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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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You mean with bots?

You can use the practice bots in the practice room to build up muscle memory since they move predictably. I don't like using Ana bots and stuff because they don't move like humans, which messes up the prediction part.

To learn how to flick I straight up would just go flick bots for a bit when I had nothing better to do and I wanted to be on OW anyways. Then I would go into QP and try to flick things, fail miserably, repeat for awhile. Eventually I had the "aha" moment where I could consistently do that so I started to do it naturally.

Whether it be flicks, using your arm, tracking, lifting your wrist, etc. that's a decent way to go about it. Seriously though, that last one is where most people mess up.

the reason you can't find videos of people popping ults on a team that has a shield generator is my exact point. destroy the fucking generator, then wipe the team

cannot fathom how anyone would think the ideal situation is to keep it up and just push

I can fathom it cause I see it happen literally all the time. If you don't have ults that can wipe, yeah you gotta kill it. Most common team comps these days have those ults available to them, so they just build them up and dump em.


first time reading this so i stand corrected, my bad. gonna def look more into it as it seems interesting as fuck. thanks for link

edit: as a lucio main this is especially interesting to me but i see article is from 12/16...cant recall any changes to the meta that should not make this relevant? it prolly should still apply today right?
I think it was just a week or so after the buff to symettra. Think Ana nerf came after? Not sure. But shouldn't impact symmetra usage since they don't compete for a spot and ana nerf didn't impact her usage too much.

In my games I usually see sym Ana but I'm only high diamond and haven't been following the top lately so I can't comment on if it's still relevant. Hopefully Anne knows.


It still applies. As much as people tend to think, Symmetra is not a DPS. If you are running 2 healers and Symmetra, you won't have the damage needed to win team fights unless the other team is doing something very wrong.

funny thing is at first point on defense i usually do feel like im not contributing much. speed boost is for the most part pointless given how tight the choke is and we already have a more effective option at healing given our setup. i usually spend the time trying to build my ult getting tick damage but i can see how selecting symmetra would be a much better option


In my games I usually see sym Ana but I'm only high diamond and haven't been following the top lately so I can't comment on if it's still relevant. Hopefully Anne knows.

If you wanna run Sym, yeah you run Sym/Ana and sometimes Sym/Ana/Torb. You also need Rein for this comp, and Soldier is the preferred DPS cause self heal and consistent hitscan. Sym just hides and holds ult for TP like a bootleg Mercy, or if the other team takes a long time and doesn't have good ults she might put down shiled gen. If you have Torb shield gen is a bit better but still v situational. Past first point you completely abandon this comp.

Sym/Ana/Torb/Rein/Soldier/Zarya or Hog is pretty common, but it's pretty cheesy and totally beatable. There are just more stable thing to pick, but comp ladder is unstable enough this cheese works often enough.


Get better at predicting how higher level people move. Most of aim is prediction.

Go practice a lot, and when you do play deliberately try to force yourself to aim like how you practiced

Lower your sens and lift your wrist off your mousepad.

It causes team wipes in pro matches all the time sooooo

Anne do you make youtube videos? Your knowledge of the macro and microgame is a huge help for someone like me for whom Overwatch is their first real online fps.
I think alot of us would benefit a great deal from videos of your plays.


Anne do you make youtube videos? Your knowledge of the macro and microgame is a huge help for someone like me for whom Overwatch is their first real online fps.
I think alot of us would benefit a great deal from videos of your plays.

I stream sometimes, but I haven't done YT vids in awhile. I used to make fighting game tutorials, but after my last PC died I lost all my video editing software :T


If you wanna run Sym, yeah you run Sym/Ana and sometimes Sym/Ana/Torb. You also need Rein for this comp, and Soldier is the preferred DPS cause self heal and consistent hitscan. Sym just hides and holds ult for TP like a bootleg Mercy, or if the other team takes a long time and doesn't have good ults she might put down shiled gen. If you have Torb shield gen is a bit better but still v situational. Past first point you completely abandon this comp.

mercy at all viable in replacing ana?


symmetra, mercy/(worse case might have to use a zen...), soldier, rein, zarya, hog/dva

i realize question seems very specific but it is based on my current group i comp with

edit: in summary...we don't have a legit ana yet but our mercy is pretty much dope as shit...but at the end of the day shes a mercy :(


If you wanna run Sym, yeah you run Sym/Ana and sometimes Sym/Ana/Torb. You also need Rein for this comp, and Soldier is the preferred DPS cause self heal and consistent hitscan. Sym just hides and holds ult for TP like a bootleg Mercy, or if the other team takes a long time and doesn't have good ults she might put down shiled gen. If you have Torb shield gen is a bit better but still v situational. Past first point you completely abandon this comp.

Sym/Ana/Torb/Rein/Soldier/Zarya or Hog is pretty common, but it's pretty cheesy and totally beatable. There are just more stable thing to pick, but comp ladder is unstable enough this cheese works often enough.
Yeah torb is pretty common at diamond with Sym.
Thanks for confirming. Was beginning to think I was completely off the mark.
mercy at all viable in replacing ana?


symmetra, mercy/(worse case might have to use a zen...), soldier, rein, zarya, hog/dva

i realize question seems very specific but it is based on my current group i comp with
I would say no. Ana just outclasses her. Better burst healing, better utility and better ult. Mercy ult isn't great. Before you could rez and the enemy team would be low hp but Ana now has them topped up again. Though I think you mentioned console play earlier so might be different there.


You can use the practice bots in the practice room to build up muscle memory since they move predictably. I don't like using Ana bots and stuff because they don't move like humans, which messes up the prediction part.

To learn how to flick I straight up would just go flick bots for a bit when I had nothing better to do and I wanted to be on OW anyways. Then I would go into QP and try to flick things, fail miserably, repeat for awhile. Eventually I had the "aha" moment where I could consistently do that so I started to do it naturally.

Whether it be flicks, using your arm, tracking, lifting your wrist, etc. that's a decent way to go about it. Seriously though, that last one is where most people mess up.
the last bit might be the hardest part just due to my whole life having it there :x


after a horrible lose streak last night and this morning too, had a decent win streak and now im 20 points lower than i started yesterday. This game is so unforgiving at times


mercy at all viable in replacing ana?


symmetra, mercy/(worse case might have to use a zen...), soldier, rein, zarya, hog/dva

i realize question seems very specific but it is based on my current group i comp with

Not really? Ana is just way safer and can dump way more healing which you need for solo heal. In general, if you're going to be running Rein you basically are required to have an Ana for him to play the way most want to these days. The exception is if you have a very specific cheese strat where Rein doesn't do normal Rein things.

If you're curious about why Ana/Lucio are so good btw, go play Rein with them for awhile and just be crazy aggressive. Force the other team to actually deal with you just encroaching on space. Then go pick Rein without either Lucio or Ana. You have to play him as if he is basically another character entirely. It's a big reason why you see them together. The reason you drop Lucio for Sym is that Rein can still play a really aggressive way without overshielding cause Ana heals him, and Sym slows things down just enough so that Rein doesn't need the mobility in case he wants to walk backwards out of a situation.

I would say the Ana over Mercy thing has less to do with Ana just outclassing her (Ana does but not by much). It's more that Ana can play safer and is especially crazy good with Rein. If you don't have a strat about controlling space like that you see Zen and Mercy pop in and out for various reasons.


I would say no. Ana just outclasses her. Better burst healing, better utility and better ult. Mercy ult isn't great. Before you could rez and the enemy team would be low hp but Ana now has them topped up again. Though I think you mentioned console play earlier so might be different there.

yeah, thats what i figured. and yes, i play on console.

there are a good amount of legit anas up top on console but i just dont have any currently in the group i play with

healing options are me as lucio who i rarely deviate from, then a few people who can either destroy it as mercy or zen, but both have their limitations and cant do what ana can

been torn about this, thinking about learning ana just to fill that gap but then we have no lucio. kinda a shitty situation in my group thats been bugging me.


yeah, thats what i figured. and yes, i play on console.

there are a good amount of legit anas up top on console but i just dont have any currently in the group i play with

healing options are me as lucio who i rarely deviate from, then a few people who can either destroy it as mercy or zen, but both have their limitations and cant do what ana can

been torn about this, thinking about learning ana just to fill that gap but then we have no lucio. kinda a shitty situation in my group thats been bugging me.
Who does your second support usually play. They should probably learn Ana if they can. Lucio is pretty much always needed so they could learn Lucio if you learn Ana but it's easier for one person to learn a new hero than two learn new ones especially if you are already proficient on Lucio.

Though it's good to have more than one hero you can play to the same standard I'm assuming you have a 6 man squad so don't have to. Nice luxury to have. I used to be a Lucio main back on PS4 but as a solo queuer so I had to learn more heroes.


To start apparently reaper has been reaper, before... whatever incident accident. Do you think possibly reaper... is like a moon knight thing

why not. my group's mercy is fukin obsessed with overwatch lore so if you'd like i could forward it to her if we cant answer it.

Ya'll got like a discord or something, because I would also like general disucssion n stuff
Hanzo is the character that will allow me to climb back to the Top 500 before Tuesday. @_@ Give me your energy, fellow ladder climbers.

First game of the night, placed with all Diamonds. Solid start.


next time you stream anne post a link here btw thanks for the tips

also fuck training mode for kicking me out each time i want to look at something ._.


I'm just so not use to that style tho.....

I've met top 500 players that are at like 3cm/360. It's def possible to get good that way if you've been doing it long enough. Anybody that hasn't been doing that for years should probably learn the lower sens style since it's better from almost every angle.

Zen Aku

I'm a main healer, last season I was mostly Zen. But this season my Mercy time have been outclassing Zen.

I have two other people I usually play with. One is a Pharah and the other one is a healer main who usually play Ana. We gained ton of SR playing those 3 heroes.

Not everyone want to play Rein unfortunately. But Pharmercy combo still work out very well. Sometimes if the other team has a really good Soldier or Genji I will switch to Zen and Ana switch to Mercy or stay Ana.

Having Zen ult to protect against the Genji is great. I think I'm a good Mercy so I can stay alive pretty well.
I've met top 500 players that are at like 3cm/360. It's def possible to get good that way if you've been doing it long enough. Anybody that hasn't been doing that for years should probably learn the lower sens style since it's better from almost every angle.

yea im sure there are some like that. I know that korean chick who played Zarya plays like that (the one that was so good, she was accused of cheating).

but, all the TOP TOP guys seem to go arm aiming...like the best of the best. And I mean it makes sense....larger muscles groups with bigger movements are easier to train with muscle memory than smaller muscles groups with smaller twitch movements.


That is correct, but there are exceptions even there. You know there is usually a "right" way to train and do these things and every now and then somebody does their own oddball thing and gets far enough with it.

They still don't get that low though, ye. I don't see it lower than 10cm/360 once you get into pro settings.


KotH on Oasis. We dominate the first round, our lucio leaves in the 2nd but we manage to pull off a clutch win. Then get steamrolled the next 2 rounds. Final round we switch up our comp and manage to get to 99%, barely lose it in overtime thanks to a lucky self destruct. Almost turn it back over a couple of times but ultimately it's hopeless and we lose the match.

Lose 28 SR.

How the fuck has blizzard not addressed such a glaring issue in user experience. At the very least it should be a significantly reduced SR penalty for losing when you are a man down. And the punishment for people who leave needs to be more severe because it happens way too often. Some of the most frustrating experiences I've had in gaming and such an easy thing to fix.



ty anne



It pleases me when someone on the opposing team STILL doesn't know how Zarya's shield works and continues shooting me/my teammate while it's up. That full charge gun sound....beautiful.


I just had the strangest game in comp, maps is Nepal and the enemies team comp is Hanzo, Widow, Torb and no tanks, had to ask my team if I wasn't in QP, they played like it was QP too. This had me off my game for the entire match.


Is Zarya the most isolated of the heroes? I feel like just about every other one has some sort of history with others, but Zarya apparently doesn't have any. She's only just now (from Sombra's cinematic) getting a mission even involving another hero (and really that's only an assumption, although it's strongly hinted that the Russian president wants her to track down Sombra).

Is anyone else more "isolated"? I wish she had more history :(


Play during week: ranking goes up.

Play during weekend: Huge losing streaks, torb/hanzo mains, AFKs.

I want to play the game right now but I'm already down 100 rank points from this morning.


Play during week: ranking goes up.

Play during weekend: Huge losing streaks, torb/hanzo mains, AFKs.

I want to play the game right now but I'm already down 100 rank points from this morning.

just wait till monday if you cant just straight up carry

gold 16 elims with 47% 15 crits

still lost but idc anyway lol just wish there was a way to get people who dont want to practice shimadas, widow, sombra etc


Yeesh so last night me and 2 of my friends decided to come back to OW Competitive after not playing since season 1 and being overall a bit rusty. We didn't realize though that it was going to be placing us with people from our S1 MMR. We were at about 70 as a group, which I believe was high diamond or low master.

I was really feeling the changes to Zarya (whom I tend to main in competitive matches) as I haven't played since they nerfed her energy gain. Made her feel a bit more difficult to make as big of an impact as I did.

Overall it was a bit like jumping back into the deep end, we probably should of just spammed quick play or something till next season. We ended up at 2980 with 2 wins 1 draw and 7 losses. I was actually pretty surprised we werent thrown into a much lower bracket, was it because our personal personal performance's were completely shit against what we were being put up against or was it because the losses while they were many were actually some of the closest game's I've ever had on OW?


I'm down. Psn: RuinerPrime.

Played solo q in comp today and did really well, started slowing getting a team of 5 and didn't lose a game all day. Feels good. I'm closer to finally getting out of silver. My roadhog play has improved dramatically.
Great I still have to do placement. Hopefully that's fine
I wish Junkrat's death grenades actually had momentum.

If he's flying through the air and dies, his grenades shouldn't just fall below him, they should fly in the same direction he was going.
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