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My rant on overweight justification in America

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Kabouter said:
Snooki is all about working out these days though.

No matter how much she works out, her tits will still be at her knees and make her look like a garden gnome.

It's not about her being fat, it's about her being SQUAT.
Anerythristic said:
Yo honestly I see some people in here stating 125-135 pounds . That is like 12 year old boy small, I can literally break you over my knee. These posters are women right? I would rather be fat that be saddled with that curse.
Yo ma man. Come to NYC and I will show you 125 pound 6 footers. You can spot them cause lots of them have beards and ear gauges. And it looks like they wear their little sister's pants.

Angry Fork

Attackthebase said:
Wait, what? Tiny Fey isn't overweight. The right picture makes her appear to be (deliciously) average, though I'll agree she is chubby (and unattractive) in the left picture.
The left picture was 1997/1998, but based on your posts you could've lost out on Tina Fey if she came up to you in 98 simply because she was chubby. Point is personality > weight because you can always lose weight in the future, why turn down a funny/interesting girl based off something so dumb?
If it wasn't for the associated health risks, I'd like to be fat, as it would serve as a filter to weed out all the shallow people from my life.


Such vitriol; some of you exhibit far poorer character than that which you judge them for. Self-delusion is an issue, but would you as strongly condemn, say, those with superstitious beliefs? You take issue with their lack of self control? Look at "The Contest". Furthermore, even though they are not aesthetically pleasing, they probably do make you feel better about yourself. So why hate them?
andycapps said:
You did compare it to past pseudo-science that showed African females to be less attractive than other females. How anyone could honestly say that science would not show a higher percentage of people being attracted to fit/lean people than to overweight people boggles my mind. That's aside from the health benefits that the prior category would have.

Also, I heard the jury's still out on science.

My issue isn't with the science, it's how people use the science to excuse their own douchebaginess. Yeah, it's clear that according to science that people are attracted to lean people, but according to some other guy science also says people are attracted to white people more. Does that mean every black person should become a white person so they can be healthier or something?

I'm not trying to justify fatness [which I have never seen in my life outside of small sect of crazy people on the internet], rather get people to realize that not every fat person are evil demons or something. Better yet, I think the reason why this entire topic irritates the hell out of me is because people are excusing their asshattery by saying they're trying to whiteknighting fat people into getting skinny.

I mean... really? I'll admit I'm not a very attractive guy and could use to shed some pounds, but I'm not about to go harp on random strangers who are fatter than me just to make myself feel better, or go finger-waging someone because of it. I don't know why random stranger X is fat. Maybe they did choose to be fat, or maybe they're working on losing those pounds, or maybe there's something wrong with them that's not allowing them to lose any pounds, or whatever. Quite honestly, it's really not any of my business to care about it.

It's just so damn mind boggling that so many people here are just so damn judgmental. I mean, this topic just feels less like an actual discussion on obesity and more like a huge circlejerk for people to making fun of fat people. I mean, you can go ahead and do that if you want, just at least admit to being a jerk instead of acting like you're some paragon of dieting and fitness or something, geez.
DarknessTear said:
I think fatties should be treated equally. Tough love doesn't do anything for them, all it does is decrease their confidence and make them eat more. Good job helping them out!

When I was 12 years old, people would always tell me I needed meat on my bones. I always had people commenting about how skinny I was. Then as I got older I started getting a little chubbier. Not much. But then, people in school started making fun of how fat I was. I wasn't fat at all, honestly. It wasn't even noticeable... but being a kid.. I didn't know what to think, but my self esteem kept getting destroyed at school, so I stayed in a lot, and started passing my time with video games.
No one is blaming kids for being fat (blame the parents for not educating them on healthy food and cook good meals for them).

But if you're 30+ and still can't take responsibility and start eating healthy for your own good, you get no sympathy from me. You are just creating problems for yourself and more healthcare costs for the rest of society.


chaostrophy said:
If it wasn't for the associated health risks, I'd like to be fat, as it would serve as a filter to weed out all the shallow people from my life.

My wife is slim right now but she's planning on getting chubby when we have our first grandchildren. She wants to be the chubby little Italian grandma.


bengraven said:
My wife is slim right now but she's planning on getting chubby when we have our first grandchildren. She wants to be the chubby little Italian grandma.

Grandkids? I didn't think you/her were that old yet?


I don't understand the arguments for pro-obesity. Weight is something you can change whether it's what/how much you eat/drink, sleep schedule, and exercise.

Factors like height and and genetic diseases cannot be altered. I'll forever be short, and there's nothing that I can do to change that. I have a diabetes time-bomb ticking in my genes when I'm older when and perhaps even Alzheimer's as well.


Shanadeus said:
There is a way that we can all stop this from happening in the americas:

Ban cars.

Make everyone ride the public transport, bike or walk to the school or their work.

Got a 2-3 hour commute?

Find a new workplace/school then.

hahahaha what the fuck is this


bengraven said:
My wife is slim right now but she's planning on getting chubby when we have our first grandchildren. She wants to be the chubby little Italian grandma.
So you're hoping that your kids will never want kids of their own?



NotebookJ2 said:
What arguments for pro-obesity? There has been like none in this topic.

It's been pretty much this..

A: Stop being lazy and lose some weight!
B: Leave fatties alone!

To be fair a few folks have been pretty mean. They flat out said they hate fate people.

They didn't say I hate the epidemic obesity has become. No, they LITERALLY hate fat people.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
not reading through the thread (sorry), but my personal experience with it is this.

I started out at 210lbs. at 5'9" this put me just at obese on the BMI scale. At this point I began talking about weight loss and friends/family said "Well yeah, we can all stand to lose a little weight. Good for you!"

by about 190lb or so friends/family/acquaintances started commenting on how good I looked.

by 170lb or so..... yup, here's where it started. I was "losing too much". "Too skinny". Mind you on BMI I am still just at overweight.

by 160lb I was called (lol) a body builder. I mean I did all of this through working out and eating better, but come on.. I am 160lb... and not only 160lb, but at that point still 12-14% body fat.

currently 155lb and around 8-9% body fat. very happy with that and happy with how I feel.

the point is..... there are two extreme sides to this tale. Many people ARE definitely overly critical when someone doesn't match up with the "perfect form" that is presented to us daily. (of course that perfect form is far from perfect or even healthy or primitively attractive... thanks marketing!!!!) Then there is the other side... calling obese people "a little over weight" and very overweight people "healthy" or "the right size".

of course the right answer...... you might have guessed... has NOTHING TO DO with how people look!! Can they run for 20 minutes? Can they easily move their own body weight around? Can they climb a hill without being winded? THIS is the true determination as to if they are healthy or not... if they can do this stuff or similar with ease and regularity and don't have diets consisting mainly of grains, bad fats and sugars, then more than likely whatever their body shape it's the shape their body is supposed to be in.


claviertekky said:
I don't understand the arguments for pro-obesity. Weight is something you can change whether it's what/how much you eat/drink, sleep schedule, and exercise.

Factors like height and and genetic diseases cannot be altered. I'll forever be short, and there's nothing that I can do to change that. I have a diabetes time-bomb ticking in my genes when I'm older when and perhaps even Alzheimer's as well.

I don't see really many pro-obesity arguments here. I see people saying that berating fat people and making fun of them does no good. Guess what, that kind of behavior will only REINFORCE them to eat worse. There are psychological issues involved much as with any other addiction. Yet overeating and eat poorly is one of very few addictions where you can't go cold turkey with the activity. You still have to eat regardless.


ScOULaris said:
Fat person in this thread: "You guys are all just assholes! Stop discriminating against fat people and recognize that society is working against us."

Former fat person in this thread: "I lost weight easily and I can safely say that this is the superior way to live. Get it in gear, fatties!"

Are you even reading your own thread?


andycapps said:
They're not doing penalties persay.. but they're doing incentives in our MRA (kind of like an HSA) if we get under 25 BMI, get our annual exams, work out regularly, etc. So they're pushing people getting healthier, which will reduce the costs as a company. BTW, probably not going to make the 25 BMI at this exam, which is a week from today. I'm likely at about a 26 right now. Close, but it's not enough time to lose another 15 pounds. I could be wrong though, with the tools they use I may be better off than I think I am now.

We've gone from having PPO's and HMO's in the past now to something where we have a $2500 deductible option with two companies with the exact same premiums, or $1500 deductible option with two companies with the exact same premiums. I just see this type of plan as being unsustainable and see that universal healthcare is definitely not far off (and I've become okay with that).

If my doc used BMI as a measurement I'd be screwed. I'm 5'3 and 147 though, so I'm on the extreme side of height where BMI gets pretty wonky to begin with, plus I work out regularly.

I could probably lose about between 5 to 7 more pounds comfortably before I'd worry about being too thin. Even then BMI would say I'm in the "normal" range.

What I'm saying here though is that people's perceptions of me on paper can be influenced really easily by just pointing out my height and weight. It's not good to judge people without knowing their full story.


Angry Fork said:
The left picture was 1997/1998, but based on your posts you could've lost out on Tina Fey if she came up to you in 98 simply because she was chubby. Point is personality > weight because you can always lose weight in the future, why turn down a funny/interesting girl based off something so dumb?
Exactly. The people saying 80% looks 20% personality is insane. What happens when that good looking but stupid woman becomes ugly and stupid?


JoeBoy101 said:
I don't see really many pro-obesity arguments here. I see people saying that berating fat people and making fun of them does no good. Guess what, that kind of behavior will only REINFORCE them to eat worse. There are psychological issues involved much as with any other addiction. Yet overeating and eat poorly is one of very few addictions where you can't go cold turkey with the activity. You still have to eat regardless.
Who said I was making fun of fat people?

Yes, you have to eat, but there are very simple things that you can do to eat less.

For instance, at fast food joints, I always see people reach for the soda. Why? What's so great about soda?

Same thing with donuts. There's absolutely nothing nutritious in a donut.

It seems some people fail to understand to make some simple food choices.


Some overweight people seem to not understand the fact that you don't have to be fat to enjoy food/life.

Eat pizza, burgers, chips, ice cream and sweets. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean you have to weigh 300 lb.


NotebookJ2 said:
My issue isn't with the science, it's how people use the science to excuse their own douchebaginess. Yeah, it's clear that according to science that people are attracted to lean people, but according to some other guy science also says people are attracted to white people more. Does that mean every black person should become a white person so they can be healthier or something?

I'm not trying to justify fatness [which I have never seen in my life outside of small sect of crazy people on the internet], rather get people to realize that not every fat person are evil demons or something. Better yet, I think the reason why this entire topic irritates the hell out of me is because people are excusing their asshattery by saying they're trying to whiteknighting fat people into getting skinny.

I mean... really? I'll admit I'm not a very attractive guy and could use to shed some pounds, but I'm not about to go harp on random strangers who are fatter than me just to make myself feel better, or go finger-waging someone because of it. I don't know why random stranger X is fat. Maybe they did choose to be fat, or maybe they're working on losing those pounds, or maybe there's something wrong with them that's not allowing them to lose any pounds, or whatever. Quite honestly, it's really not any of my business to care about it.

It's just so damn mind boggling that so many people here are just so damn judgmental. I mean, this topic just feels less like an actual discussion on obesity and more like a huge circlejerk for people to making fun of fat people. I mean, you can go ahead and do that if you want, just at least admit to being a jerk instead of acting like you're some paragon of dieting and fitness or something, geez.

I understand what you're saying regarding the feeling of judgment that some people have. I hope I'm not sounding that way, I'm not trying to judge people that are overweight. I can only say that I used to be somewhat overweight and am still not completely out of the woods yet. I can only say what I found in my own life was that I was lazy, I enjoyed eating sweets and high calorie foods as a way to relax, I wasn't thinking about the health of my body, etc. Sometimes when I was stressed, I was really drawn to food instead of doing something less self-destructive, or actually good for my body.

So my attitude is not so much of judgment or hatred, it's knowing that I probably used to be like a lot of people are and wishing that I could get them to realize what I wish I knew earlier. Because man.. it's a lot easier to put on weight than it is to lose it. Losing it sucks. It's really hard, at least for me it is. None of it has been easy. But it's been very rewarding and I feel better about myself and my own self esteem now than I did back then.

Miletius said:
If my doc used BMI as a measurement I'd be screwed. I'm 5'3 and 147 though, so I'm on the extreme side of height where BMI gets pretty wonky to begin with, plus I work out regularly.

I could probably lose about between 5 to 7 more pounds comfortably before I'd worry about being too thin. Even then BMI would say I'm in the "normal" range.

What I'm saying here though is that people's perceptions of me on paper can be influenced really easily by just pointing out my height and weight. It's not good to judge people without knowing their full story.

I hear you. I'm not severely overweight and haven't been. By BMI scales I was on the higher end of overweight and almost into obese. BMI may not be the best indicator of fitness, but it's a pretty universal scale that is fairly accurate with most groups of people.

I'm 6'1" and 208 right now. Like I mentioned before, I was at 222 about 6 months ago. 16 pounds in 6 months doesn't sound like a lot, but that's a lot of conversion of muscle to fat (which obviously weighs more than muscle) and some shedding of pounds and inches. I've probably lost about 3 inches on my waist. According to online BMI calculators I would have to lose 19 more pounds to get to a normal BMI range. Doable? Definitely, but not in another week's timeframe unfortunately.


Threads about fat people are always good for a chuckle. And not because of the actual fat people, but their secret haters.

Some of you are so ramped up in your hate
that it's almost too good. I imagine you walking around, surrounded by fat people, getting trolled without effort.
TheLastCandle said:
This thread has taken the turn I expected it to.

Some of the attitudes in here are even more disgusting than that 500 pound mofo that sits next to you on the bus every morning.


I popped into this thread earlier when it was just starting out and said to myself "There's gonna be some stupid, hateful shit in here soon" and bam.

I agree with the OP's main point that no one should make excuses for being fat (I guess, unless you are a baby and can only eat what your mother sticks in your mouth), but I also question how many actual fat people the OP knows that even are making excuses for themselves. I bet most of the fat people you think blame society for being fat, if you actually asked them, would say "Nope, I just don't eat healthy and exercise as much as I should."

The amount of hate I see expressed by some individuals towards fat people is downright moronic though. You won't be friends with someone if they're fat? What? If someone is fat you can judge them for obviously lacking self-control? Huh? A fat person still having a positive outlook and being okay with their body is wrong? Buh? It's this type of bullshit that honestly pisses me off even more than fat people who do blame everyone but themselves for being fat. I honestly couldn't imagine anyone - fat or thin - wanting such judgmental friends in their life.


Enco said:
Some overweight people seem to not understand the fact that you don't have to be fat to enjoy food/life.

Eat pizza, burgers, chips, ice cream and sweets. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean you have to weigh 300 lb.

Smaller portions, eat slower..it can be done. I'm definitely not just eating fucking grass and twigs. Hell I just had a small bowl of chilli. Still, that will probably the worst I have all day.
Enco said:
Some overweight people seem to not understand the fact that you don't have to be fat to enjoy food/life.

Eat pizza, burgers, chips, ice cream and sweets. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean you have to weigh 300 lb.

Enco said:
Some overweight people seem to not understand the fact that you don't have to be fat to enjoy food/life.

Eat pizza, burgers, chips, ice cream and sweets. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean you have to weigh 300 lb.

Who is saying these things!? I have never heard any of this from any fat people I've known in my life! And I've known a lot of them.

Is there like some secret organization of fat people whose plan is to make everyone fat by saying stupid things like that and I was the only one who has never ran into them in my entire life thus far? Because I can't understand the vitriol here at all.


NotebookJ2 said:
Who is saying these things!? I have never heard any of this from any fat people I've known in my life! And I've known a lot of them.

Is there like some secret organization of fat people whose plan is to make everyone fat by saying stupid things like that and I was the only one who has never ran into them in my entire life thus far? Because I can't understand the vitriol here at all.

The lady next to my office definitely is. She brings donuts for everyone everyday!

It's a conspiracy! Get skinny by making others fatter!


NotebookJ2 said:
Who is saying these things!? I have never heard any of this from any fat people I've known in my life! And I've known a lot of them.

Is there like some secret organization of fat people whose plan is to make everyone fat by saying stupid things like that and I was the only one who has never ran into them in my entire life thus far? Because I can't understand the vitriol here at all.
If everyone is fat... then no one will be fat.


NotebookJ2 said:
Who is saying these things!? I have never heard any of this from any fat people I've known in my life! And I've known a lot of them.

Is there like some secret organization of fat people whose plan is to make everyone fat by saying stupid things like that and I was the only one who has never ran into them in my entire life thus far? Because I can't understand the vitriol here at all.
A lot of fat people say that kind of shit.

"Sorry I like food and want to enjoy my life!"

You've never heard an obese person say that when confronted about their weight?


It's almost like people don't understand certain people can eat anything they want and stay skinny. And on the opposite spectrum there are people who have to work harder than most just to keep even or lose the weight.

I used to be fat in school but lost my weight when I got into wrestling. Never really gained it back but if I even go slightly nuts on food I'll gain so much weight that it's depressing. My metabolism blows. Meanwhile, my roommate can slam down nutella sandwiches all day and all night and he'll be fine.


claviertekky said:
Who said I was making fun of fat people?

Yes, you have to eat, but there are very simple things that you can do to eat less.

For instance, at fast food joints, I always see people reach for the soda. Why? What's so great about soda?

Same thing with donuts. There's absolutely nothing nutritious in a donut.

It seems some people fail to understand to make some simple food choices.

Sorry, was just responding to you, not saying you were, but it did come off a bit fierce. But people here (not necessairly saying you) act like weight is put on over a period of a month, and comes off in that much time. Weight takes years to go and can take years to come off (depending on how much you have to lose). Its not about a simple decision, because, for some reason at some point, food became a de-stresser. It takes more than just a simple choice to rectify that. It takes discipline, tenacity, optimism, etc. And having some guys like on this thread calling you fatty hardly help the matter.
I likewise detest the rationalizations of the obese for their state. As I get older more and more of my friends become fat, there is no reason for this beyond laziness. It donned on me just how many people I know are fat when I was attempting to find a hiking buddy for a moderate length trip.

I just don't understand how so many people can just let themselves go. So many doors get shut due to obesity, so many cool things you can no longer do. To say nothing of the amount of vagina that slips through ones fingers.


ScOULaris said:
A lot of fat people say that kind of shit.

"Sorry I like food and want to enjoy my life!"

You've never heard an obese person say that when confronted about their weight?
Ive seen some of the tables where the overweight people sit. They always laugh when anyone walks by. I think they are making fun of everyone else for eating only a little bit of food.
ScOULaris said:
A lot of fat people say that kind of shit.

"Sorry I like food and want to enjoy my life!"

You've never heard an obese person say that when confronted about their weight?

Oh, well silly me! It never cross my mind to confront a fat person about why they're fat! I guess it's because it would be considered a rude and assholish thing to do, but I guess all that teaching about good manners and whatnot from my parents was just lies. Lies purported by the fat media to spread their fat agenda!

That damn fat organization is at it again! Those bastards, they'll pay for their crimes one day!


Enco said:
Some overweight people seem to not understand the fact that you don't have to be fat to enjoy food/life.

Eat pizza, burgers, chips, ice cream and sweets. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean you have to weigh 300 lb.
This too, you just have to adjust your diet and exercise accordingly.

ScOULaris said:
A lot of fat people say that kind of shit.

"Sorry I like food and want to enjoy my life!"

You've never heard an obese person say that when confronted about their weight?
And there's nothing wrong with that. But it's pretty much objectively better to be in better shape, regardless of what you use to qualify that.


HeadlessRoland said:
I likewise detest the rationalizations of the obese for their state. As I get older more and more of my friends become fat, there is no reason for this beyond laziness. It donned on me just how many people I know are fat when I was attempting to find a hiking buddy for a moderate length trip.

I just don't understand how so many people can just let themselves go. So many doors get shut due to obesity, so many cool things you can no longer do. To say nothing of the amount of vagina that slips through ones fingers.

Sorry if you feel that way, but that's hardly the case. Much as exercise is not a prime route for losing weight, neither is lack of exercise the prime route for gaining weight. Again, comes down to diet. And that's just talking about the physical issues and none of the psychological issues.

I mean guys, has it occurred to you that its less an issue of laziness and choice and more of one like addiction?


It's not about the looks, it's about your health.
Fat people tend to be unhealthy, period. There's no justification for not taking care of yourself.


ScOULaris said:
A lot of fat people say that kind of shit.

"Sorry I like food and want to enjoy my life!"

You've never heard an obese person say that when confronted about their weight?

I've heard someone say. "What's the point of eating healthier if you just end up having to live longer and work more years?." OK.

I can't speak for everyone, but there are those that think healthy people are miserable morons.
Heck, most of the people I know with healthy lifestyles are pretty happy positive people. Most of the sarcastic pessimists I know are not. Not saying all the grumpy people are fat, some just have other bad habits.
OP. your argument is flawed. Metabolism has a lot to do with body weight not just portion control.

Also you're a terrible person. Just because you have never had to struggle with your weight doesn't mean fat people are fat on purpose.

Speaking of Italians.... Fat Italians is a pretty common stereotype.


Just to add the obvious, obesity is different just because you can plainly see it.

I mean you can't hide being fat. It makes it a lot more difficult not to judge.

People can far more easily hide other bad habits...


ScOULaris said:
A lot of fat people say that kind of shit.

"Sorry I like food and want to enjoy my life!"

You've never heard an obese person say that when confronted about their weight?
I love when people say "Eh, everyone's gotta go some time!"

BUT NOT NEXT WEEK. Stop eating deepfried butter wrapped in bacon and dipped in chocolate and covered in icing sugar.


bengraven said:
No matter how much she works out, her tits will still be at her knees and make her look like a garden gnome.

It's not about her being fat, it's about her being SQUAT.
I don't miss the :lol smiley very often, but this post is hilarious.
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