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My rant on overweight justification in America

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macuser1of5 said:
you had me until icing sugar. that's a bit much.
It's just a light dusting, like on a jelly donut.

TheWiicast said:
Speaking of Italians.... Fat Italians is a pretty common stereotype.

ScOULaris said:
Fat person in this thread: "You guys are all just assholes! Stop discriminating against fat people and recognize that society is working against us."

Former fat person in this thread: "I lost weight easily and I can safely say that this is the superior way to live. Get it in gear, fatties!"


It's like Circumcision thread.


I love when people say "Eh, everyone's gotta go some time!"

BUT NOT NEXT WEEK. Stop eating deepfried butter wrapped in bacon and dipped in chocolate and covered in icing sugar.

You're like Astrolad, except for health threads. I love it. Not being sarcastic either.


I love when people say "Eh, everyone's gotta go some time!"

BUT NOT NEXT WEEK. Stop eating deepfried butter wrapped in bacon and dipped in chocolate and covered in icing sugar.

It's about the quality of life in my opinion. Just because I can get run over tomorrow doesn't encourage me to treat my body like a dumpster.

If however I was told I had cancer and would die in six months, it is highly probable that I would start doing some pretty irresponsible things out of bitterness.

As of now, doing what I can within my power to feel good now and into the future.


I have no sympathy for fat people. It's disgusting and most of them just lack basic self-control. You dont have to eat twigs and berries or work out 6 hours a day to lose weight.

On the flipside, the super skinny folks baffle the fuck out of me. I'm 5'4", 140 lbs. So when I hear people 6" taller than me w/ the same weight, I just wonder how they fuck they don't fly away in a stiff breeze lol.


BUT NOT NEXT WEEK. Stop eating deepfried butter wrapped in bacon
and dipped in chocolate and covered in icing sugar.

That reminds me, the State Fair's going downtown in Raleigh this week.

Never been there.

Incidentally, for the thread:

“Overweight:”Definition changed from BMI ≥ 27 to BMI ≥ 25 by the U.S. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute in 1998, instantly increasing by 43% the numbers of Americans, an additional 30.5 million, deemed ‘overweight.’


The most ridiculous thing is what his cousin said? All our women aren't attractive cause they're fat? Really? Nah, nah. Unless he has supermodel standards or you're in some shitty town in the middle of nowhere you're out of line. America has fatties, but we also have plenty of sexy, sexy women. That's like me saying i wouldn't bone a few italian bitches cause they neglect body hair management.



JoeBoy101 said:
That reminds me, the State Fair's going downtown in Raleigh this week.

Never been there.

Incidentally, for the thread:
BMI is a bad scale. Doesn't account for body type. Technically muscular people would be obese.


EschatonDX said:
The most ridiculous thing is what his cousin said? All our women aren't attractive cause they're fat? Really? Nah, nah. Unless he has supermodel standards or you're in some shitty town in the middle of nowhere you're out of line. America has fatties, but we also have plenty of sexy, sexy women. That's like me saying i wouldn't bone a few italian bitches cause they neglect body hair management.

Have you been to Italy? I'm not saying that everyone is a supermodel, but the average person has a build similar to what most American women wish to have. Naturally thin and healthy. Trust me when I say that coming back to America is an eye-opening experience once you've gotten used to Italian women.
The key is moderation.

I'm 29 and have to deal with mild acne. My diet contributes to it. So I cut out junk food and soda many years. Do I still eat pizza, chocolates, tacos? Yes, but it's rare.

I just have the willpower to limit what I can eat. Those who don't are weak.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
BMI is a bad scale. Doesn't account for body type. Technically muscular people would be obese.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Still, I think BMI of 25 is a good start for overweight for the average person. That's 180 lbs at 5'11''. I certainly know that I had a substantial amount of flab at those numbers earlier this year. Even at 160 lbs and the same height, I still have weight to lose.

Unless you're highly athletic or do a lot of weight lifting, the BMI probably applies to you. But you know what? A mirror is a whole lot better for telling you if you're overweight or not.


DominoKid said:
I have no sympathy for fat people. It's disgusting and most of them just lack basic self-control. You dont have to eat twigs and berries or work out 6 hours a day to lose weight.

On the flipside, the super skinny folks baffle the fuck out of me. I'm 5'4", 140 lbs. So when I hear people 6" taller than me w/ the same weight, I just wonder how they fuck they don't fly away in a stiff breeze lol.

This is absurd. You can absolutely get fat strictly following the food pyramid, or whatever the hell they call it nowadays. Yeah, some fat people get fat from sugar drinks and fast food, but it isn't some fucking universal constant, and not everyone starts off at an even footing. It's ridiculous that GAF would get on their case for not laying off fast food/carbs when they usually can't hold off touching their penises for more than a few days.


ScOULaris said:
Have you been to Italy? I'm not saying that everyone is a supermodel, but the average person has a build similar to what most American women wish to have. Naturally thin and healthy. Trust me when I say that coming back to America is an eye-opening experience once you've gotten used to Italian women.

That because people in Europe actually walk.

Angry Fork

NotebookJ2 said:
Oh, well silly me! It never cross my mind to confront a fat person about why they're fat! I guess it's because it would be considered a rude and assholish thing to do, but I guess all that teaching about good manners and whatnot from my parents was just lies. Lies purported by the fat media to spread their fat agenda!

That damn fat organization is at it again! Those bastards, they'll pay for their crimes one day!
? That doesn't refute what he said.

And actually many fat people who say that do so on their own accord. Many open, conversational fat people who are insecure about their weight will come right out and defend it as some kind of preemptive defense mechanism without anyone even mentioning it. They use their insecurities to create jokes/humor out of them because they're afraid they won't be liked/respected otherwise. There's nothing wrong with this, people who think they're unattractive do the same thing it's just that being fat is a choice unlike being "ugly" (I don't like this word but it fits here) so it's harder to feel sympathy for them.

These are among the saddest ones because they know they're fat, they don't like it, they're depressed about it, but they don't have the will power/motivation to lose weight. Part of the reason they don't is because everyone is afraid of telling him/her they're fat. Some people need some honest reality thrown into their face to be motivated to change.

My personal opinion on fat people:

In a park or beach: I don't care, it's their life. I don't agree with it but it's not my job to tell them how to live, I can just ignore them.

In subways and restaurants: I hate them. They take up 2 seats on trains, they walk at snails pace holding up everyone behind them, they sweat profusely, their nasal air intake sounds like a hissing snake, their incredibly large gut is so unsightly it makes me cringe a bit. All I can think of is why won't these people just run up and down the block a few times per day and work up from that. They just get on my nerves in tight crowded places.


I hate people that lose a moderate amount of weight and suddenly become fitness "experts"

If I have to hear from one more person about how carbs are bad and their stupid workouts I am going to punch them in their now non-flabby guts.


BMI is a bad scale. Doesn't account for body type. Technically muscular people would be obese.

It's true, but the percentage of people that that would apply to is still pretty low when you look at the millions in this category. Still, the rest of the world is using the same scale, correct? So percentage wise, we're either much stronger than the rest of the world, or much fatter.


I love when people say "Eh, everyone's gotta go some time!"

BUT NOT NEXT WEEK. Stop eating deepfried butter wrapped in bacon and dipped in chocolate and covered in icing sugar.

Let them go man, less cars in the drive through.
When I see an obese person I feel bad, it just has to suck living like that.
On the other hand I need you fatties to win the scrum in the rucks of my
rugby games.


zero_suit said:
That because people in Europe actually walk.
That's bullshit. If they live in a European city, then they walk more than your average American suburbanite. You can say the same for New Yorkers. Otherwise, they drive and use public transportation just as much as we do. It's their eating habits that make all the difference.


ScOULaris said:
Have you been to Italy? I'm not saying that everyone is a supermodel, but the average person has a build similar to what most American women wish to have. Naturally thin and healthy. Trust me when I say that coming back to America is an eye-opening experience once you've gotten used to Italian women.
where in the U.S. do you live?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
DominoKid said:
I have no sympathy for fat people. It's disgusting and most of them just lack basic self-control. You dont have to eat twigs and berries or work out 6 hours a day to lose weight.

On the flipside, the super skinny folks baffle the fuck out of me. I'm 5'4", 140 lbs. So when I hear people 6" taller than me w/ the same weight, I just wonder how they fuck they don't fly away in a stiff breeze lol.

I hope you're a body builder, because at that height and weight, you're probably quite chubby with a bit of a gut.


Zefah said:
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Still, I think BMI of 25 is a good start for overweight for the average person. That's 180 lbs at 5'11''. I certainly know that I had a substantial amount of flab at those numbers earlier this year. Even at 160 lbs and the same height, I still have weight to lose.

Unless you're highly athletic or do a lot of weight lifting, the BMI probably applies to you. But you know what? A mirror is a whole lot better for telling you if you're overweight or not.
Though, this gets into body image disorders, though.

Bodyfat percentage is a good number to use.

andycapps said:
It's true, but the percentage of people that that would apply to is still pretty low when you look at the millions in this category. Still, the rest of the world is using the same scale, correct? So percentage wise, we're either much stronger than the rest of the world, or much fatter.

Oh, I'm not trying to say America is ripped as fuck. I'm just pointing out a rather glaring problem with using BMI.

jeremyxc said:
Let them go man, less cars in the drive through.
When I see an obese person I feel bad, it just has to suck living like that.
On the other hand I need you fatties to win the scrum in the rucks of my
rugby games.

I'm no beanpole, but when I see someone gasping for air after climbing stairs or generally struggling with basic human movements I wonder how someone can live like that. If you breathe like darth vader just sitting around watching TV, perhaps it's time to turn the TV off...


You know what bothers me more? When overweight people talk about wanting to lose weight then I see them indulging in unhealthy foods. Weren't you just telling me yesterday you wanted to lose weight? Now you're posting pictures of your greasy nacho lunch on Facebook.

Limit yourself to one soda every other day, even better, cut it all together and substitute with water.


Venerable Member
borghe said:
not reading through the thread (sorry), but my personal experience with it is this.

I started out at 210lbs. at 5'9" this put me just at obese on the BMI scale. At this point I began talking about weight loss and friends/family said "Well yeah, we can all stand to lose a little weight. Good for you!"

by about 190lb or so friends/family/acquaintances started commenting on how good I looked.

by 170lb or so..... yup, here's where it started. I was "losing too much". "Too skinny". Mind you on BMI I am still just at overweight.

by 160lb I was called (lol) a body builder. I mean I did all of this through working out and eating better, but come on.. I am 160lb... and not only 160lb, but at that point still 12-14% body fat.

currently 155lb and around 8-9% body fat. very happy with that and happy with how I feel.

the point is..... there are two extreme sides to this tale. Many people ARE definitely overly critical when someone doesn't match up with the "perfect form" that is presented to us daily. (of course that perfect form is far from perfect or even healthy or primitively attractive... thanks marketing!!!!) Then there is the other side... calling obese people "a little over weight" and very overweight people "healthy" or "the right size".

of course the right answer...... you might have guessed... has NOTHING TO DO with how people look!! Can they run for 20 minutes? Can they easily move their own body weight around? Can they climb a hill without being winded? THIS is the true determination as to if they are healthy or not... if they can do this stuff or similar with ease and regularity and don't have diets consisting mainly of grains, bad fats and sugars, then more than likely whatever their body shape it's the shape their body is supposed to be in.

I went through that several years ago.

I have gone up and down in weight over the years. I had peaked at 260 up from about 190 in High School, I'm 6 ft 1 in, fairly large frame. When I've told people how much I weigh, they are also surprised how much it is, I must carry it well. Any way when I was up to 260 years ago I went on a big diet/workout plan. I steadily lost about 10 pounds a month, and got down to 175, which was just barely into the "normal" range. At that point when I met people I had known but not seen in awhile I did not get the "wow, you look great", it was more "oh hi, are you OK", hinting at "I hope he doesn't have AIDS or CANCER or something"......I did not look healthy at 175 pounds, I can't imagine what I would have looked like at the middle of the "normal" range of BMI at 160 pounds...or god forbid the lower end of the range 140 pounds, I weighed that much when I was 11-12 years old....

But alas, I ended up putting it all back on though over the years, and last winter peaked out again at 260.... ;^( I did get back down to 235 over the summer, but just in the past couple of weeks I've been creeping up.

The Lamp

Coming from South America, the weight (and diet) people in the U.S. consider as "normal" for adulthood is pretty bad, and it only gets worse from there. My 70 year-old aunt doesn't even have a pooch, and yet pretty much everyone's family that I know of here is plump. The only people who look healthily slim around here are the people on my college campus, but they eat like garbage, so once that youthful metabolism slows down they are screwed to look like their pudgy parents.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Spy said:
You know what bothers me more? When overweight people talk about wanting to lose weight then I see them indulging in unhealthy foods. Weren't you just telling me yesterday you wanted to lose weight? Now you're posting pictures of your greasy nacho lunch on Facebook.

What bothers me most is how many overweight people will stock their carts full of processed wheat and sugar products that are 'fat free', and believe they eating healthy.


Zefah said:
What bothers me most is how many overweight people will stock their carts full of processed wheat and sugar products that are 'fat free', and believe they eating healthy.
The worst is the 100 calorie packs. People think they are healthy.

They're just portioned controlled garbage.

and then they eat 2 or 3 of them because "they're so small"
Flo_Evans said:
I hate people that lose a moderate amount of weight and suddenly become fitness "experts"

If I have to hear from one more person about how carbs are bad and their stupid workouts I am going to punch them in their now non-flabby guts.

I eat a high protein low carb diet. Actually I probably eat around 150g or more of carbs a day.

And I'm a fitness expert because I'm FIT. My awesomeness transcends YOUR awesome.


I've never understood fat people. I'd say I'm a pretty understanding guy, and I don't have a problem with anyone else. But fat people are disgusting.

Working in a hospital really opens your eyes to what people allow themselves to become. 80-90% of all people admitted are diagnosed or treated as diabetics. That is out of 200 inpatients daily. And nearly all of them have no one to blame but themselves. They always use the "big bones" excuse (not ironically -- it's shocking) or blame their weight on bad genes. There is a miniscule amount who actually suffer from genetic defects in relation to weight. We can go months at a time without seeing one. And yet it's everyone's excuse.

And talk about exercise being necessary for weight loss is bullshit nonsense. It helps with plenty of other things, but diet alone is responsible for gaining, losing, and maintaining weight.


The worst is the 100 calorie packs. People think they are healthy.

They're just portioned controlled garbage.

and then they eat 2 or 3 of them because "they're so small"

Hey, dammit, my (lone) 100 calorie pack of almonds only has 2g of carbs and 8g of fat, and that's good fat on top.


JoeBoy101 said:
Hey, dammit, my (lone) 100 calorie pack of almonds only has 2g of carbs and 8g of fat, and that's good fat on top.
Sure, almonds are fine (in small amounts like most nuts) but stuff like...





A little bit of garbage is still garbage.
One more thing: People at work think I'm weird for putting honey in my yogurt. I sometimes buy the little Fage tub with honey on my break. They've never heard of yogurt with honey. Then again, they garbage fast food and shit, so it doesn't surprise me they're not educated when it comes to nutrition and healthy eating.


I don't have anything against people that are just a little bit overweight, or if they're trying. It's the ones that are 400+ pounds that I completely do not understand at all. I would think there'd be quite a few points in there where it'd be such an eye opening thing, to me at least, that you'd go to drastic measures. I freaking love food, but I'd rather starve than look like that. Again, I'm not talking a little overweight, I'm talking so fat and lazy that they have to use the electric carts at wal-mart to get around. Like, it just boggles my mind how you get to that point.

And America really is crazy ridiculously lazy, and that's part of the problem (the food system is probably the biggest part, though). It was eye opening to me when moving out of my last apartment when I had to use the elevator to get things up and down, how many people literally take the elevator one or two floors. What the fuck!? You can't walk a goddamned flight of stairs? Personally the only time I used the elevator was when I was moving, and I lived on the 3rd floor! And I see countless people wasting 10+ minutes circling a parking lot so that they don't have to walk an extra few feet to the entrance of wherever they're going.

And as for the discussion on American girls? Yeah, we've got a huge percentage of fat people here. Seems like unless you're in the part of towns that's for college folk, you're going to see a MASSIVE amount of fat people. I was pretty surprised that on our trip to Myrtle Beach this year the wife and I literally saw maybe 5 or 6 attractive girls the entire week we were there. EVERYONE was overweight as hell.



I agree. But you can't go from eating crap to eating healthy in one day. I think portion control is the best way to start. Otherwise, doomed to fail.


ScOULaris said:
Have you been to Italy? I'm not saying that everyone is a supermodel, but the average person has a build similar to what most American women wish to have. Naturally thin and healthy. Trust me when I say that coming back to America is an eye-opening experience once you've gotten used to Italian women.
No, I hate thin women. Something in between thin and fat women is the best.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
One more thing: People at work think I'm weird for putting honey in my yogurt. I sometimes buy the little Fage tub with honey on my break. They've never heard of yogurt with honey. Then again, they garbage fast food and shit, so it doesn't surprise me they're not educated when it comes to nutrition and healthy eating.
Dude, legit plain Fage with some good honey in it? Amazing.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
One more thing: People at work think I'm weird for putting honey in my yogurt. I sometimes buy the little Fage tub with honey on my break. They've never heard of yogurt with honey. Then again, they garbage fast food and shit, so it doesn't surprise me they're not educated when it comes to nutrition and healthy eating.
Greek yogurt + Greek honey is fucking Ambrosia


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I eat a high protein low carb diet. Actually I probably eat around 150g or more of carbs a day.

And I'm a fitness expert because I'm FIT. My awesomeness transcends YOUR awesome.

That's cool, just don't tell me about it when I am trying to enjoy my doritos damn it!


Sure, almonds are fine (in small amounts like most nuts) but stuff like...





A little bit of garbage is still garbage.

This is true, though I've been known to get similar things, though a little healthier than those on occasion. I only eat one at a time. My usual treat for myself is half a small bar of dark chocolate. It's 6 pieces normally. Essentially, this fulfills my craving for a bowl of ice cream. Or I'll do a handful of trailmix, obviously just the kind with nuts and a few raisins. Nothing full of M&Ms or chocolat chips. A handful of almonds is pretty great too. Or an apple. I've just tried to replace the bad foods with better ones, really.


Darkness no more
I shoot models on the side. I always get tons of emails from girls 50+ pounds over weight that think they are model material.

I shot a girl at the beach who was about 20lbs heavier then her book showed and she is asking me why she doesn't look as good in the photos as the Playboy models in my book. Bikinis and extra weight don't go well, duh.

I think a lot of people just look in the mirror and see something different then what is actually there...

Crunched said:
I've never understood fat people. I'd say I'm a pretty understanding guy, and I don't have a problem with anyone else. But fat people are disgusting.

Working in a hospital....

Please tell me you're not a health care provider but something like a receptionist, because the last thing a fat person would want is some judgmental personal with a genuine hate not giving them the best care they can because they are shallow.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Nocebo said:
I really don't get fat people. How hard can it be to stop eating?

Pretty hard when your body is telling you it's hungry. For most people, it's the type of foods they eat rather than the amount, that makes them fat.
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