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No Man's Sky Update 1.03 Patch Details revealed (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

These are great ideas. Are you watching, Sean?

Love the patch. I've been lucky enough to get a slightly early copy and that's really gonna add to the game - especially being able to carry more resources!

Thank you!

Another cool thing would be escape pods - both in your ship and in the freighters; so if your ship is about to be destroyed, you could head out to a planet's surface via your escape pod for a quick getaway!

All these additions would allow No Man's Sky to let you live every sci-fi movie fantasy you've ever had!
I like your brain.

Lol! Thank you!

Low atmosphere and dead moons are exactly what I wanted to hear, also more diverse biomes and storm types are awesome!

As far as dead moons go, do they mean that they're making planets of varying sizes as in reality? I'm basing this on the fact that our moon is significantly smaller than Earth and I hope that's what it means - that would make the galaxies look so much more authentic!
This patch note made my pre-order.

Kudos to you, hello game, it look great.



Big news was probably the wrong thing to say. More like shocking news that the patch is so small considering what is in it.

Yeah, "big" was the wrong word. It just seems like pertinent information with all the "day 1" patch talk, having a file so relatively small.
Big news was probably the wrong thing to say. More like shocking news that the patch is so small considering what is in it.

But it is big news.

An 800MB update/patch that literally fixes/adds tons of things to the game, making it even better.

I would consider that big news.


Big news was probably the wrong thing to say. More like shocking news that the patch is so small considering what is in it.

It's small for the same reason the main game is so small. When you're procedurally rendering content using algorithms, you don't need GBs of assets and data. =)


Black Canada Mafia
I think that there is a sub discussion happening across all the NMS threads about the expectation of internet connections for games, and how that changes how we enjoy, release and review games. It could be an interesting thread on its own but I'm too lazy to make it.

I will say though, from a strictly selfish position, having games that are constantly getting significant updates and the 'digital ecosystem' like what we see with mobile games is something I actually really appreciate. If having a connection to the internet gives you a lot of additional value with a game, I am 100% comfortable with that. In fact, if next gen consoles had a digital only version without a disk tray and more storage, I would be on that in a heartbeat - that might be what's driving how I feel about this patch.

I wonder how many people who are offended by such a significant day 1 patch are people who want the game and don't have a good internet connection. I imagine some people might.


"But what does it do?"

This is really it.

The game isn't enough to get the "But what do you do?" treatment, now the patches are getting it...

Not really.

-fresh Universe
-technical improvements
-visual improvements
-quality of life improvements
-deeper survival systems
-considerably more variety in everything from skies to terrain to ships to life
-added depth to wildlife and the ways you can interact with it
-tools to increase the chances of running into other players
-promise of BASE BUILDING next

A reseeded universe means a completely different experience. Caves are going to be cooler, creatures are going to be cooler (more variety and interaction options), game will have more extreme environments, which is what a lot of people have been hoping for.

Things like increasing inventory stacks and trade balancing means being focused on mining and trading is a looot more viable.

They talk about increasing variety of ships but also giving ships unique attributes - which might add a whole new layer of upgrading, I wonder if that same 'unique attributes' mechanic exists on tools.

Then you have all the technical improvements, and more features, like planet scanning, improved combat in space and on ground, hunting for player touched systems, more recipes... The list goes on.

Games like this benefit vaaaastly from features, as they completely change gameplay.

Oh ok. I've been mostly in the dark about he game so this is good to hear. Thanks!
Yeah, "big" was the wrong word. It just seems like pertinent information with all the "day 1" patch talk, having a file so relatively small.
Relative to patches for other games, like the ones we've got for Witcher 3, yeah.

But when the base game is only 3.6 GB 4.2GB, I don't think 800MB is "relatively small". It is pretty beefy

EDIT: PS4 download is 4.22 GB, not 3.6. Corrected


Save deleted, now just waiting on patch deployment. Have really enjoyed a few hours in this game, now even though I got the game on Saturday I have the same wait as all you digital purchasers as I guess the patch wont be out until Weds in the UK.
Inventory – ship inventories now store 5 times more resources per slot. Suit inventories now store 2.5 times more per slot. This encourages exploration and gives freedom from the beginning. We’re probably going to increase this even further in the next update, for people in the latter game phases, and will allow greater trading potential

Next up we’re adding the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters.

Thank fuck they listened, screw that low cap "your inventory is full" bullshit.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Feeding – creatures now have their own diet, based on planet and climate. Feeding them correctly will yield different results per species, such as mining for you, protecting the player, becoming pets, alerting you to rare loot or pooping valuable resources.
I will find you, Turtle Men in my avatar, and you will poop for me.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
That sounds like a big patch. Can't wait to play this. It's going to kill me that I only have Tuesday and Wednesday, then have to leave for a trip.


Wow. Stayed out of the spoiler thread, but the freighter and bases tidbits (upcoming) are huge.

So much hype for me... So close, so far....
It looks like I might actually be able to live out the dreams I had for this game, especially if I'll be able to build a home in the second update. I wrote these out a year ago, which just seems nuts.

plop said:
Here's my plan:

-Whatever planet I spawn on is home. I name it. I find a mountain, blast a cave into it, and live there. I hunt and dig for resources. I find and name species. I upgrade what I can.

-My home planet will be in a solar system. I will explore this solar system, methodically. I will name the planets, as well as the fauna found on each. But my home planet is where I'll return after each trek.

-Since I remember reading somewhere that you can blast holes in the ground (to search for caverns or something along those lines), I will spend a good bit of time carving a massive sign on the face of my planet. It will be a welcome sign for any eager travelers who happen to come to my little corner of the universe.

-Then I hide in my cave. And wait for visitors. And when they come and land on my planet, I make them pay for their insolence.

Space madness.

And this piece of storytelling about finding a true friend in the vast nothingness of space:

plop said:
I travel from system to system, discovering worlds and upgrading my ship and suit. After some time, I happen upon a small blue sphere orbiting a white dwarf star. I hop out of my craft and begin the task of preparing to explore the ocean nearby. Just as I'm about to dive, I notice a humanoid jumping up and down on the shore. I swim over and, after working out some form of communication (assuming there's no voice chat), I earn this person's trust and we dive down together. At the bottom of the ocean, we discover some new, rare resource. Without thinking twice, I let my new friend keep it. I call my friend Bosco. Not because that's his name but because that's what I want his name to be. It makes me smile inside.

Over time, our twosome swells into a small gang of maybe a dozen members, culled from all parts of the galaxy, each person found exploring some uncharted planet circling a star a billion light years from the center of the galaxy.

After months or even years of effort, we all finally reach the very last planet before flying into the center of the galaxy. We land on the planet so we can take this epic moment in. Each member of the group leaves their ship and stands together as one, looking up at the sky, gazing in absolute awe at the majesty of the galaxy's center.

Suddenly, the silence is shattered by the sound of laser fire. Members of our group drop to the ground one by one, as mass confusion sets in. Shortly, only two members of the group are left: me and Bosco. He turns toward me and discovers to his horror that it was I who wiped out the team. I open fire on Bosco as he dies cursing my name. Who's the big man now, Bosco? Who's the big man now?

Space madness.

It's so goddamn close now.
It looks like I might actually be able to live out the dreams I had for this game, especially if I'll be able to build a home in the second update. I wrote these out a year ago, which just seems nuts.

And this piece of storytelling about finding a true friend in the vast nothingness of space:

It's so goddamn close now.

I clearly have followed NMS too much since announcement because I remember your plan.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
A huge patch and the game isn't officially released yet. Holy fuck.
Wait. You mean to tell me that currently there's no animal collision?

So far people have said you just kinda float through them. They can still attack you and such obviously, but you can't necessarily get on top of a tall giraffe like creature and enjoy the view.


This Daymeeuhn guy is on full damage control on reddit, feel abit sorry for him

Well, he isn't wrong. Not really aware of the other things he's said or done to draw the ire of the game's devotees, but Sean's "cheat" wording in the patch notes make it sound like Daymeeuhn went out of his way to break the game. Meanwhile, in actuality, it seems he just happened upon something that made the game easier. He was the first guy to play the game to boot. The onus is on the developers for making something so game breaking be so easily accessible, not the player. It makes sense that they fixed it, but not so sure about the need for cheapshots.


I'm also really happy to have it confirmed directly that Base Building is in, especially when many were skeptical it would happen and I suggested it would. Not a "crow-eating" moment but I feel redeemed in my hype regarding it.

I've been speculating to how they could realistically manage it.

My idea is that they'll allow you to "plant" a beacon or something similar if you're aligned with a certain faction and that will indicate an area of effect that will allow you to build a base within that area. It'll limit the height from ground-level and the distance at which you can extend, like Fallout 4 Settlement building. It would also limit the overall size and detail of the base so that the changes saved to the cloud aren't huge and can be shared online.

I can imagine specific objects like a hydroponic garden, computer terminals, security doors, storage lockers, and even bigger objects like landing pads for ships.

Would be really interesting if they extended this further and allowed you to create a turret to defend yourself against nearby enemy ships and possibly Sentinels.


Wow, that's one hell of a patch. Sounds absolutely fantastic, it's quite literally a gamechanger. And base building is coming? What the actual fuck? Is NMS going to end up morphing into 3D Starbound? Brain = asplode.

...so, when's that PC info coming? :p
I don't mean to be cynical, but this seems a lot to make in just one month. Seems more like some stuff was added, some was left out on purpose so that only people who play it on official release get the real deal. Smart move either way.

Actually this just seems like things they always wanted to do but couldn't in time.
I'm certain that there was a time where they had to choose what features to finish for the release date and what to leave behind.
It's impossible to say that it's "left behind of purpose" in this day and age considering that a simple change in the game affects everything since the game is maths based.


I have to admit, I am LOVING the NMS "show" over the past few weeks !

The last time so much drama/flip flopping and criticisms happened was during the XBOXone reveal fiasco. Love it.


Actually this just seems like things they always wanted to do but couldn't in time.
I'm certain that there was a time where they had to choose what features to finish for the release date and what to leave behind.
It's impossible to say that it's "left behind of purpose" in this day and age considering that a simple change in the game affects everything since the game is maths based.

It just seems like things that were always gonna be in the game in the August release dressed up as a patch. Nice bit of PR.
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