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New Coreteks video: nVidia about to turn the GPU market upside down: lots of new tech and insane stuff to be released!

Insane Metal

Gold Member
It's no news that Ampere is coming and it's bringing the heat. Performance improvements are rumored to be huge, but Coreteks dug a little deeper and even made some bets as to what Ampere actually is, and what nVidia is releasing in the near future! Some highlights:

- [Rumor] The weird fans on RTX 3080 are supposed to be like that because the new RTXs have a Traversal Coprocessor. So on one side of the GPU you get the proper GPU die and on the other side the Traversal Coprocessor. He goes in depth in the video to explain exactly what this is and how current RTXs already have those, but they're embedded in the GPU and not on a separate silicon. This should give a *HUGE* boost to Ray Tracing making 4K with 100fps possible with real time RT GI. If true this would be a very important event in the history of GPUs.

- AI getting used extensively in many ways, specially for DLSS but not just that.

- nVidia will be releasing a controller for streaming games, but it's different from Stadia since the hardware required for connection and even a processor and memory will be IN the controller reducing overheads and improving latency.

The biggest news:

- nVidia will be releasing their own VR headsets with insane tech. They'll use a custom screen with 2 layers: a lower resolution screen dedicated to Chroma (all the color information) and a high resolution screen dedicated to luminance. This tech will enable the screen to have a very high final resolution with great image quality and even support for holographic content. The lens will be self adjusting via nVidia's AI. The HS will also feature a very advanced Foveated Rendering. It will use AI to track your eyes movement very precisely. This, along with DLSS will make VR rendering and interaction in games have some very particular results.

Watch the video to see all

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I shudder to think about how much next-gen GPU's are going to cost. I've spent so much on my current system, I don't know if I'm ready for the price of the next set of upgrades.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I shudder to think about how much next-gen GPU's are going to cost. I've spent so much on my current system, I don't know if I'm ready for the price of the next set of upgrades.
He also talks about this. Here's his expectations:

3080: $699
3080Ti: $999
If there is a 3090: $1,999
If there is a Titan Ampere: $2,500


Gold Member
Hmmm, interesting speculation. I'm hoping for a massive jump in RT capabilities and further refinement for DLSS. I hope RDNA 2 really pushes Nvidia hard so we get decent prices. I'm anticipating getting a 3070, but if 3080 is beast mode enough with RT I might go that route.

Mecha Meow

Well, we'll see who has the better mid-high range card later this year regardless of gimmicks. My eye is set on a 3080 or whatever AMD's card will be this time around.

I tend to hard switch between the two every 4-5 years regardless of how good the cards are anyway. 98-04 was AMD, 04-09 Nvidia, 09-16 AMD, and 16-Present Nvidia.

AMD's turn next unless they do something stupid.


I would not bet on AMD to deliver. Since they are in bed with console manufacturers they have been slacking on the GPU front. I mean, they clearly have the tech to put together 2 consoles with APUs that rival high end PCs. While on the desktop front we still do not have an APU with a GPU as strong as an Xbox one...

And I say that as an AMD GPU owner. If you find a cheap AMD GPU go for it, but don't count on them to pull a Ryzen on the GPU front. They won't canibalize their console sales.


Too lazy to watch a whole vid on it.

Hope I'm wrong but - is it just gonna be another 15 to 20% impact on frame rate? Who cares about new tech if hardly any games will utilize it. More reason to wait for a price drop.
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Interseting take, could very well be the case or something else like more memory chips / ssd chips are placed on the back that need active cooling.


Possible translation: lacking on performance side, so let us talk about "features".

I mean, VR, what a cool new thing we've never had before, chuckle. Oh, no no, but now it is with "even better resolution" and upscaling! I'm sorry, did I say upscaling? No, I mean DLSS.

AI doesn't sound cool enough eh? Ok, "deep learning"? Nah? "Tensor Cores"?
What about "traversal compression"? (you know what it does, do you? Well, it compresses traversals!)

And, a controller, dude... With SOME ELECTRONICS inside, ain't that awesome??!?!

I would not bet on AMD to deliver.
Certainly not on "features".
Same story with Intel, by the way, as the CEO put it, don't focus on benchmarks too much, chuckle.
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That 3080ti is mine the minute it's announced. I've been waiting for a few years now for a reason to upgrade the 1080ti. Can't wait. The way has been worth it. The last 2 years my wife has been asking what I want for B-day/Christmas and I have been saying the same thing, money for a new GPU. This past birthday, she's like," Look, just buy the shit whenever the hell it's announced." Very excited.

Possible translation: lacking on performance side, so let us talk about "features".

I mean, VR, what a cool new thing we've never had before, chuckle.

AI doesn't sound cool enough eh? Ok, "deep learning"? Nah? "Tensor Cores"?
What about "traversal compression"? (you know what it does, do you? Well, it compresses traversals!)

And, a controller, dude... With SOME ELECTRONICS inside, ain't that awesome??!?!

Certainly not on "features".
Same story with Intel, by the way, as the CEO put it, don't focus on benchmarks too much, chuckle.

Some of those "features" offer HUGE advantages. Have you see what the A.I. powered DLSS can do? It's essentially a free resoultion boost with an additional 20+fps on top, it's awesome, I wish the 1080ti supported it.
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Have you see what the A.I. powered DLSS
You mean AI powered upscaling?
Yes, it's quite known what it can do (as well as side effects of it)



Upscaled from that little crap above:

a free resoultion boost
Oh, don't stop there. We are past that point by now.
DLSS upscaled images are better than original, as it was mentioned multiple times on this very forum.
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I had heard awhile back that the 3000 line will make 4K as common as 1080p years ago. If that's true, hold on to your butts.

I'm getting the itch for a new monitor but now I'm holding off to see what these cards can do. 4K is too demanding currently but if the rumors are true, it'll be nothing now.


This sounds like a bunch of bullshit. Insane gpu revolution? So like 20% of performance over first rtx cards or 25?
And that headset sounds not real too. Holographic screen? Maybe for 5k use for business solutions...
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Gold Member
I would not bet on AMD to deliver. Since they are in bed with console manufacturers they have been slacking on the GPU front. I mean, they clearly have the tech to put together 2 consoles with APUs that rival high end PCs. While on the desktop front we still do not have an APU with a GPU as strong as an Xbox one...

And I say that as an AMD GPU owner. If you find a cheap AMD GPU go for it, but don't count on them to pull a Ryzen on the GPU front. They won't canibalize their console sales.
The same guy who leaked the most accurate PS5 and XSX die sizes from the factory last year is saying Navi 21("Big Navi") is 505mm². That's in comparison to PS5 at around 250-260mm² minus the Zen 2 CPU, and XSX at 310-320mm² minus Zen 2 CPU. Nobody knows how AMD's first foray into RT will go, but the die size is pretty much double that of the PS5...it should be an absolute beast.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Isnt this the guy who made the video about how the ps5 sdd and i/,o will change gaming forever?

Well after watching the underwhelming ps5 reveal, i am gonna treat this guy as a fake insider like osiris and Tommy Fisher.
You mean AI powered upscaling?
Yes, it's quite known what it can do (as well as side effects of it)



Upscaled from that little crap above:

Oh, don't stop there. We are past that point by now.
DLSS upscaled images are better than original, as it was mentioned multiple times on this very forum.
I can't tell if you have a hint of sarcasm because it's apparent that the original looks better, but I'll say I'm still super impressed by how well that upscale from only a 40x40 pixel image get's pretty damn close to what it should, and in almost all practical application it wouldn't be noticeable at all. And the MASSIVE performance overhead it gives is absolutely a game changer imo. We are at a point where 60fps should just be THE standard. I don't even like 60 because i've been spoiled on 144hz on my second monitor and 120hz on my Ultrawide monitor. But across all avenues it should be the very bare minimum. I'm excited for some of those features.
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I can't tell if you have a hint of sarcasm because it's apparent that the original looks better
I see, note that what I'm sharing is AI upscaling, but what I was referring to, was NV applying the same concept to a game that looked like 2007.
The latter is what people on this forum referred to as "better than original".

I'm still super impressed by how well that upscale from only a 40x40 pixel image get's pretty damn close to what it should, and in almost all practical application it wouldn't be noticeable at all.
There is... a catch. Actually two:

1) We can rename it to "Multi Orgasmic Frozen Coolness of the Megatron Universe", but it is still just an upscaling.
2) AI is used to guess what the original was, as you would guess, this leads is prone to heavy artefacting
And I just spent 2500 aud on a 2080ti....fuck amd...hurry up and release some competition

Maybe they are going to start basing the price on the name of the card ...$3080 aud
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Anyone know what kind of impact this will have on the laptop market?

I’m looking to buy my brother a new gaming laptop/high performance laptop and I’m wondering if I should just wait until August/september when all this stuff is supposed to release.


Why should we care about this guy?

We shouldn't, his vids are full of speculation.

Anyone know what kind of impact this will have on the laptop market?

I’m looking to buy my brother a new gaming laptop/high performance laptop and I’m wondering if I should just wait until August/september when all this stuff is supposed to release.

Ampere laptops probably won't arrive till 2021, they usually launch on desktop then come to laptops months later...
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I can only imagine the level of RT performance if NV really manages to separate the RT cores into a separate chip. But two chips can mean even higher price tho... Anyway, I expect the RTX 3000 cards to blow 2000 series out of the water anyway, both current RT and DLSS solutions were a baby step into hybrid rendering, we even saw how both technologies advanced on the software side throughout past 2 years, not to mention NV doesn't mess around when it comes to utilizing lower process nodes, so Ampere-based consumer GPUs should really set the bar high this time around.

Possible translation: lacking on performance side, so let us talk about "features".

NV GPUs lacking on performance side? If you wanna troll, try harder, much harder please.


NV GPUs lacking on performance side?
You know, like that 1080 thing that was barely faster than 980Ti AIBs, yet more expensive. Oh, and also "next gen" to it.

Or, you know, that pissing off TSMC (I wonder, how long Huang's list of "I've pissed this company off" is) and going with Samsung for mainstream GPUs having impact.

Or, you know, justifying asking even moar monez.

Or, you know, that leak stating the biggest GPU will struggle to keep +40% over 2080Ti.

Or, FFS, pay attention to that "possible" word in that sentence, god forbid.

The levels of green reality distortion tint in this thread are hilarious.

If 3080 is 700 bucks i take it.
Regardless of what its performance is? Or rather, what perf do you expect, related to current gen.
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I like this guy but he thinks it's viable people will want to buy separate cards that just accelerate ray tracing? That is not going to take off when ray tracing is hard to exhibit to the hardcore let alone the average gamer.

Basically he's saying much faster ray tracing performance in these cards will be a revolution in the market but if all the current consoles and next gen consoles don't have the same RT performance to keep up with Ampere, it's not going to take off surely? He's putting a lot of his eggs in the ray tracing basket and as you an tell I remain skeptical.
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I never knew it was possible to be triggered by Nvidia's awesome performance and cool features? It's literally impossible to prefer AMD's gpu's over Nvidia, unless you don't care about performance, raytracing, or having the best graphics technology, every year in a row.

Then again, it seems these Nvidia haters only game on a console, which perfectly explains the love for AMD. Who would have figured....

Anyways, can't wait for these to release so I can upgrade. I'll trade my Valve index, 2080 ti, and a kidney for a 3080 ti and it's VR solution.


Gold Member
I shudder to think about how much next-gen GPU's are going to cost. I've spent so much on my current system, I don't know if I'm ready for the price of the next set of upgrades.

If AMD is competitive, prices won't go up. They might even go down.

Basically he's saying much faster ray tracing performance in these cards will be a revolution in the market but if all the current consoles and next gen consoles don't have the same RT performance to keep up with Ampere, it's not going to take off surely? He's putting a lot of his eggs in the ray tracing basket and as you an tell I remain skeptical.

Why wouldn't it? RT has already taken off, with only a small bunch of overpriced, underpowered GPUs and limited software support.

A more powerful, better RT solution will just mean more accurate RT. It will be great.
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3080ti bundled with Cyberpunk for $1,000 will get me to buy two and skip out on the ps5 for me and my wife.
You can spend 10000$ and still not have as much fun as on 200$ ps4 sadly. It all just comes down to what games You play.
Can't say I am using that rtx 2070 for much except playing older games at 4k


XSX will be somewhere between a 2080 super and 2080 Ti.
Likely price around $500-600.
If I can't get something equivalent of a 2080 Ti for around that when Ampere launches (maybe 3070?), I'm likely going console again.
I'm guessing it's not going to happen unless RDNA2 is very competitive and they make it much cheaper (undercut Nvidia by at least 20%).
Hard to see this happening. Will be interesting to see if the GPU makers see consoles as competition or they see the PC market as mostly separate.
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