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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

I just used Roadhog for the first time since the patch, in 3v3 elimination. Holy fuck, I assumed you lot were being slightly hyperbolic but holy fuck!

Hook a Zenyatta, shoot him, nothing! He survives and I'm shooting like a mad man trying to put him down. Just about managed it. Then I grab Soldier. Shoot him. Nothing. This time I just get sprayed to death.

I'm not a big Roadhog user, I used to get real fucking annoyed about being killed by him, but this is just too much. Roadhog mains must be furious.
Last week I was practicing my RMB via custom game mode against 4 bots. Standard affair since I can pull it off regularly enough. Tried it today and the difference is just way too much. Last week I could easily push them up to their spawn point. Mind you they were easy bots but I could consistently kill them without using a hook. Today I absolutely struggled and barely managed to push them up to their spawn point. They werent killing me but they just werent dying. It was lucio, zen, mcree and Zarya so they had healing and some protection. Eventually I made some progress but sure enough they managed to push me back all the way to point A again.

The Roadhog nerf is fine. You just have to rely on your team to shoot with you now when you hook someone which is how it always should have been. It's a team game and he isn't DPS.
Like a broken record. Can I get a better audio and visual cue so my team turns for that window of a couple of seconds and shoots the hooked player? In a game where some people can't even stand behind a rein shield Roadhog's nerf is okay because teamwork.


The Roadhog nerf is fine. You just have to rely on your team to shoot with you now when you hook someone which is how it always should have been. It's a team game and he isn't DPS.



05/2016 - 06/2017
The Roadhog nerf is fine. You just have to rely on your team to shoot with you now when you hook someone which is how it always should have been. It's a team game and he isn't DPS.

How do you propose people do that with Roadhog blocking their view?
And the majority of the cast have counters to hook anyway. Roadhog is a BODYGUARD and now he's the one that needs to be protected?


The Roadhog nerf is fine. You just have to rely on your team to shoot with you now when you hook someone which is how it always should have been. It's a team game and he isn't DPS.

This sounds like someone who has been caught out of position by a Roadhog on multiple occasions.
Roadhog haters won this time, but I seriously hope that Blizz can buff him somehow in 1 or 2 months.

I still don't understand why they decided to nerf him now, especially considering that he had some pretty significant changes not too long ago. It's like they don't really know what they want for the character.
That Calvin Tracer clip was dope, wish I could play her like that.

Every time I have a great Tracer game I then will have the complete opposite where it's like one shot city and I keep stumbling into Hanzo arrows, I should practice Tracer more consistently but when it goes bad, it goes BAD.


Roadhog haters won this time, but I seriously hope that Blizz can buff him somehow in 1 or 2 months.

I still don't understand why they decided to nerf him now, especially considering that he had some pretty significant changes not too long ago. It's like they don't really know what they want for the character.

I don't see another rebalance unless Hog sees a sharp decline in use across the board.


Roadhog is like a machine gun now. I actually like the new hog because he spam now lol. Perfect counter to barrier watch. Shame about flanking tho
Roadhog haters won this time, but I seriously hope that Blizz can buff him somehow in 1 or 2 months.

I still don't understand why they decided to nerf him now, especially considering that he had some pretty significant changes not too long ago. It's like they don't really know what they want for the character.
It was his one shot potential. Blizzard didn't want a tank to have it. :/
It was his one shot potential. Blizzard didn't want a tank to have it. :/
Anyone with a brain knows his so called tanking comes from zoning the enemy team. He's your standard brawler character. Dangerous up close which forces the player to keep away. People are way too hung up on his classification as a tank.
I was seeing seagull stream from yesterday and he won a game in koth with a torb+sym main on the team against kaiser+akm duo. Last round was hanzo+widow+winston+tracer+sym+mercy against rein+winston+s76+mccree+lucio+ana and they still won lmao

I don't see another rebalance unless Hog sees a sharp decline in use across the board.

It's what I'm expecting to happen. Can't really speak for anyone else, but I'm not playing him frequently that's for sure.


So what do we do with roadhog now? Why should we pick him? I feel like he's literally useless. Can't kill, does low damage, can't protect teammates, slow as fuck...


This sounds like someone who has been caught out of position by a Roadhog on multiple occasions.

Wow, Roadhog mains are really salty. I play Roadhog a lot so it's not like I want him to die. It's just obvious to most people how broken he was before. This out of position thing is nonsense as well. It's like you expect everyone to be huddled behind Rein of peeking behind a corner constantly. Hooking someone is easier than shooting them. You're going to come line of sight with Roadhog frequently even if they're teamed up super well.

Seagull says Roadhog is fine now and he knows the game way better than you Roadhog mains.
Like a broken record. Can I get a better audio and visual cue so my team turns for that window of a couple of seconds and shoots the hooked player? In a game where some people can't even stand behind a rein shield Roadhog's nerf is okay because teamwork.

You don't balance a team game around solo play. Otherwise Mercy needs a fucking huge buff.


It was still an eye roller to complain about hog before this patch tho. He was honestly more scary at launch then he was a few days ago. His kit has been through the grinder multiple times especially that hook.

I actually laughed when someone hooked/primary fired me as Dva last night


Why oh why is there ALWAYS a Hanzo and Genji in every match? On fucking defense, or attack. ALLLLLLWAYSSSSSSSSS

Plus of course they are super extra bad, all the fucking time dead, and never, ever, EVER change.

Oh. My. God. I'm just about to quit this shit, I can't deal with this anymore.


When did he said this?

I ask because I'm watching his most recent stream and his opinion is quite the opposite.

He played him yesterday on a payload map and said he liked the changes. Maybe he changed his tune afterwards but when I saw it people were shooting the players he hooked in and they were dying. Plus the shield breaking spam.


2730 to 2180.

Welcome to the club.
I'm back into gold on my main because I had yet another volskaya game where I was the only solo tank and ANOTHER instance of someone who wanted to play junkrat/2 dps/1 healer while dva and zarya proceeded in to fuck us raw.


Why oh why is there ALWAYS a Hanzo and Genji in every match? On fucking defense, or attack. ALLLLLLWAYSSSSSSSSS

Plus of course they are super extra bad, all the fucking time dead, and never, ever, EVER change.

Oh. My. God. I'm just about to quit this shit, I can't deal with this anymore.

You can't escape the Shimada bros.
This may have been his thoughts earlier on because I saw it fairly far into the stream when he played him and he sounded surprised by how effective he was with him.

I think you are refering to one of his first games where he picked him on gibraltar (he actually got the potg with him too).

He said he kinda likes spamming the right click but overall he's not a fan of the changes. (this part was in his last stream available)
His Tracer is godly as well, pretty sure he doesn't bother playing Tracer in Ranked matches anymore because it'd be way too easy for him to just wreck the other team.

I was watching that match, and he was deep in a monologue about something while waiting for his team, and was just casually sidestepping Ana snipes one after the other after the other as Tracer.

He also said that Tracer was too boring to main.
Why oh why is there ALWAYS a Hanzo and Genji in every match? On fucking defense, or attack. ALLLLLLWAYSSSSSSSSS

Plus of course they are super extra bad, all the fucking time dead, and never, ever, EVER change.

Oh. My. God. I'm just about to quit this shit, I can't deal with this anymore.

Let's not put hanzo and genji on the same level.

I know there's a lot of shitty genji players out there, but as a character he is pretty damn good.


I think you are refering to one of his first games where he picked him on gibraltar (he actually got the potg with him too).

He said he kinda likes spamming the right click but overall he's not a fan of the changes. (this part was in his last stream available)

Yeah it was Gibraltar so likely that game. I didn't realise he streamed again afterwards.


Wow, Roadhog mains are really salty. I play Roadhog a lot so it's not like I want him to die. It's just obvious to most people how broken he was before. This out of position thing is nonsense as well. It's like you expect everyone to be huddled behind Rein of peeking behind a corner constantly. Hooking someone is easier than shooting them. You're going to come line of sight with Roadhog frequently even if they're teamed up super well.

Seagull says Roadhog is fine now and he knows the game way better than you Roadhog mains.

I like how you assume that I'm a Roadhog main.


I like how you assume that I'm a Roadhog main.

I just assumed someone getting so riled up about it must be. Characters constantly change to bring them in and out of the meta. And he's still useable unlike other characters. He just isn't an easy to use one man killing machine anymore.


lol balanced game. It's not as bad the graph makes it look, but it's p bad.


Roadhog is not fine. The character was already extremely low priority and they made him significantly worse. It would take some miracle of a misunderstanding for that character to end up okay.

I just assumed someone getting so riled up about it must be. Characters constantly change to bring them in and out of the meta. And he's still useable unlike other characters. He just isn't an easy to use one man killing machine anymore.

You in particular are sounding pretty scrubby. You got multiple GMs in here telling you otherwise. You got a lot of pros and high level players all over telling you otherwise. We all know what Seagull says, we also all know Seagull is a bit of an optimist. Roadhog is "fine" in the sense that he's probably not unpickable since most characters aren't in soloq, but he's definitely a really weak pick and you're not seeing serious players pick him outside of really extreme niches.

At the end of the day, the community can be wrong. We've def been wrong before. But not taking in what those people say and thinking out is foolish. Saying he's "fine" when we need to develop an entirely new playstyle for him is def not the wisest thing I've heard.
I don't see how any of you justify the Roadhog nerfs when he is already underutilized. He's just one less character to choose from now if you're trying to play competitively.

The increased fire rate is a nice direction, but the RNG and low power of it overall are still p shitty. Wouldn't be surprised to see the spread and drop off calculations get more tuned.

My thoughts exactly.


I don't see how any of you justify the Roadhog nerfs when he is already underutilized.

You really can't other than "esoteric game design" stuff. Basically, Roadhog is this thing Blizzard really didn't understand the implication of when they put him into the game. Having a one shot kill tank isn't fun and will always piss people off. The character was nerfed several times until his pickrate plummeted, but he was still one shottign people enough with M2 to get hate on Reddit/BNet. They're probably just gonna end up changing his direction entirely.

Prediction is the gun gets another more substantial rework in a bit to make it more powerful without the RNG attached to it. The increased fire rate is a nice direction, but the RNG and low power of it overall are still p shitty. Wouldn't be surprised to see the spread and drop off calculations get more tuned.

Yeah, what caused her useage to drop like a rock? I thought she was a solid companion tank to Winston &/or D.Va?

She has no mobility and gets shat on by D.Va. I said something like this last week or so. If a character can't keep up with Winston/D.Va being everywhere on the map in an instant, they probably aren't worth picking right now at a tournament level. You only see them on maps and segments where that's not as much an issue. In soloq Zarya and shit is still totally fine since the coordination isn't there to control the map as effectively.


You really can't other than "esoteric game design" stuff. Basically, Roadhog is this thing Blizzard really didn't understand the implication of when they put him into the game. Having a one shot kill tank isn't fun and will always piss people off. The character was nerfed several times until his pickrate plummeted, but he was still one shottign people enough with M2 to get hate on Reddit/BNet. They're probably just gonna end up changing his direction entirely.

Prediction is the gun gets another more substantial rework in a bit to make it more powerful without the RNG attached to it. The increased fire rate is a nice direction, but the RNG and low power of it overall are still p shitty. Wouldn't be surprised to see the spread and drop off calculations get more tuned.

not sure why blizzard didn't just change his m2 then. keep the m1 the same but reduce the damage on m2 and maybe up the shoot speed of m2 to compensate


I just assumed someone getting so riled up about it must be. Characters constantly change to bring them in and out of the meta. And he's still useable unlike other characters. He just isn't an easy to use one man killing machine anymore.

Where in my post was I getting riled up? You're the one that is constantly quoting everyone that says Road is unplayable then trying to justify the nerfs by comparing him to DVA. DVA has DM which is by far more oppressive than hook combo ever was or is.

So, I'm just going to assume that you're a lifetime high plat, low diamond player that constantly blames his teammates and "Elo hell" for you not climbing.


You in particular are sounding pretty scrubby. You got multiple GMs in here telling you otherwise. You got a lot of pros and high level players all over telling you otherwise. We all know what Seagull says, we also all know Seagull is a bit of an optimist. Roadhog is "fine" in the sense that he's probably not unpickable since most characters aren't in soloq, but he's definitely a really weak pick and you're not seeing serious players pick him outside of really extreme niches.

At the end of the day, the community can be wrong. We've def been wrong before. But not taking in what those people say and thinking out is foolish. Saying he's "fine" when we need to develop an entirely new playstyle for him is def not the wisest thing I've heard.

I guess this is part of the problem and I've said it before, the trouble is balancing a hero to suit all the ranks. In the lower/mid ranks (where most of the population of the game is) he's massively overpowered. He's too easy to use and be effective with. Someone could play the game for a few hours and be competent to use him and get easy picks because in lower/mid ranks people aren't perfectly co-ordinated and to be effective with Roadhog you just need to aim your cursor in the general direction, press hook, shoot, and the majority of players are dead. With DPS heroes it takes more ability to consistently make picks, especially with heroes like Tracer and Genji.

Heroes like Roadhog cause an imbalance in lower/mid ranks and can carry a game without needing very much skill.
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