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New White House look: Trump gives the Oval Office a makeover

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This is semantics, and nothing more

I get the anger going on, I hope people put it to good use and organize.

You've inspired me. I hereby declare myself chairman of The People's Democratic Resistance Front Against Gold Curtains in the Oval Office Come On Man Just Make Them Blue or Something Nobody Likes Gold Organization. Together, we can inject some empathy into the White House and end this assault on basic human decency. First meeting next Thursday at 7.

EDIT: Serious question: The AP article notes that Trump's rug "appeared to be the same design as the 'sunburst' rug George W. Bush had when he was president." It also states that "[m]ost presidents use rugs and furnishings already in the White House collection." So, do we know if it is the rug Bush used? Likewise, the curtains look very similar to the curtains in the photo of Clinton's Oval Office. Do we know if they are, in fact, the same curtains? Here's another picture of Clinton's curtains for reference:


And Trump's:

(The color is a little different between these photos, but the color in the Clinton images also seems to be generally off.)

2d EDIT: If Huffington Post is to be believed:

HuffPo said:
[The new rug] appears to be Ronald Reagan's former rug ― one that George W. Bush did use for a short time before he had his own similar sunburst style made.


HuffPo said:
The gold drapes Trump chose to install were also used briefly by Bush, according to photographs, though Bush replaced them, too, for a slightly different gold pair. Trump's gold drapes seem to have originated with Bill Clinton.
AS per usual, people blowing something small out of proportion. WHO CARES what he does to the office. lol OMG GOLD CURTAIN! Worry about real news FFS
Oh man, something even more trivial than the cake "controversy." Trump is already doing awful shit now as acting president, let's not dilute criticisms toward him with this petty shit.


C'mon, guys, don't knock 'em till you try them. Gold curtains dabest.

Threads like this will provide limitless entertainment for the next 4 years.


Incredibly Naive
C'mon, guys, don't knock 'em till you try them. Gold curtains dabest.

Threads like this will provide limitless entertainment for the next 4 years.

Honestly it's getting pretty tired. NeoGAF ot is turning into a Trump news hub. Every. Single. Thing. Every piece of info is getting news, such as this, or things he said, or jokes he made, etc. Some are relevant... Some are completely pointless such as this one.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Obamas presidential quote rug sounds tacky af tbh.

Gotta be honest, seeing every decision Trump makes as a rage baiting thread is a little tired. I wish people would save it for his actual bungles because there's a point where it's just outrage for the sake of it. He's awful, but this is completely nothing and in line with his 80s/entertainer persona.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Honestly it's getting pretty tired. NeoGAF ot is turning into a Trump news hub. Every. Single. Thing. Every piece of info is getting news, such as this, or things he said, or jokes he made, etc. Some are relevant... Some are completely pointless such as this one.

Agreed. The barrage of non news is getting too much for me.
This is the issue. I get he's not popular, but people are losing their minds over it all. If you even try to ask for people to be rational about it you get labelled a Nazi.

Guess this is why they say you should never speak about politics or religion with people.

Edit: As a Brit I'm glad he put the Churchill bust back. Combined with his positive comments the other day, one thing I will give Trump is that he seems to have more respect for Britain than Obama.

I find it dishonest to claim that Obama has no trust for Britain compared to Trump because he dared introduce a bust of one of the greatest civil heroes in American history — a man who helped pave the way for equality. As an Irish-British person, I am appalled.

But hey, let's say that celebrating a known racist of his time is more important than someone who worked to undo the damage that said Prime Minister contributed to.

In 1937, he told the Palestine Royal Commission: "I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."

on Ghandi:

"It is alarming and nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir… striding half-naked up the steps of the Vice-regal Palace," Churchill said of his anti-colonialist adversary in 1931.
"Gandhi should not be released on the account of a mere threat of fasting," Churchill told the cabinet on another occasion. "We should be rid of a bad man and an enemy of the Empire if he died."

Churchill may have held the line until the US entered the war, but so did Stalin and the only thing that sets them apart imo is that Churchill didn't starve millions. Both were not "good" people by any stretch of the imagination.

Source:" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29701767


It's hard to keep on Trump when people focus on shit like this.

The only thing that article did for me was make me nostalgic for when Obama had to deal with criticism for movie a British prime minister bust in place if an amarican civil rights leader bust.

Maybe this countries just been owned by fucking crazy conservatives all along.
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