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Non-sexual orgasmic feelings/moments.

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Star Trek. Not even kidding. The shape of those ships, the sound of that music, those uniforms, THOSE UNIFORMS. Gives me a satisfaction few things can match.
when you find a lot of money on the ground
when you look fly as fuck and everyone is looking at you
when you wake in the morning with little rest but feel good anyways
first beer after a long day


I am just now recovering from one of the worst cases of poison sumac/ivy/oak I've ever had. It was all over my neck and face, coated my arms, armpits, etc. It was of course a terrible endeavor to undertake but man, i'll tell you what, getting into the shower and letting extremely hot shower scorch on those rashes...fuck. I would literally at times unintentionally flare my nostrils and Elvis my lips
..even let out a soft moan/whimper...ahem

It was orgasmic.

Anyone on GAF ever have any similar experiences?

No drugs either, too easy, unless its a really interesting story or something.

You..uh.. nailed it? I get irritations on my legs sometimes and keep sctratching. Boiling water feels fucking god like and sends a wave through your body. Its a thing for people with skin itchy problems..it seems.
A good back massage is one of the best feelings ever. The women I occasionally get massages from does this thing where she puts her weight on her elbow, and drags it down each side of my spine. It hurts but it feels so good.

Also, if somebody breathes against the back of my head it sends shivers down my spine.


When you lay on a nice cool bed after a long day, or after a vacation where you didnt have a good bed

the amazing bedgasm


Taking a month or 2 off to go on a long trip with some friends. Just rent a car and start driving to some Eastern European countries or in Africa or Asia without internet or regular contact with the home front. Not making any arrangements beyond planning when you're leaving and when you're coming back, and maybe the hotel/hostel/whatever for the first night. The sense of freedom is amazing. It's harder to arrange now that I'm out of university though, but the first time I did it when I was 18 - the same year I moved out on my own and thought that meant I was an adult - was pretty damn amazing. I'm never happier than I am when I go travelling. I try to do it at least once a year, but it's harder now that I have some actual responsibilities in my life.

We did a lot of stupid/naive shit and it's insane we never really got in trouble, but I don't regret a second.


I also love dumps that tear your ass apart. Takes you a good 20 minutes to recover enough just to get up of the toilet


Neo Member
-Every morning piss (especially after drinking)
-when I got a 2nd degree burn and I used aloe lotion
-When I broke my ankle skateboarding and the Hospital gave me an IV of morphine
-The first time I used a hot-tub (just got one recently because of this. So relaxing)
-when Fallout 4 was announced (actually, that one is a little sexual)
A non-sexual kiss in the cheek of my ex-gf when i did something she appreciated.
Touching the ears of my former lab
Being alone in a beach listening to the ocean waves

They dont entice a physical reaction like a muscle spasm (as an orgasm) but they are psychological orgasmic and extremely tranquilizing.


Came here to write about scalding hot water on itchy skin. Was not disappointed. It's the closest thing to an orgasm I've ever felt, maybe even better.
When you wake up and you gotta poop really bad. It's freezing cold and when your cheeks hit that seat and you feel a chill rush through you.

Then you poop and go back to bed feeling so relieved and lighter.

The feeling if acceleration in a car when you drop a gear and hit it.

When you roll a spliff/smoke and it just flues perfectly first time.


Mine is tapping fingernails and scratching things. Got damn, it feels awesome. Sometimes just seeing long nails can trigger it.

Same. The sound of scratching hardcover books is like addictive it's so good. Got a youtube playlist of this shit.


A good dump..



When my skin is very broken out and I can finally jump into a nice shower and just let the water hit it.

Or, getting a nice back massage right around my shoulder blades.
the downward swing on this type of amusement park ride:


...but the hot shower on poison ivy rash is a good one. Incredible feeling.
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