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Oddboxx on Steam -- warning, read thread before purchasing


Ok, here's my experience with Stranger at 1080p on a i7 920, W7 64-bit, Nvidia GT260.

-game runs about 10fps
-when you go to the mine shaft at the very start and the hint comes up the screen freezes and starts drawing in over the still frozen screen until you run to the top, then it's back to normal.
-when you get to the part where it tells you to shoot the squirrel in first person the screen freezes and starts drawing the graphics over and over on top of the still screen so you can't see anything and you can't shoot the target and can't advance any further in the game.


Will wait for your patch!


i7-920 @4.1Ghz, 9GB of RAM, GTX470, running Stranger's Wrath at 1920x1080 and it's running great. Windows 7 x64.

Hopefully the issues people are having will be patched up soon.


McKeeverFever said:
Does anyone know how to use a PS3 controller on steam ?

I use a PS3 controller on my PC (connected via usb) you just have to install MotionJoy and enable Xbox360 emulation. Any games that look for an actual 360 controller will think the PS3 controller is one. Works fine with Strangers Wrath etc. The driver has different modes so you can use it for basically any game.

MotionJoy download site (get Version 0.6.0001)


MotionJoy Install Instructions


I don't see how they can "fix" stranger's wrath on PC. They'd need to release an entirely different game. It looks like it's running the Xbox version in an emulator.



This is terrible. I want my money back. Oh wait. You already have it. I feel really burned by this. Live and learn I spose.

EDIT: specs
6 gig ram
windows 7 64

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Is there any fix/update coming to add resolution selection in Munch's Odyssey?

Also, I thought the two older games were getting achievements added.
Easy_D said:
Since I feel like a helpful dude today.

Post all your specs in the comment field here: http://www.oddworld.com/?p=327


I love this part:

Remember: we love you guys and we hate to hear that you’re not having the time of your life with our games, because of technical issues we didn’t encounter in testing.

Ok.....no. Console-only crowd can fall for this crap, but anyone who played on a PC even once will LOL at mere suggestion that everyone has problems, yet devs PCs magically run in with no problems. :lol

Port was rushed for Christmas sale. Was planning to get it. Will get it next sale then, your loss, not mine.
Looks like it's another job for x360ce like with Super Meat Boy. My USB game pad wasn't working correctly at startup. Except this time I will have to configure pretty much every button aside from left right and jump. Menus are loading up fine on my system, doesn't seem to be too much of an issue aside from some H/V position.


It sucks people are unhappy with Stranger's Wrath, I hope the PS3 port fairs better, I'm really looking forward to finally playing it.


Worst port I've played in a long, long time. I took a leap of faith on this one since I've never played an Oddworld game before but everyone loved Stranger's Wrath so much.

Never buying from these hacks again. Some level of bugginess I could live with but everything about this says it was a cold-blooded decision to put out an obviously quarter-assed product in time for Christmas.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Castor Krieg said:
Ok.....no. Console-only crowd can fall for this crap, but anyone who played on a PC even once will LOL at mere suggestion that everyone has problems, yet devs PCs magically run in with no problems. :lol

Console gamers would rightfully find the suggestion even more ludicrous given that the core hardware in the PS3/360/Wii is identical, regardless of model revisions.
Just wanted to say I'm reading this thread not because of interest in the games, but because I have seriously never seen a more flippant blow off of valid criticism.
ShockingAlberto said:
Just wanted to say I'm reading this thread not because of interest in the games, but because I have seriously never seen a more flippant blow off of valid criticism.
Agreed. Pretty patronizing. All that needs to be said is "we're very sorry and will work until its fixed" but i guess not all devs can be as awesome as those that did Super Meat Boy.
JaseC said:
Console gamers would rightfully find the suggestion even more ludicrous given that the core hardware in the PS3/360/Wii is identical, regardless of model revisions.

I was talking about PC-builds: because consoles are standarized and easy to use a lot of console players who jump to PCs are often very confused about the multitude of options and configurations possible both for hardware and software.

LovingSteam said:
Agreed. Pretty patronizing. All that needs to be said is "we're very sorry and will work until its fixed" but i guess not all devs can be as awesome as those that did Super Meat Boy.

Super Meat Boy gets honorable mention for "we will not do Christmas sale" of 3.50EUR 20 days after release.


LovingSteam said:
Agreed. Pretty patronizing. All that needs to be said is "we're very sorry and will work until its fixed" but i guess not all devs can be as awesome as those that did Super Meat Boy.

Castor Krieg said:
I was talking about PC-builds: because consoles are standarized and easy to use a lot of console players who jump to PCs are often very confused about the multitude of options and configurations possible both for hardware and software.

Super Meat Boy gets honorable mention for "we will not do Christmas sale" of 3.50EUR 20 days after release.

Heh. Welp, I paid $15 for the game and am not angry in the least because the game is just that awesome. The devs from the Oddbox are basically patronizing the customers and telling them to try and basically do their job, that it's not that easy. Well you know what, nobody forced them to put out a product that wasn't ready for showtime.
wwm0nkey said:
Man I kind of feel bad for Golden right now, must be a lot of damage control and ect not to mention trying to make a patch asap.

Why? He released this turd for sale, he deserves all of this wrath and more. The game simply isn't ready and fit for sale.

This isn't freeware, people are spending their hard earned and expect something better than the worst optimised game in the history of the platform. A barebones Xbox port is performing worse than Crysis, it comes with no graphical configuration, no auto 360 controller configuration and no widescreen support. Maybe if it was released at less tahn a dollar people might be more sympathetic, but its a $15 product.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
At the end of the day the whole point of Oddbox was to get Munch and Stranger playable on modern machines, the 2 abe games have long been available. This product completely and utterly fails to get those 2 products working.

So yea, they deserve the ire.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Castor Krieg said:
I was talking about PC-builds: because consoles are standarized and easy to use a lot of console players who jump to PCs are often very confused about the multitude of options and configurations possible both for hardware and software.

Ah, right. In that case, though, they're not part of the console-only crowd. :p
Castor Krieg said:
I love this part:

Ok.....no. Console-only crowd can fall for this crap, but anyone who played on a PC even once will LOL at mere suggestion that everyone has problems, yet devs PCs magically run in with no problems. :lol

Port was rushed for Christmas sale. Was planning to get it. Will get it next sale then, your loss, not mine.

The CEO of Just Add Water said he got 30fps @ 1024x768 with a mobile 8600GT, ffs! :lol

So even on their magical PCs the performance is utterly atrocious and worse than your average Xbox 360 port, so patronising statements like this are just an extra kick in the balls.

An 8600M GT will run Xbox ports of similar complexity (like Halo 2/ Psychonauts/ Splinter Cell) @ 1080p with full AA/AF and extra sparkly effects on top at a perfect 60fps. The theory that this is emulated kinda makes sense now, since I've literally never seen a native PC game perform anywhere near as bad this game does even under ideal conditions in JAW's test labs, nevermind what's happening out in the wild.


LovingSteam said:
It was a flippant and stupid thing to say especially after releasing a bad product.
I never said it wasn't. I thought it was so obvious that the comment was such everyone could agree he should have stopped to think before posting it.

Only point I wanted to make is that it is not the only thing he and other members said both in this thread and on their website in an official capacity. They've all said they were sorry and intended to get everything fixed, some a number of times. So it's not like he and the team blew everyone off whining how hard it is to be a game developer alone.


LovingSteam said:
Agreed. Pretty patronizing. All that needs to be said is "we're very sorry and will work until its fixed" but i guess not all devs can be as awesome as those that did Super Meat Boy.
I'm certainly not defending the current state of the Stranger's Wrath port, but how is the JAW employee's response any worse than Team Meat's response to initial customer complaints?
Stop giving them such a hard time, at least they are engaging in communication with us which is better than a wall of silence.

Ghostbusters PC didn't work for hundreds of people, the dev and pub were silent and Steam had to actually talk to them. In the end no patch came out and I couldn't play it until I got Windows 7.
Visualante said:
Stop giving them such a hard time, at least they are engaging in communication with us which is better than a wall of silence.

If you went to a restaurant and ordered a nice juicy steak for £15, had to wait over 3x as long as initially promised and then finally received a turd on a plate, would you not complain?

Visualante said:
Stop giving them such a hard time, at least they are engaging in communication with us which is better than a wall of silence.

Ghostbusters PC didn't work for hundreds of people, the dev and pub were silent and Steam had to actually talk to them. In the end no patch came out and I couldn't play it until I got Windows 7.

At least Ghostbusters had widescreen support, automatic 360 controller configuration, a stack of configurable graphics options and over 10x the complexity despite better performance. There was a decent product there if you didn't run into bugs. Everything about this port is terrible, there's no redeeming features that I can see. But hey, at least they wasted some time adding achievements!!


Visualante said:
Stop giving them such a hard time, at least they are engaging in communication with us which is better than a wall of silence.

Ghostbusters PC didn't work for hundreds of people, the dev and pub were silent and Steam had to actually talk to them. In the end no patch came out and I couldn't play it until I got Windows 7.

But it's $12.49!!!! HARD EARNED MONEY! Thousands of hours of slave back breaking work for this! I could have bought 3 maps on xbox live for that!

I still bought it. Will wait for patch, I've waited this long


Hmm.... Knocking the res down from 1080p custom to the "Ultra" setting seemed to give me a marginally better framerate, but we're talking Dragon Age PS3 framerate here.
I'm happy JAW have tried to revive Oddworld, but I won't be double dipping on the PS3 versions if they're as atrocious as these ports are.


Darklord said:
But it's $12.49!!!! HARD EARNED MONEY! Thousands of hours of slave back breaking work for this! I could have bought 3 maps on xbox live for that!

I still bought it. Will wait for patch, I've waited this long

You can marginalize any gaming related item to "only x pennies a day." That doesn't mean people should be content with games that don't work.


Darklord said:
But it's $12.49!!!! HARD EARNED MONEY! Thousands of hours of slave back breaking work for this! I could have bought 3 maps on xbox live for that!
For most people, $12.49 is beyond the barrier of what they will comfortably throw away.

Beyond that, even if it was $0.01 it should still be a working product.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Darklord said:
But it's $12.49!!!! HARD EARNED MONEY! Thousands of hours of slave back breaking work for this! I could have bought 3 maps on xbox live for that!

Hey go grab $12.50 and burn it. Tell us how you feel afterwards.


Balb said:
You can marginalize any gaming related item to "only x pennies a day." That doesn't mean people should be content with games that don't work.

I think it's bad it doesn't work and it SHOULD have been working perfectly after all this time. But people crying about "hard earned money". It's $12 and the devs are working on a patch ASAP. Some people act like it's $60 and the devs don't give a fuck.
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