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Official Nintendo UK Mag PR - Capcom to reveal nothing

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Ok that was a complete fucking disappointment. It seems that the new competition for news outlets is to see who can report the LEAST news! :lol
Twilight Rockstar said:
Still, we have some great interviews with four Capcom producers, who talk about what they'd like to on Revolution, Smash Bros Revolution and other things.


That was kind of sneaky of him.


In other words it's another typical Euro game mag filled with OTT cliches and info that's six months behind the rest of the world. Great!


duckroll said:
Ok that was a complete fucking disappointment. It seems that the new competition for news outlets is to see who can report the LEAST news! :lol

Basically the articles could just be replaced with ancient Nintendo press releases from 2005 and we'd have had just as much info.



So now we have:

- new nintendo magazine: no new info
- nintendo ds conference: not much new info/games

There's still that capcom thing and maybe a.... playstation festival this month... ? believe.


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland

Twilight Rockstar: Are we going to see a special edition RE for the Revolution?

Mikami: Are you the coffee boy? I'll take 2 sugars

Twilight Rockstar: No, I work for the UK Nintendo Official Magazine.

Mikami: And while you're at it, get me a danish *door slams*

So there you have it folks, remember, you heard it hear first. Exclusive 50 hour RE epic is coming to Revolution on launch day! It will change your life!


Chrono said:

So now we have:

- new nintendo magazine: no new info
- nintendo ds conference: not much new info/games

There's still that capcom thing and maybe a.... playstation festival this month... ? believe.

You missed:

- Taipei Game Show Day 1: New NCSoft PC MMORPG! WOOOOO!

Meh, all that 'we couldn't get this and that on time' was hint enough for me that nothing really new was going to be shown. Still disappointing because of the hype it generated.

So not even anything new on Twilight Princess?


Magicpaint said:
Meh, all that 'we couldn't get this and that on time' was hint enough for me that nothing really new was going to be shown. Still disappointing because of the hype it generated.

So not even anything new on Twilight Princess?

I'll read over the article even more closely JUST for you, but no. In fact, they had a segment where they went over the rumours about TP being for Revo and/or have Revo controller functionality. Here's what they said:

"Well, it's definitely for Gamecube. Yeah, straight from horse's mouth! Oh but uh... yeah we don't know if it'll have Rev controller function. We think it's a cool idea! And if we know, that means Nintendo must too!"

I'm not shitting you, such classic game "journalism" can be found in this amazing game magazine.
Amir0x said:
I'm not shitting you, such classic game "journalism" can be found in this amazing game magazine.

Wow. Talk about a 'definitive' preview then. Let's reinstate what has been said a hundred and fifty times!!! :lol

To even think I was going to actually consider a purchase just makes me cringe...talk about all hype and no substance. So Nintendo Official Magazine UK hasn't changed much it seems, nothing to see here then.


Oh here's some MORE new info straight from the mag on Twilight Princess:

DIFFERENCE NO 1: "Twilight Princess tells the story of Link before he becomes a warrior. The game opens with Link as a young ranch hand in a small village on the outskirts of Hyrule. At this early stage in his life, Link has no idea what great adventures lie before him and his kind."

Oh hey, OFFICIAL UK Nintendo mag. In Wind Waker, I started off as a young link completely unaware of the adventures that lie before him and his kind!

DIFFERENCE NO 2: "The game now looks stunning! Matching Resident Evil 4 in terms of wow factor (and set to improve before release), Twilight Princess returns to the realistic, dark and moody feel of the N64 titles rather than the cartoony look of Wind Waker. Graphics and art of this quality are what make the next generation's graphical performance an irrelevance. Even if the Revolution is only capable of a slight improvement, we'll still be very hapy.

Oh fuck, where to start? First, it does not match RE4. Not even close. Shoddy texture work, awkward art direction, and all sorts of weirdness puts if far short. And that's not all. WIND WAKER already looked stunning before this game ever did, so the difference remains style. Secondly, the graphics are not even close to making next gen graphics irrelevant. Seriously, that whole last line is pretty much the worst thing I've ever read in an official magazine, and I've read OXM.

DIFFERENCE NO 3: "Link learns to ride horseback. You fight some bosses this way too!

Way to have the scoop there, Official Nintendo Magazine UK.

DIFFERENCE NO 4: "Link is both wolf and elf!

Another great scoop!

DIFFERENCE NO 5: "Midna joins you when you're in your wolf form."

Holy shit!


Merlin said:
At least read it yourself first. I'm gonna pick up a copy in a bit and see if the new NGC is out too.

in the post above yours, "DIFFERENCE 1" and "DIFFERENCE 2" are actually direct word-for-word quotes.


Amir0x said:
Oh fuck, where to start? First, it does not match RE4. Not even close. Shoddy texture work, awkward art direction, and all sorts of weirdness puts if far short. And that's not all. WIND WAKER already looked stunning before this game ever did, so the difference remains style. Secondly, the graphics are not even close to making next gen graphics irrelevant. Seriously, that whole last line is pretty much the worst thing I've ever read in an official magazine, and I've read OXM.

How do you know it doesn't match RE4? Have you played the awesome NEW build that they have obviously played? They obviously saw something new, based on the awesome scoops and exclusive information in the rest of the issue.... oh wait. :D
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of new solid info right there. :lol

Is this the first Twilight Princess preview they've ever written? sounds like it to me, where were they at E3 2005? Not even any new screenshot or even artwork? :-(

duckroll said:
How do you know it doesn't match RE4? Have you played the awesome NEW build that they have obviously played? They obviously saw something new, based on the awesome scoops and exclusive information in the rest of the issue.... oh wait. :D



To be fair, as an official Nintendo magazine they're ultimately just a branded editorial extension of Nintendo of Europe. And NOE is probably the worst source of genuinely new information out of any platform holder in any territitory on earth. Doomed.


duckroll said:
How do you know it doesn't match RE4? Have you played the awesome NEW build that they have obviously played? They obviously saw something new, based on the awesome scoops and exclusive information in the rest of the issue.... oh wait.

Well they did say that it'll improve more before release... and also that they felt something was "definitely missing from the build they played", but they couldn't figure out what it was!

Magicpaint said:
Not even any new screenshot or even artwork? :-(

OFFICIAL UK MAGAZINE apparently was too early to scoop even a new piece of LINK fanart!


Amir0x said:
Well they did say that it'll improve more before release... and also that they felt something was "definitely missing from the build they played", but they couldn't figure out what it was!

Add to that, that they apperantly just had Hands-on with the old ass E3 Build. :lol

NOA UK said:
However we have no doubts that the past 10 months will have seen the Game transform completely

Lot's of will's and if's and whatnot in the whole Article. It's like a Preview fom a Fansite without access to an actual playable Version. :lol


Vibri said:
To be fair, as an official Nintendo magazine they're ultimately just a branded editorial extension of Nintendo of Europe. And NOE is probably the worst source of genuinely new information out of any platform holder in any territitory on earth. Doomed.

I think it's more about the fact that there was someone working on the mag hyping it up here in this thread than the fact that the mag sucks. :D

Merlin said:
There's some scans here:


Dude don't get banned over this. It's NOT worth it!
Amir0x said:
OFFICIAL UK MAGAZINE apparently was too early to scoop even a new piece of LINK fanart!

Now I understand why Twilight Princess questions were ignored previously, and NOT mentioned by the NOM guy, there was nothing to see. The last magazine I bought (CUBE Nov 2005) had more Twilight Princess info than what I've seen so far.

At least the free game with subscription offer would help many a disappointed reader. :lol


duckroll said:
I think it's more about the fact that there was someone working on the mag hyping it up here in this thread than the fact that the mag sucks. :D

No, this magazine is just really and truly terrible. I guess that's why they gotta 'entice' people into buying it with free Pikmin 2 and Donkey Konga.

But to be fair, Pikmin 2 is worth dealing with having to support such a garbage rag. Sorry Twilight Princess, not a good dig.


Amir0x said:
No, this magazine is just really and truly terrible. I guess that's why they gotta 'entice' people into buying it with free Pikmin 2 and Donkey Konga.

But to be fair, most of us here wouldn't have even BOTHERED to read this mag (hell it's a UK mag!) if not for the hypetrain!


duckroll said:
But to be fair, most of us here wouldn't have even BOTHERED to read this mag (hell it's a UK mag!) if not for the hypetrain!

Fair enough. But I expected it to be shit, what surprised me is just how terrible the articles were (both content and writing wise)!


Graphics and art of this quality are what make the next generation's graphical performance an irrelevance.

that about wraps it up for this new magazine! I was tempted to go into WHSmith and have a flick through this afternoon, but when ridiculous fanboy blitherings like that are included in an article, kinda rules it all out for me!

Games mags need to hire professional journalists, that can give objective views on games. And preferably ones that arent snobbish cynics (ala Edge).

Best UK games reviews remain those for the teletext Digitiser writer, Mr.Biffo. Genuinely funny, completely honest, and never hyped.
Being an arrogant web developer, why the hell magazines still exist at all(ESPECIALLY shit ones like this) is beyond me!

And being a screwed over Australian, who get's magazines months later than their release makes me believe this even more!

Still nothing compares to being a tosser and promoting this shitty mag on the forums just to scam subscribers though.

Place your bets as to if he ever comes back here now!
JonathanEx said:
Though it can't be worse than the old NOM, can it?

Its not. Its not that bad at all.
In fact, I don't see how any of the other official or platform specific mags on the shelves today are any worse. Its definately a nicer style -- the typeface and article layout is much more reserved and mature in my opinion. The cover is of a nice quality. The content does have plenty of hyperbole, they go out of their way to hype things we already know about for example -- but..

I don't know what people expected.
Its a decent mag, we shouldn't forget that kids will be buying it too (although kudos on the slight change in look), its only £3.99 and it comes with decals, £9.99 gets you three issues and a free game. I really don't have a problem. And I don't think we should give Twilight Rockstar too much hate... he might be a good avenue for constructive feedback.

Edge is good this month. Snobbish cynics? They just call it like it is.


radioheadrule83 said:
I don't know what people expected.
Its a decent mag, we shouldn't forget that kids will be buying it too (although kudos on the slight change in look), its only £3.99 and it comes with decals, £9.99 gets you three issues and a free game. I really don't have a problem. And I don't think we should give Twilight Rockstar too much hate... he might be a good avenue for constructive feedback.

Yeah no, we shouldn't have expected a well written official magazine with at least some new information. Instead, we should accept terribly written editorials and articles filled with slavish fanboyism, insane borderline DrGAKMAN level hyperbole and complete fucking bullshit. Because it's for kids and it comes with a free game. Also decals! Did I mention that yet?

This is one issue, so it's impossible to say it has a consistent record of such pitiful quality (such as NOM, such as OXM), but this shit better start coming with Revo demos down the line because it has pretty much no redeeming values otherwise judging from this.

But, no - hey. Decals!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Wow. That was...rubbish. If some of you are wondering if Amir0x is going over the top and it can't be that bad and maybe if you pick it up you can see some hints at least about Revolution games which aren't being talked about...he's not and you won't.

They even get a rather simple fact wrong in claming the DS had a 3 month headstart over the rest of the world in Japan. I guess it's easy to forget about North America, small place, not a big game market.


Where did all this hype come from? I've been reading Twighlight's posts and he has said nothing wrong. The only hype was created by over-enthusiastic Nintendo fans expecting another megaton. The guy said what was in the mag, and in the mag was what he said would be. You've only yourselves to blame if you were expecting anything else.


Amir0x said:
I'm not blaming Twilight or the PR. I'm blaming only the magazine, for being terrible.
That's fine, apart from the lack of "new news" that certain people here were expecting, why is it so terrible? Bad writing? Too little text? (I havent got the mag yet, I'm curious).


I can't believe the same minds behind the amazing magazine that was NGC came up with this tripe... Its awful. Which writer from the magazine who posts here over hyped this?! Seriously you've tarnished the magazines image forever.

DON'T LIE in future.


Who are all these people whining about the magazine? It's article?

Everyone who complained must be a professional, right? Or, could it be that people just like to complain?

I've seen the magazine, and read some of the articles, and everything seemed fine to me.

Man, some people. Remind me of the classic rich people portrayel. "Oh my. That 24K gold watch has a smudge on it Harold. A smudge!. As if...."

Get over yourself. The magazine was good.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
moku said:
Everyone who complained must be a professional, right?

Only chefs are allowed to complain if food is bad at a restaurant. Normal people eating couldn't judge it, GOD no, they're not professionals.

I really wish I knew if Gigli was a bad film or not. Sadly, I'm not Stephen Spielberg, so...


I've also nearly read the the entire magazine. I am not complaining about the writing style too much its just the empty promises when it came to the content.


moku said:
Who are all these people whining about the magazine? It's article?

Everyone who complained must be a professional, right? Or, could it be that people just like to complain?

I've seen the magazine, and read some of the articles, and everything seemed fine to me.

MamaSmurf already covered the hilarious nature of this post, but for emphasis:

Amir0x said:
Yeah no, we shouldn't have expected a well written official magazine with at least some new information. Instead, we should accept terribly written editorials and articles filled with slavish fanboyism, insane borderline DrGAKMAN level hyperbole and complete fucking bullshit. Because it's for kids and it comes with a free game. Also decals! Did I mention that yet?

This is one issue, so it's impossible to say it has a consistent record of such pitiful quality (such as NOM, such as OXM), but this shit better start coming with Revo demos down the line because it has pretty much no redeeming values otherwise judging from this.

But, no - hey. Decals!

what a little child you are... really...
if i were a betting man - you sound like a bitter little person...
go and get a copy of the last emap mag and a copy of this new mag and go through both mags page by page and if you tell me that even one page of the old emap mag is better than one page of the new magazine you are blind/stupid/idiotic - or all three...

then again £3.99 might be all your week's pocket money so you can't go out and get it...

then again you might be a big CEO or developer - either way - it doesn't really matter because your comments are just trite and unconstructive.

sure the mag was hyped for launch - show me ANYTHING that isn't hyped for launch these days... but the mag is outstanding and all at Future have done a great job... i know more than anyone how hard it is to get fresh, hot news out of nintendo... when have UK magazines ever made world wide news announcements... never... so more fool you for expecting it...

"This better come with Revolution demos down the line" - who the fuck do you think you are....? Oh I'd better call Mr. Iwata now and tell him...

oh.. and if anyone wants to ban me for this post... fine... GAF should be a place where intelligent and knowledgable people share thoughts, ideas, information and talk about videogaming...


Knows the Score
The Colonel said:
GAF should be a place where intelligent and knowledgable people share thoughts, ideas, information and talk about videogaming...

That's never going to happen here as long as certain users have get out of jail free cards.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Amirox will probably deal with this just fine himself, but...

The Colonel said:
what a little child you are... really...

More on this later!

if i were a betting man - you sound like a bitter little person who used to work for emap...

If you were a betting man, based on that, you'd be living in a sewer having put your house on Trinidad & Tobago winning the world cup.

ie. you're wrong.

go and get a copy of the last emap mag and a copy of this new mag and go through both mags page by page and if you tell me that even one page of the old emap mag is better than one page of the new magazine you are blind/stupid/idiotic - or all three...

Yeah, but the old magazine was terrible. Absolutely terrible. Being better than it is no achievement, it just means the mag isn't run by doped up monkeys,

then again £3.99 might be all your week's pocket money so you can't go out and get it...

What a big adult you are!

then again you might be a big CEO or developer - either way - it doesn't really matter because your comments are just trite and unconstructive.

Pfff, if a Nintendo magazine doesn't know that Link starting out before he's a warrior is no different from past games, pointing this out seems constructive to me. Now they know that to compare this Zelda to past Zeldas...they have to actually compare them. Very useful point.

sure the mag was hyped for launch - show me ANYTHING that isn't hyped for launch these days... but the mag is outstanding and all at Future have done a great job... i know more than anyone how hard it is to get fresh, hot news out of nintendo... when have UK magazines ever made world wide news announcements... never... so more fool you for expecting it...

You know, if they can't get new info they could at least give really detailed accounts of what info is out there. That Zelda preview had the very, very basics of ANY Zelda preview out there written by any half-retarded Nintendo site.

"This better come with Revolution demos down the line" - who the fuck do you think you are....? Oh I'd better call Mr. Iwata now and tell him...

Damn your ideas to make the mag better Amirox!

oh.. and if anyone wants to ban me for this post... fine... GAF should be a place where intelligent and knowledgable people share thoughts, ideas, information and talk about videogaming...

But no negative points or ideas about how tomake the mag more tempting kthxbye
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