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Obama forms an exploratory committee...a run for the presidency next?

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Man of Knowledge said:
He is against a legal ban, but has said he believes it is morally wrong based on his religion. That makes him a bigot.

What is your problem? That doesn't make him a bigot at all. What it shows is that he has a clear, consise and 100% correct view of church and state. The Bible is not the law of the land in this country. Morally and from a religious standpoint I have a problem with abortion, but from a political standpoint I support it to a certain extent. Because, once again, the Bible is not the Constitution of the US. The Constitution is the Constitution of the US
Man of Knowledge said:
He is still a god believer. That alone make him a bad choice in my mind. We need an atheist as president. I do know Obama is against same sex marriage, and thus a bigot. Religion makes people bigots.

So because he's religious he's a bad choice. Give me a great. Man of Knowledge? More like closed minded...nevermind



PhoenixDark said:
What is your problem? That doesn't make him a bigot at all. What it shows is that he has a clear, consise and 100% correct view of church and state. The Bible is not the law of the land in this country. Morally and from a religious standpoint I have a problem with abortion, but from a political standpoint I support it to a certain extent. Because, once again, the Bible is not the Constitution of the US. The Constitution is the Constitution of the US
*claps* Obama is a born-again christian. Which is shown in his beliefs on gay marriage. But he is wise enough to not let that hinder how he votes.
Cheebs said:
*claps* Obama is a born-again christian. Which is shown in his beliefs on gay marriage. But he is wise enough to not let that hinder how he votes.

This is something I can't get many Christians I know to understand. I'll never forget my time at a Christian private school. I was homeschooled at the time, but I played for their basketball team and also took a science class there. Anyway in around 7th grade I was hanging out with some guys on the team and we walked into the history teacher's classroom. School had been over for about an hour but the teacher was still in the room doing some work. I noticed George Bush posters were all over the walls alongside those of Lincoln, Washington, etc.

So I jokingly asked why his pic was on the wall considering it was a history class and sort was showed bias. At that point the teacher raised her head and said "because President Bush is a good, Christian man". At that point it seemed like a line had been crossed, and everyone in the room was on the other side. Randomly people started asking me questions about politics lol, the teacher and my fellow 7th/8th graders.

Joshua #1: You liked Gore?
Phoenix: Yeah, over Bush I guess
John: How come black people don't like President Bush?
Phoenix: Uh...
Noah: lol fuzzy math
Joshua #2: You're supposed to like President Bush though, he's a Christian

Then BAM. Gauntlet thrown down:

Teacher: Do you support abortion?
Phoenix: If we outlaw it the problem will get worse though
Teacher: Do you know exactly what abortion is?
Phoenix: Yes
Teacher: Maybe you should talk to Mr. Adams [school principle] about this and he can show you what abortion is

Now if someone said that to me today ("let me show you what abortion is"), I'd take it as a threat on my life lol. But as a dumb 7th grader I laughed it off, and left the classroom lol with my life. But after that news spread pretty quickly that I didn't like "President Bush"

It was funny though because all the black kids at the school (IE, 4 including me) didn't like Bush, and we were all far less fanatical than the white students. Today it's interesting for me to look back on that time and think about all the things that I simply didn't understand/see happening because of my age and wanting to hang out/have friends/etc


African American approval rating of Bush was 2% back uh like in 2005. His approval overall has fallen since then, I wonder if African American approval is enough to round down to 0% now.

But I had similar experiences in the Lutheran High School I went to. I was in a math honors class a year ahead of my grade and had an A and had something like this happened:

Kid 1: My dad and I went to a Bush rally last night.
Me: Oh? My dad took me to a Kerry one last week, it was cool
Teacher: Kerry? Jake, I am very disappointed in you. I thought you were a smart student. I thought you were better than that, you should know to trust a good Christian man.
Cheebs said:
African American approval rating of Bush was 2% back uh like in 2005. His approval overall has fallen since then, I wonder if African American approval is enough to round down to 0% now.

I know about 10 black Republicans:lol
Cheebs said:
Ask them about Obama lol

I can see maybe 1 being interested in him, but he's a hardcore republican. The other 9 wouldn't because of his stance on abortion/gay marriage lol.

LOL the day after the 2004 elections the entire college was pretty downbeat. I happened to see one of my friends (black republican chick, long dress and all) and asked her who she voted for. She said Bush, as I expected. So we're walking and we pass by this group of black people talking loudly about the election and one blurts out "we ****ed, man. we ****ed." So my friend stop and says "things will be fine I think. I voted for Bush..." and the dude is like "**** you lady":lol

I wanted to bust out laughing but I couldn't because she started crying and went home:lol


*drowns in jizz*
God, if he has a chance, that would be a miracle. The earlier the better. I certainly dont think spending more time in the system makes one more eligible to be president.


force push the doodoo rock
I'd vote for him in a second, I think when the rest of America sees and hears him, they will too.


Boogie said:
but can we really trust him?
huh? He is one of the few politicians who is bluntly honest. He was against the Iraq War in 2002 and many predicted that would kill his potential political career yet he went with that view anyway


Cheebs said:
huh? He is one of the few politicians who is bluntly honest. He was against the Iraq War in 2002 and many predicted that would kill his potential political career yet he went with that view anyway

I'm just teasing Sporsk. :)


PhoenixDark said:
What is your problem? That doesn't make him a bigot at all. What it shows is that he has a clear, consise and 100% correct view of church and state. The Bible is not the law of the land in this country. Morally and from a religious standpoint I have a problem with abortion, but from a political standpoint I support it to a certain extent. Because, once again, the Bible is not the Constitution of the US. The Constitution is the Constitution of the US

[tangent]Funny, I thought the Declaration, the Constitution, and its mostly deist authors had some strong opinions on something something unalienable rights something or another.[/tangent]


JayDubya said:
[tangent]Funny, I thought the Declaration, the Constitution, and its mostly deist authors had some strong opinions on something something unalienable rights something or another.[/tangent]
Because the founding fathers obviously knew about abortion when writing the constitution.
JayDubya said:
[tangent]Funny, I thought the Declaration, the Constitution, and its mostly deist authors had some strong opinions on something something unalienable rights something or another.[/tangent]

Tell us what you really mean!


Cheebs said:
Because the founding fathers obviously knew about abortion when writing the constitution.

Because the existence or lack thereof a procedure (pro-tip, been around since before Anno Domini) would be relevant to the discussion of unalienable rights.


Cheebs said:
We have had many athiest or at least agnostic/non-religious presidents. They were just in the closet about it. Our most recent was considered one of the most moral and beloved by the right wing christians. Hmm......

Ronald Reagan

Huh? Ronnie's son is, yeah. But President Reagan? Wasn't he Protestant?

siamesedreamer said:
Hate? Sheesh..............I vehemently disagree on a plethora of things, but I do not hate DEMs. I am able to recognize that they are a necessary component of the governmental process.

And at this point, I am so down on the REP party as a whole that I cannot possibly see how they will ever take back anything ever again. I know it will eventually happen because these things are cyclical, but I don't see that happening anytime before the 2016 election.

IMO, the 2008 election will make 2006 look like a tiny ripple.
Wow. If you accurately represent many other Republicans out there... wow.
Man of Knowledge said:
He is still a god believer. That alone make him a bad choice in my mind. We need an atheist as president. I do know Obama is against same sex marriage, and thus a bigot. Religion makes people bigots.

What the hell man.


Seriously. I don't believe in god, but unless it's some nutjob like Zell Miller (like that would ever happen, lolz), I'll gladly accept whoever gets the nomination.
And see, I do believe in God, but whenever the Big Man makes his way into politics it becomes something a republic should never be based off of. Any candidate that tries his or her best to convey this while still sticking to their moral instincts and values is fine by me.

He's getting my vote.
BrandNew said:
And see, I do believe in God, but whenever the Big Man makes his way into politics it becomes something a republic should never be based off of. Any candidate that tries his or her best to convey this while still sticking to their moral instincts and values is fine by me.

He's getting my vote.

I agree. Christianity, as well as Islam and many other religions, are deeply rooted in a set of sound moral judgement that I think can translate well to politics. And when I talk about morals I'm not referring to abortion. I'm talking more about honesty and things like that. Obviously one doesn't have to be religious to have those morals, but I like seeing religous people who are sound and firm on their beliefs. For all his failings as a president, Jimmy Carter was (and still is) a good man.
Smiles and Cries said:
I feel bad for him I hope he can take the heat

I'll vote for him though

Really the only "heat" he's going to take is from some mostly conservative and (along with it) Republican states, but this next election is going to be so critical in terms of existing public opinion that this "heat" will probably be only a small factor. I can see some misinformed citizens being swayed to the other spectrum simply because of his name, which is unfortunate, but I'd like to think that the educated public is smart enough to realize what an effective politician he is.

And the fact that he's black...I guess some southernes will hate it, but I truly believe we're at the point where people are THAT sick of a current administration hat they'll vote the other way in spite. Just to say "well ****, let's try these guys."


soundwave05 said:
He probably won't get many votes in the South ... then again, not like the Democrats would win any of those states anyway.

I don't think that would matter because a democrat president is pretty much guarenteed in 08. All Obama needs to do is beat out Hilary in the primary.


One interesting thing to note about Hillary:


Dunno how strong of an indicator that is for the rest of the country, but hey, that's quite an improvement for a Senator who is widely perceived by many to be an evil liberal :p


Setec Astronomer
America wasn't founded on christianity and wasn't even predominantly christian at the time, but the Second Great Awakening in the early 19th century did do a great deal get the majority of americans to be actively christian. The climate today is far different than it ever was in the late 18th century, so using Jefferson as an example doesn't apply.
Diablos said:
Dunno how strong of an indicator that is for the rest of the country, but hey, that's quite an improvement for a Senator who is widely perceived by many to be an evil liberal :p

Considering the fact that all she has to do is flip 100K votes in Ohio, she definately has a shot.

Problem is - there's absolutely no way in hell she escapes the DEM primary.


PhoenixDark said:
So I jokingly asked why his pic was on the wall considering it was a history class and sort was showed bias. At that point the teacher raised her head and said "because President Bush is a good, Christian man". At that point it seemed like a line had been crossed, and everyone in the room was on the other side. Randomly people started asking me questions about politics lol, the teacher and my fellow 7th/8th graders.

Joshua #1: You liked Gore?
Phoenix: Yeah, over Bush I guess
John: How come black people don't like President Bush?
Phoenix: Uh...
Noah: lol fuzzy math
Joshua #2: You're supposed to like President Bush though, he's a Christian

Wait, so you were bad *because* you didn't vote for Bush?

I'm from such a liberal part of the country the buildup was confusing to me at first.

Man, that sounds kind of scary. And I don't mean just because it's republican. I realize they're seventh graders, but the teacher said that you should like him because he is a 'good christian man'.

During college I kind of wanted to get out of my liberal bubble as I became more aware of it. It would be interesting to be put in that situation as an adult.


Guys, if I ran for president would you vote for me?


Diablos said:
One interesting thing to note about Hillary:


Dunno how strong of an indicator that is for the rest of the country, but hey, that's quite an improvement for a Senator who is widely perceived by many to be an evil liberal :p
NY is one thing, Ohio, Florida and the like is a entirely different ballgame
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