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Namco censors Tales of Berseria despite insisting they won't


At least the second one is harder to imitate, so maybe they are on to something.
It's only hard to imitate if you don't put effort into it!
Holy shit that's bad...

But there are other costumes in the game right? Tales games always have that.
Yeah they do, no worries there.
Xenoblade sucks, though. Monolithsoft hasn't made a good game since Xenosaga Episode III, 10 years ago.
Xenoblade didn't suck, it wasn't that great, but Ep 3 was certainly better. That said, they hve made a better game than XS3, and it's called Xenoblade X


If it comes down to censor or lose your rating and a large part of your userbase, I can understand why they would do it. Although I would assume this means other versions are NOT censored?

That said,

Wow what an edgy game

e- LOL



I really haven't enjoyed a Tales game since Vesperia (I did make my way through Graces, but I never bothered to finish Xilia or Zestiria) and shit like this doesn't make me want to jump back into the series.
Just sell it with a M. I can't believe it would make that much a difference.

The companies believe that making a video game that's hard for kids under the age of 18 to get would in fact hurt sales. They are most likely following movie rating rules, where movies that are more kid friendly tend to outsell more adult oriented movies. However, it seems like M rated games at least 5 years ago were small in quantity, but ranked well in sales. http://techland.time.com/2011/03/21/games-rated-mature-are-made-less-bought-more/

Another probability is that Namco doesn't want to field complaints from parents why their kid just saw a child being impaled on a sword.


Looking at the video.
Censorship sucks, but at least they put some effort into it. At least they made a whole new kill animation rather than just some camera or color edit which looks weird

How long do you think something like that takes to put on? Because I've dated women that dressed normally who took 3 hours to get out of the house.

"Honey, it's been 4 hours, are you still not ready?"
"Almost ready, just have to put on these 6 belts on my legs and I'm done"

Wow what an edgy game

e- LOL



Is that the oficial outfit?

Was kinda interest in the game..... but looking at this I hope there is some optional censorship feature for her clothes


Is that the oficial outfit?

Was kinda interest in the game..... but looking at this I hope there is some optional censorship feature for her clothes
Would need one of our importers to confirm, but I heard that you can use this costume pretty early into the game:



Would need one of our importers to confirm, but I heard that you can use this costume pretty early into the game:


Yeah you start with that outfit in the prologue then you can put it back on like 30-45 minutes into the main story.

After that you won't see it again outside of skits which don't really emphasize anyone's outfits, and animated videos which they barely used this time around in favor of in game cutscenes.
Appreciate the response. Still going to wait until it's on sale. Still haven't picked up Zesteria for that matter but I hear it is not very good so may wait until I see it for $10 on Steam or so.

Edit: Can we also update the title showing a response was received.


I don't know, the English version could be considered even more destructive. There's no blood in either version. The Limbo comparison is pretty good although the aggressor being a human male verses a monster..

Comparison *obvious spoiler for into scene if you haven't alreasy watched it*


Also, Japanese VAs sound better once again....

Looks more brutal to me...

agreed. Not as artistic as well.
Now if there was anything deserving of censorship, it'd be this
Here you go. Hope you like it.
Xenoblade is a great game and I am very happy to have played it. Monolithsoft has made a good game like a game I personally liked, Xenosaga Episode III, 10 years ago.

Anyways, by the comments here, something tells me that I shouldn't try Zesteria. I mean, I really didn't want to because of something in the game but I guess gameplay isn't good either? Or is it the story?

I kinda want to try Berseria now but isn't it a prequel to Zesteria?


not me
If that's the only change, then I'll work with that. Good response by the company. Thread reminded me to pre-order Berseria, I'll need a good January game and impressions say this is one of the two or three best Tales ever made.
I kinda want to try Berseria now but isn't is a prequel to Zesteria?
Zestiria was bad all around, bad combat, terrible convoluted character progression mechanics, awful story, awful characters, boring as fuck giant open areas.

What do I know though, I thought xenoblade chronicles was atrocious
Anyways, by the comments here, something tells me that I shouldn't try Zesteria. I mean, I really didn't want to because of something in the game but I guess gameplay isn't good either? Or is it the story?

I kinda want to try Berseria now but isn't is a prequel to Zesteria?

Zestiria isn't great but it's alright, kinda. You won't miss much by skipping it. It's mostly just characters showing up.
Zestiria was bad all around, bad combat, terrible convoluted character progression mechanics, awful story, awful characters, boring as fuck giant open areas.
Zestiria isn't great but it's alright, kinda. You won't miss much by skipping it. It's mostly just characters showing up.
Does Berseria look better? Also, is it a prequel then?
What do I know though, I thought xenoblade chronicles was atrocious
Did you like Xenoblade X or just hated both Xenoblades?


Here you go. Hope you like it.
Anyways, by the comments here, something tells me that I shouldn't try Zesteria. I mean, I really didn't want to because of something in the game but I guess gameplay isn't good either? Or is it the story?
I kinda want to try Berseria now but isn't it a prequel to Zesteria?

I don't know, outside of the lame skill sets, I still liked Zestiria and had some fun with it. I do realize it had some faults that would drive people crazy, but the story and characters were OK and Edna's personality was the best!

If you can get it cheap it may be worth the play through. It's also on sale again in the Holiday sale.

Does Berseria look better? Also, is it a prequel then?


Berseria is better in every facet; yes, it's not a direct prequel, but there are some common characters/themes


Wow what an edgy game

e- LOL



It's stuff like this that makes me avoid certain games, and more jrpg seem to lean this way compared to others. It's not even the sexy revealing nature of the outfit. Her whole outfit is just so busy and ridiculous.


Anyways, by the comments here, something tells me that I shouldn't try Zesteria. I mean, I really didn't want to because of something in the game but I guess gameplay isn't good either? Or is it the story?

I kinda want to try Berseria now but isn't is a prequel to Zesteria?

The story is extremely generic even by Tales standards, and I didn't like the cast as much as the Xillias. They tried to add more depth to the gameplay systems but just ended up over complicating things.

There's also a character that leaves the party fairly early on, presumably to sell DLC and that annoyed a lot of people, particularly in Japan (I actually preferred her replacement)

Honestly I'd go back and play Xillia 1 if you haven't already
re: Zestiria, if anyone is interested in following its story/characters without playing the game, you could just watch the recent anime series. It's more of a retelling than an adaptation, so nothing really got compromised.
Thanks for the responses guys! Guess I'll skip Zesteria. I have Symphonia 1 and Dawn HD along with Xillia, Graces F, and Hearts R but I haven't played those either. Guess I'll start somewhere!
And Cristina Vee is in it, and I'm a sucker for anything shes in
Wait, Shantae is in this?!?! Okay this is on my list now.
ShadowSoldier89 said:
Havent played it
Fair enough. I haven't either yet.
So it was ratings. Kudos to Namco for coming out on this, regardless.

Here you go. Hope you like it.

Anyways, by the comments here, something tells me that I shouldn't try Zesteria. I mean, I really didn't want to because of something in the game but I guess gameplay isn't good either? Or is it the story?

I kinda want to try Berseria now but isn't it a prequel to Zesteria?

Zestiria was bad all around, bad combat, terrible convoluted character progression mechanics, awful story, awful characters, boring as fuck giant open areas.

What do I know though, I thought xenoblade chronicles was atrocious

Pretty much all this, alongside a horrendous engine and slowdown/sound glitch issues. It's the culmination of everything gone wrong with Tales over the past half-decade and it shows.

I was already done with Tales, but Berseria being a prequel ensured I wouldn't touch it (new and full-price, at least).


re: Zestiria, if anyone is interested in following its story/characters without playing the game, you could just watch the recent anime series. It's more of a retelling than an adaptation, so nothing really got compromised.


Good point. The 1st cour has been completed and the 2nd cour starts soon to complete the story. There are 2 specific Berseria episodes in there with story pieces that take place int eh first hour or so of the game though.

It can be streamed via Funimation with a subscription or via the Daisuki app for free.

"Tales of Zestiria the X"
Pretty much all this, alongside a horrendous engine and slowdown/sound glitch issues. It's the culmination of everything gone wrong with Tales over the past half-decade and it shows.
I played it on PC and the port felt great. easy 60FPS constant at least. So no complaints there
Wait, Shantae is in this?!?! Okay this is on my list now.
Yea shes velvet. I look forward to seeing her in a less cutesy or naive role


thats a little disappointing to hear. Not especially, but I like animated FMVs in tales

does she get any other non DLC alts. I doubt I'd use anything but the default but im curious

For what it's worth I think Berseria has the best cutscene direction in the series by far (might not mean much in a general sense but this is a Tales game lol) and a few other people noted the improvement in quality.

Not a complete replacement for that though, they still use it for really important moments and stuff that they likely wouldn't be able to make look all that good with in game graphics.

Japanese RPGs in general the past few years seem to use CG/Animated FMVs less than they used to. It's an interesting shift in presentation I've been noticing lately. I guess it's just a result of technology getting better and more affordable.

As for costumes she has some but they're kinda meh to me.


If this is the only change made, after that response I can honestly say that this is fine. I deeply appreciate the response, it seems very reasonable and a lot better than the silence we usually get when stuff like this happens.


Self professed bad raider
chuckle every time i see that clickbaity tittle back at the top of the page

Namco censors Tales of Berseria Cutscene despite insisting they won't censor a specific outfit.
chuckle every time i see that clickbaity tittle back at the top of the page

Namco censors Tales of Berseria Cutscene despite insisting they won't censor a specific outfit.
did you read it at all? Sure the wording works in the favor that they only promised the outfit, but when you say
I believe that those who support the Tales Of series like to have exactly the same content as the Japanese version. We believe it's ideal and the best option to bring exactly the same game experience to the western countries
you are not talking about just the outfit. The promise in the next line specified the outfit, and honestly at that point they probably didnt even know they were changing the scene.
I give them props for at least responding and explaining why they did it unlike other companies. I moreso put the blame on the ESRB for being inconsistent when it comes to their violence rating.
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