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Ok SCEE, I've had it. (what's the best plan to get a PS3 to EU this year?)


Gold Member
The recent region-free games speculation thread made me really consider of not buying another SCEE product ever again. Since US and Japanese movies are in the same region, and there are bound to be much more of these than EU movies, I might just as well get an US machine.

Any ideas on what's the best plan of getting a PS3 device to Europe this year? I visited yesterday the EB Games in Downtown, San Francisco, and they said they're not taking any preorders since they've been confirmed to get only 9 consoles at launch. So physically coming over to US wouldn't seem to help.

I guess it'd be like PSP Japanese launch, Play-Asia with double price. Thoughts?


Chittagong said:
I guess it'd be like PSP Japanese launch, Play-Asia with double price. Thoughts?

Except Japan are only getting 100,000 PS3s, what makes you think Play-Asia will be selling (m)any of them for any price? Also the PS3 non-tard pack is open price over there, so the sky is the limit, I would expect them to be more than just double price.

To be honest, it's really starting to seem like the best plan is just to wait, because there's no way you're going to get one for Christmas unless you spend a stupidly large amount of money which you could be spending on games or accessories for the thing instead.


Junior Member
Maybe keep an eye out on eBay at stupid hours, there's bound to be some 'bargains' which sell for retail or 10% markup.


Gold Member
$h@d0w said:
Maybe keep an eye out on eBay at stupid hours, there's bound to be some 'bargains' which sell for retail or 10% markup.

Is buying from Ebay safe, however? I recall bunch of people buying "Xbox 360 boxes" last Christmas.
Just wait until it's released here. There's tons of PS2 games to play until then (FF12 and Rogue Galaxy being two of those)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Crikey, stores in the US aren't taking preorders? Is that every chain?

I'm going to be visiting the US in a few weeks and was going to see if I could put down a preorder and pay it off in full while I was there, and have some family pick it up for me in Nov/Dec and send it home to me. That seemed to be my most promising option for getting a system out of the US this year, but if that isn't going to be possible.. :(

(I was even going to ask here what would be the best place to preorder in NY to increase the odds of getting a system before the end of the year!)
I assume sites like NCSX and VideoGamesPlus will be selling them. God knows how much it'd cost to send that thing to Europe though.


My advice:

Wait until the EU launch (that way you avoid the inflated prices)

THEN you import a US machine (because you probably hate SCEE as much as I do...and you don't want them to get a penny of your PS3 fund)

Even with shipping it'll probably work out cheaper than buying a EU machine


Chittagong said:
Is buying from Ebay safe, however? I recall bunch of people buying "Xbox 360 boxes" last Christmas.

That's because those people were stupid and didn't read, carefully, the entire text of the auction. If you're interested in an auction, MAKE SURE you read ALL of the text VERY carefully. Some types of bogus auction like that can actually be reported to ebay, ask Nikashi about that cos he works for them.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
$h@d0w said:
Maybe keep an eye out on eBay at stupid hours, there's bound to be some 'bargains' which sell for retail or 10% markup.
That's a bit optimistic, don't you think ;)?
Imo it's nearly impossible to get one this year in Europe. Best way to get one would be trying to get one in the USA (physically). Anything else will be ridicously expensive with ebay being the worst way to get one imo.


Either wait it out or look at your other options for this holiday season. There are plenty of good PS2 and PSP games coming out if the idea of buying something by either Nintendo or Microsoft makes you want to break things anyway. If you do manage to get a PS3, you're going to be paying an incredible amount for it.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
the PS3 will be super big and heavy, postage will cost you a mint and theres no guarantee you will get it safely.

Dont buy it yet.


TheGreatDave said:
I assume sites like NCSX and VideoGamesPlus will be selling them. God knows how much it'd cost to send that thing to Europe though.

Videogamesplus doesn't even have a PS3 section, and NCSX's PS3 hardware and preorder sections are empty. I'm inclined to think that anyplace that hasn't already started taking preorders by now just isn't gonna get any PS3s at launch.


Chili Con Carnage!
It'll probably cost you in excess of $1000 to get one in Europe this year.

Then it'll devalue at about the same rate as a new car only you wont have a warranty.


I don't think it's worth it.

Usual tacked on price increase + Shipping on a heavy item = you gon get raped.

Just use that extra money for more games/acessories for the EU launch.


wait until the Euro model comes out, get a cheap flight to america - buy one there - come back and you'll have been to the US, got a machine AND flight for the same price as the Euro model, then you can import the games for WAY less than the raping you'll get from UK prices, get cheaper movies from amazon, and have the option of picking up Japanese Blurays.

a winner is you.


I'm personally sucking it up and enduring the wait. I need it to support the local Blu-ray region but if it wasn't for that I would have reconsidered.


Gold Member
Good point on the weight... console alone is 5.5 kg. Assuming another 1 kg from cables, controller, packaging, manuals, demo disc and power supply
, that's 6.5 kg.

Now, let's see Fedex price for 6.5 kg from US to Europe

Base rate 208.98 USD
Declared value 4.50 USD
Fuel surcharge 35.53 USD
Total 249.01 USD

Lol, it's so big that you need to pay 35 bucks for fuel


Worth nothing that you won't have a warranty too and considering the complexity and the cutting edge nature of the PS3, you may need one.

Not to mention Sony's quality control (What's that?, Ken asks).


Chittagong said:
power supply

You forgot that you'll need a 300W step-down transformer, so that'll more than make up for the weight of the external power supply it doesn't have :)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Chittagong said:
Good point on the weight... console alone is 5.5 kg. Assuming another 1 kg from cables, controller, packaging, manuals, demo disc and power supply
, that's 6.5 kg.

Now, let's see Fedex price for 6.5 kg from US to Europe

Base rate 208.98 USD
Declared value 4.50 USD
Fuel surcharge 35.53 USD
Total 249.01 USD

Lol, it's so big that you need to pay 35 bucks for fuel

It'd still be worth it if you knew someone who could send one to you ($850 = €670..about €40 or €50 more than I'd pay here)..but if you can't get a preorder, it makes things very difficult. At least I couldn't ask the people I know to bend over backwards trying to find me a PS3 this year.
I really isn`t worth importing unless you are stupidly rich.

The excess you are going to pay would comfortably buy you a 360, a Wii and a DS.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
TheGreatDave said:
I assume sites like NCSX and VideoGamesPlus will be selling them. God knows how much it'd cost to send that thing to Europe though.
Gah, a 360 is 240$ shipping, the PS3 should be alot different really.


nelkon and parker said:
It's gonna be painful to hear all the US/JAP gaffers talking about their PS3, while we wait for 4 months.

How do you know they won't be talking about how unreliable the things are and how often they have to keep sending it back to Sony and all that sort of thing? It's a double edged sword really - if you wait then there's more chance that initial problems with the PS3 will get ironed out.


Gold Member
Danj said:
How do you know they won't be talking about how unreliable the things are and how often they have to keep sending it back to Sony and all that sort of thing? It's a double edged sword really - if you wait then there's more chance that initial problems with the PS3 will get ironed out.

I'm just such a gadget whore... I could resist a 500 USD Japanese launch PSP for what, about 6 minutes. Knowing I'll be getting my 52" Bravia X-Series LCD in November, I'll be just dying for 1080P content. Seems I'm set to lose whichever way :-(


Danj said:
You forgot that you'll need a 300W step-down transformer, so that'll more than make up for the weight of the external power supply it doesn't have :)
Are you sure 300W will be enough?


you going to CES? I might try and grab one while out in vegas. that way everything that DCharlie said, but work paid for the trip ;)


Gold Member
mrklaw said:
you going to CES? I might try and grab one while out in vegas. that way everything that DCharlie said, but work paid for the trip ;)

I am going, in fact! Yeah, that's what I'm going to try as well.


nelkon and parker said:
It's gonna be painful to hear all the US/JAP gaffers talking about their PS3, while we wait for 4 months.

Man you better prepare yourself for longer than 3-4 months. This thing's limited release is gonna make the Xbox 360 look like it was on every street corner in comparison, 6-8 months shortage is a real possibility! Also, the info is right NO preorders are being taken! First come first serve deal for most US stores that even get any systems. This brings back memories of the Sega Saturn release. (So, few systems it was unreal).


nelkon and parker said:
It's gonna be painful to hear all the US/JAP gaffers talking about their PS3, while we wait for 4 months.

just stick with the PS2 until it launches. The ps2 still has the best upcoming game lineup for now.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It may interest you to know that audiocubes.com is now taking preorders for Japanese 20GB PS3s.

Price: $699

What's interesting is that the calculated shipping cost is ridiculously cheap there. As quoted at the moment, they'd charge $33 to ship to the UK. I've contacted them to ask if that's accurate (I imagine that'll change).

I'm half tempted, but a) I don't know how reliable or connected audiocubes are, b) I'd prefer the 60GB, c) I'd like confirmation of region-freeness before getting a Japanese system and d) they charge your card immediately when you order, not when it ships :(


Do what I do; have a Japanese friend (well, business associate) who's Dad owns a company in Japan and is willing to send his employees out to wait in a queue and get one at launch.

I'm not really that desperate, I just need one for a business event. Plus, I can then sell it for 50% extra a few days later :)


time to take my meds
yep, still waiting for them to allow pre-orders here (nc, usa). I'm trying to be number one on the list, no exceptions. **** waiting in line, ive been through that with the ps2 launch. Still they act like they have no idea what I'm talking about when ever I bring up the words PS3 in ebgames. :/ I called a ebgames the other day and the guy said the most he knew was early october for pre-orders. But I'm guessing after TGS all will be known and I can safely get my name on the list. I think its kinda sad I have a ps3 game pre-ordered, and not the actual ps3 which will be 98987x harder to get.

/end rant :p

good luck to you in getting one this fall gofreak. it sucks europe got the short end of the stick, again.


Chittagong said:
The recent region-free games speculation thread made me really consider of not buying another SCEE product ever again. Since US and Japanese movies are in the same region, and there are bound to be much more of these than EU movies, I might just as well get an US machine.

Any ideas on what's the best plan of getting a PS3 device to Europe this year? I visited yesterday the EB Games in Downtown, San Francisco, and they said they're not taking any preorders since they've been confirmed to get only 9 consoles at launch. So physically coming over to US wouldn't seem to help.

I guess it'd be like PSP Japanese launch, Play-Asia with double price. Thoughts?
Well done. I sweared after GC that this was the last PAL system I was getting :)


gofreak said:
Crikey, stores in the US aren't taking preorders? Is that every chain?

I'm going to be visiting the US in a few weeks and was going to see if I could put down a preorder and pay it off in full while I was there, and have some family pick it up for me in Nov/Dec and send it home to me. That seemed to be my most promising option for getting a system out of the US this year, but if that isn't going to be possible.. :(

(I was even going to ask here what would be the best place to preorder in NY to increase the odds of getting a system before the end of the year!)

As far as I know... here and surrounding areas, only FYE is taking preorders... and they'll likely only get 1-2 units in like they did with the 360... That's why you gotta have a cleaver scheme to get one this time... or, camp your butt off for 12-hours or more...
Just wait till it actually releases here, odds are the launch units will have as much issues as the 360 and in that case you prolly wont be needing all the warranty problems that come with importing one (at a ridiculous price as well I might add).


The Inside Track
If anyone actually is willing to get one one way or another for me (the premium one, I need HDMI now) I'll make sure you get a big $$$ bonus. I'm serious, I just can't see how I could not get a PS3 for my site at the JP or at worse the US launch.
PM me!


Gold Member
Just checked out DVD Boxoffice for a shipping price reference. Xbox 360 with DHL to EU is 70e - not bad! Might get one this year after all!


Chittagong said:
Just checked out DVD Boxoffice for a shipping price reference. Xbox 360 with DHL to EU is 70e - not bad! Might get one this year after all!

wii don't care!

Hunter D

If you can get together $3000 US I will sit outside all night on a long ass line, risking my life in the process, and get you a PS3.


time to take my meds
Blimblim said:
If anyone actually is willing to get one one way or another for me (the premium one, I need HDMI now) I'll make sure you get a big $$$ bonus. I'm serious, I just can't see how I could not get a PS3 for my site at the JP or at worse the US launch.
PM me!
How much $$$ bonus we talking Blimblim? ;)
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