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new heavenly sword pics


gbovo said:
Well I am "that" hyped about the game, if you aren't, that's fine. But saying people should stop the hype just cause you're not that hyped yourself sounds nonsensical.
Haha don't you twist my words. I'm just saying that these new shots are nothing to be that hyped about. The reason why that is was in my first post.


XSamu said:
Haha don't you twist my words. I'm just saying that these new shots are nothing to be that hyped about. The reason why that is was in my first post.
I am hyped about these new shots. Very much so. They look amazing.


Alkaliine said:
I'm not sure what to think. At times it looks amazing, at other times only a little better than Ninja Gaiden did on the Xbox.

However, in motion with the fantastic animations, it looked fantastic at E306 and I'm sure looks even better now.

oh boy.


mckmas8808 said:
Well we know for a fact that the waterfalls looks really really great in motion.

Guys if you want to see a nice, slow, and detailed walk through on one of the levels watch this youtube video.


Seriously guys the music and just the feel of that video put chills through my body.

Chrono said:
THAT is the level of graphics I was expecting from Heavenly Sword... Anybody who thinks these screens, like the one in Blimblim's post above, is even remotely close to that video is either a fanboy or a moron. I'm having audio problems and not getting sound from youtube for some reason, what do they say about it - target render or what? I remember seeing that video last E3 I think.

mckmas8808 said:
That IS what the game looks like. Think about what you are seeing in these pictures. They are small and how often have we seen games this gen look much better in motion than in screenshots?

Surreal said:
It's a target render my friend.

mckmas8808 said:
I know what the devs said about the video. And they've proven that they can hit those graphics. What makes you think that same stage won't look like that?

It's not that I necessarily disagree with your end comment, but jebus man you could have been a bit more forthcoming instead of waiting until you were caught. (It will probably 'look like' that as much as any RT graphics can closely emulate that of CGI) :lol:

That's not to say that I don't think that the real up to date Heavenly Sword doesn't look great, but these screens have a lot of flaws and can be a bit of a roller coaster ride.

They definitely 'seem' have some slight polygon issues (But you can argue that's because they aren't 'covering up' with normal mapping very surface known to man like other games do), you can see it in everything that isn't a part of the 'waterfall background' as it were, from the rocks to the trees; tons of effects are missing, etc.

There's no way these screens are from a recent build. Unless it was the mother of all downgrades in the history of this next gen era thus far.

In all it's PS1 Era Fog and 2D Bitmap Glory.


When we've already seen this:


Looking forward to this game. :D
XSamu said:
It's funny to see people posting about games they're hyped for, they really like every stupid aspect about the game :lol

Anyway, it seems like many people in here have lost the ability to be objective. Yeah it looks nice, but not "holy" or "absolutely amazing". I mean, how can you even say that about screens as small as the screen of my mobile phone. All you can say is that it looks interesting and that it could look amazing in motion (in nice HD quality). Just stop the stupid hype about nothing please.
wait a tic... so you're saying the screens are too small to form a *positive* opioion around, but they're large enough to make the claim that its xbox1 lvl, has blocky character models, bad water, horrendous textures, etc? hilarious. and you say we lost the ability to remain objective? haha. seriously, dude, if you're going to play that role at least put a bit of effort in.


dai said:
wait a tic... so you're saying the screens are too small to form a *positive* opioion around, but they're large enough to make the claim that its xbox1 lvl, has blocky character models, bad water, horrendous textures, etc? hilarious. and you say we lost the ability to remain objective? haha. seriously, dude, if you're going to play that role at least put a bit of effort in.
Dude what are you even talking about o_O
First thing you should do is re-read my post and then re-read yours. Then re-post if you actually get your own point plz.

Did I ever say you couldn't be positive? No. I said it looked nice, but nothing "holy" or "absolutely amazing". Did I even say it looked bad or xbox1 lvl gfx? Where did I say that? Read the entire posts before you start bashing other people plz, you're making a fool out of yourself.

jax (old)

inconsistently underwhelming. I don't know but the visuals seem to have lost the post filter and I don't get why her face is different from shot to shot.... and the ingame stuff seems to be .... well, not very next genish - just not wowey (when it ought to be).

And here's the sinker for me. If you plopped crate man for untold legends PS3 in those screens, How out of place would he look? Not very I think. That's how, lousy I think those stills are.
mckmas8808 said:
The lighting in this game is sooo nice. Godly nice.

Cool boxart


Is that the final boxart ? (please say yes)

What do the different logos mean ?

The only thing i want to see is actual gameplay...
This is one of the games that made me buy a PS3. Don't disapoint me NT.


ThirdEye said:

You see all the out of place green shading the farther down in the level it gets? That's PS1 style 'fog' used to hide texture draw in or in this case was probably used when assets weren't complete so people wouldn't be staring at empty holes in the game world, or flat shaded polygons, plus it probably let th game run at an acceptable clip earlier in development when the focus was on play testing.

Look below the rope that Nariko is on and you can see a series of low res flat dark grey/green Bitmaps, obviously place holders for tree tops.

The light on the waterfalls is inconsistent with the rest of the level, as a random observation.

Not that it matters because we've seen a far more up to date version of this level.



fun thread guys- run into the gutter, pulled out and dusted off with a chance @ redemption and then back into the gutter, again. :lol I cannot wait until this game comes out.


still looks boss.
one thing, i hate those flavour-of-the-month effect whoring as much as the next tech savy geek, but HS is one game where i LOVED the (over)blooming. Please make it so NT!
XSamu said:
Dude what are you even talking about o_O
First thing you should do is re-read my post and then re-read yours. Then re-post if you actually get your own point plz.

Did I ever say you couldn't be positive? No. I said it looked nice, but nothing "holy" or "absolutely amazing". Did I even say it looked bad or xbox1 lvl gfx? Where did I say that? Read the entire posts before you start bashing other people plz, you're making a fool out of yourself.
wow. maybe you should read the entire thread? i never said you did. seriously, i just found it funny how you singled out one side, and ignored the other, while going on about being objective and shit.


I think the conflict on these screens is down to amazing art vs technical achievement, yet again.

IMO, this game looks competent technically but downright AMAZING in terms of art.

The scope and atmosphere portrayed in these shots harks back to the way I felt about ICO when the game first came out.

But technically, textures and polygon counts are not up to the heights of R&C or Unchartered.

But I think everyone has good reason to be hyped for this game. It could be the first ICO of this gen.


pswii60 said:

Compare the wall-textures with these:


i don't see any difference

The money they're spending on this game would've been better spent if it went to the motherland. Africa.
bud said:
Compare the wall-textures with these:


i don't see any difference.

The money they're spending on this game would've been better spent if it went to the motherland. Africa.

please tell me the bottom pic is the ngage game.

XSamu, Nozi, JCBossman, Pleomax. You know the game looks amazing when these people are busting their asses to damage control how good it looks. I think there are a couple of xbox fanboys missing from this thread but they're probably already banned. :lol

I give this thread an A+.



Can't wait to run up there :D

All the enviroments look really beautiful from a design standpoint, love the style. Just wanna be able to actually run around them and have a proper look lol :)


Fafracer forever
DCharlie said:
what even decides this?
Last I checked, it goes about like this.

My favourite platform:
1st gen lasts indefinately, or until the first multi-milion seller releases a sequel.
Everything up to Halo2 on XBox was 1st gen.

The "other" platforms:
It starts on 3rd gen if it launched late, the best looking launch titles are edging into 4th gen. Anything that compares favourably to my platform(that I can't argue away), is at least a generation higher.
Halo1 started development as 3rd generation, and finished as 4th gen title.

GC with Waggle:
It's on it's 10th generation titles now (2generations per year, 6 year old platform). Which is amusing, because it still looks only comparable to 5th generation PS2 titles releasing this year.


Looking great as always.

This game has amazing art.
Some things look unfinished but they have time to work on it still, I assume these are a couple of months old also.

For those who hate the hair art, too bad. That's how they want it to look. :)

After seeing the E3 videos and Heroes video I can almost say that this one will be one of the best games this year for me. I am so sure of this.


Error said:
her face looks amazing but her hair totally destroys it :(

I hate her hair.

It's supposed to look a lot better in motion. Ninja Theory have blabbed on about how they're giving it a whole SPU or something like that for a while now.


Blunty said:
It's supposed to look a lot better in motion. Ninja Theory have blabbed on about how they're giving it a whole SPU or something like that for a while now.

The SPU isn't only for the hair though. Cloths and other stuff too.


bud said:
It looks good, I guess. But it's nothing the Tapwave Zodiac couldn't do.


Not enough Tapwave talk around here.

bud said:
The money they're spending on this game would've been better spent if it went to the motherland. Africa.



Gold Member
What's with all the judgements on such tiny screens? Why did Gamepro crop them and make them so small in the first place... And why has Gamepro of all the terrible sources gotten the exclusive?


Yoboman said:
What's with all the judgements on such tiny screens? Why did Gamepro crop them and make them so small in the first place... And why has Gamepro of all the terrible sources gotten the exclusive?

Small screens are a Gamepro thing. Give us bigger pics and we shall judge!


pswii60 said:
I think the conflict on these screens is down to amazing art vs technical achievement, yet again.

IMO, this game looks competent technically but downright AMAZING in terms of art.
One of the few sane things said in this thread.
8 pages, I said wow. Just how you judge battles by the number of soldiers involved, you judge game's looks/importance by the ammount of pages it gets on GAF.
le.phat said:
still looks boss.
one thing, i hate those flavour-of-the-month effect whoring as much as the next tech savy geek, but HS is one game where i LOVED the (over)blooming. Please make it so NT!
no! don't do it.

your game looks so much better without it. keep it out!


Ynos Yrros said:
8 pages, I said wow. Just how you judge battles by the number of soldiers involved, you judge game's looks/importance by the ammount of pages it gets on GAF.


Thats what it comes down to?

I find it rather amuzing that there's some unspoken rule where you can't criticize a game's graphics, a rule that applys mostly to big ps3 games. I think that rather ruins the board, anyway i agree with what was said about these screens, competent tech with amazing art.

We have seen much better media of the game that actually looks impressive, i don't understand how this particular screens can be considered amazing or get comments like "wow". But i guess it's one of those cases where the minds of some are set to say wow at the mention of the game, anyway...

I wanna see more videos, the last one in heroes was really cool-.
Dunpeal said:

Thats what it comes down to?

I find it rather amuzing that there's some unspoken rule where you can't criticize a game's graphics, a rule that applys mostly to big ps3 games. I think that rather ruins the board, anyway i agree with what was said about these screens, competent tech with amazing art.

We have seen much better media of the game that actually looks impressive, i don't understand how this particular screens can be considered amazing or get comments like "wow". But i guess it's one of those cases where the minds of some are set to say wow at the mention of the game, anyway...

I wanna see more videos, the last one in heroes was really cool-.

hmmm, if you check the mass effect thread the same thing went on...people were accused of trolling etc...I think peeps are bringing the double standards...personally I think this game looks great...Im not surprised some people are hating on it though. Its the nature of this place rather than the game



nelsonroyale said:
hmmm, if you check the mass effect thread the same thing went on...people were accused of trolling etc...I think peeps are bringing the double standards...personally I think this game looks great...Im not surprised some people are hating on it though. Its the nature of this place rather than the game


Oh for sure. In this place if you say a game looks good on the rival platform you're a fanboy, if you say it looks bad you're a troll, hating and whoring without a middle ground in this place is standard.

The difference is in the ammount of bannings, where dual standards really show up, but this isn't a discussion to have in here.

Anyway, i would also like to see some bosses, just to give us some perspective on what kind o bosses we are getting in this game.


Someone mentioned earlier in the thread that we were going to see new media every week from Gamepro as part of their Heavenly Sword week. Is that true?


Looks amazing compared to the PS3 games we've seen so far. I still think LBP has the best textures on a PS3 shown game to date.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Chrono said:
It's a second gen title; fanboys can think it's a pre-first gen alpha-whatever title if they want, who cares.

No actually it is a first gen title. Just like Gears of War imo is a first gen title. Mass Effect is a second gen title.
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