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New White House look: Trump gives the Oval Office a makeover

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Guys, you're blowing your loads clean through your cargo jorts for a gold zelda 3DS, but god forbid Yas King gets some gold fucking drapes...


Trump should keep a but of MLK but replace it with a proper one, the current one looks like a decapitated head, always thought it looked horrible and that it may have been designed like that on purpose by whoever made it as a statement about MLK's murder. A bust should have shoulders.


Already putting in gold-trim everythin, LMAO you can't make this shit up. Wonder if he plans to paint the outside, too.




41 > 38
You guys are going to burn yourselves out at this rate. You're going to need this energy for when he does a genocide, don't use it all up on curtains and cakes.


Not that bad tbh, I expected something horrible like the pictures from his office in Trump tower .
Good call on keeping the desk, it looks really nice.


Not trying to defend Trump but i don't think i have ever seen a classy version of the oval office.
Yes, I'd throw everything out and start over, it would be unusable for a few while the wallpapers and floor are changed. I'd also get some modern looking furniture, it currently looks like a gaudy grandpa's office.
Trump's version of the oval office is hardly worse that what it was before.


Guys we don't have to nitpick every little thing. We got four years of actual harmful shit to go through. Pick your battles or you're gonna burn out.

Agreed. This is petty and dilutes the impact of reporting any real atrocities he commits. Less nitpicky shit, please.
Exactly......how many Trump threads a day do we need in here complaining about things? Get over it.....
Day two and the outrage is already burning itself out. Why don't we save our outrage and effort for the inevitable many actual problems that he will cause. crying wolf over curtains will only hurt the coming efforts to convince the country to oppose the agenda.


Yes, how DARE he redecorate a few things to his liking...

smdh at most of these responses
This is the issue. I get he's not popular, but people are losing their minds over it all. If you even try to ask for people to be rational about it you get labelled a Nazi.

Guess this is why they say you should never speak about politics or religion with people.

Edit: As a Brit I'm glad he put the Churchill bust back. Combined with his positive comments the other day, one thing I will give Trump is that he seems to have more respect for Britain than Obama.
Eh, at least from what I can see so far, that looks surprisingly reserved and reasonable by Trump's standards. That's probably the least tacky room he's ever claimed. (Which is amusing, considering the Oval Office is usually the tackiest room a person's ever claimed.)
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