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Odin Sphere Leifthrasir |OT| Second Revision


I feel stupid, I don't undersand how to feed my chick, I plant seeds but it doesn't want to eat them. What am I doing wrong?
I feel stupid, I don't undersand how to feed my chick, I plant seeds but it doesn't want to eat them. What am I doing wrong?

Don't plant the seeds, just drop them! On your inventory screen it tells you on the top right how to drop the seed. Then the chick will evolve for you.


Un Rama
That's me got all the characters up to level 50 and about to start the book of Armageddon. I'm aiming to get the platinum. Just wondering should I move my save onto online storage or can the the book be replayed to get each ending?

Also Mercedes was my least favorite character to play as.


That's me got all the characters up to level 50 and about to start the book of Armageddon. I'm aiming to get the platinum. Just wondering should I move my save onto online storage or can the the book be replayed to get each ending?

Also Mercedes was my least favorite character to play as.
You can replay the book. If you used the wrong character, exit to the lobby and read the book of the person you played as. It'll tell you that doing so would reset the progress of the book of Armageddon.


20-25 hours

Wow i'm really playing slow. I'm at 20 hours and just started mercedes. I feel like I spend way too much time doing inventory management and hoarding items and that slows me down a lot.

I think this might be the first game I really want to put the time in to platinum i'm having a ton of fun with it. Is there anything super frustrating about getting the platinum and more importantly is there anything I can do to "screw up" my save so that I can't get the platinum?


I think this might be the first game I really want to put the time in to platinum i'm having a ton of fun with it. Is there anything super frustrating about getting the platinum and more importantly is there anything I can do to "screw up" my save so that I can't get the platinum?
Platinuming this game is pretty easy.

There are no missable/difficulty based trophies, everything can be done on Easy. The only semi-annoying trophy is to eat every meal that Murphy provides. So save all the food and stuff you find in your stash for that.

I followed this guide...


Un Rama
2 trophies left to go! Just need the circle of ruins boss rush and the other endings trophies. Luckily my hoarder mentality meant that doing all the cooking stuff was fine and I was level 65 just by eating everything.
yea, i still adore this game. got to
(hard) and i love his speed. still looks as beautiful as ever. props to vanillaware, as always.


I really like the bit-sized approach to the game's chapters. It's really a good combo of story and gameplay, I think.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Curious, who is everyone's favorite character (gameplay, story, design, whatever reason)?

Mine is Gwendolyn. Great design, best gameplay style, best story. Plus she's basically the lead.

(Least fave...
the bunny)
Curious, who is everyone's favorite character (gameplay, story, design, whatever reason)?

Hmm, I probably had the most fun with Oswald on my playthrough. He is not the strongest of characters but I liked how his slightly awkward moves forced you to really concentration on what the enemies are doing and quickly switch between playing quite defensively and hyper aggressively. And I found myself using his entire skillset where with almost everyone else (apart from Velvet) I just stuck with like 3 abilities and that ran me through the game just fine.

Mikey Jr.

Question :

Just finished Gwendolyn story, and going to move onto the next. However, is there any point for me to finish stuff for her? Like kill some minibosses I couldn't kill, or get some skills I missed?

Like I got a skill for killing the last boss. What is the point? So should I go back with her, or just continue on with the next character?


Question :

Just finished Gwendolyn story, and going to move onto the next. However, is there any point for me to finish stuff for her? Like kill some minibosses I couldn't kill, or get some skills I missed?

Like I got a skill for killing the last boss. What is the point? So should I go back with her, or just continue on with the next character?

you'll have to use her again in the end game as well as other characters.
You can go back to her at any time though.
Is this game getting hard to find? Trying to take advantage of 50% trade in bonus at Best Buy and it is sold out online and not in stock 250 miles around me.


Curious, who is everyone's favorite character (gameplay, story, design, whatever reason)?

Mine is Gwendolyn. Great design, best gameplay style, best story. Plus she's basically the lead.

(Least fave...
the bunny)

Having played and finished this over the last 2 weeks (I was never able to get into the PS2 version for some reason) I'd have to say Mercedes is my fave. She was just a delight to control and a great new type of character as the game basically turns into a run 'n gun game for her chapter.

Second would probably be Cornelius. I love fast characters and he certainly was one of those. I loved jumping and flying all over the place, decimating everyone in sight.

Third would be Gwendolyn, who's hot on Cornelius' heels. I feel they're both quite similar, with Gwendolyn being slower but having more reach.

Velvet is next. She was...alright. Too slow for my liking and didn't really stand out in any way like the others.

Firmly in last place is Oswald. I kinda hated him in every way. Incredibly slow and cumersome to control, That stupid Berserk meter, almost no reach with his weapon. I had to trudge through his story tbh, really didn't like him at all.

I found all stories to be fun and the overall build-up was very well done. I don't really have a favorite there.

I really liked the game overall and I'm glad I gave it a second chance, but I'm also glad it's over. It's incredibly repetitive with almost no variation in gameplay throughout (Mercedes really saved the game for me, Oswald almost killed it). If the game didn't control as well as it did and the storyline wasn't as fun as it was, I would have dropped it after finishing Gwendolyn's story probably. It's just too much of a grind. Gwendolyn's story was fun, but then you realise you have to do the same thing again for the next 4 characters and defeat the same bosses again and again and again. I probably should have played on a harder difficulty, because normal was absolute cakewalk. One of the easier "normal" difficulties I've played in fact.

But I had the time and I stuck with it and I'm glad I did, even if I seem bit down on it, there's a lot that I absolutely love and I definitely recommend the game. I criticise out of love.
On the third character, man the pooka prince's story got super weird there at the end and dove straight into "ok this is way too Japanese for me" territory. Hope it veers back into standard fantasy themes after that chapter.

Still enjoying it, this is probably the first JRPG type of game I have played in like 20 years, since Final Fantasy 7.


Man, my quest to get S rank on every arena in every level on hard might have met it's match. Fate Chapter 5 Challenge Room with the blob monsters, sorcerer's eyes, and sorcerers gets absurdly hard in the last stages with shit flying everywhere across the screen. Blocking does nothing. :/
Got the platinum and gonna trade the game in, really enjoyed most of it although like Bravely Default it got pretty grindy and repetitive in the end. Going from game end to platinum took an extra 10 hours or so, I didn't have any of the "secret" phozons so going back and getting them all and doing the boss rush extra level took a big chunk of time. Definitely a pretty easy platinum, especially if you just finish, since there is no requirement for finishing on hard or time challenges or anything like that.

Once you finish, if its not obvious at the map select for epilogue for each character you can use L1/R1 to "go back" a level, which is needed to go back and get phozons you missed. Took me like 15 minutes to figure this out, was going nuts trying to figure out how the hell to revisit old areas if it was locked in the epilogue.

Fun game, an extremely bizarre story to me (but what I expect from any sort of JRPG), I enjoyed the combat mechanics. How the hell do some of these characters have a 1" waist, I swear with Velvet I sat down and ate like 40 lbs of food in one sitting.

Oh, if you are going for the platinum the only thing I'd suggest is managing your recipes and food carefully. It took an extra 1-2 hours for me to go back and figure out what the hell food items I was missing from eaten, since I just willy nilly went through the game collecting recipes and making them if I had the mats and skipping if I didn't. There are only 75 or so recipes, so getting a notepad with the entire list and crossing them out as you eat each would have saved a ton of time.


So is the game a remake or remaster?

Meaning, did they take the original game/engine, and applied changes on top of it (remaster), or did they redo the entire game/engine (remake)?


I've no idea what engine they're using but I doubt they're using the same engine they did in the PS2 days so it'd be a remake by your definition. That's without even commenting on all the myriad of changes that make the whole game play very differently from the original.


Platinum get!

Tip for those going for the Maury's restaurant trophy.

look at the BONUS icon next to each recipe in the menu. If it has three exclamation points like this "!!!" that means you probably havent eaten it yet.


Just finished the True Ending. I still really enjoyed this game after all this time. The combat and performance improvements truly made it an experience I was feeling all over again.

Also, write me as an outlier, the only character more enjoyable to play than Mercedes is Cornelius (and they are the two best general characters to boot). Drilling combos with Cornelius and shoot-n-runs with Mercedes is really a blast each time I indulge in them. Overall, everyone felt better to play as than in the original (which I still liked my time with).

The extra ending scene was also really sweet. The whole package was really good (even with signature Vanillaware repetition) and I'm glad I went with the Collector's Edition right away on it!

Extra Note: Playing with the Japanese voices was soooo appreciated. The voice cast for Japanese is quite solid and I find myself preferring it to the English dub here.


Extra Note: Playing with the Japanese voices was soooo appreciated. The voice cast for Japanese is quite solid and I find myself preferring it to the English dub here.
not surprising but yes, it's much better.
I do agree on Cornelius, he's one of the best characters if not the best for doing damage and combos, he also has some interesting buffs and offensive skills if you get tired of using the same ones.

got the platinum a couple of days ago. after playing it for 40+ hours I definitely felt the repetitiveness, to the point where I just wanted to skip stages and get to the boss. still, huge improvement over the original game, gorgeous visuals, and just a good game overall. loved the true ending as well
Got the plat a couple days ago.

Ended up turning it on easy after getting a little fatigued with the game. It's fun, but I can't even begin to imagine what the game is like on the highest difficulty


Junior Member
I only recently got a PS4 and just got around to trying out the demo for this. I still have my PS2 copy but only ever got to the end of Cornelius. I just wasn't ready for this game's massive time investment, and that's mainly what I want to ask about here. The demo really just shows you what the new combat system is like.

I remember the main complaint with the PS2 version was that every character had to visit every location in the game, but there were only like five unique locations so it all got repetitive. Add to that the main story was something like 40-60 hours but something happened at the end that forced people to repeat a lot of stuff turning it into a 100-hour game. I just remember people complaining that it was a badly-paced game. Gwendolyn and Cornilus each took me something like six hours, but I had to take a long break between each because it felt like such a heavy experience. If true does the new version do anything about that?


I can't decide if I want this on PS4 or Vita. It would be nice to have as a portable game but the demo looked so hot on my TV.


I only recently got a PS4 and just got around to trying out the demo for this. I still have my PS2 copy but only ever got to the end of Cornelius. I just wasn't ready for this game's massive time investment, and that's mainly what I want to ask about here. The demo really just shows you what the new combat system is like.

I remember the main complaint with the PS2 version was that every character had to visit every location in the game, but there were only like five unique locations so it all got repetitive. Add to that the main story was something like 40-60 hours but something happened at the end that forced people to repeat a lot of stuff turning it into a 100-hour game. I just remember people complaining that it was a badly-paced game. Gwendolyn and Cornilus each took me something like six hours, but I had to take a long break between each because it felt like such a heavy experience. If true does the new version do anything about that?

Alas, that level of asset recycling and structure is more of a Vanillaware issue than an "old Odin Sphere" one. One of the caveats with suggesting one is that the person in question either A.) Enjoys the game enough to not mind as much or B.) Can tolerate it for the multiple hours. It varies for their games with me, annoying me more in Muramasa (as I didn't enjoy that game) and less in Dragon's Crown/Odin's Sphere (which I really enjoyed).

In short, that's still there. It's not as front ended and more stamped throughout each chapter as other characters visit familiar places. The faster-paced combat in this game versus the original makes the journey of 1000 screens more palpable, but I won't defend the presence of repetitive environments, bosses and enemies. If you're playing the game, it will be present for the whole 30-40+ hours.
Add to that the main story was something like 40-60 hours but something happened at the end that forced people to repeat a lot of stuff turning it into a 100-hour game.

you don't need to grind at the end anymore. i remember in the ps2 version on hard i was stuck with grinding food or quitting. here i could just fight the last boss with every character straight away without issues. game is still repetitive ofc if you want to finish it quickly. i took my time with it.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
So, just finally got into this game. About 2hrs in, and just started the snow level on the world map with Gwen.

Few questions as a COMPLETE newcomer:

1. I'm 2hrs in. And I hear it's 40hrs. The story is already moving pretty quickly. Safe to assume it goes in pretty crazy directions? Also, are there more than the five or six areas on the fort world map? Environments could get stale after 40hrs of this.

2. So far, game is pretty damn easy on Normal. I don't consider my self "good" at games like this; so I'm surprised. Does the difficulty eventually ramp up? Honestly not sure what answer I want.

3. Already a lot of systems I'm trying to keep up with. Any things I should be leveling up first, or absolutely not ignoring?

Thank you!!


I don't know about crazy directions, if you've read a lot of old tragedies then you know what the story is taking inspiration from and I don't think it deviates too much for better or worse. What makes it interesting (and confusing) is each character shows you only part of the story (even Gwen's arc is missing important parts about Gwen). Not for everyone, but I like it though.

I think there's 8 areas, and like all Vanillaware games it does get stale eventually, so I hope you like the combat.

The difficulty does eventually ramp up especially if you're not eating food and leveling up. I played through most of the game on hard, but switched to normal and then finally easy just to finish the game more quickly. You can switch difficulty whenever you want so just do what you want.

Just upgrade what you want to. As you observed the game's not that hard so you don't have to worry about wasting points really. I used every ability a couple times and only upgraded ones that I liked and were good for combos. Some characters I went through most of the game only using three abilities while others I used about half of them.


Got it on sale and loving it so far even though I'm just two bosses in.

I see on this thread that the difficulty ramps up but I'm wondering if I should change the difficulty to hard for the first few hours?


Got it on sale and loving it so far even though I'm just two bosses in.

I see on this thread that the difficulty ramps up but I'm wondering if I should change the difficulty to hard for the first few hours?

IMO, the difficulty never really ramps up all that much. There are a handful of minibosses that can be tough nuts, but you can lower the difficulty just for them if you need to. Give Hard a try, and don't dial it down until you feel you need to.

Overall, it's a very easy game in it's remade incarnation.

Of course if you want a bigger challenge, there's always Classic Mode which has entirely different gameplay.
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