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New Obsidian countdown teaser [Update 2: Kickstarter? One more day!]

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Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Wheel of Time would make for a waaaaaay more fun game series than ASOIAF despite the quality of writing in the latter (which has also declined tbh).

Wheel of Time definitely goes to shit for like 8 books haha. But the last 3 have found their footing and have been far more exciting than Feast for Crows or the Dragons one.

The point I'm trying to make is that when there's finally an end-game in sight the books are back to being interesting again. And I really want to play a Wheel of Time game from Sawyer and Obsidian.

Oh, man. I can't wait for the mini-game that has Rand sleeping with the 3 women in succession, while the other 2 wait outside the door. It's gonna be soooo awesome! Wonder if it'll come out for the Wii???


Clearly this is a Nintendo published Wii U exclusive RPG, to be shown behind closed doors at the NYC event in a couple of days, giving journalists a chance to see the title prior to announcement, and coincide their previews with the official website countdown.

you serious on that?


I...I...I'm scared to hope.

It will not be anything related to Fallout unfortunately. Come on guys. Thats Bethesda stuff.

Dungeon Siege 4...Shrugs. 3 had decent writing, but that was about it.

I will play anything else and be excited about it.

Its criminal that New Vegas only reviewed at 84 on metacritic when 85 was needed for a bonus from bethesda.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
If we assume that the game is gonna be a fantasy western RPG, and that the 4 is the number of the title, the one thing I can think of is Bards Tale. They ended the series with 3 aside from that pisstake reboot for Xbox 1, could be that Obsidian came across the rights and want to revive it. Other than that I got nothin'

Or for even more obscure CRPG action, why not a Magic Candle sequel?

That reboot was amazing.

Was it? I bought it for my ex for Christmas the year it came out but she wasn't really that into it, and she was a big CRPG fan. Never played it myself.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
If we assume that the game is gonna be a fantasy western RPG, and that the 4 is the number of the title, the one thing I can think of is Bards Tale. They ended the series with 3 aside from that pisstake reboot for Xbox 1, could be that Obsidian came across the rights and want to revive it. Other than that I got nothin'

That reboot was amazing.




It's not Dungeon Siege 4. Crisis averted! ;)

These passages don't really read like they're coming from Wheel of Time. They sound all together different.


From the HTML:
<!--. X . X X . T X -->
<!-- Two centuries ago, your divine champion told the people of Dyrwood to grovel at his feet. If you've come on pilgrimage to the blasted crater that was our reply, Godhammer Citadel is *that* way. -->


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I've been googling all the various fantasy terms in the teaser pics and HTML and they all come up with nothing. So I don't think this is an existing IP, or if it is, it's Dungeon Siege 4 using all their own stuff.


So do these new quotes reaffirm the WoT speculation? I've never read the series and can't make heads or tails of the quotes. I'm down for Obsidian RPGs.


Well just fully caught up on the thread now. Looks like based on the info people have posted chances of it being Dungeon Siege 4 went from almost certain to unlikely. So I am much more interested now and as much as I want to fight it my hype is building.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
on a related note I hope it's a strange fantasy, i.e. "weird fiction" because FUCK TRADITIONAL FANTASY IN ITS MOTHERFUCKING EARS AND EYES SO IT WOULD HURT A LOT.

It's not a game with a 3 in it. That's just a countdown.

really? Back to playing Bloodlines 2 then.


So a fantasy RPG with Celtic roots from Obsidian? If it'll be closer to The Witcher than some generic D&D crap I'll buy that day zero.


Torment sequel, OR unofficial torment sequel, OR something to do with the planescape universe....

Or Defiance. The game they tried to pitch a few years back.

which is about a fantasy world where, basically, Sauron won," he said, drawing a line of comparison between the Obsidian project and J.R.R. Tolkien's classic fantasy series, "The Lord of the Rings."

He continued, "Everything isn't happy in The Shire, they didn't get the ring in the fire and the hobbits are all dead. We think that's a cool pitch and we hope to have a publisher pick that up at some point."

Wouldn't have to be LOTR, either, a fresh IP with that basic idea would have massive potential.
I saw some speculation on the Obsidian board about a Lovecraftian inspired or based game.

That or a new IP(as long as it isn't some generic-fantasy-by-comittee) would both be very edible for me.


Even if this was fantasy, I don't see any reason to worry. I mean, KOTOR2 wasn't your stereotypical Star Wars story, Alpha Protocol wasn't your typical Tom Clancy shit, New Vegas + expansions were well done Fallout stories so that automatically makes them different, Mask of the Betrayer has some preeeetty cool shit that differentiates it from a lot of fantasy stuff, not to even mention the stuff that the same people did before Obsidian (Planescape Torment & such). Dungeon Siege III is the exception, but then again there are a lot of things that game did wrong (and didn't the project lead already leave Obsidian? hopefully most of it was just his bad decision making...)


People called Romanes they go the house?

Nah, it's not any Goodkind that I recognize.

I like the philosophy in this one, reminds me of KOTOR II's neutrality and playing off aspects of things you'd expect to be black and white. And yay for more likely being a new IP.


Crikey, so it probably isn't Dungeon Siege 4.

Now I'm really excited.

Guys its probably Obsidian's new iOS RPG.
I so want to play New Vegas but I heard the PS3 version is garbage, definitly keeping an eye on this one.

I didn't have any problems with it until well into the 3rd expansion, it was around that time my save file got to a size that caused slowdowns like what used to happen with Skyrim pre-patch. If you play the game without playing all the expansions it will probably run fine. Shame that never got fixed though.
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