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New EGM and GFW scores and such


fortified_concept said:
So in most PS3 reviews they score the games lower than the gamerankings average. Hey let's see the X360 reviews!

Gamerankings: 81%
1up: 90%

Gamerankings: 88%
1up: 100%

Viva Pinata:
Gamerankings: 85%
1up: 90%

Gears of War:
Gamerankings: 94%
1up: 100%

Halo 3:
Gamerankings: 93%
1up: 100%

etc etc

Yeap they aren't inconsistent at all! Honestly the only high profile X360 game I found with a lower score was PGR4 (Gamerankings 87%, 1up 85%). FAIR AND BALANCED.

Btw the post wasn't ready yet geniuses, that's why I edited.

Why didn't you include the EGM score like AZ Greg did for his post? For instance, EGM's average for PDZ is 7.83, which is below the average.

edit: beaten


LukeSmith said:
You are one third of my favorite poster TRIFORCE.

The true gaming forum triforce:
squicken said:
Why didn't you include the EGM score like AZ Greg did for his post? For instance, EGM's average for PDZ is 7.83, which is below the average.

edit: beaten

Why isn't he, more importantly, looking at the individual reviews? This score/averaging nonsense is just ridiculous and tells you pretty much zero about how a reviewer or the publication who pays him or her really felt about the game and how that might jibe with or differ from the general consensus.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Man this crusade is embarassing. Fortified_concept and the usual suspects are a laugh and a half.

Would you believe fortified_concept posts even more inane shit in the OT? Yes, it's true!


BenjaminBirdie said:
Why isn't he, more importantly, looking at the individual reviews? This score/averaging nonsense is just ridiculous and tells you pretty much zero about how a reviewer or the publication who pays him or her really felt about the game and how that might jibe with or differ from the general consensus.

He's too busy sweating profusely at his computer while making his vitriolic and desperate argument.


Gamerankings: 81%
1up: 90%
this is an excellent example. Who the hell can give a game like PDZ a 9.0 and games like Resistance or in this case Rachet (yes I know its not the same genre) a 8.5?:lol :lol

But one of the worst Review scores from 1UP were the 6.0 score for Neverwinter Nights 2:lol :lol
BenjaminBirdie said:
Why isn't he, more importantly, looking at the individual reviews? This score/averaging nonsense is just ridiculous and tells you pretty much zero about how a reviewer or the publication who pays him or her really felt about the game and how that might jibe with or differ from the general consensus.

I'm not the one who started this. AZ Greg did that trying to disproove what most people who follow 1up reviews know.

LukeSmith said:
He's too busy sweating profusely at his computer while making his vitriolic and desperate argument.

Hey aren't you the dude who used to bash me because I was calling him biased, and then went to work for Microsoft?


Darji said:
this is an excellent example. Who the hell can give a game like PDZ a 9.0 and games like Resistance or in this case Resistance a 8.5?:lol :lol

But one of the worst Review scores from 1UP were the 6.0 score for Neverwinter Nights 2:lol :lol

PDZ is clearly not worth a 9.0, and I'm a Rare whore. Would you like to know why those launch games (PGR included) scored higher than they should have? Because they were the first games released on a next generation console. The novelty of a new system can make games seem better than they are. Do you think Red Steel would have sold a million if it was released today? Or Battle Arena Toshindin would have been a relevant fighting franchise? EGM as a whole scored PDZ lower than the aggregate Gamerankings score, but Che was clearly blown away by the next generation sheen.

fortified_concept said:
I'm not the one who started this. AZ Greg did that trying to disproove what most people who follow 1up reviews know.

Your samples were clearly bias, though, as is evident in my correction of your scores. Why didn't you include Dead Rising or Lost Planet?

AZ Greg

fortified_concept said:
Hey why aren't traveler and AZ Greg laughing at my post now?

I think Gigglepoo and squicken did a good enough job responding to your very selective post.

However, I'm wondering why you're bringing up the 360? My initial post didn't mention the 360 once. If EGM and 1UP are biased towards Microsoft products then that is their prerogative. I was simply making the argument that EGM and 1UP don't score PS3 games outrageously bad like some of you want to believe. If EGM gives Halo 3 500 10s you shouldn't care as long as your favorite upcoiming game, which you probably haven't played at the time of the review, is reviewed fairly. I understand that those kickass 50x50 gifs make the game look unbelievable, but at least wait until you've played the game or read reviews from other magazines/sites before you go on your tirade.
Zilch said:
Would you believe fortified_concept posts even more inane shit in the OT? Yes, it's true!

Yeah except in the OT he goes on about how he's some anti-establishment, anti-capitalism, Che lovin' revolutionary but over here he can't stop sucking Sony's teat.

Seems like a conflict of interest to me.


Gigglepoo said:
PDZ is clearly not worth a 9.0, and I'm a Rare whore. Would you like to know why those launch games (PGR included) scored higher than they should have? Because they were the first games released on a next generation console. The novelty of a new system can make games seem better than they are. Do you think Red Steel would have sold a million if it was released today? Or Battle Arena Toshindin would have been a relevant fighting franchise? EGM as a whole scored PDZ lower than the aggregate Gamerankings score, but Che was clearly blown away by the next generation sheen.
So? Resistance was a launchgame too or? Why didnt it score higher then?

And yes I think that Resistance is underrated. For me its on paar with Half life 1 and in terms of Multiplayer on paar with games like halo (not 3 of course).
Gigglepoo said:
Your samples were clearly bias, though, as is evident in my correct of your scores. Why didn't you include Dead Rising or Lost Planet?

My samples were great. You can't fake the countless 100%s and 90%s given to MS published games. Anyway we've had this discussion before, gotta bail out.
fortified_concept said:
I'm not the one who started this. AZ Greg did that trying to disproove what most people who follow 1up reviews know.

If it's such common knowledge, why not bring up some hard evidence? Instead relying on the "gut feeling" of "most people" why not show me in writing a 1up or Ziff Review that just flies in the face of a tidal wave of opposite sentiment, that verbally tears down a PS3 game that every other reviewer wrote glowing prose about, that raises up a 360 game that every other reviewer dropped trou and squeezed out a leaker on.

Because just trotting out numbers and averages that are merely examples of a useless and outmoded arbitrary rating system that tells you absolutely nothing contributes absolutely nothing of substance to your argument.


I was gonna make fun of this thread hours ago, but just checking in with it again, I, uh... I... WOW!

It's like secretly watching some overweight, asthmatic nerd swipe a ham from the family fridge and make love to it in the dim light of his bedroom, caressing and crouching and sweating and huffing over the top of said ham. Except, at least he has the common sense and decency to keep his embarrassing behavior private!
I hope the "EGM is Biased" crew is going to "Win" this important internet conflict. The last battle they won was hilarious, especially the circle jerk about "winning" an argument.

On the internet.
fortified_concept said:
My samples were great. You can't fake the countless 100%s and 90%s given to MS published games. Anyway we've had this discussion before, gotta bail out.

Spare me please.
Can't even owe up to your bullshit like a man. Absolutely pathetic.


fortified_concept said:
My samples were great. You can't fake the countless 100%s 90%s given to MS published high-profile games. Anyway we've had this discussion before, gotta bail out.

Your samples left out the EGM scores, which ended up lower than the Gamerankings average many times. And you left out the exclusive, high profile games that 1up/EGM scored lower. Therefore, you were manipulating data to get the results you wanted.

Darji said:
So? Resistance was a launchgame too or? Why didnt it score higher then?

Resistance came out a year after PDZ. The next generation sheen did not apply to that game. It probably would have scored higher had it been released at the same time as PDZ... and PDZ would have scored lower.
gimz said:
Beautiful Katamari: 7, 4.5, 4
huh? uh oh

I'm curious to hear what they have to say about it (surprise, surprise). I can see if one is inclined to just enjoy some Katamari, they'd enjoy it but if they were looking for something new, they would not.


Gigglepoo said:
Your samples left out the EGM scores, which ended up lower than the Gamerankings average many times. And you left out the exclusive, high profile games that 1up/EGM scored lower. Therefore, you were manipulating data to get the results you wanted.

Resistance came out a year after PDZ. The next generation sheen did not apply to that game. It probably would have scored higher had it been released at the same time as PDZ... and PDZ would have scored lower.
But Resistance were almost on paar with another next gen shooter called Gears.


Gigglepoo said:
Your samples were clearly bias, though, as is evident in my correction of your scores. Why didn't you include Dead Rising or Lost Planet?

There's no proving anything unless he's including every gameranking/1up/egm 360 review to show a real trend. Being selective only serves to diminish the argument and makes one look silly.

Gamerankings: 81%
EGM: 63.3%

Resistance: FoM
Gamerankings: 87%
EGM: 85%

This clearly shows a bias against 360 games, EGM likes all PS3 games, a post-Nintendo Rare bias, and a distinct bias towards FPSes.

Toss in:

R&C: ToD
Gamerankings: 94%
EGM: 90%

Obviously EGM has a bias towards Insomniac games and will never rate them under 85%.


Oh and I understand why launchgames get a lower score than normal. Somehow you need to set a standard or you will have more and more 9 and 10 scores. But this is getting out of hand for PS3 games.

Rachet is a 2nd gen game and one which will be a reference for next gen platformer (excluding Mario) and there wont be much better ones for a long time. Maybe Banjo or the next Rachet but thats about it.
Gigglepoo said:
Resistance came out a year after PDZ. The next generation sheen did not apply to that game. It probably would have scored higher had it been released at the same time as PDZ... and PDZ would have scored lower.

Too true. To be fair even 1up are embarrassed (if that's the right word) by Che's PDZ review. The first review you'll read now is written by Shoe, has a lower score and makes fun of Che's review. Personally I'm not sure if that shows editorial integrity or a lack of it but it's useful and honest so I'd probably go with the former.


Darji said:
Oh and I understand why launchgames get a lower score than normal. Somehow you need to set a standard or you will have more and more 9 and 10 scores. But this is getting out of hand for PS3 games. Rachet is a 2 gen game and one which will be a reference for next gen platformer (exclding Mario) and there wont be much better ones for a long time. Maybe Banjo or the next Rachet but thats about it.

What's wrong with Ratchet's score?


egmfan89 said:
good: feels and looks like SH 1
bad: predictable storyline, breakable weapons
conserve your: healing items.

Good: Yup, exactly. (Nice to see I'm not the only one to feel that way.)

Bad: Actually, they give you SO MANY melee weapons that the breakable aspect is a bit annoying (having things break during combat), but no where near a major negative. The major negative is being able to jump back and forth between worlds at will.

Conerse your: Heh, yeah. Man, the monsters in this game are assholes. I'm an old hat at SH, and I found myself with no healing items left often.
Darji said:
Oh and I understand why launchgames get a lower score than normal. Somehow you need to set a standard or you will have more and more 9 and 10 scores. But this is getting out of hand for PS3 games.

Rachet is a 2nd gen game and one which will be a reference for next gen platformer (excluding Mario) and there wont be much better ones for a long time. Maybe Banjo or the next Rachet but thats about it.

But that's the key. Content-wise, disregarding the score (please, for like half a second), you're admitting yourself right now that it's not at that presumed level of Super Mario Galaxy (although who knows how it well end up).

Basically it says that R&C is a wildly positive experience, but there are better. How is that outlandishly biased?
gimz said:
Beautiful Katamari: 7, 4.5, 4
huh? uh oh

Clearly 1up is biased against Japanese games. Or for them; I misremember which.

Darji said:
its an 8.5 not a 9. A 9 would be acceptable.

Is this ironic or not? There's no irony in the tone, but at the same time, YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THE DAMN GAME.
This over analyzing of scores and conspiracies is really silly.

Do reviewers have biases? Sure, every gamer has preferred companies, systems, etc. Is it some conscious conspiracy to favor one thing over another? naw of course not. I'm sure the bias has some effect on reviews, but just like when i review games, or anyone else it seeps in somewhere.

But we've all been following this cycle for long enough to know that the biggest influence on review scores is a titles anticipation, franchise history and all around hype.

That's how you get the Gears 10s, the Halo 2 scores, the high MGS2 scores, GTA Vice City scores, etc. And so far the X360 due to the timing of the console released (over rated launch titles), or just higher profile titles in general (ie: GoW, Halo 3, etc) you get the higher more over inflated scores. Great games of course, but with all great games, many gamers clamoring for the 10s (ie: halo 3) once the dust has settled would personally score it a tad differently.

I don't know why i got sucked in this silly discussion. I'm just glad R&C is shaping up to be a great game (although my gut tells me the 8.5 was a bit low...but that of course is my own bias talking) :D
Darji said:
its an 8.5 not a 9. A 9 would be acceptable.

Have you read the actual content of the review that you have already deemed unacceptable? Or are you admitting right now that you literally put more stock in the number that comes at the end?


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Not exactly surprising. The 7 must have come from someone who never played a Katamari game before.

I think it is from Greg Ford (it was in the review crew in the last EGM Live podcast) and I think he said he has not played since the original game.


BenjaminBirdie said:
But that's the key. Content-wise, disregarding the score (please, for like half a second), you're admitting yourself right now that it's not at that presumed level of Super Mario Galaxy (although who knows how it well end up).

Basically it says that R&C is a wildly positive experience, but there are better. How is that outlandishly biased?
the thing is that there will be 1!!! better game Mario which will get mostly a 10 through the hype if its deserved it or not doesnt matter because its Mario. And for the record. I think that mario galaxy will be an excelent platformer but after that comes Rachet so a 8.5 score seems a bit low.


Darji said:
its an 8.5 not a 9. A 9 would be acceptable.
Wasn't the EGM score three scores?
8.5 9 9.5 that averages to a 9?

I'll have you know I've a deep concern for your wellbeing when you demand a 9 score, get it, and you're still not satisifed with it.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Have you read the actual content of the review that you have already deemed unacceptable? Or are you admitting right now that you literally put more stock in the number that comes at the end?

oh but everyone does that. Review text is only for people that actually care about a game...and want to reinforce their purchase, or if the score hadn't completely sold the game for them.
Darji said:
So? Resistance was a launch game too or? Why didn't it score higher then?

And yes I think that Resistance is underrated. For me its on par with Half life 1 and in terms of Multiplayer on par with games like halo (not 3 of course).

Resistance came out after or the same time as COD2, GRAW, Rainbow Six Vegas, and Gears of War. Higher standards every year. Any FPS that comes out in 2008 and beyond is going to have to stand up to Halo 3, Bioshock, Orange Box, and COD4 in order to score 9's and 10's.


Darji said:
the thing is that there will be 1!!! better game Mario which will get mostly a 10 through the hype if its deserved it or not doesnt matter because its Mario. And for the record. I think that mario galaxy will be an excelent platformer but after that comes Rachet so a 8.5 score seems a bit low.

Nick gave Ratchet a 9.5. That's the same score he gave The Orange Box. So... what's your point again?
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