn't ask around to see if people applied for said studio and got rejected. Legal wise they had to post positions. Even if previous developers from the closed studio where coming over to their fill their position in new studio.

of course he didn't. he also doesn't give a shit about what his tweets could mean for a young new studio trying to make it in the industry. i'm not even sure if he really believes in the woke stuff himself. if he really was such an activist where were his morals when the whole blizzard thing was going on for years? i think jason schreier is only on one side and that is his own. if it helps with his career or if he gets some attention out of it it doesn't matter to him that his shit tweets have the potential to destroy people's livelihood.


It it were only women, he wouldn’t say shit, cause in his eyes it would be diversity. Like that High Guardian Spice writers room only consisting of women and being called diverse.

Edit: I think it is a matter of when, not if until he gets canceled and eaten by his own, like many of the wokest do.
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Jason’s next book: How To Staff Your Successful Business. Writing from his extensive knowledge about every freaking thing, just ask him.


I do agree with what you're saying and I'm not condoning the attacks on his wife but he can't pretend to be shocked he's attracted these types. The guy has made a career out of putting spotlights on situations he personally is not involved in no matter how big or small simply for clicks and then he tries to take the moral high ground like he did the gaming community a service.

He can fuck right off. The people attacking his wife are assholes but honestly he's no better so as the famous tagline goes "let them fight".
I agree on the first part but you and the poster keep treating attacks on his wife as attacks on him. They're not. They're attacks on his wife.

And, no, she won't wake up with a bruise tomorrow morning, but it's nice to have some class around the joint.


It's amazing how many pasty white dudes think it's their moral imperative to use their white dudeness to uplift women and minorities who never asked for their help. They just come off as condescending bigoted pricks and they're so oblivious to it.


Like those poor struggling minorities couldn't POSSIBLY get anything done without the help of the GOOD WHITE MAN!!

Fucking fake piece of shit.



Like those poor struggling minorities couldn't POSSIBLY get anything done without the help of the GOOD WHITE MAN!!

Fucking fake piece of shit.
That's my main problem.. it's all so phony...

Its case by case of course but Jason here is being phony... Or we supposed to believe he really cares about the diversity of the team or he's pointing it out for a cheap headline?

I know what I'm betting on
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I have never, not doing it now and will never care what the teams look like creating games, movies, tv shows, music etc. that I like.


What I wrote to this clown.

"Literally a man-child. How're you in this business? Game quality IS all that matters. If you're not qualified you shouldn't be hired. Look at this mediocre studio
@Halo that's incredibly "Diverse" but tanked the most popular franchise Microsoft owns."

I expect to be blocked shortly. Not losing anything from it though.

sad gordon ramsay GIF by Hell's Kitchen
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Reseterror Resettler
yeah that's exactly what makes my blood boil too. if you want brownie points from the blue checkmark twitter clique that's fine, but don't throw a new founded indie studio under the bus for this you scrote.
nobody likes you jason. you have contributed nothing to the gaming industry. you're a grifter who posts his shit takes on twitter. you work at bloomberg. you said you knew about people getting abused at blizzard but didn't say anything for years. you have no moral high ground. you're a piece of shit and your wife looks like the creature from the aphex twin windowlicker video. nobody likes you.

someone needs to find the skeletons he's hiding in his closet and cancel him already.

Come on now, calm down. There's no need to resort to personal attacks in this thread. Criticize Schreier's work all you want, but let's not bring innocent people who have nothing to do with the issue into this. Besides, the Windowlicker video used heavy prosthetics and makeup to achieve that affect, you don't need to compare her to an actual cryptid of folklore that agreed to marry Schreier in return for pieces of cheese and grain. Let's be compassionate human beings here.
Diversity in the workplace is nice but it's not worth shaming a small indy studio like they are the fucking devil. This shit is getting ridiculous. I bet the same logic wouldn't apply to women in the construction field or more men within Social Work. It's just self-righteous people who want to flex how virtuous they are to the entire world.
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Neil Young

This fucking guy. Every time I see him and what he has to say, I start having classic bully fantasies. I want to take his lunch money, kick sand in his face, or put a 'kick me" sign on his back....fucking Poindexter. And he sounds WORSE than you can imagine. Just an absolute dud.


What I wrote to this clown.

"Literally a man-child. How're you in this business? Game quality IS all that matters. If you're not qualified you shouldn't be hired. Look at this mediocre studio
@Halo that's incredibly "Diverse" but tanked the most popular franchise Microsoft owns."

I expect to be blocked shortly. Not losing anything from it though.

sad gordon ramsay GIF by Hell's Kitchen's Kitchen
I'm impressed. you managed to slip some low key console warring in your message

Scotty W

Gold Member
I actually agree with Jason. He is right to stand up against systemic power. Ever notice that no videogames come from Africa or the third world? Discrimination.

Also, I did a youtube search on Discrimination and Disparities and this video came up for y’all to listen to while y’all game.




Gotta love how he also pats himself on the back for "adding a woman" back in his podcast days. Narcissistic to the core. I love how he'll of course ignore pointing out that "how can a game be good with no diversity!?". When of course games of the past (and current) that come from Japan are all made by 99% Japanese devs.

EDIT: Adding in more information on the game devs themselves "Raccoon Logic" (former Typhoon Studio devs from Google/Stadia) with this article here: https://gamasutra.com/view/news/386...d_secure_Savage_Planet_rights_from_Google.php

You'd think a journo like Schrier would be more interested in a team starting out with the intent of avoiding the dreaded crunch times or mandated work. But nope.

I refuse to believe that any podcast involving Jason Schreier would be anything other than absolute shite whether or not there was "a woman" involved.

Good and better are subjective and it's actually hilarious that he doesn't name the individual. It was good, we added "a woman", it was now better. Sure.

Also a troubling insight into the industry if this is how things are going to go.
Someone sets up a new game studio and wants to announce to the world.
Immediately gets dragged based on assumptions about their recruitment process.

How unbelievably toxic must this industry be if simply posting a picture of yourself and your new team attracts negative attention before you have even developed a single game.

So these guys now have a negative narrative being spun about them among the gaming press before they have even made a game and that narrative will follow them around now.

This is not a healthy situation!
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When Stack Overflow has female devs at only 3.3% it's not really surprising to see such a photo being male dominated. Art, story, management etc might fair differently and open up more diversity while still hiring great people but when a studio is starting out you want like minded people, skills, singular vision, cohesive team, culture etc. As the company grows beyond 10-20 people you'll see far more diversity of roles and staff.

What exactly is stopping women from forming a studio with the mantra of only hiring women? Would anyone complain about an all female or minority race studio? No, why do the reverse? I don't see shit like diversity happening in India or China for example. They very much shun outside cultures far more thant the western world. Where's you hit piece on that Jason?

Just get out and start your own shit, hire your own people how you see fit and get off your ass instead of knocking others down who create something from nothing. Jason is a twat with easy to write articles with high clicks, I refuse to click such a link.
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Before even clicking on this I could just tell what the replies would be like. "This aint it". "Yikes dude". "Do better". "Problematic".

The lack of diversity when it comes to the English language among the blue check brigade is VERY PROBLEMATIC.
Yep. Basically trying to ruin the reputation of a new studio before they can get up and running.
Based on nothing but baseless assumptions about their recruitment process.

Genuine question but if I decided to start a videogame company with my friends and we all happened to be white dudes, it shouldn't be allowed? It seems these people are saying pretty much that.

I thought videogames are supposed to be art though?
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