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Nintendo America shows how clueless they are about internet things. Supports SOPA.

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a proxy battle for console war bullshit is silly and overlooks the broader, glaring issue of the corporations (whether it's Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, EA, who cares) limiting your rights.

This isn't about a console war at all. I came across someone mentioning Nintendo supporting them. Looked it up and found that so I thought I'd post it. I don't give a shit about what consoles best, I grew out of that when I was 16.
Why are we using a generic Nintendo rep e-mail response as representative of a company's stance on something?

This exact same e-mail appears everytime in these, "NINTENDO THINKS THIS. NINTENDO SAYS." no, sorry, that isn't Nintendo, this is an automated response

Wouldn't the automated response made by the company itself be it's actual stance? If they didn't want people to think this is their stance, why make this automatic response.

This is their stance.


I thought I read the list of 'supporters' for the bill had actually just agreed to something about selling real physical counterfeit goods online rather than all the censorship bullshit, and the people putting it through are misrepresenting them. Anyone have a source?


ed: It's good that some companies are withdrawing their support but I can't help but see it (cynical as it is) as an effort to regain goodwill with their customers, rather than any principled opposition to the bill.
That should be enough. I would much rather corporations listen to consumers than stay in rigid beliefs that might be wrong.


Companies wanting to protect their products and services. Shocking!

While I don't like SOPA, it is not hard to know where these companies come from.

Sure, but there are actual human beings making the decision to endorse this bill and it would effect them just as much as anybody else. It just bewilders me as to how anyone can actually support something so incredibly detrimental. Perhaps they just don't understand the full extent of the bill; it goes way beyond piracy. I completely understand why they would want to rid piracy, but this isn't the way to go about doing it.


Sure, but there are actual human beings making the decision to endorse this bill and it would effect them just as much as anybody else. It just bewilders me as to how anyone can actually support something so incredibly detrimental. Perhaps they just don't understand the full extent of the bill; it goes way beyond piracy. I completely understand why they would want to rid piracy, but this isn't the way to go about doing it.

I think that's part of the problem with the bill is a lot of people in Congress probably don't even realize (or think about) what it's really going to do

I don't believe they are just in the pockets of the media companies but instead are just ignorant so that's why we need to keep up this public outcry and contact your senators and representative in Congress


Wouldn't the automated response made by the company itself be it's actual stance? If they didn't want people to think this is their stance, why make this automatic response.

This is their stance.

But it doesn't give their reason or how. They could be supporting it becuase their in an association that does. They could support it becuase there honestly is no better legislation out there that deals with piracy.

If u feel that the email is enogh to convince you to leave the company, that's fine but I highly doubt Nntendo is seeing SOPA as some type of endgame they have been working towards.


Even if Nintendo does support SOPA, would anyone be remotely surprised? Like every other company that deals with a lot of piracy, they desperately want to protect their content. While the idea that one pirated game = one lost sale is complete ignorance, SOPA (in the minds of execs, at least) would deter more casual piracy and that would have a positive effect on sales. That's all a for-profit company that trades primarily in content cares about, potential horrible ramifications for the internet aside.
Wouldn't the automated response made by the company itself be it's actual stance? If they didn't want people to think this is their stance, why make this automatic response.

This is their stance.

Were you here around E3? Going by this logic we know a lot more about the Wii U than was actually confirmed. Service rep replies don't count for anything, especially with regards to major topics.


I thought I read the list of 'supporters' for the bill had actually just agreed to something about selling real physical counterfeit goods online rather than all the censorship bullshit, and the people putting it through are misrepresenting them. Anyone have a source?

The concern of the bill, and of the companies, is unifying internet protections and in some cases drawing real-life analogies to online interactions; being able to obtain the same court order to shut down che4psunglasssssses.info that they can to deal with the guy in the mall flogging fake Oakleys, seize his paypal and adsense accounts the same way as they can his bank account, and-reaching into unreasonabilty but codifying existing case law rather than creating a new banned act-preventing linking to the site. There are also clauses making the offering of streaming pirated versions just as illegal as downloadable ones.

The concern of civil libertarians is that the formalization of a process to request warrants for this rather than the current piecemeal lawsuits against infringers will create a system biased against the defendant, and a new category of things to accuse politically inconvenient sites of.

The concern of legitimate media sites is that there is no explicit line drawn in determining what constitutes rogue users on a legit site as opposed to a rogue site, thus exposing them to costly legal defenses.

The concern of network admins is that several of the technical details of the bill, written to require action by the ISPs rather than ICANN (for domain revocations) or the sites themselves, break several major security protocols.

In other words, it's a bad law, written to deal with a very bad situation. Hence the broad-based support; its vagueness and technical iffiness shit all over one sector if the courts don't do their job (they won't) but a dozen other sectors are screaming for it.


This isn't about a console war at all. I came across someone mentioning Nintendo supporting them. Looked it up and found that so I thought I'd post it. I don't give a shit about what consoles best, I grew out of that when I was 16.
Fuck, just admit that your snarkiness (harhar they have no clue about the internet) backfired because a lot of big companies who obviously have expertise in the online space are also supporting it.

This SOPA thing is bad enough without you colouring your OP in rather embarassing fashion.

Also, fuck Nintendo for supporting this bill.
I feel like SOPA support (not just from Nintendo, but companies like Sony and Apple as well) are to cover their asses for investors.

Unless they're actually financially supporting the bill, they're probably just making symbolic gestures to keep their investors from complaining that they're doing nothing to fight piracy.

If they are financially supporting it, fuck 'em.


Fuck, just admit that your snarkiness (harhar they have no clue about the internet) backfired because a lot of big companies who obviously have expertise in the online space are also supporting it.

This SOPA thing is bad enough without you colouring your OP in rather embarassing fashion.

Also, fuck Nintendo for supporting this bill.

Some of you take GAF fucking serious I swear. Alright, my stab at Nintendo's shit online services backfired. Because, you know, no one has ever mentioned anything about that before. It's still true what I said in that post you quoted though. But no, it must be because I'm secretly pushing my PS360 agenda that MUST be it!


Some of you take GAF fucking serious I swear. Alright, my stab at Nintendo's shit online services backfired. Because, you know, no one has ever mentioned anything about that before. It's still true what I said in that post you quoted though. But no, it must be because I'm secretly pushing my PS360 agenda that MUST be it!
I didn't even say that you were wrong about Nintendo. It was just a misplaced and unnecessary dig taking away from the thing you actually wanted this thread to focus on (I assume).

Also, fuck everyone supporting this bill. Speaking about public image, I can tolerate Sony and Nintendo, but knowing they support SOPA doesn't improve their image. Don't ask what I think of Apple, Activision and EA. >_>


I feel like SOPA support (not just from Nintendo, but companies like Sony and Apple as well) are to cover their asses for investors.

Unless they're actually financially supporting the bill, they're probably just making symbolic gestures to keep their investors from complaining that they're doing nothing to fight piracy.

If they are financially supporting it, fuck 'em.
This post sounds pretty reasonable, and therefore sticks out like a sore thumb in this angry thread.


Membero Americo
Wait, companies support an act to stop the piracy of their product, something that results with them loosing money!?

This is the most shocking news ever!

According to that a large list of companies asked for legislation addressing copyright issues. This lead to some lawmaker drafting up SOPA in response.

This does not mean they support SOPA

I can't believe that had to be explicitly stated for people to understand. Only a fraction of those companies have come out, since SOPA was drafted, stating they support it. Using that list as a list of "companies in support of SOPA" is stupid


I'm thinking this will die in the Senate, but pressure needs to be kept up bigtime.

If SOPA passes, I'm done with buying consoles. I'll stick to indie PC gaming. I'm leaning in that direction anyways, this would just confirm it.


thanks for the laugh
weird seeing so many antivirus houses back sopa. where would they be without 500kb "complete series" EXEs?
Were you here around E3? Going by this logic we know a lot more about the Wii U than was actually confirmed. Service rep replies don't count for anything, especially with regards to major topics.

Well then that just speaks of crappy organization in their own company.

But it doesn't give their reason or how. They could be supporting it becuase their in an association that does. They could support it becuase there honestly is no better legislation out there that deals with piracy.
I didn't say it did, but I would hope that when it comes to serious issues like this,, a company would make sure that those who are supposed to respond to public questions are on the same page with what the companies stance is. Regardless of why.

If u feel that the email is enogh to convince you to leave the company, that's fine but I highly doubt Nntendo is seeing SOPA as some type of endgame they have been working towards.
I really don't care that much. It's not like this will stop me from buying the few Nintendo products I purchase. I'm not sure why this thread has to turn into a thread where Nintendo fans have to play damage control as well.


Why are we using a generic Nintendo rep e-mail response as representative of a company's stance on something?

This exact same e-mail appears everytime in these, "NINTENDO THINKS THIS. NINTENDO SAYS." no, sorry, that isn't Nintendo, this is an automated response

So the automated response came from the automated response factory? Is that next to the fortune cookie fortune factory?
Typical overreactionary posts...

Do you have any idea what SOPA is? As a Nintendo fan I assume you've only just learned how to go online so perhaps it's over your head, but effectively it's giving power to corporations to request internet censorship at a level only seen in China right now. What would be an appropriate reaction to that?
Do you have any idea what SOPA is? As a Nintendo fan I assume you've only just learned how to go online so perhaps it's over your head, but effectively it's giving power to corporations to request internet censorship at a level only seen in China right now. What would be an appropriate reaction to that?

Can't beat em with logic, beat em with ad hominem!
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