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I only bought SAO Re:HF, hated the Vita translation and this may or may not help lol.

I'm tempted on Tales of Hearts but maybe next sale.

If I even had time to game I'd buy Zestiria but no point unless it's sub 20 for me.


Seriously, no dungeon travelers 2 love?

It is one of the better dungeon rpgs you will find anywhere, including PC.

So there IS people buying it. I wasn't sure if the price was bad or something. Can you tell me how big it is, please. I'd like to make room on my card before I bought it.


Seriously, no dungeon travelers 2 love?

It is one of the better dungeon rpgs you will find anywhere, including PC.

Don't tempt me...this month is gonna be expensive, maybe next sale. :/

They have To Heart DLC..ffff

So there IS people buying it. I wasn't sure if the price was bad or something. Can you tell me how big it is, please. I'd like to make room on my card before I bought it.

Says 1.9gb


Don't tempt me...this month is gonna be expensive, maybe next sale. :/

They have To Heart DLC..ffff

Says 1.9gb

Vita says 1.93. I'm just curious if that's the actual size or not. Since, unless I recall wrong, they don't usually take patches or anything like that into the total displayed in the store.


So there IS people buying it. I wasn't sure if the price was bad or something. Can you tell me how big it is, please. I'd like to make room on my card before I bought it.


There are 9 dungeons and after you beat the main game you have afterward battle with 8 ancient gods.

The game is tough as hell because enemies actually do spam debuff and buff spells. Get ready to save often because enemies here are actually can KILL you. You have party with awesome weapons? Too bad because octoplush just lowered all your accuracy and your attack doesnt hit jack shit, while octoplush just did 300 partu wide damage and dragon newt sang a song that depletes your tp. You better go all out now because your mage just got silenced.

Dungeon is full of hidden rooms and switches that forces you to look at the map and think.

I spent so far 60 hrs and nowhere near the end of optional bosses.

The game features job system copied directly from final fantasy 11 with their own twist with class change system. You have to think thru making parties and learn skills that fits your style. (means you need tank healer damage dealer etc)

Seriously game is challenging. And fun. Dont let all the fanservice fool you, because beneath moe anime fanservice, game has some of the meanest, unforgiving difficulty you will find in wizardry clone.
Holy shit, Amalur is pretty tempting at that price despite getting kind of burned out on it after a few hours when I borrowed it from a friend before. SAO is tempting too even though I already played it on Vita for 60 hours at least.


Is the first sword art online on ps4 good or should inhold off for the other game to go cheaper?


Is the first sword art online on ps4 good or should inhold off for the other game to go cheaper?

Hollow Fragment is the better buy, especially when you're paying so little. Lost Song looks better but that's about all it has going for it.


So gameplay isnt improved at all?

The gameplay is more straightforward and doesn't get quite as deep as Hollow Fragment. HF attempts to be an offline MMO while LS is more of an action game. This can be a positive if you don't find the combat in HF appealing.

Is it better then the really overrated ds game?

No. Jump Super Stars is at least playable.

Picture DBZ: Battle of Z (Youtube it if you haven't played it) with even worse navigation and combat and there you go.


Me & My Katamari is a much better game than Touch My Katamari, and plays really nicely with the right stick mapped to the buttons. Really worth the $3


When buying stuff off the PSN with paypal is it possible to use $21 Paypal Balance (Primary) with $4 via Card (Backup)? Or will it try and take the entire $25 off the card since I don't have that much paypal balance?

Never sure how this pre-approved payment stuff works.

EDIT: For those interested: The above would of worked but I chose to use a friends paypal so I wouldnt cause any issues with PSN.


I think Sony just forgot Killzone Shadow Fall existed. Been waiting for a fucking digital sale for more months than I can remember, it's absurd. I'll happily pay 10 bucks but I know the game isn't that great, so that's about as much as I want to spend. Jesus mark it down already guys.

Well it was 85p in year one ;-)


Not sure if it's been mentioned before in the thread, but it looks like some of these are also on sale in Europe right now, just picked NHL 16 for 23€ (not all the games on the OP are on sale, though).


Picture DBZ: Battle of Z (Youtube it if you haven't played it) with even worse navigation and combat and there you go.

I don't think J-Stars is Battle of Z levels of bad. I will say if you are buying it for single player or local multiplayer then do not bother. The single player sucks and is a complete drag. Local multiplayer is bad especially because the game is a 2v2 game. It's not possible to play with 4 people locally so that makes local multiplayer bad by default since you aren't experiencing the game the way you are supposed to. You are playing it 1v1 or 2v2 with cpus instead which will get old real fast. Online is where is the fun is. Netcode is good too.

Combat to me is very fun and is the reason why I've played the game on almost a daily basis since the Japanese release. I'm not the biggest anime/manga fan and didn't know the majority of the characters on the roster but the gameplay reeled me in. Once you figure out combos for your characters of choice (it's deeper than you think with many different hit-types, scaling, Victory Burst canceling, character-specific movement options, launchers, team attacks, and assists), understand what the hell is going on, and play the game with other people that are good then the game never gets old, well, at least to me. I'm in the minority here I guess since most people seem to hate it.

Anyway, if you plan to play online then buy the PS4 version. If not, then don't buy it at all.


When buying stuff off the PSN with paypal is it possible to use $21 Paypal Balance (Primary) with $4 via Card (Backup)? Or will it try and take the entire $25 off the card since I don't have that much paypal balance?

Never sure how this pre-approved payment stuff works.

No, it's done in $5 increments, so $10, $15, 20, 25, etc.
Whats the difference between Hollow Fragment/ Lost song and Re: Hollow Fragment? I've been looking to play those but I don't really know where to start.


The gameplay is more straightforward and doesn't get quite as deep as Hollow Fragment. HF attempts to be an offline MMO while LS is more of an action game. This can be a positive if you don't find the combat in HF appealing.

Oh so the first game is a straight forward action game. Mind elaborating on the 2nd game's combat? That's what would be my main draw for the title.


So after enjoying Battlefront, I've been thinking about Battlefield 4. Should I bother, or am I just in for a world of hurt?
i do not like turn based rpg. I am not familer with many on sales.

I love exploration like zelda little puzzle casual fighting. is any of them worth it? tales? one piece?

dark souls 2 can it be played on easy?

Which of the mass effect dlc worth it except citadel that is i am buying.


Oh so the first game is a straight forward action game. Mind elaborating on the 2nd game's combat? That's what would be my main draw for the title.

No, no. Maybe I didn't explain it well. This is backwards.

The first game, Hollow Fragment, is the game that is more like an offline MMO. You auto attack with a standard attack for low damage when in combat and you have a number of special attacks you can use. You also have a block action. Special attacks have a cooldown and you need to wait for them to recharge. You're managing meters, so to speak. Eventually you can earn the ability to chain together special attacks by timing them just right.

The combat in the second game, Lost Song, is more straightforward in terms of combat. Instead of auto attacks, you attack enemies manually. You also have access to magic and there's air combat (as well as land combat).

Hopefully this paints a clearer picture.

I'd recommend checking out BlueMaxima's videos on YouTube of the Vita versions if you're still unsure.

I don't think J-Stars is Battle of Z levels of bad. I will say if you are buying it for single player or local multiplayer then do not bother. The single player sucks and is a complete drag. Local multiplayer is bad especially because the game is a 2v2 game. It's not possible to play with 4 people locally so that makes local multiplayer bad by default since you aren't experiencing the game the way you are supposed to. You are playing it 1v1 or 2v2 with cpus instead which will get old real fast. Online is where is the fun is. Netcode is good too.

Combat to me is very fun and is the reason why I've played the game on almost a daily basis since the Japanese release. I'm not the biggest anime/manga fan and didn't know the majority of the characters on the roster but the gameplay reeled me in. Once you figure out combos for your characters of choice (it's deeper than you think with many different hit-types, scaling, Victory Burst canceling, character-specific movement options, launchers, team attacks, and assists), understand what the hell is going on, and play the game with other people that are good then the game never gets old, well, at least to me. I'm in the minority here I guess since most people seem to hate it.

Anyway, if you plan to play online then buy the PS4 version. If not, then don't buy it at all.

I was likely too harsh in my initial assessment of the game. I played for about an hour and had to stop. I was so disappointed and my initial impression left me with the same feeling I had after I purchased Battle of Z. To me, the combat controls (I'm playing on the Vita) felt pretty bad and it didn't seem like there was a way to move the camera while dashing.


What is Madden 16 Super Bowl Edition? It is currently $20, which is unusually cheap for an EA sports game this soon. Is it some kind of gimped version of Madden?


I don't think J-Stars is Battle of Z levels of bad. I will say if you are buying it for single player or local multiplayer then do not bother. The single player sucks and is a complete drag. Local multiplayer is bad especially because the game is a 2v2 game. It's not possible to play with 4 people locally so that makes local multiplayer bad by default since you aren't experiencing the game the way you are supposed to. You are playing it 1v1 or 2v2 with cpus instead which will get old real fast. Online is where is the fun is. Netcode is good too.

Combat to me is very fun and is the reason why I've played the game on almost a daily basis since the Japanese release. I'm not the biggest anime/manga fan and didn't know the majority of the characters on the roster but the gameplay reeled me in. Once you figure out combos for your characters of choice (it's deeper than you think with many different hit-types, scaling, Victory Burst canceling, character-specific movement options, launchers, team attacks, and assists), understand what the hell is going on, and play the game with other people that are good then the game never gets old, well, at least to me. I'm in the minority here I guess since most people seem to hate it.

Anyway, if you plan to play online then buy the PS4 version. If not, then don't buy it at all.

I was likely too harsh in my initial assessment of the game. I played for about an hour and had to stop. I was so disappointed and my initial impression left me with the same feeling I had after I purchased Battle of Z. To me, the combat controls (I'm playing on the Vita) felt pretty bad and it didn't seem like there was a way to move the camera while dashing.

I was actually thinking of buying the Vita version. I bought Battle of Z and hated it a lot.

I love Jump characters though and almost bought the Vita version due to price but hearing that online is where it's at. Now I'm not sure.
Officially jumped on Pirate Warriors 1 and 2 as well as Unlimited World Red.

I've heard that Warriors 1 is pretty bland but hey, 5 bucks is 5 bucks.

I think I'll start with that and try out Unlimited World Red after. I haven't heard too much about it.
Snagged NFS. Watched the Necrodancer trailer and shit it looks good, I'll probably snag that. I have to stop buying video games.


Officially jumped on Pirate Warriors 1 and 2 as well as Unlimited World Red.

I've heard that Warriors 1 is pretty bland but hey, 5 bucks is 5 bucks.

I think I'll start with that and try out Unlimited World Red after. I haven't heard too much about it.

1 was rough and some characters didn't have a full move set but it was fun to me. There's more of an adventure aspect too. Lots of qte though. I almost went for Plat but I was lazy


What is with everyone getting pirate warriors 1 for...
Even ror its cheap price ur better off with pw2 on ps3 or pw3 on ps4
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