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No plans to bring Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 to the West; Developer fears backlash.

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Except that in this case what's in the niche isn't only in games for that niche and finds it's way into many other games.

Correct, which is why I said that "If you don't like it, don't buy it" has issues as an excuse, since types of fanservice that some people don't like have found their way into many other games.

This game however, I have no problem saying "If you don't like it, don't buy it". If you do buy it and get offended, that's your own damn fault.


The weird thing here is, it's not the "SJW's"getting triggered though, that's the part that has me cracking up.

I've always argued that there's an ironic overreaction to perceived overreaction. Mind you, I'm not saying that it never happens that people make mountains out of molehills. I'm sure you can very easily link me some story where someone is getting "outraged" about something silly. But unless people are extremely self-aware and are using outrage to prove a point -- and I highly doubt that -- the outrage at "outrage culture" often strikes me as laughably hyperbolic and completely undermines any point people are trying to make.

When you see someone going "oh my god why can't these whiny idiots just ignore something that they don't like and let other people have fun!? It makes me so angry!" I can't help but be very perplexed.


It's understandable given the current climate of Western games. The last thing the devs want is to localize this and get bombarded with hate articles and outrage. People who want it can just import it and it'll be one less embarrassing thing to bring up to the counter at a gaming outlet.

I'm too lazy to import tho, fam. So I think I might skip out on this iunno.

Never imported a thing in my life.


Because in this case, bad publicity is worse than no publicity. KT is a company, not a celebrity. They have to look good... They want to look good over here, right?

that's not how that phrase goes

I've always argued that there's an ironic overreaction to perceived overreaction. Mind you, I'm not saying that it never happens that people make mountains out of molehills. I'm sure you can very easily link me some story where someone is getting "outraged" about something silly. But unless people are extremely self-aware and are using outrage to prove a point -- and I highly doubt that -- the outrage at "outrage culture" often strikes me as laughably hyperbolic and completely undermines any point people are trying to make.

When you see someone going "oh my god why can't these whiny idiots just ignore something that they don't like and let other people have fun!? It makes me so angry!" I can't help but be very perplexed.

this is more like people making a molehill to make a mountain out of


Personally the "offensiveness" that may provoke some people in Western market between this and Dragon's Crown is beyond comparison. I mean this game has detailed 3D model with dedicated engine to show off life & hometown thing's exaggerated movement.
that's a convenient excuse, and it's even more pathetic that people are actually buying into it

really I wouldn't be surprised if they turned around and went "due to the outpouring of support, we're going to localize this after all" or something like that


Why wouldn't they want the noise and backlash that came with it if it would make money?

I already gave two reasons for that, which are that if there was a backlash they fear that the appearance of Marie Rose could lead to legal issues and that if there was a backlash they fear that the appearance of Marie Rose could jeopardise their relationship with Nintendo, who have given them lots of work in the past but who could not be seen to be working with a studio who had sexualised an underage-looking character.

It's hardly beyond the realms of possibility to think they genuinely fear these things over a TK, especially when the game would certainly make money over here.

really I wouldn't be surprised if they turned around and went "due to the outpouring of support, we're going to localize this after all" or something like that

Now this... this wouldn't surprise me. Would be a great PR play in the end. Make sure all anti-censorship people know about your game, then try to portray yourselves as heroes fighting the SJW anti-boobs menace. Most people would see through it but it couldn't hurt them.


I bet in the end, they'll put it on PSN and call it a day.

Especially if the Asian version already has English language support.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Correct, which is why I said that "If you don't like it, don't buy it" has issues as an excuse, since types of fanservice that some people don't like have found their way into many other games.

This game however, I have no problem saying "If you don't like it, don't buy it". If you do buy it and get offended, that's your own damn fault.
True the advertising is more honest about the "point" than some other games.


Unconfirmed Member
Personally the "offensiveness" that may provoke some people in Western market between this and Dragon's Crown is beyond comparison. I mean this game has detailed 3D model with dedicated engine to show off life & hometown thing's exaggerated movement.
Don't forget bikinis that rip and tear like Doomguy to show tanlines.


KT will localize it later, and some people will buy 10 copies each one on principle. It's brilliant :p


Worships the porcelain goddess
How would sales figure into this though? Koei release Nobunaga's Ambition here on PS4 and PC. In 2015. Are the posters saying "lack of sales" saying that Koei believes it would sell worse than Nobunaga's Ambition? Or Winning Eleven?

Are we saying this? Because I can't bring myself to believe that it would sell worse than these titles.


I already gave two reasons for that, which are that if there was a backlash they fear that the appearance of Marie Rose could lead to legal issues and that if there was a backlash they fear that the appearance of Marie Rose could jeopardise their relationship with Nintendo, who have given them lots of work in the past but who could not be seen to be working with a studio who had sexualised an underage-looking character.

It's hardly beyond the realms of possibility to think they genuinely fear these things over a TK, especially when the game would certainly make money over here.

in a world where criminal girls was released in the west

also nintendo's closely affiliated studio literally created the 1000 year old dragon
I can't believe anyone is actually buying this

"We decided not to release our game in the West because we wanted to protect the three people we employ in Western Customer Service from the angry feminists"


Bad publicity might be better than no publicity but it sure as hell isn't better than good publicity. If all their attempts to market the game in the west are overshadowed by bad publicity, then yes, that will negatively affect sales. And yes, that will negatively affect the DoA brand that is more than just beach volleyball. And yes, that will negatively affect the company as whole.

I find it a tad bit ironic that many of the posters deflecting with the "bad publicity is good" are also the ones most eager to shit on Japanese games. You'd think they'd be less eager to give them publicity if it acted to the benefit of the opposing party.


Gold Member
What exactly are they afraid of? Criticism? Because legitimate debate is fantastic and part of Western culture. If that's what they fear then the decision to not release it over here is a very weak one. Their stance on the subject seems to be that pandering to an almost juvenile male fantasy as a video game is wrong. If that's what's really in the back of their minds, why make the game in the first place?

If they know they're in the wrong with the product then just dumping it in markets where nobody dares to complain because they're afraid of debate is a very poor strategy in every aspect.

My take on it is that the game is most probably going to be enjoyable, just like games with violence and other subjects that tickle the right parts of the mind. Can't do it in real-life so keep it a fantasy.


in a world where criminal girls was released in the west

I don't know what that is, but I've never heard of it. DoA is a series from a major publisher where the fighting entries sell hundreds of thousands of copies. It's not exactly niche.


I don't know what that is, but I've never heard of it. DoA is a series from a major publisher where the fighting entries sell hundreds of thousands of copies. It's not exactly niche.

it's also the third in the third in the series. and that's why localization exists.


that's a convenient excuse, and it's even more pathetic that people are actually buying into it

really I wouldn't be surprised if they turned around and went "due to the outpouring of support, we're going to localize this after all" or something like that

Well they already said if enough people demand it in the West they'll release it here (its even in the article...). This is some community manager on Facebook, I'm not going to take his/her word for gospel. It doesn't help that English seems to not be their first language.

Has there been any campaign to not release DOAX3 in the west? I've only seen the opposite, honestly.

People are so quick to attack "those fucking SJWs" when really the only people to blame here are KT for being spineless.

KT made a business decision that I think makes a lot of sense.

They were not prepared to deal with all the crap that comes with releasing a game like that in NA. I would do the same thing if I were them. Would you be prepared to deal with all the backlash as KT if you were them?

The West is such a hotbed for these types of debates, people here are so uptight about this kind of thing. They have little worry about any backlash in Japan, so I think it makes sense as a business decision.


pretty sure the concept of supernatural loli that is actually way older than she looks isn't new

i know that, i'm just saying that nintendo isn't going to be angry at a game that's not even appearing on a platform of theirs for something they've already had in their games
Isn't Niche Gamer one of those gamergate news sources (or at least Brandon Orselli) with flagrant disregard for accuracy in its reporting? "Developer lacks confidence in product" would have been a more accurate title.


This is gross. We're officially in an era where companies are going to refrain from releasing games that are in demand just because certain individuals have nothing better to do than to complain about things they had no interest in to begin with. It never ceases to maze me how petty and spiteful some people can be.

The "I don't want it so you can't have it!" mentality has no place in 2015, but regressive types have a louder voice than ever before. They have the audacity to paint themselves as progressives too.

Better words have never been spoken on the subject.


in a world where criminal girls was released in the west

also nintendo's closely affiliated studio literally created the 1000 year old dragon

And included an underage girl in a bikini in their flagship RPG release this year. Are we really going to try and fly this under "But Nintendo...?"
According to a post from the last page, the game already is localized. They just don't want to release it in western countries.

Well then I'm disappointed in them for that decision. Somebody needs to show them the hullabaloo that Dragon's Crown was met with over here, and then the tidy sum of money it made as a result.


that's not how that phrase goes

this is more like people making a molehill to make a mountain out of

What phrase? Educate me please. Thank you, kind sir in advance.

If they wanted to look good they wouldn't have made such a garbage PC of DoA5.

No no! I agree with that. And one piece, and samurai warriors 4-2, and dw. All of those games are literally buffed up ps3 ports... Worse than the ps4 versions.

I'm still pissed about that stuff.

But, the topic of sexualization........

Hmmmm. I feel as though that may appear worse. I mean, no one talks about their PC ports. Rarely do they come up. When one piece released, I expected PC gamers to raid KT and roast them like they did WB with batman. Nothing happened. It wasn't as bad, but KT lying like they did made it worse.


After the blowup over removing a swimsuit in Fatal Frame V, can't say I'm surprised. Why bother at all if your core fanbase is still going to crucify you over a tiny superficial edit like that?


So Tecmo is afraid of people criticizing their product horribly, yet they do shit ports of DOA5LR and Pirate Warriors on PC for the press to criticize from hell and back? Okay.

Unless this is another Devil's Third situation, and Tecmo's trying to save the west from what ended up being a shitty game. Then by all means, keep it.
Because this excuse will drum up publicity and support if they ever release in the West.


because it didn't help selling Bayonetta 2 a lot on Wii U so I'm waiting for an example here... while there are many examples of games that had bad publicity because of things that were judged disrespectful or insulting.

But I'm just saying what I think here, I'm not really interested in the game (I'd prefer a new Beach Spikers) but I find all this stupid (and if you're right then good for gamers but it's even more stupid but this time from them imo).


the worst thing i find is KT lack of courage to actually address the issue of how women are treated within the industry.


And included an underage girl in a bikini in their flagship RPG release this year. Are we really going to try and fly this under "But Nintendo...?"

Nintendo actually censored that (understandable thing to do) so they care about western backlash on the matter.


Isn't Niche Gamer one of those gamergate news sources (or at least Brandon Orselli) with flagrant disregard for accuracy in its reporting? "Developer lacks confidence in product" would have been a more accurate title.

I don't know, did you read the facebook post. I think the title is fine despite how I feel about the rest of it.


Unconfirmed Member
sörine;186626318 said:
After the blowup over removing a swimsuit in Fatal Frame V, can't say I'm surprised. Why bother at all if your core fanbase is still going to crucify you over a tiny superficial edit like that?

How about not editing those things?
I blame the big change in america for this. How everything is looked at in such a bad puppy dog way. People can;t make jokes about issues people feel are sensitive or anything when they are just joking. things have become too sensitive, and here we are. Oh well.


For you.
that's a convenient excuse, and it's even more pathetic that people are actually buying into it

really I wouldn't be surprised if they turned around and went "due to the outpouring of support, we're going to localize this after all" or something like that

This is exactly what is going to happen. People really are so easily manipulated.
On further consideration, why don't we just shut this down until there's more to work with than Niche Gamer reporting on someone's conversation with an ESL Facebook Community Manager?
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