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NeoGAF's Poetry Corner - #55: Peace...

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NeoGAF's Poetry Corner - #55: "Peace"

Theme: "Peace"

Interpret as you wish!

Optional Secondary Objective: "Olympics"

Represent your country! Interpret as you wish!


Submission Deadline; (PST)


Voting Deadline; (PST)


* Previous Challenges
* OP Template
Nice theme Ashes, and congratulations on the win :)

Think I'll give the secondary a skip though, I've already had enough of the sodding Olympics and it ain't even started yet, lol.


Nice theme Ashes, and congratulations on the win :)

Think I'll give the secondary a skip though, I've already had enough of the sodding Olympics and it ain't even started yet, lol.

It doesn't have to do anything with the Olympics though. The point is to represent your country, say in poetry olympics or something. So you can write about the lush counrtryside and the fierce windy bays around our island just as well. ;)


I'll add that to the op cheers. Though it is still a month old...

The problem with the archives was that firstly they were reaching the post limits. And secondly, the work that goes into building them. :/


Poet Centuriate
Stain the Earth (Beyond the Facade)

Rock painted red and missing a chip
Stain the earth, drip by drip
Metal sharpened to a razor sharp tip
Stain the earth, drip by drip
Chemicals, of life the ground to strip
Stain the earth, drip by drip
Speeding metal, through flesh rips
Stain the earth, drip by drip
Columns of metal, guided by microchip
Stain the earth, drip by drip

Too bad this isn't televised, these wars of nations
Too bad that's "too graphic" for a television station
Too bad people can't see the horrors they support
Too bad they only see their nations fight in sports

Because once the medals have all been given
And all the crying on stage will lead to cheating unforgiven
And the trumphant songs have play forever
And the great fire will never flicker whatsoever

The world will never see
the utter depravity
Beyond the sponsored facade
or hear the patrolling firesquad.
Ah, I don't like this, but it'll have to do.

""Peace be with you", the man said,
dressed in voluminous robes
with prayer beads about his neck,
as you dashed on hurriedly by,
no change sir, no time,
don't look him in the eye,
on to slowly grind away the day,
tie tight about your neck,
moiling away for meagre pay,
eyes dulled by the screens glare
as numbers scroll on ever by
and you just blankly stare,
mind drifting on a gentle breeze,
thoughts floating elsewhere,
feeling, for once, utterly at ease
amid this dull recurring nightmare,
attaining for a moment, a measure of peace."

I hover back to where earth once was
body bowing into a limp arch
of flesh and sinew
loosely draped in taut skin
pulled away into the void
arms and legs fall from me
palms out, fingers rest curled
in a beautiful way
my heart pounding against
my cage of ribs

I do not breath
i don't want to
not accustomed to this
a hospitable light envelopes me
everything else dissolves
only the consuming light
(Don't you dare close your eyes...)

cool and soft and content
a pool ripples above
the surface murmurs
patiently awaiting me
i fall up, controlled
i reach the water's skin
pierce it with my abdomen
ease open its gentle surface
with my chest
i go under

The liquid encircles me
swallows me in an embracing way
the waves run over my being
covering my eyes
uniting with my tears
an overtow commands me
lures me towards
the rippling prism of radiance
distorting everything
recreating everything

I cannot drown
the fluid will not allow it
my heart stops
i permit it to
the light draws me in
with its radiant fingers
coaxing me
in my comatose bliss
i am not here
i am at peace
Oh God
i am finally at peace.



i have seen the river run,
strip sand from the hollow bank
as anathematic vermin watch the end.

i have heard the wind blow
the bitter cold
upon them,
biting hard,
a drool of frost surrounding.

i have seen the river run,
seep into ruined cracks:
tree roots wrecked but holding
the last few uneroded grains of sand.
i peek, vermin-eyed, from within.
outside looking in
the wilds would see
two radium dials,
on shadowed face, a luminosity.

i have felt the hands click
(tick tick)
across the nile.
i have felt my footing
slip smaller all the while.

i have seen the river run,
strip sand from the hollow bank,
slow breath rending earth from end to



I found my peace in a sweet piece of ass
I had to pound the vibrations of peace piecemeal
Into said sweet ass, using military training as
I'd researched TSA on the web:
Dominate Intimidate Control.
Useful in literal and figurative ass rape.


Hanging chad!

It's time for a RECOUNT!!!


In all seriousness (since this is my first poetry thread on here): are they always this...dead? Some solid poems submitted on here but very little traffic/votes.
This is the least enthusiastic at least out of those I've been involved in.
Whoops, forgot all about this, sorry guys I've had a hectic week. I'll count the votes up now.

1. Crunched - 9 points ***
2. Bootaaay - 6 points *
3. Tragicomedy - 5 points
4. FelixOrion - 4 points

Congratulations to Crunched, looking forward to the next thread :)

Crunched said:
This is the least enthusiastic at least out of those I've been involved in.

I think we may have had one or two worse, but yeah, not exactly an enthusiastic response this time around. Doesn't help that the OP got banned :p - hopefully next time will be better.


New thread is up. Bootaaay, would you mind updating the previous challenges post you created during challenge #51? I can make a new one but it might be less clutter per each new thread if it was linked to in one place and updated periodically.
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