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New Lost Odyssey impressions and videos from IGN - RUH ROH

Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I thought this was what people wanted: PS2 like RPG's on the 360.

Now something of that vein arrives and everyone is like "OMG! :( "


GAF kills me.
What do you mean "everyone"? I see more people taking that comment positively than negatively.


duckroll said:
This demo is what happens when you put a bunch of guys whose last projects were FF8 and Legend of Dragoon respectively, give them the Unreal Engine 3.0 with no experience whatsoever, and then cut 30 minutes of the unfinished game out and put it on a DVD hoping it impresses. Big mistake. :D
This is all sounding so very much familiar of Too Human and E3. :D


Damage Mistwalker's reputation by releasing a very early demo just a month before the release of their highly anticipated title: check.

Well done.


Akira said:
Damage Mistwalker's reputation by releasing a very early demo just a month before the release of their highly anticipated title: check.

Well done.

Well if Blue Dragon is what it looks to be, the Lost Odyssey demo will be forgotten by the time 2007 rolls around. Hopefully they'll have a better demo build by then. :p


Expected. People that were expecting MS to make a perfect Final Fantasy clone on their first try was kidding themselves. Hopefully the game will be at least good.


the Lost Odyssey demo sucked. you had all this brialliant animation+combat in the fmv, then it smoothly slides into gameplay.........and the contrast between the ingame combat was appalling. it looked so dull.
duckroll said:
Well if Blue Dragon is what it looks to be, the Lost Odyssey demo will be forgotten by the time 2007 rolls around.


And :D :D @ bashing the demos combat..when Kaim (the main character) currently has one slash attack, and two spells.

Fady K

duckroll said:
This demo is what happens when you put a bunch of guys whose last projects were FF8 and Legend of Dragoon respectively, give them the Unreal Engine 3.0 with no experience whatsoever, and then cut 30 minutes of the unfinished game out and put it on a DVD hoping it impresses. Big mistake. :D

Wait...so its not good?? :(
abacab driver said:

And :D :D @ bashing the demos combat..when Kaim (the main character) currently has one slash attack, and two spells.

What? He has spells? I thought he could only attack and use items?


DarknessTear said:
What? He has spells? I thought he could only attack and use items?
He has wind and flarera in the demo.

This is basically like judging Final Fantasy VII from the first battle outside the train, and maybe one or two screens after that. The game reeks of FF from head to toe, and I'm sure it will be a splendid title when it's released. Also, the keroron monsters are so cute :D

I'm really looking forward to this.

In other news, Blue Dragon is now at no.3 in the Most Wanted charts in Famitsu. It put MGS4 into 4th place. OOPS!
Jonnyram said:
He has wind and flarera in the demo.

This is basically like judging Final Fantasy VII from the first battle outside the train, and maybe one or two screens after that. The game reeks of FF from head to toe, and I'm sure it will be a splendid title when it's released. Also, the keroron monsters are so cute :D

I'm really looking forward to this.

In other news, Blue Dragon is now at no.3 in the Most Wanted charts in Famitsu. It put MGS4 into 4th place. OOPS!

Jonnyram said:
This is basically like judging Final Fantasy VII from the first battle outside the train, and maybe one or two screens after that. The game reeks of FF from head to toe, and I'm sure it will be a splendid title when it's released. Also, the keroron monsters are so cute :D

I don't see how its similar, just ignoring the animation for a second it really does look like they aren't trying much new in terms of gameplay. It looked about as dated as an RPG battle system can get that's not named Dragon Quest.


so whats the list so far?

Too Human =dead to gaf
Lost Odyssey=dead to gaf

I'm predicting Lair will be added to that list.


SolidSnakex said:
I don't see how its similar, just ignoring the animation for a second it really does look like they aren't trying much new in terms of gameplay.
When was the last time FF tried anything new in terms of gameplay? From what we've seen so far, this game is exactly like any recent FF.


Jonnyram said:
When was the last time FF tried anything new in terms of gameplay? From what we've seen so far, this game is exactly like any recent FF.

you don't get it, its hate 360 month and gaf has a really strict range of emotions.
Mojovonio said:
you don't get it, its hate 360 month and gaf has a really strict range of emotions.

shhhh if he didn't get the memo, then he isn't suppose to know. keep that shit on the dl man. jesus
Jonnyram said:
When was the last time FF tried anything new in terms of gameplay? From what we've seen so far, this game is exactly like any recent FF.

FFXII seemed to mix things up (compared to the rest of the rest of the series) didn't it? FFXIII from what little they've talked about the battle system would be another big step. This game though from the videos released seems to be very standard RPG gameplay.


When was the last time FF tried anything new in terms of gameplay? From what we've seen so far, this game is exactly like any recent FF.

Jonny this game is shit, it's just FF7 all over again.

OMG ! FF7 REMAKE ON PS3!? *throws panties at square*
DCharlie said:
Jonny this game is shit, it's just FF7 all over again.

OMG ! FF7 REMAKE ON PS3!? *throws panties at square*

FF7 remake would be the most retarded thing to ever be released in gaming history on a home entertainment gaming console. Its equated to going back to non-electrical lifestyle's and taking shits in a hole in the dirt.


DCharlie said:
but panties contain more shit! ;)


since we're off topic anyways.

My buddies cousin came down to visit last summer, and we took him out drinking. So he meets this girl and informs us of his plan to get her really drunk and do her in the alley out back.

So she gets sloshed and we see him leaving with the girl, he comes back 10 minutes later with shit all over his pants. Apparently, he was bending her over and she shit herself.


My buddies cousin came down to visit last summer, and we took him out drinking. So he meets this girl and informs us of his plan to get her really drunk and do her in the alley out back.

So she gets sloshed and we see him leaving with the girl, he comes back 10 minutes later with shit all over his pants. Apparently, he was bending her over and she shit herself.

i'm confused.... does this happen before or after the big battle in Lost Odyssey? ;)

awesome stuff.

is "do her in the alley" a euphamism?
Can't say I'm getting the comments that equate the game with a HD version of a PS2 RPG....

fear not, i've got the demo - will try it tonight and will proclaim a FINAL JUDGEMENT later tonight! erm.... yeah.


SolidSnakex said:
I hear its beign developed on the PS2 alongside DQ9.

I believe they both have been moved to the 360. Capcom actually lent Squeenix their UberAwesome(tm) engine used in the RE5 trailer last year. Amirite DCharlie?


force push the doodoo rock
Jonnyram said:
When was the last time FF tried anything new in terms of gameplay? From what we've seen so far, this game is exactly like any recent FF.

Errrr what.
They seemed to be making a point about the game not being revolutionary and how that disappointed them. I don't think they at all implied that the game sucks like how some of you are spinning this as. If this plays as well as FF then many people who enjoyed the series the world over will be happy.


DCharlie said:
i'm confused.... does this happen before or after the big battle in Lost Odyssey? ;)

awesome stuff.

is "do her in the alley" a euphamism?

no, he actually took her into the alley, where there is this room for the dumpster.

And if there was a drunk chick that shat her pants in Lost Odyssey, it would = GOTY


SolidSnakex said:
I hear its beign developed on the PS2 alongside DQ9.


The system of this game is too old school. Sakaguchi seems to love it but other Japanese people will hate it and move on. He did it with FF9 before and it failed. The only franchise that is allowed to stay old school is Dragon Quest.


I believe they both have been moved to the 360. Capcom actually lent Squeenix their UberAwesome(tm) engine used in the RE5 trailer last year. Amirite DCharlie?

.... how can you lend someone something that doesn't exist? oops - sorry , wrong way round. Anyways, i'm sure when RE5 X360 exclusive gets revealed and it looks just like the trailer, then you can all queue up to pay homage/punishment gifts or something...

Sakaguchi seems to love it but other Japanese people will hate it and move on.

they will?

He did it with FF9 before and it failed.

it did?

The only franchise that is allowed to stay old school is Dragon Quest.

... it is?


ThirdEye said:
The system of this game is too old school. Sakaguchi seems to love it but other Japanese people will hate it and move on. He did it with FF9 before and it failed. The only franchise that is allowed to stay old school is Dragon Quest.

Sakaguchi wasn't really involved with FF9. He was busy preparing the destruction of Squaresoft at the time.
RegularMK said:
High definition PS2 graphics.


You moron, Annop said "feels like" a PS2 game, not "looks like."

Sorry for the berating, but english is english and this has been brought up SEVERAL times already in the thread.


Jonnyram said:
When was the last time FF tried anything new in terms of gameplay? From what we've seen so far, this game is exactly like any recent FF.

That's it. You're now official batshit insane.

Besides FFIII, which you loved, that of course didn't try anything new because it was a remake, all the FFs this gen have been full of inovation. From the Sphere Grid in FFX to the Non-linear mission structure of FFX-2, to FFXI WHICH IS A HUGE DEPATURE, to FFXII which took FFXI's base and made an even bigger depature from traditional FF.

I don't know how deep LO will be so I'm not going to comment on it, but the lack of depth and innovation is what killed FFIII for me. I want dozens of unique character stat development systems, new game structure systems, new battle systems, etc...that's what makes the games fun to play and keeps the genre from feeling repetitive.

Like someone else said, only DQ is allowed to be retro/simple/shallow because the nostalgia aspect of it is part of its charm.


DCharlie said:
Jonny this game is shit, it's just FF7 all over again.

OMG ! FF7 REMAKE ON PS3!? *throws panties at square*

You're saying people should be just as excited about a game trying to copy one of the best games ever as a remake of one of the best games ever? Yeah... maybe not.


You're saying people should be just as excited about a game trying to copy one of the best games ever as a remake of one of the best games ever? Yeah... maybe not.

nope - i'm saying that people are already condemning a game that is a PS2 adventure with nice graphics, whilst simulateneously cheering for the same thing to be done to FF7.


Bebpo said:
Like someone else said, only DQ is allowed to be retro/simple/shallow because the nostalgia aspect of it is part of its charm.

It's why I loves me some DQ ...nostalgia ftw.

And I agree about Jonnyram being nuts, too.


DCharlie said:
nope - i'm saying that people are already condemning a game that is a PS2 adventure with nice graphics, whilst simulateneously cheering for the same thing to be done to FF7.

The reason people are cheering is because a FF7 remake would be a nice looking version of their favourite game of all time, not because it would be just any old last-last-gen port with nice graphics.


force push the doodoo rock
DCharlie said:
nope - i'm saying that people are already condemning a game that is a PS2 adventure with nice graphics, whilst simulateneously cheering for the same thing to be done to FF7.

Hi, welcome to the world of remakes vs brand new games. People dont want a remake of ff7 so they can play another game with ff7s battle system, they want it to fufill their nostalgia quotient. I dont think its unfair to want a brand new rpg to offer something new.


Hi, welcome to the world of remakes vs brand new games. People dont want a remake of ff7 so they can play another game with ff7s battle system, they want it to fufill their nostalgia quotient. I dont think its unfair to want a brand new rpg to offer something new.

personally i don't see the point of remakes at all for exactly the reason that you are playing exactly the same game again , just prettier. At least in a worst case scenario the Lost Odyssey story would be new ;)

Great you fullfil your nostalgia, but if people can accept that you can get enjoyment out of that, why does the fact that something has "Ps2 gameplay" suddenly mean its trash?

I dunno, i've not tried the demo yet, so i can't comment on the demo just yet.
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