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OPINION: Wii U, best console to own in 2014, easily

I think it's the best current gen lineup by a significant margin, as an owner of all three consoles. I can understand that the games may not appeal to everybody (which is fine) but the sheer quality on offer is undeniable. As long as Nintendo gets those upcoming releases out in a timely manner, I don't see how Xbox or Playstation can catch up any time soon.


When everybody needs a PC + Wii U combo to help his point is because something is wrong.
All I'm saying it's that it's worth owning, not that it has to be your primary or only console, but that it's worth owning, and that out of the other consoles (not including pc) it has the best software. In no way does it contradict the whole PC + Wii U combo, pretty understandable actually


The console with long droughts of nothing is the best console to own? Yeah, I don't think so. I'm going from May to October with literally nothing new to play until Bayonetta 2 shows up,

Meanwhile in that same timeframe on my other consoles I've bought and played Wolfenstein, Plants vs Zombies GW, TLOUR, and Diablo UE. Those games alone are just as good, if not better than what I've purchased off Nintendo.

So great secondary system? Absolutely! Best system? No way.


Haven't played it for months, just sits there. Thought about renting Hyrule Warriors but went with Mordor and Aliens instead, next will be Evil Within and then Dragon Age. Will probably rent Smash during the holidays to mess around with it with relatives and Cap Toad.
This. I mean...do you ONLY like CoD/Destiny/Watchdogs? What kind of "gamer" ONLY likes a super specific subset of games? I'm actually curious. I'd love for the people saying nothing on Wii U to list what they do enjoy.

(Side note: I'm not saying you have to buy a Wii U or anything. You can think Bayonetta looks cool, but still be like "not enough to make me buy it" and that would make sense. But to say every single Wii U game doesn't interest you?)

it says a lot about you and it's not good

I'll say this: I'd hate to have the gaming taste of someone who can't find anything worth playing on the Wii U.

See this shit? This is silly. Like, railing on someone for not liking what you don't like. It's an opinion thread , people will post things that don't align. Nothing wrong with that, but it's grating and sorta childish to demean those who don't like what you enjoy.


When amazing games get released like Pikmin 3 and SM3DW, yes the Wii U is truly magical.

The problem is that apart from DKCTF, there were no really stellar retail games this year until MK8 which came out on the last day of May (we really started playing it in June).

That's an unacceptable drought by ANY standard. Hopefully, 2015 has a bit more balance throughout the year's offerings..


I have owned literally every single Nintendo console (at launch) except the Wii U. Still don't have one, and no interest in getting one. And here is why:

Super Mario 3D World - This looks interesting and all, but having played through every single mario side scroller before it along with every 3D mario platformer before, does it really do anything excitingly new that I should spend $300 for it? I can go back and play galaxy 1 or 2 or the NSMB on my Wii and have an equally satisfying experience.

Wind Waker HD - Played the hell out of this on Gamecube. Looks great, and would be a must own if I was convinced to buy a Wii U, however, a game I already own is not a motivator to buy a new console.

Pikmin 3 - Played the hell out of Pikmin 1 and 2. Why do I need this game? What does it do that is so much better than the previous ones? (granted, it looks a bit better).

DK Tropical Freeze - Read Pikmin 3, but change it out for every other console DK.

Mario Kart 8 - Read Pikmin 3, but change it out for every other Mario Kart.

Hyrule Warriors - I don't like Dynasty Warriors, so why would I like Dynasty Warriors dressed up as something else.

New Super Mario Bros U - See Super Mario 3D World

Xenoblade Chronicles X, The Legend of Zelda - These are the only two games that look interesting to me, and there isn't even a release date or more info for Zelda.

Nintendo just keeps rehashing the same franchises, and while they are well made and play well, there is nothing ambitious or new about any of them. Likewise, since Nintendo doesn't really rely on story driven games, I don't even have the minor interest of playing a game to see 'what happens next'.

There is literally no downside for me skipping the Wii U, except for maybe Zelda. When the next Nintendo console comes out, guess what? It will have Smash, Mario Kart, tons of Mario games, etc and they will be just as unambitious and sameish. I don't mean to harp on them because I really do love Nintendo, but if I've played 6 or 7 Mario Kart games, why do I need to pay $300 to play it again if there isn't really anything groundbreaking in it?

Based on your reasoning, the console to own in 2014 is the Xbox 360, the Wii, or the PS3.


Wii U has only two games I want: Bayonetta 2 and ZombieU. I'll prob get it when it's cheap. I got the Wii when it was cheap a few years ago and played what I wanted then gave it to my parents. Nintendo doesn't make enough games for me to keep their consoles.

I've also been very back and forth with Smash bros... Sometimes I hate and sometimes I love it.

serious comment:
you should get ZombiU now that it's cheap, even if you don't have a WiiU.

I'm sure it's out of print, and in a few more months, the physical copies will ramp up their value.


I'm not sure what it says about me that I look at that list and still don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

Same here, there is just nothing about the Wii U that grabs me. Well, Monster Hunter is probably good, but otherwise I just feel done with the standard Nintendo characters, as well with Nintendos inability to GET online. Even if online is awesome it is still a Wii U. :D

Too explain further, while I know they refresh their games I just feel like I am playing modernizations of the same old games.
it says a lot about you and it's not good
It says that I like playing airdash/anime fighters and Wii U has none?
The wii U has had a very disappointing line up so far, very little in the way of fighters outside of Tekken and smash. And I can play both of those without a Wii U. Nothing that's a reason to own the system.


I can find a total of 2 games... maybe 3. (Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, and maybe ZombiU.)
Does that mean you hate my gaming taste? :p

Bloodborne alone has assured that if I buy any "next-gen" console, it will be a PS4.
This is further cemented by the [OPINION] best exclusives that have no chance of appearing on any other platform. :D

I wouldn't say I hate it, but I'd say I'd question it.

But I think the WiiU is a brilliant example of your second point though.

It says that I like playing airdash/anime fighters and Wii U has none?

Pokken is coming.

Seriously though, I'm surprised there's no BB on WiiU.
I absolutely agree. It worries me. If Nintendo is doing this much fantastic work and being met with awful financial performance, what lesson are they going to take from that? Hell, what lesson is the industry going to take from that? Hell, what lesson do we maybe have to take from that? Quality doesn't matter?

Agreed. Although I like the PS4 I have no idea why it is selling so well when the Wii U library blows it out of the water.


PC for multi-plats + WiiU + 3DS is the best possible way to game short of getting every device, IMO.

Definitely agreed. The holy trinity for me as well. I will admit, PS4 has some enticing things on the way, but I am more than buried in backlogs with what I already have.


I want one of these, but what is up for the price? It seems like the specs pale in comparison to a PS4, but it's only $100 less? Help a dude out Nintendo, drop that price.

Wii U has good games and PS4 doesn't.

Obviously that will change next year as PS4 looks set to have a big library boost.


Junior Member
Its a good system, but still for me the least favorite of the Nintendo systems. Other Nintendo systems had more masterpieces. You could say, the WII U is only 2-3 years old, give it time, but I doubt we will see a new Metroid, another Zelda epic game (not the announced one) and a Golden Sun game.
Where are the sports game at? Sorry OP but I guess there is something wrong with me. Out of that entire list, the only games that are interesting is Mario Kart 8, Zelda 2015, Wind Waker, and X. That's all. I played 3D World and I didn't see what the big fuss was about. And the console itself looks ugly, but it's small enough to hide and be less of a distraction.

As of right now, Wii U will not get a sale from me. That will most likely change in 2015.


I've played ever major release on the console. Outside of 3D World and Bayonetta people ain't missing much

Pikmin 3, Shovel Knight, motherfucking Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, NSMBU/NSLU (don't let the music and aesthetics bore you the platforming is great), W101, and stuff that I'm probably missing
If you're a fan of Nintendo games, sure. Otherwise...ehh.

I'm looking forward to getting one next year though. Going to compliment my PS4 and XB1 nicely.


i bought it this year and i totally agree. feels like the other consoles are still in an extended version of that awkward launch window period where everything is a bit underbaked, maybe 2015 will change that, whereas nintendo's big exclusives are pure caviar.


Its a good system, but still for me the least favorite of the Nintendo systems. Other Nintendo systems had more masterpieces. You could say, the WII U is only 2-3 years old, give it time, but I doubt we will see a new Metroid, another Zelda epic game (not the announced one) and a Golden Sun game.
Then new Zelda game looks beautiful already, will certainly be a masterpiece, and Mark my words metroid is coming!


Just picked up a Wii U, $150 (CAD) on clearance for the deluxe at Target. #1 game played so far is advance wars on virtual console. MK8 is decent, and Monster Hunter 3U just arrived so I'll be trying that tonight. Never played a MH game before so this will be interesting.


See this shit? This is silly. Like, railing on someone for not liking what you don't like. It's an opinion thread , people will post things that don't align. Nothing wrong with that, but it's grating and sorta childish to demean those who don't like what you enjoy.

On the contrary. You don't like Mario games? Cool. You don't like Lego City? Great. I certainly don't. But to blanket state you don't enjoy ANYTHING on Nintendo consoles? If anything that's the childish stance. I'm sure you would enjoy one or two on that list. If you don't...then I want to know what it is you do enjoy.
I wouldn't say I hate it, but I'd say I'd question it.

But I think the WiiU is a brilliant example of your second point though.

Pokken is coming.

Seriously though, I'm surprised there's no BB on WiiU.
Wii U is looking good on 3D fighters, but I like airdashers more and they are nonexistent on Wii U.


What major exclusives currently exist on the other consoles?

Yah, but every third party game can basically be counted since they can't be purchased on a Wii U. AC Unity and Dragon Age Inquisition are examples of games Wii U owners will miss out on even though they aren't 'exclusive'.


Its a good system, but still for me the least favorite of the Nintendo systems. Other Nintendo systems had more masterpieces. You could say, the WII U is only 2-3 years old, give it time, but I doubt we will see a new Metroid, another Zelda epic game (not the announced one) and a Golden Sun game.

This is what is their problem, it is Zelda this, Metroid that etc. I know they have more, but public perception is still "more of the same". And yes, this while COD keeps selling.
serious comment:
you should get ZombiU now that it's cheap, even if you don't have a WiiU.

I'm sure it's out of print, and in a few more months, the physical copies will ramp up their value.

Thanks. I'll do that and give it to someone to hold until I get the console. I'm thinking $150 is good enough for me to jump in.


Unconfirmed Member
It is.

PS4 and Xbox One have no games, everything is 2015.

Since The Last of Us Remastered I haven't touched my PS4. Before that, Infamous Second Son was fun for a bit but turned out to be really bad. Ground Zeroes was fun for a bit. No interest in Destiny.

BloodBorne in 2015 at least.
The problem with Wii U today is that the community of interest surrounding these games is relatively small. What has Mario/Zelda/DKC/Pikmin done to be must-have and relevant among gamers today?

Nintendo already played the "we're bringing back the games you remember" card on Wii (Galaxy, Zelda TP, NSMBWii, DKCR) - it's not as effective as it was back then.

Meanwhile, Microsoft's literally bringing back the entire core Halo franchise, Sony keeps securing premiums for games like Destiny and Bloodborne that very obviously try to set the standard for the new gen, the new Final Fantasy is very obviously trying to make a power play against today's grand-scale games. There's a sharp difference between the path taken by these companies and the one taken by Nintendo. It's not just Nintendo doing things in a sustainable way anymore (Wii U ain't sustainable), there's a broader development culture issue.


I have owned literally every single Nintendo console (at launch) except the Wii U. Still don't have one, and no interest in getting one. And here is why:

Super Mario 3D World - This looks interesting and all, but having played through every single mario side scroller before it along with every 3D mario platformer before, does it really do anything excitingly new that I should spend $300 for it? I can go back and play galaxy 1 or 2 or the NSMB on my Wii and have an equally satisfying experience.

Wind Waker HD - Played the hell out of this on Gamecube. Looks great, and would be a must own if I was convinced to buy a Wii U, however, a game I already own is not a motivator to buy a new console.

Pikmin 3 - Played the hell out of Pikmin 1 and 2. Why do I need this game? What does it do that is so much better than the previous ones? (granted, it looks a bit better).

DK Tropical Freeze - Read Pikmin 3, but change it out for every other console DK.

Mario Kart 8 - Read Pikmin 3, but change it out for every other Mario Kart.

Hyrule Warriors - I don't like Dynasty Warriors, so why would I like Dynasty Warriors dressed up as something else.

New Super Mario Bros U - See Super Mario 3D World

Xenoblade Chronicles X, The Legend of Zelda - These are the only two games that look interesting to me, and there isn't even a release date or more info for Zelda.

Nintendo just keeps rehashing the same franchises, and while they are well made and play well, there is nothing ambitious or new about any of them. Likewise, since Nintendo doesn't really rely on story driven games, I don't even have the minor interest of playing a game to see 'what happens next'.

There is literally no downside for me skipping the Wii U, except for maybe Zelda. When the next Nintendo console comes out, guess what? It will have Smash, Mario Kart, tons of Mario games, etc and they will be just as unambitious and sameish. I don't mean to harp on them because I really do love Nintendo, but if I've played 6 or 7 Mario Kart games, why do I need to pay $300 to play it again if there isn't really anything groundbreaking in it?

This post is odd to me. You know the legacy of these games are good, people are telling you that these specific sequels are good, but you need more reason to want to play them?

It's a different story if you're saying that your burned out on Nintendo's style of game, but that doesn't mean that those games stopped being good, it means your tastes have changed.

Based on your reasoning, the console to own in 2014 is the Xbox 360, the Wii, or the PS3.

THIS IS THE FUCKING TRUTH!. The WiiU has a compelling line up, but if we're talking about moving up from the 360 or the PS3, there have been almost no compelling arguments to do so.


I have owned literally every single Nintendo console (at launch) except the Wii U. Still don't have one, and no interest in getting one. And here is why:

Super Mario 3D World - This looks interesting and all, but having played through every single mario side scroller before it along with every 3D mario platformer before, does it really do anything excitingly new that I should spend $300 for it? I can go back and play galaxy 1 or 2 or the NSMB on my Wii and have an equally satisfying experience.
It's very different to Galaxy and NSMB... do a little more research. It's more akin to 3D Land.

Wind Waker HD - Played the hell out of this on Gamecube. Looks great, and would be a must own if I was convinced to buy a Wii U, however, a game I already own is not a motivator to buy a new console.
Fair enough

Pikmin 3 - Played the hell out of Pikmin 1 and 2. Why do I need this game? What does it do that is so much better than the previous ones? (granted, it looks a bit better).
Like every other sequel on the videogame industry, new content.

DK Tropical Freeze - Read Pikmin 3, but change it out for every other console DK.
Emm, it's only comparable to DKCR, it doesn't play or look anything like the DKC trilogy of the SNES. Do more research.

Mario Kart 8 - Read Pikmin 3, but change it out for every other Mario Kart.
Read my pikmin 3 answer, new content, freshened up look, and solid online play.

Hyrule Warriors - I don't like Dynasty Warriors, so why would I like Dynasty Warriors dressed up as something else.
Haven't played this enough, but it has a lot of "nintendo polish", it's a good mixup.

New Super Mario Bros U - See Super Mario 3D World
totally different styles, do more research

Xenoblade Chronicles X, The Legend of Zelda - These are the only two games that look interesting to me, and there isn't even a release date or more info for Zelda.

Nintendo just keeps rehashing the same franchises, and while they are well made and play well, there is nothing ambitious or new about any of them. Likewise, since Nintendo doesn't really rely on story driven games, I don't even have the minor interest of playing a game to see 'what happens next'.

There is literally no downside for me skipping the Wii U, except for maybe Zelda. When the next Nintendo console comes out, guess what? It will have Smash, Mario Kart, tons of Mario games, etc and they will be just as unambitious and sameish. I don't mean to harp on them because I really do love Nintendo, but if I've played 6 or 7 Mario Kart games, why do I need to pay $300 to play it again if there isn't really anything groundbreaking in it?

Based on your reasoning, the console to own in 2014 is the Xbox 360, the Wii, or the PS3.

don't get me wrong, but I feel like you haven't done any real research about the games you're dismissing.


Since everyone likes lists, behold what you would receive if you entered the Age of One:


Dead Rising 3
Forza 5
Shadow of Mordor
The Evil Within
Alien: Isolation
Forza Horizon 2
Kinect Sports
Fifa 15


Sunset Overdrive
The Master Chief Collection
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Assassins Creed: Unity
Grand Thef Auto 5
WWE 2K15
Far Cry 4
The Crew
Halo 5
Batman: Arkham Knight
The Witcher 3
Dragon Age Inquisition
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Fable Legends

And many, many, many more titles that you would never see on the Wii U. Rather than pretending like half the mediocre games in the OP are any good, you could be playing Alien and walking into Mordor, before entering space as Master Chief.


This. I mean...do you ONLY like CoD/Destiny/Watchdogs? What kind of "gamer" ONLY likes a super specific subset of games? I'm actually curious. I'd love for the people saying nothing on Wii U to list what they do enjoy.

(Side note: I'm not saying you have to buy a Wii U or anything. You can think Bayonetta looks cool, but still be like "not enough to make me buy it" and that would make sense. But to say every single Wii U game doesn't interest you?)
Dark souls
I enjoy online rpgs
Yah, but every third party game can basically be counted since they can't be purchased on a Wii U. AC Unity and Dragon Age Inquisition are examples of games Wii U owners will miss out on even though they aren't 'exclusive'.

Nintendo still wins in that case too, though, because the games you're missing out on are assassin's creed and dragon age.


Agreed. Although I like the PS4 I have no idea why it is selling so well when the Wii U library blows it out of the water.

Because many people consider their console purchase as an investmen tfor the next 5-10 years. And when you compare what Nintendo can realistically put out in that timespan and what 3rd parties + indies can on XB1/PS4, then actually it makes a ton of sense that people are buying the platform that's gonna get the most games.

Nintendo still wins in that case too, though, because the games you're missing out on are assassin's creed and dragon age.
Such a well argumented and intelligent comeback.
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