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NeoGAF will always respect women/racial minorities/lgbt

The rape comment was said after my post

no need to get preachy please, the poster was not genuine about the real reasons why he got banned...

All he had to say is "I got banned for using the word rape out of context and casually"

He didn't get banned for not liking rap music like he initially gave the impression that he did. He was simply being insincere with his argument, still does not change the fact that being bad for not liking a genre of music and people piling on him for not liking it, is an okay thing to do around here... (My original argument)

You got mad preachy first with your long ass post "This is where neogaf went wrong!!!"

Goofy ass


The rape comment was said after my post

no need to get preachy please, the poster was not genuine about the real reasons why he got banned...

All he had to say is "I got banned for using the word rape out of context and casually"

He didn't get banned for not liking rap music like he initially gave the impression that he did. He was simply being insincere with his argument, still does not change the fact that being bad for not liking a genre of music and people piling on him for not liking it, is an okay thing to do around here... (My original argument)

But people didn't pile on him for not liking it. They asked him to elaborate on his post, and sure enough, it turned out he was being insincere.


GAF has been overmoderated to an absurd degree.

For example, the following post got me insta-banned for a month.


I'm not a sexist, I'm not a gamergater, I'm not even a conservative. I was just asking a fucking question. I'm not afraid to say that shit needs to stop. It's a discussion forum for god's sake.

yeah not gonna lie, that's true, but how everything was dealt with is killing gaf. it's dead. they done fucked up


I've been very outspoken about how I will always believe the victims over the accused in situations like this, (you can check my post history if you don't believe me) and the situation with NeoGAF is no different.

I enjoyed the community, but I refuse to support this website with the things that have come to light.

To the community: You guys have been wonderful and the last few years were some of the best, this was a wonderful forum and place to discuss games without being assaulted with racist/homophobic/transphobic slurs.

To EviLore: Fuck off. I hope karma bites you in the ass.

Ban me, thanks.

Dont leave yet.

How does it make sense to always believe the victim? What if I accuse you of something right now and everyone believes me?


I think he was banned for trolling as opposed to just not liking it.

Like I said though, it's hard to tell without full context. But yeah, a 6 month ban is ridiculous.

Why is it ridiculous? Trolling and shitposting make the majority of online forums unbearable. GAF's merciless moderating has been a breath of fresh air. As far as I'm concerned posting on GAF isnt a right.
GAF has been overmoderated to an absurd degree.

For example, the following post got me insta-banned for a month.


I'm not a sexist, I'm not a gamergater, I'm not even a conservative. I was just asking a fucking question. I'm not afraid to say that shit needs to stop. It's a discussion forum for god's sake.
Well, it looks like you thought you were being slick and a mod didn't fall for it.


Ya that's what I'm seeing too. Gaf was one of the few places I felt safe. Now the leadership is telling me to shut up and only talk about pop culture. :(

yeah i've already seen a few threads closed that were meant to butt up against this new rule, but otherwise completely innocuous. Really dissapointing. sexual orientation and minority reprisentation are considered 'political'.

coming from a place that had a fucking marriage equality logo not too long ago. How quickly the tides turn when dear leader has
The reason I stuck around NeoGAF was the aggressive moderation. Without it the forum would be just like every other gaming community: actively hostile to women, LGBT individuals, and other minorities. I have no special insight into the accusations, I only know that I found a home here where I’ve been respected and treated with dignity.

I’m not eager to burn that down so quickly, though I completely understand why some who felt that insisting on decency and civil discourse was a form of oppression would be eager to pour fuel on the fire.
Completely agree, let them assholes burn.


Yes goddamit

And if I had it my way he'd ban them all again


I don't know who that "you" is, I never got banned by him. See, that is the problem here. This fucking you against us mentality where you see the boogeyman behind every post, every corner. That shit is toxic af and I'm actually glad people who have thought they are "discussing" things like you do with that post in the OT are account suiciding left and right. The forum will be better off without their BS.

If that was sarcasm then nvm.
Honestly, I was just looking for an example of her defending her views in public. Literally I was just looking for a single example. I wasn't assuming anything -- not assuming something is why one poses a question. I was asking becuase I believe individuals who style themselves as public intellectuals should have the courage of their convictions and defend their views in public. Call that deriding her position if you want. So what? It's a discussion board, I should be able to respectfully deride her position.

It's the idea she needs to defend her views. She already is. Her views are front and center for you to hear. You chose not to. You chose to disregard her opinions and call her out for not doing so. It was a shitpost whether you believe it or not. Maybe you should reflect on that a bit.
The reason I stuck around NeoGAF was the aggressive moderation. Without it the forum would be just like every other gaming community: actively hostile to women, LGBT individuals, and other minorities. I have no special insight into the accusations, I only know that I found a home here where I’ve been respected and treated with dignity.

I’m not eager to burn that down so quickly, though I completely understand why some who felt that insisting on decency and civil discourse was a form of oppression would be eager to pour fuel on the fire.

The problem is when the mods have a rather stringent and particular interpretation of "hostility" towards someone. If you think Gaf is suddenly gonna be a shit show, with people hurling insults towards women and minorities, you are wrong.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I recognize the people who account suicide.

These are prominent members and some responsible for many great threads on GAF, especially fostering a game community.

This forum will definitely missed them.

I didn't mean to blanket state that. There are those, like i saw Alucrid, who has been here for the better part of a decade, sure, but most are a bunch of random gaming-side whiners who never contributed beyond gifs and inside jokes. The forum won't miss them.

I am glad to have spent literally half my life on different versions of GAF. It has made me a decent person.

Before GAF, and during most of my early years here, I was an ignorant conservative who believed liberals were idiot, unwashed masses set to destroy America. Later, I figured that i was fine, but the Republican party is wanted to vote for was being co-opted by outside idiots and I could fix it. Finally, I understood that Republicans were always shit ever since the party swap after and during the progressive era. I am a registered Democrat who won't engage or allow people around me to engage in racial, sexist, or otherwise bigoted jokes. I think much more often before I speak. I admit that I am wrong often and learn from my mistakes.

I legitimately credit GAF and it's membership for that. Sometimes, the feeling of wanting to belong compels a person to do extreme things. It made me a better, although still incredibly flawed person. That same feeling is pulling this forum apart towards several camps right now.

The people who are just leaving without killing their accounts will largely come back if they truly felt like they were a part of this community. Otherwise, I don't care if they stay gone. I won't miss them.

This is my home.


The reason I stuck around NeoGAF was the aggressive moderation. Without it the forum would be just like every other gaming community: actively hostile to women, LGBT individuals, and other minorities. I have no special insight into the accusations, I only know that I found a home here where I’ve been respected and treated with dignity.

I’m not eager to burn that down so quickly, though I completely understand why some who felt that insisting on decency and civil discourse was a form of oppression would be eager to pour fuel on the fire.

Well said.


You were trying to deride her position. You didn't even care to counter what she said you just assumed she was ill-equipped to handle herself in a 1 on 1 manner. Your post makes people believe her arguments were bad and you weren't explaining why. It's shit posting.

Or maybe he was literally asking if there's an example of her views being challenged in a debate setting.
GAF has been overmoderated to an absurd degree.

For example, the following post got me insta-banned for a month.


I'm not a sexist, I'm not a gamergater, I'm not even a conservative. I was just asking a fucking question. I'm not afraid to say that shit needs to stop. It's a discussion forum for god's sake.

the anita dick riding has always been pathetic on here. she has absolutely no credibility when it comes to criticizing video games but people treated her shitty high school video essays like it was the gospel. if it was anyone else they would be laughed at.
I can't even think of a single account suicide that I cared for. I didn't recognize them, or recognized them as undesirable anyway. What I'm witnessing is a series of tantrums.
The reason I stuck around NeoGAF was the aggressive moderation. Without it the forum would be just like every other gaming community: actively hostile to women, LGBT individuals, and other minorities. I have no special insight into the accusations, I only know that I found a home here where I’ve been respected and treated with dignity.

I’m not eager to burn that down so quickly, though I completely understand why some who felt that insisting on decency and civil discourse was a form of oppression would be eager to pour fuel on the fire.

Unfortunately in your case, most of the mods who actually enforced and fostered that environment jumped ship.


The Autumn Wind
The reason I stuck around NeoGAF was the aggressive moderation. Without it the forum would be just like every other gaming community: actively hostile to women, LGBT individuals, and other minorities. I have no special insight into the accusations, I only know that I found a home here where I’ve been respected and treated with dignity.

I’m not eager to burn that down so quickly, though I completely understand why some who felt that insisting on decency and civil discourse was a form of oppression would be eager to pour fuel on the fire.
Agreed, and I'm a straight white male. It was nice coming to a place to discuss politics, sports, entertainment, etc. without having to deal with the ignorant knuckle-draggers shitting up the conversation. NeoGAF allowed for that and it's the reason I've stuck around. Hopefully the planned changes are reconsidered.


I hope this board remains a safe place for people who are persecuted, that are trying to find themselves in a world that is judgmental, racist and bigoted. I certainly stand for anyone who is trying to live the life they feel they deserve and want. I think most people on here feel the same. OT had issues. A lot of them. Doesn't mean it was all bad but it was pretty toxic. I think that was mainly in the whole "question something and you're a horrible person" category. A lot of threads, like anything about Hillary, could turn into dogpiles and left a lot of people feeling that they couldn't have discussions. I think that after the dust settles, GAF will begin to grow again and be the same open arms board it use to be, just with less focus on TRUMP ANTIFA NAZI rhetoric.
I think there's a pretty large gulf in difference between someone saying "rap is crap" and someone responding with a racial slur but hey maybe I don't go to 4chan enough to see the nuance.

It's not even about the inability to use racial slurs, it's the fact that this was one of the very few places that discussions surrounding minority representation in media could be had without it turning into a shitshow at all. Slurs or no slurs.

Like I'm fine with "just talking about video games." Hey, guess what? Social and political issues are important in the construction of narratives in video games. Like Wolfenstein New Collossus or Metro 2033 have deep and political stories to tell. Can't have that here any more though.

Like just imagine what this place will look like when Far Cry 5 comes out.

"Man I really feel like they did a good job portraying the type of isolated rural space that churns out some of America's worst political and religious impulses." = bannable.

Basically just reduced to talking about control schemes and graphical fidelity for any narrative based game.
Yes, like we always have. But, speaking honestly and as a minority myself, I found the pining for diversity to be kind of nauseating. Link doesn't need to be a woman, etc. Let creators stay true to their visions. It honestly felt like bullying at times with how militant people would get at Nintendo (or whatever other studio) for not being "progressive enough".
the anita dick riding has always been pathetic on here. she has absolutely no credibility when it comes to criticizing video games but people treated her shitty high school video essays like it was the gospel. if it was anyone else they would be laughed at.

the only pathetic thing re: anita was that her basic, entry level, obviously true analysis was controversial in the gaming community


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Your dissenting opinion is actually just misogyny. Gtfo with the dissenting opinion.

Lmao. Perfect example of what has been wrong with this forum for the past few years. Do you really think that a company having the right to fire an employee for being a prostitute is so INSANELY MISOGYNISTIC! that the poster should be instantly banned? Give me a fucking break. There's a chance to give him a good argument for why its misogynistic and maybe change his mind. Instead hes instabanned. Oh well, at least we're morally superior!
No one gives a shit if that poster hate rap or not, it was a worthless post so he got banned period.

No discussion was going to come from that post.

You got mad preachy first with your long ass post "This is where neogaf went wrong!!!"

Goofy ass

But people didn't pile on him for not liking it. They asked him to elaborate on his post, and sure enough, it turned out he was being insincere.

I was just trying to give an example of how much of a pile on, hive mind the OT can be... and I think I made my point, even if the dude ended up lying about why he got banned...

would he have been banned if it said "rap music deafens and destroys my ears" instead of "rape" my ears? Maybe? may be not.. Would he had lot of people piling on him for saying that and calling him out as being "casual racist" etc.. Oh you bet!
I’m a minority in my own country dating another minority in my country that is of different mintory to me and my parents are mixed race refugees who moved here when I was young.

What’s this got to to with video games?
You have people posting about how they can't wait to finally speak their minds and it's gonna be great now that all the "SJWs" are gone, so I doubt it.


the anita dick riding has always been pathetic on here. she has absolutely no credibility when it comes to criticizing video games but people treated her shitty high school video essays like it was the gospel. if it was anyone else they would be laughed at.

Never mind. You're right.
the anita dick riding has always been pathetic on here. she has absolutely no credibility when it comes to criticizing video games but people treated her shitty high school video essays like it was the gospel. if it was anyone else they would be laughed at.

Maybe because she was harrassed to hell and back and received death threats while talking about topics no one else was talking about with a different perspective?

I was just trying to give an example of how much of a pile on, hive mind the OT can be... and I think I made my point, even if the dude ended up lying about why he got banned...

would he have been banned if it said "rap music deafens and destroys my ears" instead of "rape" my ears? Maybe? may be not.. Would he had lot of people piling on him for saying that and calling him out as being "casual racist" etc.. Oh you bet!

He didn't bring forth any argument so I would hope that he was banned for that as well.

I don't go into a specific thread about something I don't like just to say that I don't like it and then bounced. Either you're here to debate or you're here to shitpost. Shitpostt gets you a ban, pretty simple.


It's the idea she needs to defend her views. She already is. Her views are front and center for you to hear. You chose not to. You chose to disregard her opinions and call her out for not doing so. It was a shitpost whether you believe it or not. Maybe you should reflect on that a bit.

How is that shitposting?

He wants her to defend herself while being challenged.

That's a valid position to take even if people disagree.
Well, it looks like you thought you were being slick and a mod didn't fall for it.

See, I have no idea what this means. You may not want to believe me, but I am telling you that post was me asking an honest question. I was not attacking anyone, being rude, or even being super critical. Just so I can understand your perspective, can you explain to me why you think that's a bannable offense?


Trolls with dormant accounts are just taking advantage of the situation. It's happened in the past to a lesser extent, don't take a small sample size and make extrapolations based on it.

Just ignore them and move on, trolls hate it when you do that.



Next you'll see EvilLore waving an lgbt flag and talking about his "one black poster" while simultaneously not providing us the ability to gather or discuss things.
Another thing to take note of is that the purging of OT also got rid of women/minority/LGBT community threads. That in of itself is terrible.
You were trying to deride her position. You didn't even care to counter what she said you just assumed she was ill-equipped to handle herself in a 1 on 1 manner. Your post makes people believe her arguments were bad and you weren't explaining why. It's shit posting.

da fuq? no that poster was not. you are the one assuming things! It shit like this that made neogaf unbearable in the OT, sometimes gaming side, unbearable at times. OH MY GOD, THEY ARE QUESTIONING HER ABILITY TO DEBATE A PERSON! BAN THEM! that's fucking stupid.
How is that shitposting?

He wants her to defend herself while being challenged.

That's a valid position to take even if people disagree.

What challenges her views? What are the opposite? The criticisms were pretty obvious attempts to not actually engage her points. It's a lot of "high school essay", "she didn't even play those games", etc. What would a debate look like? "You don't know how many damsels there are!"

Like, the argument against isn't a good one. We all know this.

Like, if you can PM 10 solid arguments against Anita's arguments then maybe I'll listen but she gives you plenty and there's almost none against that aren't about just tearing her down.
No, it also makes sense as something we achieved as human beings over centuries. It only doesn't make sense if mob mentality and pitchforks are part of your worldview.

Only a tiny minority of sexual assault accusations are false. Women who speak out about rape or sexual assault accusations are rarely believed (though this is slowly changing). I'll take the chance.


Another thing to take note of is that the purging of OT also got rid of women/minority/LGBT community threads. That in of itself is terrible.

OT is still there, it's just hidden. I don't think it was deleted. You get a permission page if you try to go to it.


Gold Member
The problem is when the mods have a rather stringent and particular interpretation of "hostility" towards someone. If you think Gaf is suddenly gonna be a shit show, with people hurling insults towards women and minorities, you are wrong.

I dunno man. Have you been checking in on the sticky thread and the Waypoint thread? In the former, a Junior member (2016 sign up year) recently defended Evilore's statement by posting a version of the specious "a woman can merely accuse a man and ruin his life" argument. I mean, that's some bog standard anti-woman stuff right there, factually incorrect and generally the starting point for future open hostility towards women.
I dunno man. Have you been checking in on the sticky thread and the Waypoint thread? In the former, a newer Junior member recently defended Evilore's statement by posting a version of the specious "a woman can merely accuse a man and ruin his life" argument. I mean, that's some bog standard anti-woman stuff right there, factually incorrect and generally the starting point for future open hostility towards women.

Yeah. I'll echo this.

Mod team needs to clamp down on it or else the silent GamerGaters will slowly normalize their views here causing what made this community good to disappear.


the anita dick riding has always been pathetic on here. she has absolutely no credibility when it comes to criticizing video games but people treated her shitty high school video essays like it was the gospel. if it was anyone else they would be laughed at.

her videos are fine, I think it's an overreation to the fucking fervor, frothing at the mouth and harassment that would start at the mere mention of her
I dunno man. Have you been checking in on the sticky thread and the Waypoint thread? In the former, a Junior member (2016 sign up year) recently defended Evilore's statement by posting a version of the specious "a woman can merely accuse a man and ruin his life" argument. I mean, that's some bog standard anti-woman stuff right there, factually incorrect and generally the starting point for future open hostility towards women.

I don't ascribe to your ideology and I don't interpret that claim as anti-women or incorrect. There's not much information there, I would need to hear more to determine if in fact a woman has levied a phony accusation that ruins a man life, because that is a possible event in this known universe.
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