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New DriveClub build shows improvements

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Whole video in gif:

Wow!! Look amazing, we will get a better game now from the delay, brave but right thing to do!! Good job evo!!


Yeah they already had to do that with the original Motorstorm (though it is the best in the series), I hope that this title will be the hit they've been needing, it also gives more space between them and GT6, seems like a win even though the immediate launch lineup suffers.

rdrr gnr

I don't exactly disagree with KZObsessed. I'm not saying that falling to the extreme ends of the spectrum is the best course of action, but as someone who is more or less disinterested in racing titles not called Burnout -- I'm not sure where the appeal lies. I can't help but feel like they are just checking a box because racing games are mandatory for the launch of new hardware.


Junior Member
Gamescom alpha build footage:




Not a great comparison, but the motion blur and lighting improvements make the biggest differences. And the AA obviously got better as well.

It's amazing how far they've come. It's looks far better than the Gamescom footage; which at times looked like a PS3.5 game.


Junior Member
Agreed. Didn't help that all the other footage was just a time trial with one ghost car. Evolution are great at creating aggressive A.I. like in the Motorstorm games, and that A.I. looks pretty aggressive there. A full blown 12 car race looks like it could be really exciting. I hope they take all the time they need.

Rubberbanding A.I. needs to die in a fire. It's a why I never bothered with the Motorstorm series.


I honestly don't see what's so massively better with this footage compared to the older Gamescom footage (e.g. the .gifs above). I mean, the cockpit is drenched in darkness in the new clip so I find it hard to gauge the improved lighting/shadow quality or whatever. It's smooth though, I'll give you that.

Still, I have full confidence in Evo seeing as I'm probably one of the biggest MS:)A) fans on NeoGAF, so can't wait for the final game.


Junior Member
I honestly don't see what's so massively better with this footage compared to the older Gamescom footage (e.g. the .gifs above). I mean, the cockpit is drenched in darkness in the new clip so I find it hard to gauge the improved lighting/shadow quality or whatever. It's smooth though, I'll give you that.

Still, I have full confidence in Evo seeing as I'm probably one of the biggest MS:)A) fans on NeoGAF, so can't wait for the final game.

Lighting, quality of the shadows, motion blur, better LOD, and vastly superior image quality.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Strange no one put this gif on Antonio Banderas' PC yet.


Can someone put Banderas on this screen:

Maybe flipped, so that he is facing the driver, frozen on frame1 until the drift segment.
That new footage, though brief, is full of promise. "Lovely" is probably a strange superlative to apply to a racing game, but that new footage does indeed look lovely. It's full of really nice ambient touches that bring the environment to life; makes me want to visit wherever it is.

I'm glad this game got delayed. Not only was it the right choice to improve on it further rather than rush it out, but it's nice to have something extra to look forward to after the launch as well.


Rubberbanding A.I. needs to die in a fire. It's a why I never bothered with the Motorstorm series.

Couldn't agree more. The Motorstorm games were fantastic fun, but they never had any lasting appeal to me because there was no reward to learning a tracks nuances and actually driving well. I could have a turd of a first lap and keep going safe in the knowledge that it really wouldn't matter come the final lap anyway.

Rubberbanding could be an option for those who want it (are there any of you out there?), but I personally feel it has no place in a driving game that isn't aimed at children. If it's in Driveclub, there's pretty much zero chance I upgrade to the full version. If it's not and has the potential to be a the new PGR, then I could be putting hundreds of hours in.
Looking really good. Great improvements. I'm less disappointed by the delay now. Take all the time you need Evo.

Another thing I like about it, and this might be weird, is how cold it looks. Like, I could imagine getting out of the car and feeling the cold air up in those mountains. I can't imagine how much better that feeling will be after they've added in even more atmosphere and lighting improvements...


Couldn't agree more. The Motorstorm games were fantastic fun, but they never had any lasting appeal to me because there was no reward to learning a tracks nuances and actually driving well. I could have a turd of a first lap and keep going safe in the knowledge that it really wouldn't matter come the final lap anyway.

Rubberbanding could be an option for those who want it (are there any of you out there?), but I personally feel it has no place in a driving game that isn't aimed at children. If it's in Driveclub, there's pretty much zero chance I upgrade to the full version. If it's not and has the potential to be a the new PGR, then I could be putting hundreds of hours in.

BS you can run a good lap and they'll never catch up to you no matter what, if you run a perfect lap you won't even see them. and I know because I really did 'learn every corner' in MS1, by far the most technical in the series. You don't need to be anything above decent at it at the rubber banding is a complete non issue, and the reward in MS1 was being able to compete against players who you knew were of similar skill to really push yourself.


The AI wasn't bad, you can run a good lap adn they'll never catch up to you. Get better at the game.

It's not the good laps that bother me. It's no real punishment for fucking up I hated, takes away any of the tension. Also don't know how you deduced from my post that I must suck, but whatever.
I think Evolution made a big mistake by showing those super early builds. This looks so much better now. But the people who played it at the convention centers probably walked away disappointed. Good thing there is a PSN+ ver


I think Evolution made a big mistake by showing those super early builds. This looks so much better now. But the people who played it at the convention centers probably walked away disappointed. Good thing there is a PSN+ ver

Did that have such a big impact? They made sure people knew it was an alpha build.

Besides, that didn't hurt Ryse...
Is the video of online players or is he racing ai?
If that is ai, it's pretty impressive. The car with the glowing brakes has the racing line and makes a serious point about it by braking late and hard, then smacking into the player's side just to finish off the point.
As far as I can remember Evolution is putting a lot of effort in providing code to third parties.
They told their code (without DC specific tweaks) will be shared, so a lot of this stuff will probably go straight to Gran Turismo.


I think Evolution made a big mistake by showing those super early builds. This looks so much better now. But the people who played it at the convention centers probably walked away disappointed. Good thing there is a PSN+ ver

The first build people played of Halo, closer to release than Driveclub's first playable and it's release will be, was a complete mess that made the Driveclub Alpha demo look like a finished game. Didn't seem to hurt Halo any.

That is also an enthusiast audience and enthusiasts will see the updates pre-release. Anyone who continues to ignore them is just axe grinding.


I say January or March for this game.

Since InFamous comes out in Feb.

Since they delayed it they should rather release it in March and get a couple of months extra of polishing than releasing it in January, which is one of the slowest months during the year.


I think Evolution made a big mistake by showing those super early builds. This looks so much better now. But the people who played it at the convention centers probably walked away disappointed. Good thing there is a PSN+ ver

So you're saying once Evo releases more footage of what they've been making better, it's not going to matter because people who have played it are possibly already disappointed?


Gold Member
did they adjust the camera a bit? I don't feel cramped or having too little window space to see what's in front of you anymore in the new build. I remember seeing the old video thinking that the window seemed very small and you can barely see what's in front of you

So you're saying once Evo releases more footage of what they've been making better, it's not going to matter because people who have played it are possibly already disappointed?

The first build people played of Halo, closer to release than Driveclub's first playable and it's release will be, was a complete mess that made the Driveclub Alpha demo look like a finished game. Didn't seem to hurt Halo any.

That is also an enthusiast audience and enthusiasts will see the updates pre-release. Anyone who continues to ignore them is just axe grinding.

Oh ok. And you are right about Halo. Carry on :p
When will they release this game. January is open, February is infamous, March is MLB The Show. April is open so maybe it's January or April.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I guess there isn't a higher quality version of the video than the one in the OP? The video quality is not great at all.


I guess they made the decision to lock it at 30fps.

I really hope not, because it simply won't feel or play as well as it would at 60. No amount of graphical compensation can fix that, racing games need 60. All games benefit, racing needs - this is why Forza Horizon was such a dog compared to previous games. If you stick Driveclub (if it comes out at 30fps) side by side with GT6 on a PS3 you'll immediately see how much it matters.


I guess there isn't a higher quality version of the video than the one in the OP? The video quality is not great at all.

Yeah, I don't understand how everyone can conclude that "this is the best looking racing game" based on a compressed, 10 second long 720p video. People, please be realistic.


I really hope not, because it simply won't feel or play as well as it would at 60. No amount of graphical compensation can fix that, racing games need 60. All games benefit, racing needs - this is why Forza Horizon was such a dog compared to previous games.

Forza Horizon is the most fun Forza there is.


Before the delay, I can just imagine Sony's decision makers sitting down with a supposed gold evaluation copy of this and wondering how the fuck GT6 on PS3 looked better. Evolution has clearly been struggling with the PC style architecture, or just way overshot things with effects bloat and overly ambitious lighting. I hope this isn't something we see repeated with other first parties (ND, SSM) who have been exclusively invested in the proprietary Playstation ecosystem for their entire existence.

I don't think we will, Guerrilla Games certainly seem to be bucking the trend so too speak, but some teams will struggle, its inevitable launching on new hardware, it's also how dev teams learn & progress.


Before the delay, I can just imagine Sony's decision makers sitting down with a supposed gold evaluation copy of this and wondering how the fuck GT6 on PS3 looked better. Evolution has clearly been struggling with the PC style architecture, or just way overshot things with effects bloat and overly ambitious lighting. I hope this isn't something we see repeated with other first parties (ND, SSM) who have been exclusively invested in the proprietary Playstation ecosystem for their entire existence.

This video is likely indicative of about where they would have been for release, minus some updated art assets that haven't been inserted yet. It looks significantly more impressive visually than GT6.

Evo are literally trying to make full worlds in this game with real lighting, clouds, day/night cycles, large areas, and have even started working on weather effects. They're pairing that with fully damageable models for the cars. On top of that they still need to actually model the cars, program worthwhile street racing AI, and develop the most socially interactive multi-player network we've seen in a racing game to date.

Did they bite off more than they could chew for a launch title? Probably, hence the delay. But no one having technical issues with the shift in hardware creates the game we see in these teasers. From a technical level Driveclub is the most "next gen" game yet doing things with lighting, physics, adaptive models, and world size that all are absolutely not possible on current gen hardware.


Wait, really? Do you have a source for that?

They've talked about it being added post-launch so I'd imagine they've done initial work on it. The way they talk about it reeks of a feature that got cut to make launch. Now they aren't making launch anyway which probably pushes weather further off, but you don't say "if there is demand for it we'll add weather" publicly without having preliminary discussions and testing to know if it's remotely viable in-engine, because Evo and everyone else knows there will be demand for it.

Again, that's a big part of the challenge Evo has faced with Driveclub. They basically started with the goal to check every single "next gen" box out of the gate with unfinished hardware and a short development window. They've since been chopping features but it'll still wind up pretty damn impressive.


Gold Member
Probably preaching to the choir here, but I never doubted Evolution's ability to make this game look great before it releases. Massively improving the visuals as the game is nearing release is just what they do, they did it with every MS game on the PS3. Those (at least MSPR and MSA) ended up looking pretty amazing after weak earlier showings.
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