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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #127 - "Desperation"

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Great entries all around. The 1000 world limit was tough but I was really impressed with how much detail I was able to get from some of these (also made them much easier to read) Well done all.

It was tough but here are my rankings...

Cyan - 1st
Tangent - 2nd
multivac - 3rd

I think I got everyone with feedback too. Also, children's story would be cool I think!

Mike M - I liked the finish, made me chuckle. Not that it was terribly important but I found myself wondering, "If this dude is in Idaho why not pull over and take a piss on the side of the road? The gas station is overlooking 'nothing' after all." unless that "smoldering humiliation was a number 2...

B-Dubs - I liked the interactions between the girl and guy but I wanted to hear more about the guy and why the girl was really so pissed off. Not sure if this is where you were going but I got the feeling that this was some sort of common occurrence and it was a classic case of "Girl who has to put forth 1000% effort vs. guy who just has natural talent". It wanted to hear more about that and how it frustrated the girl. This also gives me flashbacks to test I took in high school and college...which were terrifying.

toddhunter - There were a few places I had to stop and re-read to understand exactly what you were trying to depict, but overall reading this gave me the willies (I'm slightly claustrophobic so congrats! You're writing made me poop myself!) The ending was a bit odd to me. I think that's CliffyB but I feel like I missed some sort of inside joke or reference. I was also curious to hear more about the actual character himself and what he does to keep (apparently) getting himself in these situations.

Ludovico - I think this has a lot of potential but there are some gaps here and tough places to follow that made it hard for me to paint a picture of what's really going on here. He's kicking his brother out because he's a deadbeat? The point between slamming the door and walking back in got a bit tricky for me. Did he actually kick his brother out? Did they get in a fight? He seems to be hard on himself for no reason saying he's no better. He sounds a LOT better.

SquiddyCracker - Haha! I can't tell you how many stories I thought up that actually started with "protaganist catchin his breath from dangerous while behind cover" in fact...that's what I ultimately ended up writing (in one revision I even had a line about the antagonists trying out a new line of hunter bots). This is what I wish I was able to come up with, it's simple, to the point and there doesn't need to be a lot of explanation regarding the motivation because it's very obvious and straightforward. I think you did a good job painting in some details here and there as well! Funny ending too, good job.

Like the hat? - I really enjoyed the internal perspective and love the anger and compassion he spoke with. I think you did a great job of building a character without being heavy handed and keeping everything internalized. I guess I would have loved to gotten a better take on the guy he's about to kill though, he just came across as some dude. I think he could've been a bit more interesting if there was some sort of background there between them, a brother, a friend, they started out together (all of those may be terribly cliche) anything that might have added a bit more drama to the situation and proved that he loved his job even more than a close friend or relative. Also, reading this story and then seeing your comment about about wanting to write a children's story is just too much of a hilarious juxtaposition...and equally terrifying thought. I totally love the idea of doing a kid's story though.

ThLunarian - I really think this is an interesting concept and wanted to read a lot more about it (damn 1000 word limit!) which I think is a credit. The only thing that seemed a bit odd to me was the introduction of the wings and the dealer's reaction. I assume she needed him to inject the wing because she couldn't reach, but wasn't sure why she needed to inject directly into the wing itself, or why the dealer wouldn't have gone running down the street screaming for his life upon witnessing this. A reaction like that would've been a bit more interesting to me, and then her having to settle for injecting herself would have added to her desperation. Just a thought, but still really interesting and well written.

Aaron - This one was interesting but it really lost me right at the end and I found myself re-reading the final paragraph several times to try and get an idea of what happened. I get that they're not really Mark, Jack and Jane but I guess I didn't understand the importance of that and the way it was revealed seemed very forced. I found myself sort of wondering why it mattered that their names weren't real and that they had plenty of money in their pockets, I completely missed out on what you were trying to say there (which maybe says more about me as a reader).

Nezumi - I liked your take with the theme and I loved the introduction to the laboratory. As things started to get going part of me hoped that it was much more of a real threat than it ended up being but that was just my personal preference. I enjoyed the interaction between the man and the woman as well.

Chainsawkitten - Damn…that certainly grabbed my attention. The descriptions are amazingly vivid and paint some very detailed imagery in my head, well done on that front.

Boootay - I'm really glad you added the spoiler at the end, I think it helps to see exactly what you were going for when giving feedback. My initial thoughts upon reading the first line were that the names and events being described sounded horribly cliche' but about halfway through it I was starting to wonder "Are these characters stuck in a video game or something?" I think you did a good job of slowly introducing some of those ideas in a subtle manner and the "cliche" comment actually really fits the idea you're going for with Comic Book characters. Things got a little weird with the action about halfway through and there were references to a lot of different things that were difficult to keep track of and ended up not seeming to matter really. Also it was a little hard to understand just HOW they were going to merge worlds. I admire what you were going for and I think it's an interesting idea that you should totally keep working on. 1000 words is a tough limit to convey some of those ideas but if you can find a way to do it then I think you'll have a great core part of an interesting story you can build off of even more. And yes, I too did a horrible job guessing how much room 1000 words actually was. I had a version where I had just finished describing things at about 700 words, before the action really started. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Tangent - Dang, really well done! Probably my favorite interpretations of the theme and just a very interesting and though provoking story all together. Well put together.

FairyD - Another great interpretation of the theme, I really enjoyed this one and I loved the funny one liner punch at the end, good stuff and well written (much better than this ridiculous sentence constructed to describe it).

hey_monkey - Loved this one. Great execution, interesting take on the theme and just a good story. Well done.

multivac - I love how this was a very simple and easily relatable story told with an interesting sic-fi-esque background, a true recipe for awesome! I think you executed it really well and the dialogue was fantastic as well (something I need to work on myself). I'm a little torn about the ending though. It hunk everything you had setup was working too well to just say "They all lived happily ever after!" I found myself wondering how she could have just decided to go ahead and go with them on a whim (I assume it would have been some long, drawn out selection process). I guess the fact that she's a doctor makes it a bit easier to understand HOW she managed to get on board…but then I wondered why she even made such a big deal about things on the way up or internalized some of the thoughts she had if she had been planning to go all along. Loved the title too though.

Cyan - I love the way you interspersed the sections of the Anti Joke along with the story itself. It sort of made it a bit easy to predict the end (I actually wondered if you'd put another twist on it where it countered my expectations a second time and the ship miraculously delivered the payload to the asteroid, somehow saving everyone after all) but it was still interesting to read and felt a lot like a great cautionary tale/writing guide.

DumbNameD - Loved the dialogue here. Wasn't entirely sure what the big deal about the rose being yellow was to the story, but I enjoyed the characters and the interaction between them.


multivac -- I'm Big in Instersteller Space: This reminded me of the Martian Chronicles. Being compared to Ray Bradbury, in my book, is a good thing. Way to go!

Chainsawkitten -- Lost Orgy of the Sculpted Flesh: Whoa. This was wild. Amazing imagination and very well done. I liked the mood you created, it seemed to juxtapose the situation.

Cyan -- Flight of the Anti-Joke: I really liked the interludes. Btw, my eyes really wanted to jump to the last line that I could see in my peripheral vision. Well done.

DumbNameD -- Yellow, So I'll Know: loved the dialog and the characters you created so quickly. I'm still a little confused as to why the rose had to be yellow but that's cool.

Mike M -- Too Late: Loved the concept of classic desperation. And I liked how you described the guy with no emotional reaction. I swear, there are really people like that! Slow and non-emotional! It's absurd!

ThLunarian -- Clipped: Wow, awesome -- and I liked your narration to describe how the MC felt about her family; it added a lot to the plot. This sort of reminded me of "Angel" from X-Men.

Nezumi -- Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble: I'm pretty sure this is what happens at CVS or Walgreens. I really liked the idea of the story and the ending, but perhaps it'd be fun to create even more of a fairy-tale word in the beginning or something. Like those characters in the tiny house that the boy and the big dragon-dog meet in "The Neverending Story." I don't know why that was the first example I thought of. Anyhow, I know it's hard to do more with the setting with the word count. Well done!

Aaron -- White Rabbits: The last 2 paragraphs were awesome. It took me a little while to get into it, but that's all relative, since it was short and well-paced overall. Sucks about the panic attack but awesome that you were pleasantly aware of the weekend. I've always thought it'd be cool to write out a dream into a story while still half-asleep.

Like the hat? -- Magnum Opus: I really liked the intense anger of the main character. There were times that I felt that the MC was repetitive, but I think in actuality that's what happens when someone is that angry. I just don't know how to convey that well in writing. I wondered why the other character didn't get to have any dialog or speak back. I think it would have been interesting to hear that perspective. But I don't think that was what you were going for anyway.

toddhunter -- Down Again: Maybe it's just me, but I wasn't sure why the MC was encased twice. I was wonder if it's part of a job? Escape artist or something? The ending is pretty funny and I liked the final lines but I wasn't sure why someone would want that job -- but maybe that wasn't the job and I'm just making that up. I guess I got a little confused. But you had awesome description and I liked the mood.

Bootaay -- no title!: I really liked the concept of this, but I think it'd work really well in a much, much longer context, like a novel. Do it!! :)

Sorry, I know I only have a few more to comment on but I'm fading.

1. DumbNameD
2. ThLunarian
3. multivac
hm: cyan, chainsawkitten, aaron


1. hey_monkey - "For Sela"
2. DumbNameD - "Yellow, So I'll Know"
3. Nezumi - "Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble"

HM: Squids'n'Biscuits

Man, really tough call between my top two, there. DND, you don't even know how glad I am to see you back. :D DND and hey_monkey returning in the same month, it's clearly a season for miracles.


I've probably read novellas shorter than 18,000 words. I'll probably finish the latter third by the end of this week, so I'm out of voting. Sorry guys and gals.


Still three people who haven't voted yet. I'd say that given the number of entries it is OK, to give them another two hours. At the moment there is a rather clear winner but with three votes that might change.


I'm with ashes, not going to vote without having read all the entries.

I really appreciate the feedback and have enjoyed reading a lot of the entries so far!


The Results:

1.) hey_monkey
2.) multivac
3.) DumbNameD


hey_monkey: 22 (5)
multivac: 14 (2)
DumbNameD: 10 (2)
SquiddyCracker: 9
Cyan: 7 (2)
Like the hat?: 6 (2)
Chainsawkitten: 5 (1)
Aaron: 5
Nezumi: 4 (1)
ThLunarian: 4
Mike M: 4
FairyD: 2
Tangent: 2
B-Dubs: 2

Congratulation hey_monkey! Well deserved victory. Looking forward with what you will come up for us next.
Congratulations, hey_monkey :)

I want to thank you guys for reading my first entry into these challenges. I really appreciate the feedback that many of you gave. It feels good to see that someone voted for your stuff. I don't know if I'll be able to do an entry every time, but I'd like to continue participating as much as possible!
!!!! Thanks! I am home with sick kids, so this is a day-brightener.

As for a kid theme, what was the bit about Tangent's schedule?


I think she just went on a holiday a few weeks back, so if we want the children's story theme without waiting too long we just have to accept that we have to compete with her on her home turf ;)
I am intrigued.

If you're going with the kid's story theme/objective/sub-objective, I demand you implement a handicap for those who have kids to try out their ideas on.
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