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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #181 - "Adrift"

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Reading finished. Hmm... Who to vote for...
1. Crunched - the writing was excellent; the story not so much
2. Azih - very engaging; a bit too much waffle
3. Sethista - Excellent premise; underlining hurt my eyes.
hm. FlowersisBritish; the meditation was great; poor prose let it down


So I want to give a quick pep talk. Even though I don't have any right to do so. What I want to say is this. Fail lots. Fail quickly. Don't be afraid to fail.
dangerbyrnes: There was an edge to this one that I was sad to see never quite when where I’d hoped. All of the imagery of the dream-version of his house and the spastic ethereal arm were suitably creepy, but it didn’t capitalize on the tone it was building. This read like it was going to be a horror story of man being undone by their own creation, and it kiiiiiiiinda went there in the end, but it didn’t go far enough to satisfy me. The protagonist won out against the conflict, but it didn’t seem to really cost him anything since he went into the story already missing his arm.

Yeah, i originally intended for a darker ending, word limit kind of gave me problems, as i couldn't get rid of the earlier setup without messing with the overall story, but the ending was changed, and still felt rushed to me. i definitely think i want to explore this concept further, maybe into a larger work, because i really liked what i set up.

mu cephei

Congratulations Mike M.

1 mu cephei - Everything
Just really well written and the mystery had just enough hints of what was going on to keep it from being too obtuse to follow.

It's dumb but not getting votes discourages me from writing. Le sigh. Thanks for the HM mu cephei.

Thanks! Well, I really liked your story, and it got votes :)

mu cephi: The protagonist didn’t understand in the end, and I don’t think I did either. We went from what seemed to be a spaceborne life form satisfying its curiosity to the extinction/assimilation of organic life save for him and the Everything entity? If it had just been the station, that’d be one thing, but I was left with the impression that it was something more cosmic in scale. Not sure I understand why the Everything would keep him alive when it goes and kills everything else, either.
Fab feedback. Thank you. You've pinpointed with unerring accuracy what I need to fix (I was hoping you would!)

mu cephei - got some 2001 vibes from the object in space. Did not think the bookends were necessary. They are so vague and nebulous that we get nothing from them. They are flavor text, but with no substance. The meat of the story is what happens between, and is much more interesting. The more specific you are, the better.

Thanks, yeah, those bits don't work as they are, I agree vague is not good!

I shall try to be less lazy in future, and return the generosity of all the people who give feedback. I really appreciate it.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Can I give feedback before Mike brings out one of his terrible challenges? The race is on.

Crunched- I really loved the line "Not when I began." It's dark, revealing, gave me a few chills. There were a lot of strong moments like that line throughout, another stand out in my mind was when she tossed the bird to see if it would fly. The moment I started to frown was actually after the "began" line. The conversation turned typical and expected for me, and i felt her grasp of her true nature in this tale was too quick and casual.

Azih- The AI was a bit wordy for me, but I appreciate that. In actuality, it did sound like a robot to me. I think the big problem for me was that the story happened at the wrong moment. I would have loved to see those first periods as she talked to herself like a crazy person, the only other interaction a robot. Or for their conversation to have continued and us actually seeing the AI degradation into malfunction. I did love that second to last paragraph, and really wished I could have actually 'seen' it.

DangerByrnes- They're pretty chummy for a guy Teller refers to as Mr. Cross. Also, why is Teller(a scientist conducting an experiment) wearing a suit? Not saying he can't just don't know why? The Dialogue in the middle got a little muddled, don't know why? There were a lot of little things I liked in this, mainly the ending. I really liked the symbolism of throwing the prothetic arm in the dream and waking up with it outside. Though, I don't know what the purpose of the experiments are. Is it to make a better arm?

Karen- Neat, I'd like to read more of Micheal and Victor, but I really didn't see enough of them for me to really care about them drifting. Though, a trip to Pompei does sound cool.

Mike M: In my mind, you won the secondary here. Honestly, you could have gotten rid of your dialogue tags here and I think I would still be able to follow the flow of conversation, that's how distinctive their voices were. The only thing that didn't particularly grab me was that end. Not sure what, just something about it. I think it's because it zooms out so much when I started to care about the close view of the characters.

Sethista: I appreciate the idea at play here, but I really don't care about her life story. We're in space! Tell me were you were when worm hole technology was invented! Especially killing for me since there was some neat ideas like a space gold rush. I would rather hear about that then her kissing boys.

Ward: Well this got weird pretty quickly and only got weirder. Felt like an X-files spoof in a good way. The banter was a fun for me, but I felt it went on a little much in the beginning.

Tangent: On one hand, the sons reaction to bubbles was a little extreme, on the other, teenagers are dumb and get embarrassed over anything. This is the kind of magic I love where it does something kind of abstract, like give ideas. Also, while the son is dumb, I do like his character and can appreciate the desire to become a dental surgeon as opposed to the family business.

Frexifox- Huh this was neat and tied all thematically together in a fun way. It was a good twist, and you did a bunch of neat little touches to keep it consistent. Though the beginning felt slow as you kind of circled around the same information in dialgoue over and over.

Cyan- So little aside, the story I submitted wasn't the story I was telling you to think "positive" The first one was basically this only with more whimsical lake spirits and more drowning.

Ashes- starts off great and interesting, but as Marcus climbs down it loses steam pretty quickly. You abandon the great dynamic of their interaction via phone calls, waiting for the other to mess up, in favor of a ridiculous plot. I wouldn't mind it so much, but Tim seemed way too calm and calculating(in espionage) to just be a judge, and Marcus seemed to put way too much work into this to just be 'some guy'

Mu Cephei- No idea what was going on with the Everything? Which didn't really matter to me, because I was way more interested in the family that dragged their kids into a life long scientific research. What dicks. Also, what kind of family lets an outburst like that slide and goes back to diner like nothing?
DangerByrnes- They're pretty chummy for a guy Teller refers to as Mr. Cross. Also, why is Teller(a scientist conducting an experiment) wearing a suit? Not saying he can't just don't know why? The Dialogue in the middle got a little muddled, don't know why? There were a lot of little things I liked in this, mainly the ending. I really liked the symbolism of throwing the prothetic arm in the dream and waking up with it outside. Though, I don't know what the purpose of the experiments are. Is it to make a better arm?

The Suit thing is to make him seem more formal i guess, i intended for them to seem as if they worked together for a while, so Teller has lightened up, but still has the quirks of a serious scientist. also, in real life, dress code for scientists is very loose ive seen, depending on location.

no, the prosthetic warren has is meant to be like a real life prosthetic, which doesn't connect to the nerves, they're not super useful, used mostly for gripping things. the one they're making is the pure science fiction idea of connecting an arm directly to the brain. probably could have explained how the prosthetic is insufficient better.


It's been far too long since I was actively reading submissions. Years possibly? I enjoyed all the contributions.

Crunched - Contrition
Really enjoyed the prose, a nice story.

Azih - Necessary Expenses
I like the theme of your story. The humanization of the AI by Jules, despite it being just a necessary feature of the ship, humanized just for user interaction.
The introduction could have been cleaner. Is it a space ship? Plasma? I figured it out, but it was a rocky start.
Your science seems sound. You've thought through energy requirements for ship and AI functions, which I appreciate. Maybe it's word limit, but I wanted Jules to have a deeper connection to the AI. Her last note is matter of fact, but I read subtext and emotional attachment into it, but the story doesn't reinforce that as much as it should. Do I want Jules to have cared about the AI, definitely. Based on the story, did she? No.

FlowersisBritish - Find Peace In Your Sky, Oh Bird With Broken Legs
Really good. The two contrasting characters, the use color, the mood. Everything worked together. Often people say they want to dispense with sorrow and disappointment, but many don't.

dangerbyrnes - Drifting In The Dark
thoughts raced through his head- i expected many flitting thoughts. instead one fully formed thought.
is this sleep paralysis? am i dying? why can't i move? it adds to the panic
You could have explored the dream more. the walls of reality melting, the floor churning beneath him.
A few capitalization errors.
I'm not knowledgeable on grammar, but I think this is present tense 'He reaches', I would have preferred past tense 'He reached.' Wish I could offer more detail, but it just felt weird to read.
He cuts his arm off at the shoulder, which I thought the prosthetic was elbow down, that might be me, but only a hand slumps to the floor?

The ending left me unsatisfied. What was with the ethereal arm? I was hoping it would give him ESP or something fun. Maybe it cut his other arm off with the ethereal arm and he couldn't stop it. Was it a Freddy Kreuger dream arm plaguing his consciousness that would take over his body and manifest as full Freddy?
Warren didn't like testing the prosthetic arm so he stopped.

karenq0506 - The Wallpaper from that Old House
Captured this moment where two people are drifting apart really well. Michael and Victor felt indistinguishable, it wasn't until the last paragraph they were given a bit of character.

Mike M - Dark Pantheon
Heavy description at the introduction. It just seemed to wordy and prolonging the proper start of the plot.
Shurkov's voice was the most fun to read.
I wanted something more from the ending. The actual moment they moved from inside to out, that one final push, the last time one of them would touch the ship. The broad description just didn't do it for me.

Sethista - The Middle
Celina is awfully wordy for a person under attack.
I like that she is crafting her own history. The second version had a different tone which is good. I would have made the first story meandering. Break it up, have her listening or being frightened by sounds. So the story is broken up. She's about to die, and this story is her escape, but her fear and mortality is never fully realized.

Have he rewrite the first half after thinking about it.After trapped a few more days go into her head and then go scrub the story completely to make her a star. If she is going to die, she can at least be remembered as a hero.
I know she won't be remembered, she'll be another unnamed casualty, but that's part of the fun of this story. Each of use wants to be the hero of our story. Celina thinks she can be.

Tangent - The Waiting Game
A great job of slowly building this world. Are the idea bubbles just an exercise, a trick?
It felt like we never got to the third act. Surely there was more to this.

frekifox7 - Tell Me Goodbye
I found if muddled at first, but it works for the story. i feel like i gain clarity as the character does. i slowly put the pieces together. It's such a downer, but well realized

Cyan - Whispers
Wonderful prose. I can't guess how you would have ended it, but it's probably been years since I read a story of yours.

Ashes - kitchen sink
It's curt and intriguing mystery that slowly unfolds

mu cephei - Everything
I didn't understand the rhetoric at the start, but i did like it.
I liked the bookends. A kids who doesn't fit in is typical, but I like this.
dangerbyrnes - Drifting In The Dark
thoughts raced through his head- i expected many flitting thoughts. instead one fully formed thought.
is this sleep paralysis? am i dying? why can't i move? it adds to the panic
You could have explored the dream more. the walls of reality melting, the floor churning beneath him.
A few capitalization errors.
I'm not knowledgeable on grammar, but I think this is present tense 'He reaches', I would have preferred past tense 'He reached.' Wish I could offer more detail, but it just felt weird to read.
He cuts his arm off at the shoulder, which I thought the prosthetic was elbow down, that might be me, but only a hand slumps to the floor?

The dream stuff was more in depth, i cut a lot of extra dream description to make the ending longer, plus i kind of liked the dream being mostly normal life, but with some weirdness outside, more subtle i suppose.

Capitalization is still the bane of my existence, i have had problems with that forever, so you're not wrong.

the whole story should be present tense, so i think that's right. although i noticed some things in past tense that shouldn't be, looking over it again.

You are right, it should be arm slumped to the floor, its gone from the shoulder, perhaps i could have clarified that earlier in the story.

thanks for the feedback.


The dream stuff was more in depth, i cut a lot of extra dream description to make the ending longer, plus i kind of liked the dream being mostly normal life, but with some weirdness outside, more subtle i suppose.

Capitalization is still the bane of my existence, i have had problems with that forever, so you're not wrong.

the whole story should be present tense, so i think that's right. although i noticed some things in past tense that shouldn't be, looking over it again.

You are right, it should be arm slumped to the floor, its gone from the shoulder, perhaps i could have clarified that earlier in the story.

thanks for the feedback.

yeah, I was just reading a bit of it and it seems to interchange between past and present. can be a bit distracting. writing in present tense takes additional care in not falling into the more predominant style of writing/reading, which is, of course, past tense.
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