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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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What if we did something like this? We used the middle of the screen for important information, and the outside for custom controller layouts. Obviously Nintendo could add embellishments so it doesn't look so plain.

The right control stick, in this case, substitutes the A button.

This thing is obviously smaller than the gamepad, so the UI would look a lot better and would be tailored especially for that screen. Another user and judged the controller to be about 6" from stick to stick and about 8" across.

Doing it this way makes sure that the players view of the game isn't covered up by anything.
If the right stick was the A button it would be pretty cool, I'd think. You can't use the face buttons and the right stick at the same time so this would probably feel pretty good.


I have no idea what to expect, good or bad. I'll just hope for the best and remain optimistic. I love Nintendo; I can only hope they can pull this off.



Another image.

hmm. Seems the knobs/sticks are about half in the screen and half out. Odd.


The more I think about this, the less concerned I am. The reason being, my biggest gripe with smartphones is not the lack of the physical buttons. It's those awful virtual control pads. Extremely responsive, haptic feedback enabled virtual buttons would be ok with me. With this type of design, static button layouts are a thing of the past. It's all going to boil down to how responsive the buttons actually are. I would also like 4 shoulder buttons.


Didnt they try all this with the Wii U and that screen tho?

One thing's for certain. If they have NX marketing with that screen front n center and the console is in the background....

Expect less sells than the Wii U.

But...their mobile games will probably fit right in for this controller/handheld. Expect Nintendo to go all in on mobile in the next 3-4 years.
They tried tapping into the tablet market but the tech was all wrong. The Gamepad looked dated from the get go, mix that with the recessive touch screen with lack of multitouch, and it was just no dice. This Controller/potential handheld at least looks more modernized, but has a unique enough design to catch the eye.
I do agree with your marketting point, the Wii Us marketting was abysmal at relaying the message.


Image is not square. It's a free-form display, meaning it will adapt to any shape and images will adapt to the screen.

We only want rectangular images because it's what we know honestly, 20 years ago everything (TVs and even some photography) was more or less square.
It's possible (and even likely imo if this is true) that Nintendo might be using technology like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JelhR2iPuw0 for digital buttons. This would solve pretty much every problem digital buttons have, since the screen is no longer actually flat. If they're doing this, they've probably partnered with a company that developed a technology like this. I feel like once you've got a production system in place, this type of technology might not (though I can't guarantee this without any info on exactly how it's manufactured) be that hard to produce once you know how to make it work. So it might not actually cost Nintendo much to mass produce a system with this type of cutting edge tech, and that it's cost might derive largely from licensing to use it
If Nintendo is going to stay under $299, I'm very confident it's not going to be as strong as X1 and PS4 due to the likely high cost of controller. I still want to try this out.
Love this thread.

Holy shit what an awful design.

If this is real..I either expect them to redesign it before launch or make this just the handheld.



Well the actual controller they sell to consumers would have handles, right? Like this would sit inside a plastic shell that just isn't present for the dev kit (since the goal here is to let them program for that weird shaped screen). The finished thing would be more like the drawings buried earlier in the thread with actual handles and shit.

Hope so!
Ah, the reactions are an endless source of comedy gold. So many people freaking out when they know literally nothing about how well it might actually work. For all we know the haptic touch tech might actually work well and the controller might actually be fine to hold.

Uncontrolled and wild panic is best when you have no idea what you're in a panic about. We take one look at it and it's just NOPE. It's almost primal.
Ah, the reactions are an endless source of comedy gold. So many people freaking out when they know literally nothing about how well it might actually work. For all we know the haptic touch tech might actually work well and the controller might actually be fine to hold.

I mean, for all people complain about Nintendo's 'gimmicks', they at least actually work well when properly implemented in-game (unlike, say, Microsoft, which released two garbage motion control devices that nobody uses anymore), and any deficiencies are usually fixed up in revisions (mainly for handhelds, pretty much every handheld generation has had a major revision that is a massive improvement over the first iteration). I don't see Nintendo half-assing this one. If they're dropping physical face buttons and the d-pad, it wouldn't be unless they know the haptic tech works well enough to replace them. I'm withholding my verdict until we actually get hands-on reports with this thing, but I'm willing to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt for now.

It's not like screaming about it hysterically is going to change anything, honestly.

I know what you're getting at and to a point I agree that maybe this isn't the end, but at the same time, my experience with smartphone or tablet games with digital buttons is that they just aren't nearly as comfortable as physical buttons, and the design of the controller itself doesn't look very ergonomic. I think those are reasonable concerns at least. I'm just not sure what the benefit is of getting rid of buttons entirely. At this point in time, another gimmick isn't what Nintendo needs. Stuff like this can be problematic when it comes to cost of the system, development of new ideas, and porting of multiplatform games. From both a player's and a developer's perspective, all most people want is a good game machine.

Also, what the hell is going on for these past few pages?? Something about trees????


Lot's of crow gonna be served.

I can't believe it. You guys ACTUALLY think this is a DS/Wii moment? That they have stumbled on to something that everyone else just doesn't "get" yet, and that they are going to show the world how shortsighted they were for not believing?

I swear, the lightning in a bottle effects of the Wii and DS really hurt more than it helped. It has both Nintendo and some of their fans really believing that it can be replicated super easily.

Just being able to SEE this controller like this means NO MULTIPLATS. Like..... stop and let that sink in. This things 'success' ceiling is already capped.
If anything, these leaks might make Nintendo save face and announce the NX early to curve the initial reactions being to these pictures.

Come on Nintendo, better hurry on that announcement. or else.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I have no real feelings yet, but the animated mock-ups of gameplay on the oval screen do make me think there could be something with the idea of peripheral vision in a 3D game. If this this is in fact the portable, there could be value to taking advantage of the entire front surface of the portable system to increase screen real estate.

Picture the portable version of the next Mario Kart for example. The primary gameplay focus and camera FOV is between the analog nubs. But past that there is a peripheral effect, similar to a 3-screen configuration for a racing game. With displays on either side of the player to provide an extended view.

Thing is, for a 3D game where the perspective is always moving and changing, thumbs over the analog nubs may not make as much of a difference as initial impression insists. The brain is built for stitching together a complete image out of sections and creating persistence of vision past obstructions.
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