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Netflix's anime library is rather strong.

Netflix has a couple of high quality & must watch anime, such as Stein's Gate & Cowboy Bebop. But overall their library is rather small compared to for ex CR.


Not here! Canadian Netflix has like twenty shows. Most of them aren't good, and the ones that are good are shows you've already seen if you have even a passing interest in anime. I will give them points for having Glitter Force and a random chunk of Detective Conan episodes, though.

But I mean, that's to be expected. It's Netflix we're talking about; they're a household name. Of course they're not going to have such a niche product as actually-great-anime. Their focus is elsewhere, on things the general populace has a relative likelihood of watching. If they focused on anime, they wouldn't be the popular giant they are.


PM me when they get classics like Tatami Galaxy, Welcome to the NHK, Paranoia Agent or Serial Experiments Lain on there.
They used to have Welcome to the NHK. SEL and Tatami Galaxy are on Hulu. Paranoia Agent is on... youtube?

Also we have very similar taste, would be interested in hearing any recommendations you may have.


Which service has the older shows?
Wouldn't mind watching some Wing, Outlaw Star and Tenchi

FUNImationNOW and/or Crunchyroll depending on the title. Also, if you want to watch Yuki Yuna is a Hero on Netflix, you have till mid-November to do it.


Knights of Sidonia was one of the best anime I've seen. Sadly not many people know about it. Netflix should advertise it more.

I think I'm going to check this out. This is a Netflix original, right? There seem to be a lot. Did Netflix just fund these or something? Any other originals worth checking out?

Edit: Ew this one has that weird 3D animation for characters thing. I dislike this. Another Netflix one seems that way, too. Ayjin or something. Do they all have this effect? :(

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
People on the first page talking about the lack of dubs on Netflix, I thought the majority did have dubs? I know sometimes Netflix will autoplay the Japanese audio and you have to manually switch it.

show was trash when it first came out and it's still trash years later



It doesn't have the only anime that matters

Question: is the dub for Kenshin on Netflix the Media Blasters dub, or the weird Sony Samurai X dub (which also features the same voice actor for Kenshin)? Iirc that was the dub Hulu had for a while and it’s nowhere near as good.

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
Question: is the dub for Kenshin on Netflix the Media Blasters dub, or the weird Sony Samurai X dub (which also features the same voice actor for Kenshin)? Iirc that was the dub Hulu had for a while and it’s nowhere near as good.

Whichever dub was on Toonami (I think Media Blasters) is what they've got, iirc.


I think I'm going to check this out. This is a Netflix original, right? There seem to be a lot. Did Netflix just fund these or something? Any other originals worth checking out?

Edit: Ew this one has that weird 3D animation for characters thing. I dislike this. Another Netflix one seems that way, too. Ayjin or something. Do they all have this effect? :(

Both of these use 3D CG, but Knights of Sidonia is (pun intended) solid.


I cant recommend KLK to anyone after the
incest molestation scene
how did they think that was a good idea?

I, uh... what? I rub my friends who watch the show because the main characters are under 18 & nude half-the time, but I'm aware some are older & all are over 18 by the show's end, so I know it's not as egregious as I make it out to be. But seriously? Now they'll never get me to watch it.

Second season when?

What I wouldn't do for one...


Gantz:O is a pretty crazy looking adaptation of one of the arcs of that comic, if you like Gantz.

Blame! I thought was pretty boring but some people like it.

Psycho-Pass is no longer up on US Netflix but it was amazing.

Knights of Sidonia is pretty great.

I think they have all of the Berserk movies now?

Death Note is also on Netflix but it's kind of poor quality and is very choppy.
I, uh... what? I rub my friends who watch the show because the main characters are under 18 & nude half-the time, but I'm aware some are older & all are over 18 by the show's end, so I know it's not as egregious as I make it out to be. But seriously? Now they'll never get me to watch it.

attaching a number higher than 18 wont fix that shows problems in any way
might as well be arbitrary
Death Note if you haven't seen it already.
Durarara and Mushishi as well.

Overall the pickings aren't great (at least in the US) and you'd be better off looking through crunchyroll and just sitting through a few commercials if you don't want to pay the sub.


check out Samurai Gourmet and Million Yen Women

stop watching baby anime


samurai gourmet is terrible, a single gimmick that's good for a youtube video stretched out to be a whole series. Don't watch it.

Also Netflix anime/japanese library is really lacking


samurai gourmet is terrible, a single gimmick that's good for a youtube video stretched out to be a whole series. Don't watch it.

Also Netflix anime/japanese library is really lacking
Same for Korean shows. It's strange because they could easily usurp drama fever but Asian shows aren't given a big focus for Netflix. They get some shows but there are hundreds that are missed
I think it's pretty cool that they moneyhat their fair share of animation projects, seemingly moreso than any of the other streaming services from what little I can tell. I don't know any details about the industry, the deals that they make, etc, but lately I've been perceiving Netflix in general as being pretty philanthropic with their aggressive push to finance these projects. It's cooler than just throwing money to secure all the popular old licenses, anyways.

I like to dream the money would be good enough to where these studios be able to have a little dignity and be less like sweatshops, too, lol. Like maybe Blame! was created on a largely chill 9-5 schedule and a lot of people made decent bank (as if).

Castlevania, Blame, and Knights of Sidonia are all gorgeous to me, with scenes I rewatch over and over.


In my experience VRV is the way to go for anime. but that might be because I'm mad netflix got rid of FMA, Claymore, and a couple mech anime I liked.
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