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Neo-Nazis Plan Armed March Against Montana Jews

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Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
People have laughed at and dismissed neo-nazis for years, and to a degree have done the same thing with the KKK, because members of these groups look like idiots. And yes, they are complete idiots. The ideologies are designed to appeal to people who are a certain combination of ignorant, foolish, resentful, and vain.

But they are dangerous idiots. Dictators have always been propelled into power by a legion of willing fools.

But trump supporters keep telling my Jewish ass that I'm overreacting and need to calm down and give it a chance. Stupid fucking pricks.

There will always be a certain number of people who say: "You're overreacting. Calm down. Stop assuming the worst. Things are the same as they ever were. Nothing has changed."

These people are sometimes the ones who then say, after shit goes down, "How could this happen? Why didn't anyone do something?"


Terrible. Also don't call it neo Nazi in fucking brackets. Can everyone STOP using the term alt right? It's not an alternative right wing ideology - it's fascism.

I think it is at least important to clarify the term to ensure as many people are informed as possible. Remember that these "alt-right" folks are personally branding themselves as such, so it's crucial to expose anyone identifying themselves as alt-right as the fascists & neo-nazis they actually are.


Were literally seeing a repeat of Nazi tactics and all some people can do is make Harry Potter jokes.

These people openly talk of genocide. It's not funny.

What more can we do on GAF? At least the humor (and thread bumps) will raise awareness.
Sick pathetic individuals. And the people who claim progressives don't listen enough to people like this or the GOP reps that say BLM and groups like it are the terroristic organizations are nowhere to be found. Bullshit like this will be met with a shrug and an empty platitude from too many people instead of being nipped in the bud swiftly as it should be.


Be strong. Remember where we came from; From a society with weak education, controlled by religion, where scientists were being imprisonned, tortured and killed.

Where a lot of kids were dying before the age of 5 of preventable diseases. Where the plague & black death killed half the population, and no one knew why. Where food security was non existent - where clean water was only a distant dream.

We face a new chapter in the war against ignorance, but this war has been fought for ages.


Sick pathetic individuals. And the people who claim progressives don't listen enough to people like this or the GOP reps that say BLM and groups like it are the terroristic organizations are nowhere to be found. Bullshit like this will be met with a shrug and an empty platitude from too many people instead of being nipped in the bud swiftly as it should be.

Blocked traffic brings out the moderates to lecture. Nazis don't seem to draw their ire.


Seeing those people give a hiel hitler sign is so bizarre. They're a disgrace to this country and all the soldiers and families who gave up so much to defeat the Nazis. Fuck these guys. If I lived close by, I would go to the counter protest.


The hypocrisy of America.

It's a huge issue when African-American protest police brutality and police-citizen killings but literal Nazis can plan to march whose sole purpose is intimidation and violence against another group of people.

Fuck this shit. Watch the media spin this shit around and make them sound like "highly emotional protesters" or some stupid shit like that.
Were literally seeing a repeat of Nazi tactics and all some people can do is make Harry Potter jokes.

These people openly talk of genocide. It's not funny.

It's infuriating. Even when things get worse I'm told: calm down.

We learned the first time. That doesn't work.

Humor to cope with, protest, mock, and belittle the Nazi cause goes back to the 30s.

A man wants to buy a pig from a farmer, but he says it has to be an aryan pig. "What's that?", the farmer asks. "Well", the man answers. "It has to have bristles like Hitler, a snout like Goebbels and a belly like Göring!" (~1934)


LOL if you don't think cops love this shit. They crackdown on peaceful leftist protests but do nothing to fascists.

We need an armed resistance to this. You can ask nicely but they'll shoot you anyways.

It was said in jest, yeah. Don't expect the police to lift a finger until something's on fire (and even then, there's going to be some that won't).

I agree. Minorities arming themselves is one positive piece of news amid this fascist upswelling. A lot of gun ban Democrats lose their shit about it, but then again they're not on the front lines or have to be very adaptable either.


Using humor to denigrate fascists goes back a ways, but killing millions of them seemed to be more effective at keeping them away for several decades.



Lol that really looks like Daniel Radcliffe hope it's not him tho.


For you.
Were literally seeing a repeat of Nazi tactics and all some people can do is make Harry Potter jokes.

These people openly talk of genocide. It's not funny.

It's infuriating. Even when things get worse I'm told: calm down.

We learned the first time. That doesn't work.

People have used humour to cope with horrible shit and tragedy since the dawn of time.

nah seriously fuck nazis, fascism is as legitimate a political ideology as the shits I take in the morning, probably less so, I could care less about nazi skulls being cracked


Terrible. Also don't call it neo Nazi in fucking brackets. Can everyone STOP using the term alt right? It's not an alternative right wing ideology - it's fascism.

Libertarian ideas were not called alt right - they were called libertarian ideas. Facists trying to rebrand and argue that alt right is a collective term for facism and libertarianism is fucking ridiculous.
No, we can't. It's important that we highlight them as alt-right, they are calling themselves that. Otherwise they'd hide behind that.


I wonder what the response would be if these were muslims doing a "peaceful" armed rally against Jews and/or the west.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The hypocrisy of America.

It's a huge issue when African-American protest police brutality and police-citizen killings but literal Nazis can plan to march whose sole purpose is intimidation and violence against another group of people.

Fuck this shit. Watch the media spin this shit around and make them sound like "highly emotional protesters" or some stupid shit like that.

It they call them "activists" I will lose my shit.


Not Wario
I love Whitefish and even considered moving there at one point. Incredibly heartbreaking and infuriating to see something like this happening there.

Actual Nazis rising up and taking arms to march against Jews in 2016 America. Straight up unbelievable. This needs to be broadcast and condemned on every major network. Anyone with an ounce of involvement or pride about what we did in WW2 needs to see it. That this has been allowed to progress this far is insulting to so much of what we have and should continue to stand for.
I await the sternly worded letter alt how they need to stop this.

Meanwhile, people are getting shot by police every day for daring to be alive in the wrong place.


Blocked traffic brings out the moderates to lecture. Nazis don't seem to draw their ire.

The movement's smart about picking their targets in the middle of nowhere where it won't really ping the mainstream media's interest and won't inspire shock and fear in the majority. They're smart enough to understand how little support they really have even if they're now starting to push themselves into the mainstream.

If they did stuff like this in a major city, it probably would be national news and draw more condemnation, even from some Republicans, but this will just fly under the radar.
People have laughed at and dismissed neo-nazis for years, and to a degree have done the same thing with the KKK, because members of these groups look like idiots. And yes, they are complete idiots. The ideologies are designed to appeal to people who are a certain combination of ignorant, foolish, resentful, and vain.

But they are dangerous idiots. Dictators have always been propelled into power by a legion of willing fools.

I totally agree with all of this!


Time for reasonable people to get armed. Fuck Nazi scum.

Eh... as a Jewish man, I say....

...Let them march. We cannot legally prevent it (nor should we) under the first amendment. Hopefully, the court of public opinion will judge them.

A counter-march does not need to be armed.
Eh... as a Jewish man, I say....

...Let them march. We cannot legally prevent it (nor should we) under the first amendment. Hopefully, the court of public opinion will judge them.

A counter-march does not need to be armed.

Marches like this are a test run for something worse.Theyre trying to see the kind of response they get and the kind of resistance they might face if they take it a step further.
But trump supporters keep telling my Jewish ass that I'm overreacting and need to calm down and give it a chance. Stupid fucking pricks.

Fucking CONSTANTLY. Hell, it's not just the Trump supporters; I've got a bunch of "but both siiiiiides" friends (classmates, really) who I tried to confide in about how goddamn scared I was after the election who just laughed it off.


I think it is at least important to clarify the term to ensure as many people are informed as possible. Remember that these "alt-right" folks are personally branding themselves as such, so it's crucial to expose anyone identifying themselves as alt-right as the fascists & neo-nazis they actually are.

This. Call them alt-right, then clarify. If you just call them neo-nazis, they respond with "but I'm actually alt-right" and then it's an argument about terminology. If you call them alt-right, and then ensure people know what that actually means, then we're getting somewhere.

Eh... as a Jewish man, I say....

...Let them march. We cannot legally prevent it (nor should we) under the first amendment. Hopefully, the court of public opinion will judge them.

A counter-march does not need to be armed.

A lovely sentiment.

I hope you're right.
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