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OFFICIAL Batman Begins Discussion Topic - TV Spots, Reviews, RT Watch, etc.

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Hollywood Square

I figured with all the Batman related crap flowing over into other topics (like the Ratner X-Men debacle), that we might as well get started on hyping the real first summer blockbuster of the year. Batman Begins obviously opens June 15th and until then, everything is fair game, including the Burton films, the animated series and so on. I'll start to linking to some early, but very positive first reviews...

NEWSWEEK has seen [Batman Begins] too, so now we know what he knows: Batman is back.
-- Devin Gordon, NEWSWEEK

This film is any hardcore Bat fan’s wet dream come true... It really is the serious, dark, violent, scary, Batman film we’ve always wanted to see.
-- Sandy Collora, BUZZSCOPE

FYI: Sandy Collora was the guy who directed that Batman short film "Dead End", where a spandex-clad Batman fought both Aliens and Predators while hunting the Joker.

It's gonna be the standard for Batman movies (and comic book movies) for years to come.
-- Guy Who Attended Japanese Premiere, AICN

This is an instant classic, I really believe that in an ideal world, it should be Oscar calibre.
-- "The Pope", AICN





1. Vespertilio
2. Eptesicus
3. Myotis
4. Barbastella
5. Artibeus
6. Tadarida
7. Macrotus
8. Antrozous
9. Nycteris
10. Molossus
11. Corynorhinus
12. Lasiurus




Nice one, this one should be awesome. We're still to see a non-fanboy review though. That cheat sheet just speaks of quality though with the talent involved, and 140 minutes should be a good length.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
it ain't gonna be no Spider-Man 2 that's for sure..

Do I get my badge into the Willco club now? :p

seriously, I can't wait. at least someone besides Sony is putting out good comic book movies now.


Hollywood Square
borghe said:
it ain't gonna be no Spider-Man 2 that's for sure..

Do I get my badge into the Willco club now? :p

The tribunal will discuss your fate!

seriously, I can't wait. at least someone besides Sony is putting out good comic book movies now.

Yeah, Warner Bros. has seen how fans, critics and movie-goers alike react when you inject these iconic characters with a little bit of credibility. Giving Whedon the Wonder Woman series, Singer the Superman series and taking their time with Watchman might really pay off.

Or not. Who knows? But at least they'll be entertaining at least.


I just learned that the IMAX theater I work at is trying to get a contract hammered out to be able to play the IMAX version of both Batman Begins and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - AWESOME!!!


Hollywood Square
Sriram said:
Isnt DC a part of WB though? If thats the case then WB = watchmen.

Oddly enough, it is Paramount. I guess maybe because it was under another print? I don't know licensing issues, but that is weird. Oh well, if it sucks, it's not WB's fault!


Some new shots from the French mag, Score:





The artbook is also out now. It retails for around $40 instore but you can get it for around $26 plus S&H at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Wal-Mart:

Good book. Worth a purchase if you're a fan of Batman.

Theres also this positive review from David Poland from The Hot Button:
There is a huge problem with Batman Begins...

I'm going to have to stop humming that Danny Elfman theme.

There have been some interesting movies made from "graphic novels." The material is generally more literary and less comic book and the filmmakers they attract are often art house types. Bravo. Ghost World kills.

But Batman Begins is the first comic book movie that is a truly a movie first and a comic book second. And with it, Christopher Nolan announces that he is a made man in the family of the very top filmmakers in the world today.

The thing that is most remarkable about Batman Begins is that it has so much goofy comic stuff to show off... but you never feel like it's about the stuff. This movie is loaded with really fine actors, like Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine and Gary Oldman and Liam Neeson and Rutger Hauer.... but you never feel like they are chewing scenery, which is often what they are called on to do in other films. It's not exactly Shakespeare either... but they bring what Nolan & Goyer & Company are clearly trying to bring to the genre... stable, solid grounding.

Batman Begins is the kind of movie that will have fans arguing about their favorite sections. Are they into the first act of training and flashback? Do they get goosebumps thinking about the process of Batman's development in Gotham? Or is it the relentless action of the third act?

The bat cowl is a little funny on Christian Bale's face, but he is the most serious Batman ever. And Katie Holmes is very Dr. Claire Lewicki... if you know what I mean... in almost every way.

It is a bit of an art and commerce clash... this film will thrill the base of fans, but will it be as accessible as Spidey? Unlikely. And some journos will likely crap all over the movie if it only does $600 million worldwide. And that sucks. Warner Bros. did the right thing... they made a terrific movie first... a movie that redefines the genre in its own way... which makes the nostalgia for Tim Burton's take even stronger, while allowing us to enjoy this one every bit as much. Like the comics, it is a real rethink by a fresh-eyed artist. But I don't think my mom is going to make it to this one... and that's good. Batman Begins is a very commercial film that isn't emasculating itself to find every marketing quadrant. Hallelujah.

Mike Sampson over at JoBlo.com also posted the following:
"Well I'm an east-coast guy so I was at the NYC screening but I think Tom Leupp was at the LA one. I know Devin from CHUD, among others (including a Ryan Seacrest look-alike) were there.

It's as good as everyone says it is, trust me. It almost makes me wish the previous BATMAN films didn't exist so this would be the sole example. I had some very minor concerns that mostly included Katie Holmes and her dialogue but it really was great. It's so well done you believe that a Batman could actually exist. I was surprised though how close it stayed to the script that's floated around online. I thought there would be more significant changes but it stayed pretty faithful.

Oh and props HAVE to go out to Cillian Murphy who is just a creepy, creepy dude. He's great as Scarecrow. Really everyone is great and Christian Bale just makes a perfect Batman. I think he and Hugh Jackman are the best realizations of comic characters ever."

Also just wanted to include these:

They're "realistic" renditions done by comic artist, Lee Bermejo, for The Joker and Two Face who are supposed to be featured in the (hopefully) 2 sequels after Batman Begins.

This is is what Bermejo said about the artworks:
This drawing is based on Denzel Washington, although it may be hard to tell due to the angle with which I have chosen to portray him. I know that the popular choices for Two-Face are Guy Pierce and Jude Law but I personally felt that Denzel would give a little something different and exciting to the role. He is by far one of my favorite actors working today and anyone who wants to see an interesting "split-personality" role should check out TRAINING DAY.

On a personal note, I looked at a lot of scar tissue and burn victim reference for this image - not something I would recommend as a fun activity to pass your time. I tried to make the scarring on Two-Face as real looking as possible while still trying to infuse some of the comic book sensibilities. In reality, his left eye would be completely gone, but I think you have to take a bit of creative license with these characters. After all, there is a reason these comic characters were interesting enough to be turned into movies."


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
the rights for watchmen are very weird. AFAIK basically even though DC owns the rights, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons originaly had some creative control over options. The original choice to do Watchmen was Terry Gilliam, and I believe it basically goes that when Terry Gilliam was going to do it, Warner wasn't interested in it (being it would most likely be subversive with Gilliam back in the 80's) so they sold the rights to Paramount. Overall that didn't turn out to be a bad deal for warner because they saw the cash upfront on it like 20 years ago (almost), will still see royalties on it, and haven't had the frustration Paramount has had on the project for almost like 20 years now.


Hollywood Square
I said it awhile ago when those two drawings first came out, but I'll say it again -- Bermejo's Two Face looks great, but I don't like his Joker. The problem is the two look too alike and the Joker looks way more deformed than he should. It should definitely be toned down a bit.

For those that want to know, the rumored story outline for the two sequels is as follows:

Batman begins the sequel tracking and capturing the Zsasz serial killer, while the mysterious Joker continues his on-and-off again killing spree. Batman enlists the aid of DA Harvey Dent and Jim Gordon to take down the Joker and the eventually succeed, but they don't kill him...

... in the third installment, the Joker is being led on trial when he burns Harvey Dent and scars him for life -- thus he becomes Two Face. Batman has to fight someone who has once a friend and now an enemy.

Tedesco! said:
I just hope that they stick with a one villain movie

There are three villains in Batman Begins alone.


Willco said:
There are three villains in Batman Begins alone.

I should clarify. I meant villains who work together, like Penguin & Catwoman, Riddler & Two-Face.

The three villians that Batman faces, are they working together or does he face them one after the other?
"Unlike other super-hero movies (including spider-man) this is a dense and profound movie. It makes the spidey flicks soppy sentimentalism look like preppy garbage."

Yes ! This quote makes me happy.


Hollywood Square
Tedesco! said:
I should clarify. I meant villains who work together, like Penguin & Catwoman, Riddler & Two-Face.

The three villians that Batman faces, are they working together or does he face them one after the other?

I will answer, but it'll be spoilers:

All three villains are working together, or rather, two of the villains work for one villain.

However, it makes sense and it works really, really well. I'm not sure how in the hell Goyer and Nolan managed to pull it off, but they did. I think the main reason why is that save for the Scarecrow, there really aren't any "colorful" villains, the kind that have crazy costumes, superpowers, etc.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

So Batman's utility belt has a cell phone. Can't say I've ever seen old Bats whip out his Motorola Razer in the middle of crime fighting. "Does it come in black?"


Hollywood Square
tedtropy said:
So Batman's utility belt has a cell phone. Can't say I've ever seen old Bats whip out his Motorola Razer in the middle of crime fighting. "Does it come in black?"

Usually his communication stuff is linked to his cowl, so yeah, that is a bit odd. I really hope there isn't like, a Cingular product placement or something Batman Begins.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Willco said:
Usually his communication stuff is linked to his cowl, so yeah, that is a bit odd. I really hope there isn't like, a Cingular product placement or something Batman Begins.

I doubt it, though I think Batman Begins could be an awesome way to promote a variety of anti-depressant medications. They could make little Bat-arang shaped Paxils! "If not for this pill stabbing me in the throat, I'd be feeling great!"


It'll never happen... but I really do hope they'll use Elfman's 'Finale' theme in the original batman. One of the best 2 minutes of flim music I sear


Hollywood Square
Gibbo said:
It'll never happen... but I really do hope they'll use Elfman's 'Finale' theme in the original batman. One of the best 2 minutes of flim music I sear

You mean in Batman Begins? Not a chance, as Nolan wants to completely sever ties with the Burton films. Which is why I don't quite understand borrowing the suit from the Burton films, but you can't win 'em all.
wilco, do you mind telling me who the three villains are, because i can only think of two.... and don't worry about spoilers for me as i've already read the script.


={<SMOKE>}= said:
wilco, do you mind telling me who the three villains are, because i can only think of two.... and don't worry about spoilers for me as i've already read the script.

Ras Al Ghul


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
hXc_thugg -
C'mon now. Some people don't know what's up with this, but all you're doing is drawing attention to it. You could have perfectly well answered his question without the quotations and avoided hinting at things for people who don't know the script.


tedtropy said:

So Batman's utility belt has a cell phone. Can't say I've ever seen old Bats whip out his Motorola Razer in the middle of crime fighting. "Does it come in black?"

Well that stuff is just filler for the book much like DK's "Ultimate Guides" for Batman, Spider-Man, Hulk etc. The one thing not in the description that's pretty cool is how the "pouches" on the belt are on a magnetic track which actually works.

Wilco said:
You mean in Batman Begins? Not a chance, as Nolan wants to completely sever ties with the Burton films. Which is why I don't quite understand borrowing the suit from the Burton films, but you can't win 'em all.

I don't know though...Do you really think they're "borrowing" the suit from Burton's films? IMO it just looks like a logical way of having it especially with the angle they're going for by grounding alot Batman's stuff in reality like a "What if he actually existed..." kind of deal. I like it alot better than Burton's anyways and at least Bale can turn his head and has alot more mobility than Keaton, Kilmer and Clooney ever had in the suit. :lol

Edit:Negative review from Variety. Some exceprts:
It's more Bruce Wayne than Batman; it's too dark and talky to appeal to kids and won't inspire much repeat viewing

Psychological depth is all well and good, but it's an open question how much time you want to spend on it when the subject is a cartoon character."

The filmmakers seem intent upon making Bruce/Batman and his actions as plausible (one resists saying realistic) as possible, emphasizing that he's a distinctly human hero with no super powers. All the same, guys, he was still born in a comic book.

Nolan and Goyer dwell on the idea of the masks one chooses to put on for the world to see, as well as the notion of character being defined by deed not word; concepts are entirely appropriate to Batman, but are hardly new or worth belaboring.

What this incarnation of Batman lacks is theatricality, a sense of showmanship to put over the new approach. Although little jokes and quips are gradually introduced, only slowly does Nolan dare to begin having any fun with the material, and even then far too cautiously. It's not that the film is prosaic, but it is terribly sober, afraid to make grand gestures and build to major payoffs. It's as if, out of a desire to appear smart and not to pander to the large public destined to see the picture, Nolan restrained himself from providing moments that might prove too audience pleasing.

As opposed to the highly designed Gotham City of the Tim Burton pictures, this one features cityscapes that recognizably belong to the real Chicago, with a fictional monorail system added in. Nor is there anything fetishistic about the Batman costume, which is plain and functional.

From that mess to a positive review from The Hollywood Reporter:
*Minor Spoilers*
Fights and chases occur in a gloomy, rainy, fear-drenched landscape of urban anarchy. The primary weapon everyone uses is fear. The criminal gang instills such terror in the citizenry that no one fights back. Batman chooses costumes and methods to turn that fear back on the criminals, who must confront a batlike creature they cannot fathom, a foe that vanishes before they land a blow.

Nolan and co-screenwriter David S. Goyer keep things logical and rational despite the story's comic book origins. Batman's heroics are the outgrowth of planning and psychology, not superhuman abilities. Fights are constructed in tight shots and quick edits that explode in rhythmic fury. A car chase looks like something one might catch on local TV news -- except, of course, for the Batmobile's ability to leap from roof to roof.

Similarly, designer Nathan Crowley and cinematographer Wally Pfister create a nightmarish city that reeks of despair. The music credit is shared by two top film composers, Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard, so it's hard to know whom to blame for its own schizophrenia wherein the major themes are rousing and memorable but the score comes on too strong in many sequences. Lindy Hemming's costumes are striking as they mirror the various strata of society as well as the "uniforms" of the heroes and villains in this alternate reality.

Bottom line: The franchise gets resurrected in this edgy, psychologically shrewd actioner.


Hollywood Square
That Variety review makes absolutely no sense. I mean, I could get not liking it, but not liking it because it's too much Bruce Wayne? It sounds like someone who is like, "Dialogue? Story? I wanted more bat nipples!"

Nor is there anything fetishistic about the Batman costume, which is plain and functional.

This is a bad thing?
i hope the occasional bad review saying "Oh its boring" or "Not enough Batman" don't sway the casuals. I having a couple of Hulk flashbacks. Then again, Hulk wasn't getting anywhere NEAR the critical acclaim that Begins is leading up to release, and Batman is a much more universally appealing and popular character, so it'll probably do just fine. Probably not Spiderman numbers, but enought to justify a couple of sequels and keep all the major players on board, hopefully.
Wow, that Variety review was all kinds of dumb. Who says comic book characters can't have the emotional depth of other, perhaps "more grown up" fictional characters? Gimme a break.

Only thing I agree with is his comments on Gotham City. I loved Burton's take on it; kinda bummed to see it looking so.......mundane, I guess. A minor complaint, though.


hXc thugg, please edit your post. One of the villains you gave away is a major spoiler, moreso than the other two villains you named. You're going to piss a lot of people off, assuming the
from the old script is still in the film.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Clearly by reading those excerpts from the Variety review,it can be summed up that the reviewer is 100% grade A bat shit stupid.


Would that douche prefer this suit ?
my money/time has been going into new art project keeping me from seeing all the summer goodness...

Star Wars ep III = no

War of the Worlds = nope

Batman Begins = begins to cry

this thread is painful because this movie was the one I looked foward to the most


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
That Variety review is pretty retarded. It's just complaining that it's not some silly stereotypical "comic book" movie. Let's not even mention that it appears his only knowledge of the character is the other films and perhaps the Adam West series. That's a dreadfully narrowminded if not irresponsible way to critique the new film.

Smiles and Cries said:
my money/time has been going into new art project keeping me from seeing all the summer goodness...

Star Wars ep III = no

War of the Worlds = nope

Batman Begins = begins to cry

this thread is painful because this movie was the one I looked foward to the most
You can't spare a few bucks for a matinee showing?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Taken from superherohype boards....Seems Ebert and Roeper like it :)

"was watching the satellite feed for this weekend's Ebert & Roeper.. Two Thumbs Up for Batman Begins..
They have an advance preview of it.. And a couple of clips that haven't been shown yet.. Ebert says "it's the Batman movie I've been waiting for."


Smiles and Cries said:
my money/time has been going into new art project keeping me from seeing all the summer goodness...

Star Wars ep III = no

War of the Worlds = nope

Batman Begins = begins to cry

this thread is painful because this movie was the one I looked foward to the most
So let me get this right...

You have time to buy 6 or 7 copies of a DS non-game, ship them off to various people, start up a blog about your exploits non-playing said non-game, but don't have time to catch a 2 1/2 hour flick here and there?

You fail at life.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Matrix said:
Taken from superherohype boards....Seems Ebert and Roeper like it :)

"was watching the satellite feed for this weekend's Ebert & Roeper.. Two Thumbs Up for Batman Begins..
They have an advance preview of it.. And a couple of clips that haven't been shown yet.. Ebert says "it's the Batman movie I've been waiting for."


I really, really, really hope that Nolan and Goyer kept the
Gordon/Batman dialog at the end the same. It perfectly describes the Gordon/Batman relationship.
Raoul Duke said:
So let me get this right...

You have time to buy 6 or 7 copies of a DS non-game, ship them off to various people, start up a blog about your exploits non-playing said non-game, but don't have time to catch a 2 1/2 hour flick here and there?

You fail at life.

Shoot if I could pay the same amount to get all 3 movies shipped to my home I would.

I just can't get away right now... all I do is stay at home and work. I'm glad I can still post on GAF as I paint and read manga during breaks...

Why do I have a feeling that Nintendogs will haunt me on GAF for years to come?
Spending money on Art Supplies is a little different. You never know the cost until the projects are all done so I have to hold on spending for now to make sure all that I want to create gets completed in time.


Ah blast! I may have just read a major spoiler in that post regarding the villains of the story. Damnit! Its not fair! I want to go back to a minute ago....


Substance said:
Ah blast! I may have just read a major spoiler in that post regarding the villains of the story. Damnit! Its not fair! I want to go back to a minute ago....

Yeah, I did too. I then proceeded to spoil it for my wife since it was spoiled for me. She laughed at me and said, "Well duh." :(


i don't even really know any of those villains.

Anyway, I'm all for a serious 'real' Batman, so long as they don't over do it (a la Hulk). I love superhero stories, though it took me ages to see that Spider-man was as cheesey as everyone says. And that's not necessarily a bad thing - it's good to just sit back and have some fun every now and again.


Honorary Canadian.
Haha, Matrix hit that Variety review on the head. While I was reading it, I was thinking, "So basically they want more Schwarzenegger and less Nicholson." Wow. A critic criticizing a movie for taking itself seriously? SORRY TO TRY AND IMPROVE THE FRANCHISE, VANITY! COME BACK NEXT YEAR FOR X3!!!

Anyways, I'm pumped for this. Though, I do have to note that War of the Worlds will probably be awesome, too. I wasn't sold on it at first, but I saw some clips on ET or some hollywood show tonite, with these spaceships crashing into earth and Marines and Army going apeshit... half rolling in tanks, some getting blown up, others running away with all the civillians. I really, finally grasped the true scope of War of the Worlds and I think it'll rock.

But more to the point, so will Batman Begins. And I can't wait. I was psyched for this the moment I saw that Christian Bale was Batman. I mean... he's such a perfect choice for Batman. And he's so picky with his movie sthat you know he won't just jump on a movie unless he has faith in the possibility of the overall product.
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