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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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Dafuq is this




It HAS to hide something imo
I just can't see Nintendo going with a full tactical controller like this, especially after the Wii U commercial failure.
If those photos are real, I mean, don't be too optimistic of course but you should really expect something else for the official announcement.
I mean really, at the end of the day no opinion I can form on the controller matters until I'm holding it in my hands, trying it out for myself.

Do I think it looks stupid? Yes. Would I rather have some fucking buttons on the thing? Absolutely.

But hey it might just work great and feel natural as all hell.

Or it might be a complete disaster.

But there's no sense in worrying too much about it until A) we get confirmation that this is indeed the real deal and not some fake/abandoned prototype and B) we actually get our hands on it to see for ourselves how it feels.
Late ports certainly saved the Wii U.

Except the Wii U pricing was always out of whack. Need for Speed U at $60 when it was hitting ~$40 elsewhere? Mass Effect 3:SE at $60 when the comparable product was $20 on X360/PS3?

Wii U version of The Division could be a GOTY version with the 3 expansions on-disc (on-cart?), since the third expansion is scheduled for release this Winter.

Sure you got the right game???

Speaking from a anecdotal retail perspective, it's definitely got some legs!


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Nintendo might want to say something fast before the no buttons thing gets out of hand.
Miyamoto must really have had no input on this thing, unless he changed his opinions on buttons being necessary.I can't imagine Nintendo releasing a controller like this and still expecting to get great third party support, but we'll see. We don't have all the details or any confirmation.

Reggie even made a big point at the last E3 that buttons were of vast importance for gameplay of Nintendo games.

Stay tuned because this shit aint even close to being over.


All that tells me is that this is a weak idea, and one that will be as poorly supported as the Wii U was in terms of actual execution of the core concept.

That may be true, might be one of those things only Nintendo excels at, I know at least they will. I imagine third party devs will avoid it like the plague and Nintendo has to know this and offer other controller options.


It's either going to be a disaster or a revolution.

For some reason this situation reminds me a lot about the day we first saw the Wiimote.


Neo Member
How I imagine Nintendo's engineers discussed this:

Engineer 1: "Hey the Wii U flopped. I wonder why?"
Engineer 2: "It must be the buttons! It's obviously not the touchscreen"
Engineer 1: "Brilliant! Let's just make a touchscreen controller instead!"

This thing will probably focus on being as energy efficient as possible. Expect a weaker console than PS4 and XONE.

Well it didn't flop because of the touch screen...
(It was because the casual market didn't follow on from the Wii)

The DS and 3DS both did fine with touch screens and tablet and phone gaming keeps getting bigger.
Yes yes... Pissing off the majority of the consumer base that gives a shit about your brand is 'yelling at the clouds'.

Yeah, some games might play very well with the touch controls. But like their last two ill-conceived gimmicks, I have little faith that this is going to end well for them. Their track record is not very good at this point.

The Wii U didn't do well, but I actually love it as a system and I think the gamepad is great and it did add measurably to my enjoyment of certain games even without some deep and super unique implementation. The gamepad map VASTLY improved my enjoyment of Windwaker for example since I didn't need to constantly pause, bring up a map, and get my bearings, which vastly improved game flow. There's definitely a possibility that this will be real and nobody will buy the system because of it, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad idea or that it will hurt the games at all. Sometimes things are damaging far more because of perceptions that people have rather than actual reality


I don't know if I completely buy that. Its true younger people are used to no buttons but that doesn't mean that some of them won't eventually jump on the core gaming train. Maybe core gaming will go back to being a niche but it will still be there.

Not having buttons isn't going to get those casuals to buy their sysyem. If Nintendo really wants to focus on getting casuals to buy their stuff, they need to abandon hardware and focus on mobile.

They are still trying to appeal to both crowds when they want completely different things. In their attempt to appeal to both, they don't appeal to either.

In a weird way, I almost feel as if the trend is going the opposite way. People move on from gaming at home because of whatever life brings them (job, kids etc) and they can do with a quick session of some game on their phone without ever actually caring about longer experiences, graphics and such.

At the same time, I think it's more convenient and makes more sense these days for a parent to buy their kid an ipad/ipod over a dedicated console since it can do gaming + other things all in one package. That kid might never be restricted to gaming with a controller since they were never given the chance, and when they do finally play with one, it might be easy for them to pick up (I certainly don't believe "kids don't know how to use buttons"), but it's far less convenient and usually has a more limited (and expensive to boot) options for game selection.


I hope Nintendo found a way to recreate substantial tactile feedback on that screen to simulate button presses, or this controller is officially worthless for me for 99% of the genres I play. There has yet to ever be a device for which touch was a suitable replacement for a button press.

It will be serviceable at best.
I dont believe it will be a good replacement for buttons.


I can see this working if theres a controller shell to slot this into
I won't judge anything until I see them unveil it and show off its capabilities
Nice! I'm happy for Nintendo and I'm excited to see what happens.

You guys are crazy, that controller looks alright and I'm sure they'll have fun games for it. Sure this makes me think they're not going to support retro games that need face buttons and a d-pad. But anyone who thinks this design is crap hasn't played a good twin stick shooter. Also, don't forget there will be some sort of shoulder button type thing we haven't seen yet (that's actually one of my biggest questions- why haven't the leakers shown that of all things??)

Or hell, if you want to get a really good feel for how this controller is going to work and how fun it can be, go try Ape Escape on PS1!! That game was controlled almost 100% with the twin analog sticks.
Having said that, this could simply be an alternative controller packed in alongside a more traditional one. In that case nobody should really have any problems, but it requires Nintendo pack both types in with each system sold so devs can take advantage of the "experimental" controller's features and know every NX owner can access them the moment they buy the system, and just the system (without accessories).


This was leaked from The Division devs, so that's at least one major 3rd party game.

I'm not saying 3rd party devs won't support it - I'm saying ports aren't going to be designed with these controls in mind. Trying to imagine playing the Division with touch controls now, and I honestly cannot.
Having said that, this could simply be an alternative controller packed in alongside a more traditional one. In that case nobody should really have any problems, but it requires Nintendo pack both types in with each system sold so devs can take advantage of the "experimental" controller's features and know every NX owner can access them the moment they buy the system, and just the system (without accessories).

They wouldn't pack it in - you'd prob have to buy it like the pro controller.
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