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No Man's Sky Confirmed Feature List


I really don't know what you are expecting. It's a space exploration game. By it's nature, the gameworld has to be procedurally generated to allow for multiple planets. Otherwise it wouldn't be much of space exploration game.

Unless you think the devs should have created a single, super-complex world which you spend all your time in. But then it'd have nothing to do with space. Or do you require that they map out and realistically simulate an entire system, like our Solar System?

You're right, it's the only way a game like this can be done. Just worried it's still not good enough, and there are not enough truly interesting locations. Scale alone just doesn't impress me, except maybe when VR comes into play and you can sense the vastness of the landscapes better.

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
The planets don't even have to be that large, really. The planets and moons in Kerbal Space Program are significantly smaller than their real world counterparts, but still take ages to properly explore at close to ground level.


Gold Member
If the planets and star systems are the same in everyone's games, a star map will emerge. It will be, as you say, a huge endeavor, but I don't doubt the persistence of invested gamers, especially when this hits PC. The game is supposed to have some sort of trade economy after all, that wouldn't be possible if no one ever found anyone.

There is a map of the entire thing in the game. When you first start playing everything will just be marked "unknown", but as people start exploring you'll see it start to slowly fill in. Of course, the game is way too massive for every planet to be visible at once, so I guess they're gonna do it with some sort of dynamic zoom system. Perhaps at the galactic scale you'll just see large star clusters as small dots on the map, and as you zoom in you'll get more and more detail.

I'm still quite sceptical of this claim.

Not sure if some realize how god damn massive even Earth is. A 1:1, explorable scale planet x 5 gabillion would be beyond ridiculous in scope.

Not sure you (and others) realize that with procedural generation this isn't an issue. Making the game generate a planet the size of Earth isn't really any more difficult than generating something much smaller. If you can do one you can do the other. It's the same thing, you just generate more stuff for the larger planet. Making it stay interesting and varied is another matter, we'll have to wait and see there.
There is a map of the entire thing in the game. When you first start playing everything will just be marked "unknown", but as people start exploring you'll see it start to slowly fill in. Of course, the game is way too massive for every planet to be visible at once, so I guess they're gonna do it with some sort of dynamic zoom system. Perhaps at the galactic scale you'll just see large star clusters as small dots on the map, and as you zoom in you'll get more and more detail.

This is what the galaxy map looks like in Elite: Dangerous, just to give people a general idea of what it might look like in NMS. Although, since the big multiplayer thing will be the tagging of discovered planets, we might see little colored dots even in the zoomed out, full galaxy view or even regions or lines showing discovered space or travel paths.

Why doesn't the first page mention anything about the center of the galaxy thing? There are so many details there, it seems odd it would have been completely left out.

There will be a compelling reason to head towards the centre of the galaxy, as well as an ending that will provide you with a sense of closure. But there will be a reason to continue playing after that ending

It is in the OP


What if we're in No Man's Sky?

What if we're already in some future iteration of the game that features long term evolution and development and we're just NPCs?

Now whatever algorithm is used for us has led to the game being developed in the game.

What happens when we meet a playable character?

This sounds dangerously similar to particular plot device used in
Star Ocean 3
If the planets and star systems are the same in everyone's games, a star map will emerge. It will be, as you say, a huge endeavor, but I don't doubt the persistence of invested gamers, especially when this hits PC. The game is supposed to have some sort of trade economy after all, that wouldn't be possible if no one ever found anyone.
Calling it "huge" is really understanding it. The trade economy in the game can't depend on people meeting each other, it needs to be much more easily accessible for everyone to have any dynamic or meaning. My bet is that there will be some sort of trading stations all over the galaxy which can be used to access a more global market.
Calling it "huge" is really understanding it. The trade economy in the game can't depend on people meeting each other, it needs to be much more easily accessible for everyone to have any dynamic or meaning. My bet is that there will be some sort of trading stations all over the galaxy which can be used to access a more global market.

Trading could also be handled like in most space trading sims with each planet/space station having their own market prices, available goods, supply and demand etc. You'd find a planet/station that has cheap meat and find another that's in high demand of meat so you can make a hefty profit. Although, it's more likely we'll be trading with the different types of mined resources, minerals etc. Also, since there are different alien races in the galaxy, maybe certain races are known for or pay really well for certain goods, like you'd probably find lots of weapon improvements with one race's stations or another paying well for Heridium (seen in the trailer) resources.


Junior Member
I'm still curious about moons, traversable asteroids, gas giants, nebulae, binary star systems, and alternative things like that.
Maybe I'm just being cynical, but this game is starting to remind me of Spores. A lot of hype based on high concept features that all sound like it's the game of the forever. But will the game actually be fun to play?
Maybe I'm just being cynical, but this game is starting to remind me of Spores. A lot of hype based on high concept features that all sound like it's the game of the forever. But will the game actually be fun to play?



Still not understanding the folks that keep going "getting SPORE vibes from this. Uh-Oh." I never played it, but still. Are we THAT jaded as gamers that we cant just be excited for an awesome concept like this?

I'm more thinking that it's comparable to Starbound, honestly.

The planets don't even have to be that large, really. The planets and moons in Kerbal Space Program are significantly smaller than their real world counterparts, but still take ages to properly explore at close to ground level.

To me, that's just one of those "What the hell... Why not." kind of things. Space freaks like me want that kind of stuff.

Do I want a lot of barren, or super dangerous, uninhabitable planets? Fuck yes I do.


I'm still curious about moons, traversable asteroids, gas giants, nebulae, binary star systems, and alternative things like that.

Hmm, I hadn't thought about that until reading your post. For some reasons (but mainly dev resources), I don't believe we'll be seeing a lot of it in NMS at first. I'm a huge supporter of the idea tho, it would add a lot to the game atmosphere.

li bur

So how do they deal with player's death? Suppose, if we die while exploring a planet that is 3/4 close to the center of the galaxy, would we get sent back to the starting planet?

E92 M3

So how do they deal with player's death? Suppose, if we die while exploring a planet that is 3/4 close to the center of the galaxy, would we get sent back to the starting planet?

From what we know you will restart at the place you die, not the beginning. Don't know other details.


So how do they deal with player's death? Suppose, if we die while exploring a planet that is 3/4 close to the center of the galaxy, would we get sent back to the starting planet?
I got the impression that you'll lose your weapon, suit and ship upgrades, but stay where you are with basic equipment.


Gold Member
Still not understanding the folks that keep going "getting SPORE vibes from this. Uh-Oh." I never played it, but still. Are we THAT jaded as gamers that we cant just be excited for an awesome concept like this?

Many clearly are. I'm honestly surprised at the level of cynicism toward this game.

Hmm, I hadn't thought about that until reading your post. For some reasons (but mainly dev resources), I don't believe we'll be seeing a lot of it in NMS at first. I'm a huge supporter of the idea tho, it would add a lot to the game atmosphere.

Moons have been mentioned, at least. And that's just smaller planets that orbit larger ones anyway, pretty much, so it shouldn't be too difficult. But yeah, don't know about the other stuff.

So how do they deal with player's death? Suppose, if we die while exploring a planet that is 3/4 close to the center of the galaxy, would we get sent back to the starting planet?

From what I've understood there is no actual player death per se. If your ship gets blown up you get sent to the closest planet (probably) in the cockpit part of your ship, which works as a "lifeboat". This little semi-ship is just powerful enough to take you up to the closest space station, where you can get going again. Don't know how much that actually sets you back though. Perhaps the game has some ship insurance system (like many other games in the genre). Either way, no, you don't get thrown back to the edge of the galaxy again.

Don't know how they're gonna deal with dying on planets, out of your ship. But again, I'm pretty sure you can't actually die and have everything reset. That would be too punishing, this isn't a roguelike. So maybe you just sort of get knocked unconscious, your ship automatically takes you up to the closest space station where you get fixed up, and you then have to pay medical bills or something similar.

I got the impression that you'll lose your weapon, suit and ship upgrades, but stay where you are with basic equipment.

Or that, yeah. So "dying" would basically mean losing the money you had invested in upgrades. I still wonder about ships though. Supposing they get really expensive as you work your way up it wouldn't be all that fun to lose one you just bought for 1 million credits (or however much is a lot in this game) and have to start over with nothing again. But then again, the closer you get to the center of the galaxy the faster you'll be able to make money (you'll find more expensive resources, etc) from what I've understood, so maybe it will be balanced in a way where it won't be a big issue.
Watching an interview with Sean Murray about " how it all works ". Gives some information that could help people in understanding how this all works and how detailed Murray and his team have been when it comes to building the planets.


Major Points :

1.) It is not Random. Every planet is built off a series of algorithms based on the surrounding solar system. For example, if a planet is the right distance from the Sun then that planet has the potential for having Water. And with that algorithm being true then that planet may then have lakes, may then have streams or ponds or entire Oceans. Then, with those algorithms being true, the atmosphere will then have moisture and various combinations of gasses. And those combinations will determine the different color of the planet due to the moisture in the atmosphere interacting with the wavelengths to create the look of that planet.

2.) They built the game as procedural through complex mathematical algorithms as to make each planet look as if it were " correct ", and not random since Random can potentially end up in insane combinations like a black sky with a green carpet of soil.

3.) The math controls things down to a rock being beside a particular tree on a particular hilltop.

4.) if the player is not around, there is nothing. Only once the player gets in range does the math begin to break down whatever it is should be appearing for that player. So in essence, the game is building the world around the player based on if the player is able to see whatever it is being mathematically generated. But because it is math generating the layouts, if you leave the planet and then return, you will see it all exactly as you left it. In math, the answer is always the same, so because of that, when you return to a planet a year later, the result that is laid out for you will again be exactly the same without deviation. The direct result of this is also that the planets can be insanely large. Everything doesn't have to be stored on a disc or in the " cloud ", it is just generated on the fly for the player as he causes the breakdowns in the math. This is how an " earth sized " planet could be built and still not have to have anything streaming off a disc.

5.) things like oceans and the atmosphere are created off chemicals. You can see in a portion where the player is underwater exploring the ocean. He is told the water is made up of 99% Hydrogen Dioxide, 0.7% sodium chloride, 0.2% trace substances. So within there is an abundance of life in the ocean as it is well suited for a wide range of creatures. So the atmosphere can be given various chemicals that can then control what is able to grow or live on the planet, and the same with the oceans.

Various layers of math like that build each planet. So for those thinking, " oh this is just a random generated palette where the computer just picks a a texture and changes the color and then throws it all out there and whatever happens happens " , that isn't how it works at all. It is all very detailed with many many many layers of math generating what you will see in the universe. Outside of what they go in and want to build by hand anyway.

There is a whole series on the game you'll find that go into the deeper details of the gameplay and such like that also. But, the main question most people seem to have, or concern most people seem to have, about No Mans Sky, is how the planets are built to begin with. Some have this notion that since it is procedural, it is all just random chance. Not the case.


Only part that bothers me is this..

Made up of multiple galaxies 
The planets within the universe will have a 10% chance of having life on them, with 90% of them having no life on at all. Of the 10% that does have life, 90% of that will be primitive and boring. So the lush garden worlds with more evolved life forms on will be rare 
There will be lots of barren planets, but they can still have valuable resources on 
Planets will generally only have one type of resource on them


There is a whole series on the game you'll find that go into the deeper details of the gameplay and such like that also. But, the main question most people seem to have, or concern most people seem to have, about No Mans Sky, is how the planets are built to begin with. Some have this notion that since it is procedural, it is all just random chance. Not the case.

It almost certainly is random, though, just not in the way that some people seem to think. While they've made it clear that the world-building algorithms are both heavily constrained and entirely deterministic, the "Big Bang" starts with a single 64-bit seed which is almost certainly then used to initialize a psuedorandom number generator that generates a constant sequence of random seeds that control the expression of all the entities in the game universe (planets, stars, etc).

Randomly vary the seed and you get a randomly generated universe, subject to the constraints imposed by the world-building algorithms.


Only part that bothers me is this..

Made up of multiple galaxies 
The planets within the universe will have a 10% chance of having life on them, with 90% of them having no life on at all. Of the 10% that does have life, 90% of that will be primitive and boring.So the lush garden worlds with more evolved life forms on will be rare 
There will be lots of barren planets, but they can still have valuable resources on 
Planets will generally only have one type of resource on them

Actually the only thing that bothers me about that statement is the last sentence (I bolded it).

That was kind of disappointing to me. Just seems like the planets would be more interesting if you there was a variable amount of resources you could find on them (maybe some only having one, maybe some having many, maybe even some having none at all). I mean I don't mind if not all have more than one but I'd rather not one be the usual amount I find on a planet. I would like it varied so I don't just see a planet as "That is the iron planet and only good for me for iron" and another "That is the wood planet and only good for me for wood".

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I'm still curious about moons, traversable asteroids, gas giants, nebulae, binary star systems, and alternative things like that.

I'd looooove if you could go into the Gas Giants' atmospheres and some have floating life in the clouds. Surprise ecosystems in weird places in general would be amazing.


I'd looooove if you could go into the Gas Giants' atmospheres and some have floating life in the clouds. Surprise ecosystems in weird places in general would be amazing.

Fuck, that sounds awesome.

I mean it's definitely not gonna happen but now I've somehow gotten my hopes up even higher.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Fuck, that sounds awesome.

I mean it's definitely not gonna happen but now I've somehow gotten my hopes up even higher.

Yeah, I like setting myself up for utter disappointment, too.
This game is really pushing the needle of my too-good-to-be-true-o-meter, but I really really want to play it.


Maybe I've missed it in this thread but when I'll find a interesting planet, will I be able to somehow mark it to return to it later?
A fast travel map or something like that?
I was so excited for this game and then I saw that there was combat. Then I was sad. It was like how I felt during that Watch_Dogs reveal demo. It was all awesome and interesting and co...oh he pulled a gun out and started shooting people. Sigh.

How integral do you think combat is? It said that the exploration ships can run from all combat, so I'll be doing that. But all combat? Really? What about on a planet? What if I don't want to fight anything? Maybe this isn't the game for me. I hope they add some kind of exploration mode where I can just explore without any hassle.
Maybe I've missed it in this thread but when I'll find a interesting planet, will I be able to somehow mark it to return to it later?
A fast travel map or something like that?

You can choose to name and reveal the newly discovered planet so that will permanently reveal the planet on the galaxy map. I'm sure you'll be able to return to any planet you've ever discovered but I doubt there will be a fast travel option.

I was so excited for this game and then I saw that there was combat. Then I was sad. It was like how I felt during that Watch_Dogs reveal demo. It was all awesome and interesting and co...oh he pulled a gun out and started shooting people. Sigh.

How integral do you think combat is? It said that the exploration ships can run from all combat, so I'll be doing that. But all combat? Really? What about on a planet? What if I don't want to fight anything? Maybe this isn't the game for me. I hope they add some kind of exploration mode where I can just explore without any hassle.

Well, I suspect there will be danger everywhere, on land and in space but they've mentioned you can choose to get involved in the conflicts or run away, so there's that. There's also a class of spaceships that's designed for cloaking and faster travel. I don't think you'll be able to completely avoid combat since there is a lot of survival involved in this game, but I'd say you'll be able to attempt a pacifist run with as less combat as possible, even though it might prove to be much more of a challenge.
What if they're events like earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes/tornadoes...... Maybe not at launch, but in an update or something...


there is joy in sucking dick
What if they're events like earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes/tornadoes...... Maybe not at launch, but in an update or something...

That would be awesome but I would think adding weather simulations would be another layer of complexity that may be too much for this small team. It would be a great way to add tension with particularly volatile planets though.

E92 M3

I was so excited for this game and then I saw that there was combat. Then I was sad. It was like how I felt during that Watch_Dogs reveal demo. It was all awesome and interesting and co...oh he pulled a gun out and started shooting people. Sigh.

How integral do you think combat is? It said that the exploration ships can run from all combat, so I'll be doing that. But all combat? Really? What about on a planet? What if I don't want to fight anything? Maybe this isn't the game for me. I hope they add some kind of exploration mode where I can just explore without any hassle.

You don't have to fight at all. Can just explore, collect minerals and sell them for profit. Just do whatever you want.


You can choose to name and reveal the newly discovered planet so that will permanently reveal the planet on the galaxy map. I'm sure you'll be able to return to any planet you've ever discovered but I doubt there will be a fast travel option.

Well, I suspect there will be danger everywhere, on land and in space but they've mentioned you can choose to get involved in the conflicts or run away, so there's that. There's also a class of spaceships that's designed for cloaking and faster travel. I don't think you'll be able to completely avoid combat since there is a lot of survival involved in this game, but I'd say you'll be able to attempt a pacifist run with as less combat as possible, even though it might prove to be much more of a challenge.

IIRC Sean's exact words were 'There's danger everywhere in this universe. Enemies, animals & planetary environments that even with the best suit will be deadly in minutes.'

Which sounds completely awesome - I'm guessing Venusian style environments with extreme atmospheric & pressure conditions. Hopefully there will be some they are dangerous even in a ship but that have desirable game items in places where getting in and out will be challenging.

You don't have to fight at all. Can just explore, collect minerals and sell them for profit. Just do whatever you want.

If you're being attacked by some crazy megafauna I suspect self-defence will be required.


Still not understanding the folks that keep going "getting SPORE vibes from this. Uh-Oh." I never played it, but still. Are we THAT jaded as gamers that we cant just be excited for an awesome concept like this?

I'm more thinking that it's comparable to Starbound, honestly.

To me, that's just one of those "What the hell... Why not." kind of things. Space freaks like me want that kind of stuff.

Do I want a lot of barren, or super dangerous, uninhabitable planets? Fuck yes I do.

Its not jaded and more the fact that this is following an extremely similar path to spore pre-release. Not to mention the space theme only adds to the similarities except this is even worse because with spore we saw a lot of gameplay followed by empty promises (well not really empty but just couldn't deliver).

This game is nothing but promises with tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny snippets of gameplay. I'm hoping its not empty but this went from being my most hyped game to one that I'm being extremely wary of just because we haven't really seen anything of value. What the moment to moment gameplay will be like.


I wish the art style wasn't so saturated. I want something that is capable of producing beautiful worlds and hideous, gross ones. Also, the "alien" flora and fauna is pretty uninspiring so far. Dinosaurs, armadillos, fish and safari mammals? Palm trees? Grass and flowers? I hope the engine is capable of creating really weird stuff.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
I can totally understand math generated galaxies since real world physics is described mathematically but what do they do when it comes to alien life?

Evolution isn't a formula, so how do they generate the lifeforms? I'm guessing this is the area where they'll take the most artistic licence but if AI is generated the game way as the geometry, will I always find the same animals in the same place?
I wish the art style wasn't so saturated. I want something that is capable of producing beautiful worlds and hideous, gross ones. Also, the "alien" flora and fauna is pretty uninspiring so far. Dinosaurs, armadillos, fish and safari mammals? Palm trees? Grass and flowers? I hope the engine is capable of creating really weird stuff.

They've only shown us the basic planets.
I'm not sure how these can be reconciled, they seem contradictory (or counter-intuitive?):

- Focus on exploration
- Gathering of resources (for upgrades etc.)
- No inventory

Erm...? What are resources if not an inventory of sort, then? Also, exploration is great but if I can't gather or loot anything because I have no inventory... that doesn't really seem that fun?

- Fun a priority over scientific accuracy (which is good but...)
- Planet-sized planets
- Only 10% of planets have life, and 10% of those have interesting life

Uh.... again, doesn't sound fun, seems more tedious than anything else.

I hope this game isn't too ambitious for its own good. I'm intrigued by this line:
"Space combat will be arcadey"

Just because a planet doesn't have life doesn't mean it can't be interesting.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I'm not sure how these can be reconciled, they seem contradictory (or counter-intuitive?):

- Focus on exploration
- Gathering of resources (for upgrades etc.)
- No inventory

Erm...? What are resources if not an inventory of sort, then? Also, exploration is great but if I can't gather or loot anything because I have no inventory... that doesn't really seem that fun?

- Fun a priority over scientific accuracy (which is good but...)
- Planet-sized planets
- Only 10% of planets have life, and 10% of those have interesting life

Uh.... again, doesn't sound fun, seems more tedious than anything else.

I hope this game isn't too ambitious for its own good. I'm intrigued by this line:
"Space combat will be arcadey"

Completely speculation on my part, but by inventory I think they mean personal inventory. Your ship will probably have cargo and such, but it's not like you are walking around with a backpack that carries a shovel, 200lbs of gold, the fossilized thigh of some alien beast, an extra pair of gloves, leftover steak from dinner last night, a pretty flower you found, and the full set of armor that was in the inventory of the monster you just killed. You also probably use your ship to gather resources, rather than do it personally.

I wonder if any of the planets with interesting life will have pre-industrial civilizations. (probably not... but it'd be neat)


Junior Member
I imagine if gas giants are in the game they'll be primarily for mining resources (like helium-3) for fuel.

What if they're events like earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes/tornadoes...... Maybe not at launch, but in an update or something...

We already know there's rain, and I think they confirmed that rain is dynamic -- it isn't just there but actually starts and stops. That confirms some level of dynamic weather. I wonder if there will be rain of different elements other than just water.


Gold Member
I wish the art style wasn't so saturated. I want something that is capable of producing beautiful worlds and hideous, gross ones. Also, the "alien" flora and fauna is pretty uninspiring so far. Dinosaurs, armadillos, fish and safari mammals? Palm trees? Grass and flowers? I hope the engine is capable of creating really weird stuff.

What we've seen so far looks very familiar, yes, but they've said that things will start looking more and more alien as you get closer to the center of the galaxy. We haven't seen any of that yet, we've only seen the stuff that kind of looks like what we have/had here on Earth.
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