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My one-year old son was bit by a pit bull last night

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No Love

Dogs bite, even the "nice ones".

Holy crap, no way. So if true, which do you think is going to hurt more?

Being bit by a Yorkshire Terrier... or a pitbull terrier? Hmm...

The Pit Bull Defence Squadron is really weird.

Yeah they are. Even in a thread with huge pics of a 1 year old's facial damage after being attacked, they're still acting like putting the dog down is a crazy idea.


Guess you don't like cold, hard facts, do you? Here, let me invite you to the reality of the situation:


Completely ignoring lot's of factors for why this might be the case.

Misreports on pitbulls are extremely common due to the media's biased against them. Pitbulls are also such a popular breed therefore the chance of a bites are more likely, especially with poor ownership.


I was bitten by a dog, unprovoked, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, it did not puncture my skin, just bite marks through my jeans.
it's owner end up paying 1200+ medical expenses and 600 conpensation. I felt terrible for the owner.
Dog are beasts, don't treat them like human beings.


I think another thing to consider is that since pit-bulls have a certain reputation, they draw a certain type of owners
to them. This post is 100% not scientific, but my personal opinion is that pits are more likely to have shitty owners that encourage them to be aggressive.
It would exclude many, and?

(also why the fuck should you domestically own a guard dog?)

One of my uncles ran a half way house. He would take in troubled teenagers from the court system and they would stay with him for a certain amount of time during rehabilitation and then move out to live with family or whatnot.

He had a specially trained German Shepherd named Xaxar (Say-zar), which was the coolest fucking name in the world to me when I was a teen and it was his security if one of the kids every got out of hand. It was to protect him and his wife. They had the dog trained over seas at some special training facility (the ones with the guys in pads and such, I saw a few pictures) and it had a kill word and all sorts of other commands that only my uncle and his wife knew, and would only respond to them.

It was better than a gun or a knife which could be turned on you and also weren't allowed in the home. It's better than 'self defense' because my uncle, while physically fit, was still an older guy.

It was a perfect fit. And the dog was a badass and extremely well behaved.

No Love

One of my uncles ran a half way house. He would take in troubled teenagers from the court system and they would stay with him for a certain amount of time during rehabilitation and then move out to live with family or whatnot.

He had a specially trained German Shepherd named Xaxar (Say-zar), which was the coolest fucking name in the world to me when I was a teen and it was his security if one of the kids every got out of hand. It was to protect him and his wife. They had the dog trained over seas at some special training facility (the ones with the guys in pads and such, I saw a few pictures) and it had a kill word and all sorts of other commands that only my uncle knew.

It was better than a gun or a knife which could be turned on you and also weren't allowed in the home. It's better than 'self defense' because my uncle, while physically fit, was still an older guy.

It was a perfect fit. And the dog was a badass and extremely well behaved.

So basically your uncle would sic a trained attack dog on troubled teenagers that he volunteered to raise and take care of for the court.


Main reason I don't like dogs in general. They can seriously injure you if they're big enough. And the smaller ones are just plain annoying because they act like they could, too. Cats, on the other hand, are just lazy animals of convenience. They make it very clear that you piss them off before they do anything more drastic, and even then, the worst they can do is scratch the hell out of you. My friend has this huge tomcat, and even when he's "vicious" (as my friend would say), he can't even break your skin with his teeth.

Nose Master

Holy crap, no way. So if true, which do you think is going to hurt more?

Being bit by a Yorkshire Terrier... or a pitbull terrier? Hmm...

So, the only dogs people should own are purse dogs? Tiny dogs are always a billion times more aggressive than I've ever seen a pitbull.

It's too bad, but I wouldn't blame the pit bull. There's no reason to allow kids around large dogs. Hell, I wouldn't even want my kid around a cat who wasn't de-clawed.

No Love

So, the only dogs people should own are purse dogs? Tiny dogs are always a billion times more aggressive than I've ever seen a pitbull.

It's too bad, but I wouldn't blame the pit bull. There's no reason to allow kids around large dogs. Hell, I wouldn't even want my kid around a cat who wasn't de-clawed.

No, dude. You missed the point:

If you get bit by a Yorkie, it's going to do about 1/100th the damage that a pitbull would do.


If you need a muzzle for a pet, why even have one.

For when there are children about?

I get what you're saying but many people own these [more aggressive] breeds for security as much as anything. I'm not going to judge them for that.

However, if that's the case.. and there are going to be children around.. a muzzle is an additional step that should be taken to safeguard against incidents like this. If the grandfather didn't enforce it the mother should have. The OP and everybody else is well aware of the breeds inherent nature.

I dog with a muzzle can't bite shit.

Also, it doesn't hurt to muzzle any breed of dog around small children. A fucking poodle could hurt a one year old.
I think another thing to consider is that since pit-bulls have a certain reputation, they draw a certain type of owners
to them. This post is 100% not scientific, but my personal opinion is that pits are more likely to have shitty owners that encourage them to be aggressive.

That isn't conjecture, that's science. It's been shown over and over again in legitimate controlled research that pit bulls are not especially dangerous.

So, the only dogs people should own are purse dogs? Tiny dogs are always a billion times more aggressive than I've ever seen a pitbull.

It's too bad, but I wouldn't blame the pit bull. There's no reason to allow kids around large dogs. Hell, I wouldn't even want my kid around a cat who wasn't de-clawed.

I can't wrap my ahead around it either. I had a German Shorthair that was docile as shit, but I would never allow kids around him just because of his size. Any animal can become scared.
So basically your uncle would sic a trained attack dog on troubled teenagers that he volunteered to raise and take care of for the court.

No, much like a gun, it would be used as a form of defense if the need ever arose (never did that I'm aware of).

What the fuck are you talking about "would sic a trained attack dog ..."? Where did you get that? Are you that stupid, that THAT is what you took away from what I typed? Seriously?
Main reason I don't like dogs in general. They can seriously injure you if they're big enough. And the smaller ones are just plain annoying because they act like they could, too. Cats, on the other hand, are just lazy animals of convenience. They make it very clear that you piss them off before they do anything more drastic, and even then, the worst they can do is scratch the hell out of you. My friend has this huge tomcat, and even when he's "vicious" (as my friend would say), he can't even break your skin with his teeth.

this is pure ignorance. many cats can and do puncture skin when biting and scratching. additionally, dogs are just as communicative with body language and vocalization about their moods and actions. again, all dogs are potentially dangerous, it's lazy/shitty owners who don't take dog ownership seriously that perpetuate these kinds of ignorant notions.

Camp Lo

No, dude. You missed the point:

If you get bit by a Yorkie, it's going to do about 1/100th the damage that a pitbull would do.

Who gives a fuck? Dogs bite no matter the size. Would you put a kid by a baby tiger? Hell, like he said I wouldn't put a kid around a cat who wasn't declawed. They're all animals.


Main reason I don't like dogs in general. They can seriously injure you if they're big enough. And the smaller ones are just plain annoying because they act like they could, too. Cats, on the other hand, are just lazy animals of convenience. They make it very clear that you piss them off before they do anything more drastic, and even then, the worst they can do is scratch the hell out of you. My friend has this huge tomcat, and even when he's "vicious" (as my friend would say), he can't even break your skin with his teeth.

Really cats can only scratch you I vote we just kill any domestic animals all of them can hurt you
I'm sorry about your son, but this is not the dog's fault. Sorry. No breed would just go up to a small child and take a bite out of their skull unless provoked somehow. I've seen how small children act around dogs before, and honestly it's a miracle more aren't bitten.

Also, please tell me why a one year old boy was on the floor with a dog, that wasn't your own, nearby?

That's exactly what the fuck I'm wondering, and I'm a father. I'm seriously not trying to be unsympathetic here, OP, but wtf. Why would you have your 1 year old around a dog that wasn't your own?

My dog is part rot and has been around my son since he was 3. My dog is TRAINED to be around kids. THAT is the difference when it comes to most dogs. They have to be reared well. I had a pit bull for 10 years who was super sweet, but that's cause he was also trained.

I grew up around dogs and most don't do shit unprovoked. I've been bitten by a dog when I was walking down the street but the owner was a shit head and fucked with the dog regularly, so when it got out, the first thing it did was bite the first person it saw.

I hope you took your son to the hospital. Dog bites aren't a joke.

*edit* Also, I apologize if I'm coming across as harsh. I know as a dad when something happens to your kids it's like logic breaks and anger takes over. With that said, you really need to have a conversation with your in-laws and your wife. I wouldn't let my son go back to that house if I was in your shoes.

I hope your son is okay.
The Pit Bull Defence Squadron is really weird.

I know. Usually they are so docile and sweet, and they certainly don't argue as much as other defense sqaudrons... but boy let me tell ya, once they get going, it's as if you have to pry them loose or they'll never stop.


The fact that your son has to tip toe around this dog when visiting your in laws was already a problem all to itself. Now that the dog attacked your son without being provoked should send a strong signal to your in laws that they're not providing a safe environment for your kids.

Simply never allow your child to go back there if they do not want to do anything about it.
I would. I honestly would, but the family drama would be ridiculous. They've made it clear that the dog isn't going to be willingly taken. So instead we're not allowing the kids to visit if the dog will be present. It's the best we can do. We have asked them how they'll feel if it happens to another one of the grandkids, and my mother-in-law is convinced that it won't ever happen again.

My feeling is that the dog got away with drawing blood and all that happened was that he was chased outside for a while. Nothing taught her that what she did was completely unacceptable. She'll bite again, but I know for sure that it won't be my kids.

I'm terrified of the idea that my nieces and nephews will still be around that dog in the future.

I think you need to do your best to convince your brothers/sisters to not bring their kids over there anymore. The grandparents can see their grandkids at your residences or on neutral territory, but I don't think there is any circumstance where any child should be allowed into their home. I wouldn't even let the kids visit even if the dog isn't "present," as in, even if the dog is locked outside, I wouldn't let the kids visit.

No Love

No, much like a gun, it would be used as a form of defense if the need ever arose (never did that I'm aware of).

What the fuck are you talking about "would sic a trained attack dog ..."? Where did you get that? Are you that stupid, that THAT is what you took away from that? Seriously?

So you brag about your uncle having a trained attack dog that can do permanent damage to someone vs having a can of pepper spray etc?

Sorry, guess I'm just not seeing how badass it is to have a trained attack dog to defend yourself against teenagers that you're raising in a group home/halfway home. I wonder if the court was aware of this.

Who gives a fuck? Dogs bite no matter the size. Would you put a kid by a baby tiger? Hell, like he said I wouldn't put a kid around a cat who wasn't declawed. They're all animals.

Yes, they are, but you've missed the point: if a dog can potentially bite, which one should be OK to have? One that does massive damage, or one that can't really do shit?

I don't allow my kid around any of the animals without constant supervision, btw. But I do feel a lot more secure when he's around a housecat or small dog than a large dog.

When my male dachshund bites someone the wound is much worse than the wound from the pitbull pictured. Deeper puncture, more blood, more bruising and swelling.

As was said by OP, the pitbull luckily only got a glancing blow as the 1 yr old was pulled away. If he had clamped on like your weiner dog, the damage would've been horrifying.


There are all types of irresponsible behavior from people out there. You can't outright ban everything because FREEDOM, but I wish there were more laws/repercussions for all the morons out there.

I figure most people want Pitbulls because they are "tough" dogs, but for the more sane owner, what's the attraction to these animal?.
Is it really the sweets / kindest pet to have?

I guess like one dude said, they look like "cute monsters." Ok.


this is pure ignorance. many cats can and do puncture skin when biting and scratching. additionally, dogs are just as communicative with body language and vocalization about their moods and actions. again, all dogs are potentially dangerous, it's lazy/shitty owners who don't take dog ownership seriously that perpetuate these kinds of ignorant notions.
One of the cases I found today was one where a newborn got killed after the dog escaped its pen. The family did everything right, because they knew it was a potential issue. But it still happened despite them doing everything a responsible owner should. They had owned the dog for 9 years. It had never had an incident before.

We as a species like to assign blame on people for not "trying hard enough" for some bizarre reason. "Magic Deck has a 80% win percentage against the field" = "People aren't trying hard enough to beat it." Someone gets robbed/raped walking home from their job = "they didn't do enough to protect themselves." Dog attacks someone = "Dog just wasn't trained well enough."

I wish there was a name for this fallacy, would make it a lot easier to call out.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Why is the breed an issue. I would think a dog attacking a baby would be the only thing that matters. Should be put down.


To be fair, any large dog can do a lot of damage to a 1 year old.

Any dog could really.
And in fact when you look at the "attacks on kids/toddlers" incidents, there's a wide variety of breeds. They just all happen to be large enough to cause real damage. At least if a Corgi snaps, it's still just a Corgi.


As was said by OP, the pitbull luckily only got a glancing blow as the 1 yr old was pulled away. If he had clamped on like your weiner dog, the damage would've been horrifying.

Side story time: My dachshund got clamped down on by a pitbull. We had to forcefully remove his head from the dogs jaws. Split his ear pretty good, blood everywhere. Now the two dogs are inseparable best friends. Dogs are weird like that. No point to the story, just thought I would share.
How about a Pitbull license? (Rottweiler, too)

Like, just like a conceal and carry license, you have to take a class and be approved to own one.



enjoy responsibly
And this is a big factor to this banning pet argument: people projecting human emotions and thoughts on to domestic animals and equating them to humans.

Stop, stop it, it's being willfully ignorant of animal psychology.

Yeah, it's gross that the default is "let's just fucking murder some animals to solve this problem." Even when basic science adamantly enforces that the animals aren't the problem.

Why don't we meet halfway and kill Pitbull, the rapper?
I lol'ed

Why is the breed an issue. I would think a dog attacking a baby would be the only thing that matters. Should be put down.

I think everyone is arguing the more broad issue of pit bulls at this point (though I also wouldn't put a dog down for that, I would definitely keep him away from kids).
So you brag about your uncle having a trained attack dog that can do permanent damage to someone vs having a can of pepper spray etc?

Sorry, guess I'm just not seeing how badass it is to have a trained attack dog to defend yourself against teenagers that you're raising in a group home/halfway home. I wonder if the court was aware of this.

Court paid for it. You can't have weapons in a half-way house (at least back then, this was late 80's, early 90's).

Also, the point of the dog was deterrent and it got along with others very well. A lot of the kids loved the dog.

Who are you having a conversation with about sicking dogs on hapless teenagers and attack dogs? Are you just making shit up in your head because I answered a VERY SPECIFIC question about how somebody would have a "domestic guard dog" and you started rambling on about how he was "sicking it ... " actually, I'll just quote you:

So basically your uncle would sic a trained attack dog on troubled teenagers that he volunteered to raise and take care of for the court.

yeah, doing 'that'. LOL @ your whole stance and argument. You sound like you're having a conversation about something made up in your head. You don't even need a message board, just type what you "think" people are saying. What a stupid accusation and idiotic post you made.
Regardless of where you stand with the issue, I don't understand why a potential pet-owner, with the plethora of options out there, would opt for a breed with such notoriety. Exaggerated or not, why take the chance and put up with the potential liability and danger?
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