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Official ArmA 2 Thread of DOGCHUTES RGR

Update on the demo, looks like it might get delayed til next week because apparently they are releasing a patch this week and that is there first priority.


Agent Ironside said:
Update on the demo, looks like it might get delayed til next week because apparently they are releasing a patch this week and that is there first priority.

Work overtime! :D

I want to see how this runs before I order it.


Feeling like I need a update. :(
Forsete said:
Work overtime! :D

I want to see how this runs before I order it.


Feeling like I need a update. :(

me too my system is a slight step above yours

E6850 (3ghz)
2.0 G ram

our cpus limit us T_T

I await demo
Darklord said:
I really want to order this today but after reading about the shocking performance issues I might hold off for a few patches. :(

Edit: Which makes me wonder how those 1500 AI and air battles are possible??

Which performance issues? There seems to be the oddball here and there (and that retarded benchmark test above), but for the most part, it seems to run as you would expect, playable on most systems with medium details.

Everyone, glance through the ArmA 2 forums' system specs discussion, some good info there, wide range of systems/opinions: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72181&page=170


Mr. Snrub said:
Which performance issues? There seems to be the oddball here and there (and that retarded benchmark test above), but for the most part, it seems to run as you would expect, playable on most systems with medium details.

Everyone, glance through the ArmA 2 forums' system specs discussion, some good info there, wide range of systems/opinions: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72181&page=170
Come now, there are performance issues with large groups of AI...

It's a fun but really inefficient game. I'm mostly playing through the Armoury challenges at the moment, but the instant they sort out the Phenom perf issues I'll be all over that multiplayer scene.


Agent Ironside said:
Update on the demo, looks like it might get delayed til next week because apparently they are releasing a patch this week and that is there first priority.

Ugh, screw this. I know patches are important and god knows Arma 2 needs them, but I will still hold off my buy until I know I can run it.

edit: then again, bugs in SP missions which cause you to not be able to progress might actually be worse: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73930&page=2


Joseph Merrick said:
Are you talking about the old pcgameshardware.com thing? Ignore it. It's from beta or something, maybe the review code.

Really? shit I can get the US version of the game 3 days from now. Wish there was a demo of it being released soon...

Hmmm 23 fps for 20 tanks and 30 infantry at 1920 X 1200, possible to tweak it to get it at a solid 30?
bigswords said:
Really? shit I can get the US version of the game 3 days from now. Wish there was a demo of it being released soon...

Hmmm 23 fps for 20 tanks and 30 infantry at 1920 X 1200, possible to tweak it to get it at a solid 30?

Yeah, the pcgameshardware is not only an older version, but they played with the fill rate, which modifies your resolution based on how you set it. From what I've read, it's partly Bohemia's fault, as they didn't really explain what the fill rate does; the latest patch apparently fixes that and lets you know you are multiplying your frame rate, essentially.

Seriously guys, read through the official thread with spec/system req's info. Lots of good impressions; a few people have said ArmA 2 runs better than ArmA 1 on their machines.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Where the hell is BeeDog with his impressions ?


Definitely gonna wait for the demo before I buy. Gotta make sure my laptop can handle it. 8800M GTS with 2.5ghz C2D.
Another quad optimised game? Seems quad core support is par for the course with modern releases now. I may need to upgrade to a quad sooner than I thought.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Well it's the only way to get AA at the moment, you can enable AA in the cfg but it breaks shadows. Supposedly the next patch will fix this, so if you have a decent machine you might be able to set it to like 125% or so.


brain_stew said:
Another quad optimised game? Seems quad core support is par for the course with modern releases now. I may need to upgrade to a quad sooner than I thought.
As mentioned above, I just hope when/if they patch the game to not have crappy Phenom performance my triple core is up to the task.


Zenith said:
fillrate is also AA, and without it the game looks terrible.

I take it back, the patch adds AA as a separate thing. You also have 8 save slots per mission.

The game is smooth so far. Everything set to High. It definitely feels like OFP and not Arma. Shooting is much easier than what it was in Arma. New sounds are great but old ones still suck. Issues like aircraft cannons being useless have been fixed, better physics, hitting a car with a tank will send it spinning away, Humvees can skid a bit if you fling them into a 180. The single missions cover elements of the Utes campaign which they reference in the main Chernarus one. Guns have moving slides and blowback. You have both the ability to deflate tires from OFP and the option to blow them off like in Arma.

I have encountered one bug. When loading a save to laser designate stuff for cruise missiles in the 2nd mission it didn't trigger and I couldn't call in air support. but I was going to replay it anyway as I wanted to find all the war crime evidence.

it is very polished gameplay and presentation-wise though.

also it didin't require online authentication like they said EU releases would which is a bonus.
Truant said:
So what do I set it at? Got a nice computer. 100%?

Yeah, and then just play with it, see what's possible, I guess. I don't know much about fill rate, honestly.

Anyone here that can break it down? Ikuu, what do you mean by "scaling" it after rendering at a higher resolution? Like renders it at a higher resolution, but "resizes" it to the resolution you selected? Basically, it bullshots itself?
Mr. Snrub said:
Yeah, and then just play with it, see what's possible, I guess. I don't know much about fill rate, honestly.

Anyone here that can break it down? Ikuu, what do you mean by "scaling" it after rendering at a higher resolution? Like renders it at a higher resolution, but "resizes" it to the resolution you selected? Basically, it bullshots itself?

That's how all forms of AA work, really, except supersampling aa (which is what the fillrate setting applies) is applied to everything whereas msaa only works on polygon edges so it has a much lower performance hit but doesn't give the same IQ benefit.


Meh, out of stock in all swedish stores I looked at. Best price for the game on a DVD disc is 355 SEK, price on Steam? 535 SEK. $22 more expensive as a digital download :lol


played for 10 mins ( gotta make some food), runs fine 1080p all on high, 100% fillrate, 35-40fps

how do i get rid of the fucked up mouse lag?


Forsete said:
Meh, out of stock in all swedish stores I looked at. Best price for the game on a DVD disc is 355 SEK, price on Steam? 535 SEK. $22 more expensive as a digital download :lol

Order the game at Webhallen, they seem to get a small stock in every day, and you'll get yours any day. I placed my order this Sunday, and could pick up the game today.


bee said:
how do i get rid of the fucked up mouse lag?

Ruh-roh. :( I hate that shit.
Playing with V-sync? I think that should be turned off, thats what people said about Dead Space.

BeeDog said:
Order the game at Webhallen, they seem to get a small stock in every day, and you'll get yours any day. I placed my order this Sunday, and could pick up the game today.

Coolio, I'll give it a shot. :)
Fumbling in the dark though, not sure how it will play on my PC. :(

How does it play on yours?


bee said:
played for 10 mins ( gotta make some food), runs fine 1080p all on high, 100% fillrate, 35-40fps
Is that in training, or a mission? As I said earlier the game has some wild framerate swings between out in the open and in the towns.


Forsete said:
Coolio, I'll give it a shot. :)
Fumbling in the dark though, not sure how it will play on my PC. :(

How does it play on yours?

I have an Intel Q9450 (not OC'd), a 9800GTX, 4 gigs of RAM, definitely not top-tier stuff. Most of the settings are on High (some are on Normal, and some on Very High), and 1280x1024 as the resolution. I have only finished the first campaign level, and mucked around a bit on the second map and bootcamps/single missions, runs pretty fine (~30 fps). If you have a decent computer, it shouldn't work too badly.


bee said:
played for 10 mins ( gotta make some food), runs fine 1080p all on high, 100% fillrate, 35-40fps

how do i get rid of the fucked up mouse lag?

What the fuck is this trend with mouse lag all of a sudden? It seems so many games get it now. I'd try V-sync though. Turning it off normally helps a lot.


just playing the first scenario, trial by fire? gonna grab the no motion blur mod as its quite annoying and i haven't got vsync enabled but i force disbaled it anyway and it was no better, setting prerender limit to 0 in nhancer made it a little better though, when zooming its ok but when just running its like being a russian high mouse accel quake 3 player, 5cm 360's :eek:

game seems good apart from that though with what little i've played, i can never really complain too much with pc games when they only cost £18
Arma II



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I've played the game for like 5-6 hours now and only done one mission, most of the time just been spent in the editor seeing what all the stuff does. Supposedly you can add a few modules and the game will generate missions for you, still need to look it up, but the potential for user created stuff is amazing (the editor could be a little easier to use though, most of the advanced stuff is done through scripting).
Looks great.

I'm hoping for the next release that they revamp the animation system. It looks good, but isn't very smooth, and it doesn't look like they even have ragdolls implemented. Wonder if that's moddable?

Just tried to register at the official forums and found I had registered a while ago with the username "mcbane" :lol

Some ideas here?

http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75404 - this one guy messed with what looks like his resolution and fill rate and that did it?
Razor Two the 3rd mission is now officially driving me loopy.

I have found 3/4 evidence, no idea where the last 1 is. Found the following.
Dog Tags in Quarry
Map in the Castle in the west.
Photos in the most north red X camp.

I have found nobody of consequence, neither leb or his mate.

I can manage to visit all the mentioned places by 12pm which gives me a few mins before the 20minute warning, Leb seems to not exactly exist.


MrPing1000 said:
Razor Two the 3rd mission is now officially driving me loopy.

I have found 3/4 evidence, no idea where the last 1 is. Found the following.
Dog Tags in Quarry
Map in the Castle in the west.
Photos in the most north red X camp.

I have found nobody of consequence, neither leb or his mate.

I can manage to visit all the mentioned places by 12pm which gives me a few mins before the 20minute warning, Leb seems to not exactly exist.

Yeah, this mission is buggy as hell. The very first thing I did after getting the three markers was go to the very furthest one. After messing around a bit there, I got a call that my target was leaving a certain town (I forget the name) by car and was going to cross the border in 20 mins and would then be unreachable. I did that twice and was never able to find that bastard on the road.


How does Arma 1 run? Can it be maxed out @ 60fps with high end hardware?

I want to get Arma 2, but I'm scared:

E6600 @ 3.0GHz
GTX 275

My video card should be alright, but I think my CPU will be holding me back a lot. I want to manage 30-40fps if possible, even if it means lowering the settings. I don't know if I'll be able to achieve that with a CPU bottlenecked game though.
bee said:
game seems good apart from that though with what little i've played, i can never really complain too much with pc games when they only cost £18
wait until you play through razor2 and manhattan for :O impressions. the more open missions are superb

TheExodu5 said:
How does Arma 1 run? Can it be maxed out @ 60fps with high end hardware?

I want to get Arma 2, but I'm scared:

E6600 @ 3.0GHz
GTX 275

My video card should be alright, but I think my CPU will be holding me back a lot. I want to manage 30-40fps if possible, even if it means lowering the settings. I don't know if I'll be able to achieve that with a CPU bottlenecked game though.
yeah. arma1 performance is great now. max it out easily on my machine, even on 10000 view distance or whatever the slider max is. they both scale quite far up and down though, you shouldn't have any problems getting arma2 to run ok and not look like total dogshit with those specs. seems so
Mr. Snrub said:
Looks great.

I'm hoping for the next release that they revamp the animation system. It looks good, but isn't very smooth, and it doesn't look like they even have ragdolls implemented. Wonder if that's moddable?
yeah ragdolls and better physics/collisions overall would be nice. physics buildings and deformable geometry on a game of this scale would be.. amazing


I'm on mission 3, and it pisses me off that ONE of the squad members get stuck in some random geometry or whatever the fuck is blocking his progress, and thus I can't gatecrash the party at the first real objective. Fucking hell, maybe 4th time's the charm? :(

On the plus side, this game is the best running simulation ever.
Baloonatic said:
Just downloaded the demo for the first ArmA and it won't work at all D: Better wait for the demo on this one as well.
yeah, you're better off not trying that demo. it's the same as the broken first release of the game. hehe.
Joseph Merrick said:
yeah, you're better off not trying that demo. it's the same as the broken first release of the game. hehe.

Ah right, that's a shame. I really liked Operation Flashpoint but haven't played ArmA. Guess I might as well skip the first one if the second works ok on my computer though.


I tried the Arma demo with no luck too.

Seems to not work on machines running Vista 64 with over 2 gigs of RAM. Full game has been patched to fix this but i guess theres no point in updating the demo at this point.
Baloonatic said:
Ah right, that's a shame. I really liked Operation Flashpoint but haven't played ArmA. Guess I might as well skip the first one if the second works ok on my computer though.
if you want a good campaign the difference between arma1 and arma2 is night and day. but arma1 multiplayer is still great.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
bee said:
played for 10 mins ( gotta make some food), runs fine 1080p all on high, 100% fillrate, 35-40fps

how do i get rid of the fucked up mouse lag?

I didn't have a chance to install the game last night, but I've read on the BHI forums that mouse lag and aim inaccuracies occur when you pirate the game and trigger FADE protection.

If you bought the game and are still getting mouse lag, then that's F'ed up.
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