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Ohio school taunts football team with "Trail of Tears" banner

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Pretty messed up but I don't believe that they hate Indians. It's a play on word that is in poor taste by a community who lacks empathy and is ignorant. I have seen people use the term Holocaust when describing things of significantly less importance, use the term "rape" when describing dominating in video games or sports and grew up during the time that "fag" was a term that everyone used to describe someone they considered weak.

They are kids with no background in the events they are lightly describing. Let's apply pressure to the school to have a program that educates them and explains why what they said is so wrong. Let's not publicly shame kids for being stupid.

shut up
it gets much much worse:
Probably is just me, but this's the kind of photos I'd expect from a bondage role play group, not a High School
Just realize that school is in my (former) district. My (former) high school football team played against them..

Edit: different Greenville :lol
And this is where kids are supposed to be educated.

The students ought to be old enough to know better, but the fact that the teachers didn't see fit to put a stop to it is a huge neon red flag for the kind of "education" they've received and the environment they've been molded by.

It is much worse than a bunch of teenagers failing to exhibit empathy.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Haha, hilarious. This is some good satire. Who comes up with this shit? Is this Onion or someone else?


And this is where kids are supposed to be educated.

The students ought to be old enough to know better, but the fact that the teachers didn't see fit to put a stop to it is a huge neon red flag for the kind of "education" they've received and the environment they've been molded by.

It is much worse than a bunch of teenagers failing to exhibit empathy.

Yeah, pretty much. If it were just a group of students doing this outside of school, you could at least say it was high school kids being morons, and work on educating them. When it's the school itself condoning this at multiple steps and putting the photos on the official Facebook page as part of their "Spirit Week" it's more disturbing.


Pretty messed up but I don't believe that they hate Indians. It's a play on word that is in poor taste by a community who lacks empathy and is ignorant. I have seen people use the term Holocaust when describing things of significantly less importance, use the term "rape" when describing dominating in video games or sports and grew up during the time that "fag" was a term that everyone used to describe someone they considered weak.

They are kids with no background in the events they are lightly describing. Let's apply pressure to the school to have a program that educates them and explains why what they said is so wrong. Let's not publicly shame kids for being stupid.

If only this quality of a defense force was applied to better causes, instead of racist things that some teens are clearly guilty of.

A man can dream.
Pretty messed up but I don't believe that they hate Indians. It's a play on word that is in poor taste by a community who lacks empathy and is ignorant. I have seen people use the term Holocaust when describing things of significantly less importance, use the term "rape" when describing dominating in video games or sports and grew up during the time that "fag" was a term that everyone used to describe someone they considered weak.

They are kids with no background in the events they are lightly describing. Let's apply pressure to the school to have a program that educates them and explains why what they said is so wrong. Let's not publicly shame kids for being stupid.
Both kids and the school needs to be shamed for this, otherwise they'll continue their diet racism further on.

It's bad to excuse this with ignorance. Ignorance breeds hatred.

Plus, this is high school, not kindergarten. You'd think the high school students knew at least a thing or two about Indians or slaves. Specifically targeting Indians with Trail Of Tears and tying up an African person and a girl playing a Native American as slaves. Like,





Grew up around this area; can confirm that casual racism is all over the fucking place, and no one involved in this thing would have cared in the slightest if this wasn't blowing up. Shit's disgusting.

Hopefully the large scale shame leads to change, but I honestly doubt it- people are just going to double down because the PC Police are totally beating down their free speech or whatever.


Pretty messed up but I don't believe that they hate Indians. It's a play on word that is in poor taste by a community who lacks empathy and is ignorant.

Lol seriously?

The fucking banner even shows an eye that has a tear of blood. It literally says Trail of Tears part 2. That is not the same as using Holocaust for something else than the Holocaust in WW2.

If you saw a banner: Hey Jews... get ready for Holocaust part 2! Would you also think it is just a play on words? Not actually referring to the Holocaust?
There are pockets of Ohio that could fool you into thinking it was the official flag of the state.

Shit, you can drive down the Interstate between Cincinnati and Columbus and see confederate flags painted on barn roofs.

FWIW the urban centers in Ohio are thriving, largely liberal, and drenched in art and culture.

It's a great place to live. Come shut these rural rednecks down, and help us deliver our ample electoral votes to progressive candidates. Leaving makes things worse.


Spot a goth/metalhead with cowboy hat. Just look at teachers proud faces.

Yo, what's the kid in the conical Asian hat even doing there? And why is the desi girl tied up? They just decided "fuck it, it's open season for racist degradation," or something?
Pretty messed up but I don't believe that they hate Indians. It's a play on word that is in poor taste by a community who lacks empathy and is ignorant. I have seen people use the term Holocaust when describing things of significantly less importance, use the term "rape" when describing dominating in video games or sports and grew up during the time that "fag" was a term that everyone used to describe someone they considered weak.

They are kids with no background in the events they are lightly describing. Let's apply pressure to the school to have a program that educates them and explains why what they said is so wrong. Let's not publicly shame kids for being stupid.

You don't need to hate Native Americans to do or say something hateful about them. It also speaks to the lack of concern by our society; as evidenced by this school having a black student presumably dressed up as a slave this school doesn't really apply here, but in general, younger people recognize slavery as a bad aspect of our society, but things like the Trail of Tears are just kinda funny wordplay. This is made even worse by the fact that our society where Native Americans are currently having their land threatened.
Agreed. It's like a school making a Holocaust joke. How the fuck does this make it past the staff?

When I graduated high school like 5 years ago, staff didn't look over signs. Students are trusted to make signs that are in good taste. I was in leadership and was Public Relations Coordinator for PHAST club at my high school and not once did a teacher or Staff member overlook our creations.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The guy sure seems proud of her native slave in all the photos. Can't say the same for the girl though.
The smiling black guy disguised as a slave... no dignity at all huh?
Is this that "southern heritage" so many people in America talk about being proud of and wanting to express it with the confederate flag?


I know this might come as a shock, but the vast majority of people don't care about social justice and do not think about whether something is offensive or not. They just do what they think is fun (for right, or in this case, wrong).

The media, and forums like this, tend to hyper focus on these issues, making them seem much more popular than they are, while the rest of the world ignores them.

I does not surprise me at all that we keep seeing examples like this.

Note: I do not condone the behavior, just trying to bring light to the reason you keep seeing it happen.

I know this might come as a shock, but some of us don't have the privilege to accept the status quo and assume the same levels of dignity and respect as most people.

We will get the same respect some day. Even without the help of people like you.


Shows how little recognition the Native American people still get for what they went through that is can be passed off as ignorance. It's racism in it's action, and emblematic of the institutionalised racism that's directed towards Native Americans.


“A sign was created out of ignorance, not hate.”

WTF? They knew what the Trail of Tears was enough to reference it.

Pretty sure high school is when you learn about stuff like that in History and even if there were kids that didn't know what it was and just thought it was some sort of sad event, there were kids and parent that had to have known what it was and knew better than to let them do something in such poor taste.

I hear people throw out "it was just ignorance" as an excuse for poor judgement, when it really comes down to a complete lack of empathy. Not to say it's intent is to be a malicious attack on Native Americans, but even at it's most benign, it's not cute and they would have to know it was going to be controversial.


It's not that shocking that this happens in a small rural town in southern Ohio. This stuff happens in small rural towns all over the country. It's just that now that the internet and social media is starting to penetrate these areas, more light gets shone on them and the goofy stuff that goes on.

If you expect the teachers to straighten these kids out, you're dreaming. The teachers are probably locals too and likely got their degrees at the closest regional community college. I doubt there's a lot of people from LA or Chicago whose dream is to be a teacher in the middle of nowhere and bring diversity to redneck kids.
Reminds me of my first high school. Our mascot was the Spartans. They went to a football game with a banner saying "Welcome to Thermopylae".


See guys, there's nothing wrong with using Native Americans as mascots. It's all in good fun, and hey, I know this one guy who's half Native American and he says everyone's ok with it!
I can't wait till the Army/Navy football game where everyone that supports Army holds up signs that say "Get ready for Pearl Harbor part 2 bitches!"

I also can't wait for the Olympics where the other athletes hold up "You Fuckers are about to get World Trade Centered Part 2!!!!!" when Americans are competing.
This feels like the banner was made by people who had heard about the trail of tears, and are kind of aware of what happened but have no idea just how bad it was. That thing was not a fucking joke.


Ignorance? Actually to make a sign like that I'd think you'd have to have a pretty decent understanding of what it means.
That's fucked up.
These are high schoolers, they should know what the trail of tears was. I learned it in my sophomore year. There is no excuse for what they did.
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