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Nikki Haley Condemns Alleged Abuse, Killings Of Gay Men In Chechnya

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Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...5ace4b0b9e9848e8e14?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009

This is interesting since the Trump administration has been said to be anti-LGBTQ.


U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley called for an investigation into disturbing allegations of abuse and murder of gay men in the Russian republic of Chechnya Monday.

The claims emerged April 1 when a Russian opposition newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, reported that at least 100 men had been detained “in connection with their nontraditional sexual orientation,” with three of those men possibly killed. A second

A second Novaya Gazeta article published April 4 doubled down on those reports, with a source telling the publication that the Muslim-majority region’s anti-LGBTQ efforts include concentration camps.

Despite repeated denials by Chechen authorities, the claims ignited an international media firestorm, which prompted Haley to speak out Monday. “We continue to be disturbed by reports of kidnapping, torture, and murder of people in Chechnya based on their sexual orientation and those persecuted by association,” she wrote in a statement. “If true, this violation of human rights cannot be ignored ― Chechen authorities must immediately investigate these allegations, hold anyone involved accountable, and take steps to prevent future abuses.”

She went on to note, “We are against all forms of discrimination, including against people based on sexual orientation. When left unchecked, discrimination and human rights abuses can lead to destabilization and conflict.”

A number of LGBTQ rights advocates were quick to praise the ambassador’s effort. Among them was GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis, who applauded Haley for “taking the right step” days after the queer rights group had urged her to condemn the “humanitarian crisis.”

“This is a powerful sign that the U.S. Mission to the United Nations will continue to prioritize LGBTQ acceptance,” Ellis wrote in an email statement sent to The Huffington Post, “and fight discrimination and human rights abuses around the world.”

“A comprehensive international response to the situation in Chechnya is crucial to asserting the international community’s values and advancing human rights,” Elisa Massimino, the group’s president and CEO, had written in a letter addressed to Haley Monday. “I strongly support your initiative to use the U.S. presidency of the U.N. Security Council to advance international thinking on the clear links between upholding universal values and the maintenance of international peace and security, and hope that you will use this effort to call attention to an ongoing outrage that has no place in the modern world.”
This is interesting since the Trump administration has been said to be anti-LGBTQ.
They certainly are, but I don't think many of them would go so far as to literally try and kill gay people, they just want to make their lives shitty.

This situation is truly horrific.
She went on to note, “We are against all forms of discrimination, including against people based on sexual orientation.

[Asked if she would support gay marriage]: No. Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Source: WISTV.com website, Story #10720699 , Jun 1, 2010
Just a reminder.

Haley's got a real shot at being our first female president if she keeps looking good, though, as much as I think she was a garbage governor and person.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
This is interesting since the Trump administration has been said to be anti-LGBTQ.

Once again the bar is set extremely low for the Trump administration.


They certainly are, but I don't think many of them would go so far as to literally try and kill gay people, they just want to make their lives shitty.

This situation is truly horrific.

Ask that to the people who rely on Obamacare/Planned Parent Hood for help.
"Said to be"

There's levels to this stuff. Not wanting LGBTQ to marry, have federal jobs, adopt, or use bathrooms is anti-, but it's not the same as kidnapping and murder.


Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...5ace4b0b9e9848e8e14?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009

This is interesting since the Trump administration has been said to be anti-LGBTQ.

Trump Rolls Back Protections for LGBTQ Workers, Despite Recent Promises

On Monday, Trump signed an executive order revoking key parts of previous orders by President Obama, which had effectively banned federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Under Executive Order 13673, which Obama issued in 2014, companies receiving federal contracts in excess of half a million dollars were required to demonstrate they had complied with a set of 15 federal or state labor laws over the previous three years; several of those laws offered critical protections for LGBTQ workers.
Not really. Conservatives have a habit of "helping" minorities only when it makes themselves look good.

There is a Tolstoy quote that comes to mind.

For those unaware, the men are being tortured, but the real danger comes from when they are released. Chechyna is an extremely conservative Muslim region that practices honour killings, these men are outed as gay to their families and they can and are being killed as a result, so many LGBT groups in Russia are helping them escape the region and many have just run away, some of their friends (whom are gay too) have no idea if they are dead or in hiding. It is not particularly the police directly killing them, but their communities/families whom the police also encourage to do.
They are protecting gay people from foreign ideology again. This is consistent with the Administration. "We will make your lives hell, but won't let the Muslims or Russians do it mmmkay?"
Just a reminder.

Haley's got a real shot at being our first female president if she keeps looking good, though, as much as I think she was a garbage governor and person.

I don't know much about Haley, but people can change. Hillary Clinton opposed the legalization of gay marriage as recently as 2006 or 2008 I believe (I could certainly be wrong about that year, by the way). Just because someone said something over 7 years ago doesn't mean they still believe it now. If you find me a quote from Haley opposing gay marriage from the last year or so, then yeah, I'd probably feel you have a stronger case.


“If true, this violation of human rights cannot be ignored ― Chechen authorities must immediately investigate these allegations, hold anyone involved accountable, and take steps to prevent future abuses.”

If true... Chechen authorities must...
"Said to be"

There's levels to this stuff. Not wanting LGBTQ to marry, have federal jobs, adopt, or use bathrooms is anti-, but it's not the same as kidnapping and murder.
While you're right, I wouldn't put the two approaches as so far apart.

Both levels of oppression here are intended for full public erasure based on sexual orientation or preference. One method is physically violent, the other starves and kills through destroying social capital, de-legitimizing their public existence, and legislating against their humanity. The end result can often be the same.

Like what's the difference in method overall if trans life expectancy here is in the 20s?


With another administration in place, I firmly believe Haley would actually be doing good work. Right now I question what good she can do when the administration doesn't seem to even acknowledge her statements so far.

nice spin before even someone can even read the article

It's pretty difficult to call this administration's rulings so far pro-LGBT but hey, spin right?
*condemns killing someone based on sexual orientation*
"Wow Hayley is so good! She might be president one day"

The bar is nonexistent ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know much about Haley, but people can change. Hillary Clinton opposed the legalization of gay marriage as recently as 2006 or 2008 I believe (I could certainly be wrong about that year, by the way). Just because someone said something over 7 years ago doesn't mean they still believe it now. If you find me a quote from Haley opposing gay marriage from the last year or so, then yeah, I'd probably feel you have a stronger case.


Pretty recent article on her political stances. She's left of the Trump admin easily and has shown quite a bit of compassion on several issues, but she holds the default party stance on gay marriage.
With another administration in place, I firmly believe Haley would actually be doing good work. Right now I question what good she can do when the administration doesn't seem to even acknowledge her statements so far.

It's pretty difficult to call this administration's rulings so far pro-LGBT but hey, spin right?

Take this with a grain of salt, but I'm friends with someone who works at the State Dept who works in UN relations. He said that Haley has actually shown to be very open to positive feedback and is willing to learn how to handle relationships with our UN allies. I was actually surprised considering who's in the White House, but my friend said she genuinely wants to do a good job.

Like others have said, she could very well be the GOP nominee in a few cycles from now, which can be scary considering her other politics.
It's pretty difficult to call this administration's rulings so far pro-LGBT but hey, spin right?

In news based threads like this, it's better to leave the personal spin till after the news article is read, let the reader make their own "informed" decision before the opinion starts. I don't think I'm saying anything out of line
"Said to be"

There's levels to this stuff. Not wanting LGBTQ to marry, have federal jobs, adopt, or use bathrooms is anti-, but it's not the same as kidnapping and murder.

Added to which, it's an easy bit of low hanging fruit with which the administration can try to distance itself from the Russia controversy.


Good news LGBTQ the Trump admins you shouldn't be killed.

But they don't think you have a right to work, and conversion therapy is A-OK,

where are people standards?


Take this with a grain of salt, but I'm friends with someone who works at the State Dept who works in UN relations. He said that Haley has actually shown to be very open to positive feedback and is willing to learn how to handle relationships with our UN allies. I was actually surprised considering who's in the White House, but my friend said she genuinely wants to do a good job.

Like others have said, she could very well be the GOP nominee in a few cycles from now.

I don't disagree, as I mentioned before, if another administration had put Haley into her UN spot with their full backing and support it would have been something to see. I can still see her doing good work now, but what good are strong words with only a token support from the administration. As seen before, she's consistently come down much, much firmer than the administration who constantly wobbles on issues like Syria and Assad in the past.

What good I can expect to come from Haley has to be couched in the fact that she'll likely be hamstrung as ambassador by an administration whose opinion changes on a whim.


This statement from Haley contradicts the current anti-LGBTQ stance of the rest of the Trump administration:

"She [Haley] went on to note, “We are against all forms of discrimination, including against people based on sexual orientation. When left unchecked, discrimination and human rights abuses can lead to destabilization and conflict.” "

Dude Abides

The entire basis for Trump's claim to be pro-LGBTQ was that Muslims are anti-gay and he is anti-Muslim so this fits right in line with that.


Take this with a grain of salt, but I'm friends with someone who works at the State Dept who works in UN relations. He said that Haley has actually shown to be very open to positive feedback and is willing to learn how to handle relationships with our UN allies. I was actually surprised considering who's in the White House, but my friend said she genuinely wants to do a good job.

Like others have said, she could very well be the GOP nominee in a few cycles from now, which can be scary considering her other politics.
Gillibrand, who voted against every cabinet secretary (because she's totally running in '16), didn't vote against her nomination. We're definitely seeing why.


Take this with a grain of salt, but I'm friends with someone who works at the State Dept who works in UN relations. He said that Haley has actually shown to be very open to positive feedback and is willing to learn how to handle relationships with our UN allies. I was actually surprised considering who's in the White House, but my friend said she genuinely wants to do a good job.

Like others have said, she could very well be the GOP nominee in a few cycles from now, which can be scary considering her other politics.

pretty obvious her position is just a stepping stone for her political future. it's going to be pretty easy to point back at this administration and say "see i was one of the good ones who didn't want gay men killed!"


No Scrubs
Gillibrand, who voted against every cabinet secretary (because she's totally running in '16), didn't vote against her nomination. We're definitely seeing why.

Pretty much. Haley was the only half-decent pick Trump made. She won't make it past the GOP primary as a result of her service and what she's been saying, but she's been the only non-fuck-up in the whole administration.


You're casting doubt on the administration's blatant anti-LGBT stances just because they managed to come out on the right side of murder?
Hey it's better than the last time trump released a statement on the murder of LGBT people where he was more concerned about being "right" than the lives that were lost

Trump said:
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance.
I don't know much about Haley, but people can change. Hillary Clinton opposed the legalization of gay marriage as recently as 2006 or 2008 I believe (I could certainly be wrong about that year, by the way). Just because someone said something over 7 years ago doesn't mean they still believe it now. If you find me a quote from Haley opposing gay marriage from the last year or so, then yeah, I'd probably feel you have a stronger case.
She hasn't changed, she's just a good politician. She's going to nail her current role in order to nail her next one until she's as high up as possible. She breezed through scandals invented to marginalize her for her gender and race to win in SC, which is something I think people all over the US can't fully appreciate. She's here to win the long game and has done it with all the odds against her, which I'm feeling will frustrate me until I die.


Gillibrand, who voted against every cabinet secretary (because she's totally running in '16), didn't vote against her nomination. We're definitely seeing why.

And Haley was put into that position so Trump YesMan Henry McMaster could become governor of SC because no one here likes him enough to actually vote for him as governor legitimately.


Hey it's better than the last time trump released a statement on the murder of LGBT people where he was more concerned about being "right" than the lives that were lost

Isn't that when he said that after 40 gay people were killed in cold blood? Jesus. No sorry to the families or anything.

God, I hate this man.
Ask that to the people who rely on Obamacare/Planned Parent Hood for help.
Yeah, wasn't a defence, merely trying to say that most of them aren't brazen or open about wanting to kill gays, so this statement certainly doesn't change how little they care which was implied with the "said to be" comment.


Haley does her own thing, she's literally the only person in the administration who cares about human rights.

She also shot down a bathroom bill here in SC because she said it wasn't needed. She's smart and she knew a similar bill here would wreck tourism and business, which she spent her entire governorship working to be a jobs governor.

I hate to praise her, because I don't like her, but she one of the more decent Republicans out there. Which is pretty damn hilarious given she is from SC.
Haley does her own thing, she's literally the only person in the administration who cares about human rights.
She denied climate change in the face of a "1000-year rain" flood that killed dozens of her citizens. She also buried a 2010 report on climate change's impact on South Carolina.


Reports came to our attention last month that the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) had been withholding a report about the local impact of climate change since November, 2011.

Everything about the story pointed to political interference, including the unexpected departure of former DNR Director John Frampton, who had led the state agency for eight years and spearheaded the climate report in question. The local press reported that Frampton had been forced out by a political appointee who had been named by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to head a self-described “business-friendly” board in charge of the state agency.

Botany Bay Beach, South Carolina

Of course, our attention was all the more piqued given a similarly anti-science response to climate impacts last year in neighboring North Carolina. In that earlier case, North Carolina politicians had refused to accept a peer-reviewed scientific report on climate-related sea level rise that the state had commissioned and the state senate went so far as to pass a bill (later overturned) that specifically prohibited agencies and municipalities from using the latest scientific data on sea level rise in coastal management decisions.
UCS Investigates

Always concerned about incidents in which scientific information is suppressed or distorted, the Union of Concerned Scientists looked further into the South Carolina case by contacting some of the people involved.

Barry Beasley, a natural resource expert who had worked on the suppressed South Carolina climate report for more than a year before retiring from the DNR at the end of 2010, expressed dismay that the report had never been issued. Beasley explained that an 18-member team, including senior scientists at the agency, had spent three years compiling the latest scientific data about the effects of climate change on South Carolina.

“The information we collected is important for both the public in South Carolina and especially for natural resource managers in the state,” Beasley said. “The public needs access to that information and it’s part of the state’s job to help people understand the implications of changes in the climate that are already underway.”

I don't know that "allowing your own people to die and denying what killed them" is caring about human rights. If anything, it analogizes nicely to the situation she's talking about now.


Haley appears to be running the UN office w/o much input from elsewhere, she's continuously using stronger language than anyone else in the administration.

And yeah, in 8-12 years I could easily see her pulling out the GOP nomination.

I'd love to see Haley get the GOP nomination just to see how the Left would react.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?


She also shot down a bathroom bill here in SC because she said it wasn't needed. She's smart and she knew a similar bill here would wreck tourism and business, which she spent her entire governorship working to be a jobs governor.

I hate to praise her, because I don't like her, but she one of the more decent Republicans out there. Which is pretty damn hilarious given she is from SC.

There's a YouTuber I watch who hates Haley because he with multiple other families was displaced when Haley got Boeing to come into North Charleston, South Carolina with jobs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6a2YLWmYDQ

Published on Aug 29, 2012

TWEET NIKKI HALEY: https://twitter.com/nikkihaley

Grandpa blasts South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley after her comment stating not a single person was hurt by Boeing's decision to come to North Charleston. Grandpa was, Trailwood trailer park and the people who lived there were.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I thought she was awful in her old gig and she seems to be competent and level headed in this one.
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