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NeoGAF Lost Rewatch Party Thread OT [Newcomers welcome! Please tag spoilers]!


Well, a look at a recent thread had me see that many people were revisiting this show. And I thought, why not do it together? So here's an OT! My first proper OT. (Please be gentle.)


LOST is a television show that aired from 2004 to 2010 on the ABC network. It lasted a total of 121 episodes and six seasons, and features a robust lineup of characters that while at first look may seem generic, but have an incredible amount of depth.

The basic story is that a bunch of passengers on Oceanic flight 815 crash on a mysterious island and have to figure out how to survive, but not all is as it seems. Strange occurrences within the island force the characters to come to terms with their own past, and everyone must learn that if they can't live together, they're going to die alone. Did I mention it has an amazing score by the wonderful Michael Giacchino?


LOST was a benchmark show for television, and it's engrossing format shaped a lot of what came after it, for better or for worse. Not a lot of shows that came after managed to capture the right balance between mystery and character drama, often relying too much on the former when LOST worked because it intertwined the two inexorably.

You've maybe seen it said that the mysteries in LOST don't get resolved, which left a lot of viewers at the end feel hollow about the show. Well, contrary to the point at hand, a lot more got revealed than people seemed to realise at the time, perhaps even too much. LOST worked at it's core because it let you know just enough, and in the scramble to resolve dangling mystery threads, some have argued that the last season felt forced and unnatural.

LOST was in many ways a victim of it's own hype. A modern day comparison would be Game of Thrones, but even that seems to not have attracted as much hype, speculation, and crazy fan theories that LOST did. As a result, the show as a whole, ending and all, as looked back upon with fresher eyes might be received more favourably by you than it was by a lot of people at the time. And even then, there were a lot of people who liked the ending-- it was more of a mixed reception than anything.

But, okay. Say you don't care about all that, and want a hard pitch from me about why you should give this show a go if you haven't already, and why you could revisit it outside of the dizzying media frenzy that surrounded its existence.

For starters, you'll grow to love and care about these characters. It's an exceptional piece of character writing, helped by a writer's room that had a fantastic head on it's shoulders (Which is why the showrunners' later works don't seem as good or as interesting as LOST did). Secondly, you can see the show's DNA in a lot of modern network television, so it might be a good case study for why a lot of TV these days feels different than it did a while ago. Thirdly, the music. Michael Giacchino elevates this series in almost every way-- you'll gasp in shock, weep crushing tears, and grip your seat 'til your knuckles are white in suspense.


The show is available on Netflix in many regions-- I'm not sure how many, or which ones exactly, but many. If it's not there, check other streaming alternatives.


Simple! Just post along with us in the thread. We'll be watching the show in two episode chunks every week, starting (naturally) with the episodes "Pilot, Part 1" and "Pilot, Part 2". Watch along with us! Those who are rewatching, please spoiler-tag posts referencing future episodes.

Let's begin!


I've watched the entirety of Lost 3 times already. That's a lot of TV. But I support this. I love Lost.
I know people shit on Season 3 because of the writers strike but on my re-watches it's always been really good. More so than Season 4 which is just a low budget action film
I know people shit on Season 3 because of the writers strike but on my re-watches it's always been really good. More so than Season 4 which is just a low budget action film

I just recently re-watched Lost and I am of the opinion that Lost should have ended in Season 4, with most of the mysteries left mysteries. You would have to take some things out and add some things for it to work, but Season 5 and 6 felt way to bogged down by its own mythology and it often got in the way of the great character moments as opposed to adding to them. . I've been meaning to make a thread describing how a season 4 series finale of Lost would look in my head, but just haven't gotten around to it.


I remember
sympathising with Benjamin.
I cannot remember why. I might need to rewatch this series again. It is kind of long though.

At the moment, I just started The Office for a second rewatch. Perhaps after I finish The Office.


I'm pretty far ahead on my own rewatch but I'll try to post what I can.

I'm gonna go back to old LostGAF threads and quote funny reactions (without names since I definitely don't want to call people from over 10 years ago out lol).
I just recently re-watched Lost and I am of the opinion that Lost should have ended in Season 4, with most of the mysteries left mysteries. You would have to take some things out and add some things for it to work, but Season 5 and 6 felt way to bogged down by its own mythology and it often got in the way of the great character moments as opposed to adding to them. . I've been meaning to make a thread describing how a season 4 series finale of Lost would look in my head, but just haven't gotten around to it.

I think Season 5 had some interesting stuff going on with the flashbacks to some of the earlier time on the Island, but overall things really fall apart some in 4 & 5 when it just becomes way too much. I still had fun through it, but it's easy to see where the threads begin to unravel.
I think Season 5 had some interesting stuff going on with the flashbacks to some of the earlier time on the Island, but overall things really fall apart some in 4 & 5 when it just becomes way too much. I still had fun through it, but it's easy to see where the threads begin to unravel.

The first half of Season 5 is pretty strong but it really falls apart in the second half when
the Oceanic Six return to the Island
. I still like the show overall but the last 1.5 seasons were pretty hard to get through at times IMO.


I need to rewatch it.. Its my all time favourite show tied with 24 & Heroes.

I fucking love this show.

Ben, Sawyer & Jack are my favourite characters.

I love all seasons but Season 3 is easily the best for me.


Unconfirmed Member
Subbed. I have had the blu-ray collection for years but have never gotten past the first three episodes. Generally don't have time for binging big shows like this anymore, but 2 episodes a week are manageable.


I can't help but think a lot of conflict could've been avoided
if the others just leveled with them and Ben could've just asked jack to do his surgery.


Is there a way we could all watch simuyaniously?

Maybe using rabb.it? I havent tried rabb.it in maybe twoyears but maybe it had improved


Mid-season 3 on my rewatch.

I love this show so much.

ALSO, I've been preaching it for a while, but when you make it to season 6,
MOVE ACROSS THE SEA. It works SO much better as a companion to Ab Aeterno (put it after Recon, before AA), and it doesn't break the last few episodes up.

I think it's obvious why they held onto that episode for so long, but I fully believe they held it for too long and its placement really hurts the pacing of the last few episodes.

It's not a great episode anyway (I don't mind it, but eh), but it being a companion to Ab Aeterno makes much more sense.


Can we keep all discussion of episodes we’ve not watched yet in spoilers? Some people are watching for the first time.


The hatred of the ending has kept me from watching this, but I've always been curious. I've also never watched a long running tv drama for any significant length of time outside of GoT, missed the boat on everything that came out in the same decade or so as Lost. Count me in.


Hell yeah I love this show. TV hasn't been as good since it ended lol.

Hope this thread will stay alive for a good while. :)
The hatred of the ending has kept me from watching this, but I've always been curious. I've also never watched a long running tv drama for any significant length of time outside of GoT, missed the boat on everything that came out in the same decade or so as Lost. Count me in.

If you've stuck around with GoT through Season 7 then there is no reason you can't finish Lost. If anything GoT goes more off it's form than Lost did.


If you've stuck around with GoT through Season 7 then there is no reason you can't finish Lost. If anything GoT goes more off it's form than Lost did.

I dropped GoT maybe in season 5 for reasons, and never picked it up again because I was kinda bored with it.

But I'm willing to give Lost a shot!
Okay! Now that it's monday in most places (Tuesday where I am but that's because I'm IN THE FUTURE), I'm going to kick this off. Episodes 1 & 2 are fair game! We have a week to watch these before moving onto episodes 3 & 4!


Just finished the first 2 episodes and man I fogot how much I liked the theme music for the show.

Loved the Polar Bear lol, they really cram as much of the crazy as possible in these first 2 episodes.

Forgot how Sawyer type casts Sayid as a terrorist after the plane crash. This show is so edgy!


A look back at LOST GAF: PILOT: PARTS 1 & 2
Wishful Thinking
This show has too many "raving" reviews, so I think that probably means it's lame and as so, I won't be watching. Here's hoping for CANCELLED.
On a personal note, it's about time someone poured some decent bank into Sci Fi. And if these island beasts turn out to be dinos, I'm gonna give Abrams a big, sloppy, kiss.
They said clearly at the SDCC panel "There is not now nor will there ever be dinosaurs on the island. This much we'll promise you."
I, for one, am extremely glad there won't be any dinosaurs...while watching it last night i was hoping that won't be the case. I am so anti-Dino it's not even funny.
Timely? (This is not a real spoiler)
Series Finale spoiler (be warned, from a reliable source close to the production): The secret of the island is that they're building a hotel and resort on the other side of it and in the final episode of the series Donald Trump walk out and says, "Crazy ass stranded people." :D

I know later threads get more interesting, so look forward to that. The Pilot of this show is pretty straight forward, even if it does set up a lot of mysteries. I love how many characters are given time to breathe in it.


Anyone here know of any good Lost Podcasts to listen too during the rewatch? Anything that delves into it deeper than one that did when it first aired?

A miracle happened on this island.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I might watch, then you mentioned how the mysteries are BS, and Lindeolf basically can only write new plots, but never resolve them. I mean I do know the ending, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad watching this.


I might watch, then you mentioned how the mysteries are BS, and Lindeolf basically can only write new plots, but never resolve them. I mean I do know the ending, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad watching this.

This isn't entirely true. Most are answered, but there are a few mysterys that were never intended to be answered. Lindeolf totally redeemed himself in that department after the leftovers imo.
Lost is my favorite show of all time.

I'd love to know what questions people think are unanswered or what plots arent finished.

Walt is the only semi-unfinished plot I can think of. That's due to a few things, mostly the actor going through puberty.

But the epilogue ties that up nicely, IMO.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
This isn't entirely true. Most are answered, but there are a few mysterys that were never intended to be answered. Lindeolf totally redeemed himself in that department after the leftovers imo.
Well I guess I will see. I didn't watch (most of) Seasons 2 and 3 of the Leftovers because of how he handled Season 1.


anyone here know when the numbers offically appear in the series for the first time?

Edit: Looks like its in episode 18, titled "Numbers" lol. Who would have guessed.


Mid-season 3 on my rewatch.

I love this show so much.

ALSO, I've been preaching it for a while, but when you make it to season 6,
MOVE ACROSS THE SEA. It works SO much better as a companion to Ab Aeterno (put it after Recon, before AA), and it doesn't break the last few episodes up.

I think it's obvious why they held onto that episode for so long, but I fully believe they held it for too long and its placement really hurts the pacing of the last few episodes.

It's not a great episode anyway (I don't mind it, but eh), but it being a companion to Ab Aeterno makes much more sense.

Just start S6 with that episode. That's what they should've done. Giant WTF. Then have 601/602


A look back at LOST GAF: TABULA RASA
Looks like Sun might want to get her Jungle Fever on
It's obvious Locke is insane. Let's face it; it seems, considering they showed it in the "Previously on..." clip, that the emphasis on the light and dark pieces, may later represent two sides of people who come together on the island.

As I see it, Almost all people have some sort of partner.

Jack and Kate
Sun and...Guy who Orders Sun around.
Walt and his father
Sawyer and Sayed (They're enemies, but a pair)
Charlie and Claire (I think, Pregnant Lady)
Shannon and her Brother.

The Happy Happy Montage at the end of the episode showed each of these pairs bonding, and almost coming to terms with one another. Only Hurley and Locke were left out, which I think is significant.

If they really do split up into two different sides (Good and Evil, Black and White...just two different groups period) I'd expect each of these pairs to break up. The dog will run away, and Walt will blame his father. Claire will catch Charlie doing Heroin. Sawyer and Sayed don't need such a reason. The Korean wife will be tired of being opressed. Shannon will be tired of her brother's nagging.

I think Jack and Kate is the only one without some form of block easily wedged between them. And there's till 3/4 of the survivors we've yet to really meet.

The fact that I can think about all that through a simple 2 minute montage shows why I love this show. Simple as that.

Anyone want to spoiler tag the preview for next week for me? Missed it.
What Kate Did
I just wanna know WTF Kate did!
She had sex with teenagers when she was a teacher!
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