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NeoGAF Movies of the Year 2014 Results

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I... like every movie in the top 10? What is this sorcery?

Some Oscar heavy hitters like Selma, Imitation Game, American Sniper and The Theory of Everything pretty low on these rankings. It's not even about people not having seen them because people did see them, they have done good box office numbers, better than many of the top 10 movies. Just not Gaf movies I guess, and also none of them in my personal top 10 (Theory I almost despise because it's too by the book biography/Oscar picture).
Wow Locke got #20

Ok it had story, but it was a podcast/radio play/audiobook masquerading as a movie ... it was so un-cinematic it was anti-cinematic. I only watched until the end to see just how much of the movie would be Hardy driving on a motorway talking on his phone, not quite believing it would be all of it ...

Would anyone who really liked it like to say why?

i'm a big enthusiast of concrete, always been fascinated by it.


Theory of Everything was amazing, I think most people just out right skipped that movie.

This is a standard biopic with 2-3 great acting moments, nothing more. I hate when movies set in 19XX have a film grain just because photos and video from that era are grainy, like the world wasn't in HD until 2004. I'm also willing to bet any amont of money the writer of the movie had Hawking riding a bike and laughing in the first scene just so he could write "Hawking rides a bike down a street and laughs with his friends". Most of the acting is ruined for me by the film cutting to a close up whenever Hawking has trouble doing something with his hands or legs. I know not everybody knows Hawking but c'mon Great musc rho.


Shows how memorable it is. #1 of the year in the US BO.

Not for long, but yeah. This week I caught myself wondering if Hunger Games came out last year even though barely 3 months ago the advertisements were everywhere. It doesn't feel like it had anywhere near the staying power of past installments.

ASM2 is surprising too, I know a lot of people hated it but with how gaga GAF goes over comic book movies you'd think there'd be at least some votes for it. What a tremendous disaster.


Great list is all I can say. If I can compare it to my own list I guess I have the average Gaffer taste for this year :p

1 -> 1
2 -> 5
3 -> 6
4 -> 2
5 -> 33
6 -> 9
7 -> 7
8 -> 3
9 -> 82
10 -> 19

The three films from the Gaf top 10 that are not in my own are amongst my honorable mentions :lol


I need to watch Whiplash, only movie in the top 10 I haven't seen.

Can't believe Big Hero 6 is so low though, I thought a lot of others here would have also loved it.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Great list. I'm a bit surprised something as dull as Edge of Tomorrow got up there but otherwise, nice. Nightcrawler's probably a bit higher than it should be - despite the excellent performances from Jake and Riz, it isn't a better film than Boyhood, for example.

Whiplash is a 2015 film though ;) .

Thanks for the work putting the results together CFK.


at last, for christ's sake
I'm actually surprised to see Locke, my nr.1 movie of the year, getting so many votes. i thought I was the only one. Whoever did it, you have all my cinematic respect

Mr Turner didn't chart, oh well. Hopefully it gets the recognition it deserves when more of you give it a chance, absolutely fantastic movie
I wasn't expecting Budapest to win, so the was a bit surprising. And I expected something like Guardians to be higher. Last year's year was also interesting though it did have an expected big movie like Graity at number 1.

After checking the #1 rankings for this year, I totally thought Whiplash would win. Whiplash got 28 #1 mentions while Budapest only got 14. I've only done these lists for three years, but the previous 2 years, the movie that got the most #1 mentions is the one that won.

All GAF MOTY top 10s for comparison:

1. The Grand Budapest Hotel 805
2. Whiplash 634
3. Gone Girl 519
4. Nightcrawler 467
5. Boyhood 459
6. Birdman 432
7. Interstellar 399
8. Guardians of the Galaxy 390
9. The Lego Movie 300
10. Edge of Tomorrow 293

1. Gravity 732
2. Her 633
3. The Wolf of Wall Street 559
4. 12 Years a Slave 531
5. Before Midnight 437
6. The World's End 311
7. Inside Llewyn Davis 272
8. Pacific Rim 268
9. Prisoners 190
10. Captain Phillips 171

1. Django Unchained 799
2. Moonrise Kingdom 436
3. Skyfall 424
4. The Dark Knight Rises 406
5. The Avengers 393
6. Looper 321
7. The Master 299
8. Silver Linings Playbook 295
9. Zero Dark Thirty 288
10. Dredd 275

1. Drive 677
2. The Tree of Life 345
3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 249
4. Midnight in Paris 199
5. 50/50 196
6. Hugo 188
7. Moneyball 168
8. A Separation 163
9. Rise of the Planet of the Apes 155
10. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 152

1. Inception 759
2. The Social Network 595
3. Black Swan 540
4. Toy Story 3 505
5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 378
6. True Grit 368
7. The King's Speech 320
8. Kick-Ass 178
9. How to Train Your Dragon 170
10. The Town 167

1. Inglourious Basterds 725
2. District 9 666
3. Avatar 460
4. Up 402
5. Star Trek 377
6. The Hurt Locker 350
7. Moon 330
8. Up in the Air 199
9. (500) Days of Summer 182
10. Watchmen 182

1. The Dark Knight - 508
2. Wall-E - 427
3. Slumdog Millionaire - 239
4. The Wrestler - 235
5. In Bruges - 187
6. Iron Man - 174
7. Speed Racer - 152
8. Let the Right One In - 144
9. Milk - 124
10. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 116

1. No Country for Old Men - 604
2. There Will Be Blood - 405
3. Ratatouille - 362
4. The Bourne Ultimatum - 268
5. Zodiac - 203
6. Hot Fuzz - 197
7. Superbad - 169
8. Juno - 149
9. 3:10 To Yuma - 145
10. Eastern Promises - 144

Budapest has gotten the most points for number 1 so far.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I expected Guardians of the Galaxy to be higher, and I didn't expect The Grand Budhapest Hotel to win as well.

It's a 2014 film. Of course depending on where you are.

Oh I know, that's my cheeky way of getting it off the list and getting my favourites further up it. The UK release was Jan 2015.


Damn, Budapest took that home and it wasn't even close huh. I mean I liked it but I would've liked to see Whiplash and the other stuff put up more of a fight.

El Topo

Damn, Budapest took that home and it wasn't even close huh. I mean I liked it but I would've liked to see Whiplash and the other stuff put up more of a fight.

Keep in mind that certain movies only came to various regions in 2015, e.g. John Wick comes to UK in April. They also might not have gotten a wide release.


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay isn't even on the list!?

That movie was a joke. Was as bad as ASM2 at advertising future movies, except I guess people care about these as opposed to new Spidey (or old as of the whole Marvel thing).

Plus hunger Games still getting its sequels lol
I really enjoyed Grand Budapest, but it's surprising that a film that's so light and fluffy hit home with more people than films like Boyhood, Birdman, and Whiplash.

Outside of that, it's a pretty strong top ten, and especially with the love shown to the great films that weren't best picture nominees.
Awesome results! I really need to see the Grand Budapest Hotel.

If I did the math right, if I didn't get my vote in at the last second for the Lego Movie then it wouldn't have gotten in the top 10. Yay me.


Solid list outside Boyhood and Guardians, those are two I enjoyed but wouldn't call best of.

I haven't seen Birdman so I can't comment.
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