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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero


( ≖‿≖)
Cool thanks. I think I'd ditch Ana, she's too difficult to be consistent with, especially if you have tracers and genjis on you team flying all over the place.

The problem I'm having is that if I choose an "off-healer" like Lucio or Zenyatta, then no one else chooses the other supplementary healer. I don't think Lucio or Zenyatta alone have the HPS to be primary healers, at least in my hands.

Depending on team comp (and how bad the enemy team is) Lucio can do okay alone. Zenyatta solo healing is bad.


I should definitely work on my Lucio then. I just REALLY suck with him. Can't seem to stay alive very long.

I've noticed I win more matches when I play Zarya or D.Va. They can both just do so much to save teammates. I'd like to play Rein, but I feel like he's useless in solo queue, people just don't stand behind my damn shield.
That's an odd one. Can that really make much of a difference?

I forgot to mention that it also removes all sound/voice lines when you exit stealth too. As another poster said, the glitch/exploit creates some of the issues people were afraid of when Sombra was announced. If you time it right you can deal more damage/do things that you can't do with the delay frames active.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I fucking love it. If it isn't a diamond paired with a gold it's people doing placements who clearly have no business being matched at my rank.

Just scrap comp and start all over, holy shit.
I fucking love it. If it isn't a diamond paired with a gold it's people doing placements who clearly have no business being matched at my rank.

Just scrap comp and start all over, holy shit.

I'm Diamond and I play with my Gold friends sometimes. The games aren't exactly easy, lemme tell ya. :p I understand your frustrations though.


I fucking love it. If it isn't a diamond paired with a gold it's people doing placements who clearly have no business being matched at my rank.

Just scrap comp and start all over, holy shit.
You think that's bad? Lol at this shit.


Joined a random stack in comp last night with a bunch of French dudes. Went 3-1 which was shocking considering the game awareness(or lack thereof) was mind boggling.

I might not be that amazing mechanically but I have no doubts I have better game awareness than majority of the people I end up encountering around my SR range.

The prefer feature is fine but give me the ability to avoid again, please. I don't want to play with a platinum ranked Genji, who begs someone else at the start of the game to let him play Genji because he's really pro with him.

We are attacking on Hollywood and we're making a pretty good push and we catch a soldier by himself. Me as Lucio get soldier down to two hits I ask for help and what do I see? The fucking Genji walking right past me and the soldier to grab a health pack which hasn't spawned yet. So I obviously die to the soldier and then I watch unsurprisingly Genji appear on kill feed seconds later dieing to this same soldier.

I don't understand how people can have just such shockingly bad game awareness playing at this sr.
I don't understand how people can have just such shockingly bad game awareness playing at this sr.

I remember a game in Nepal where the enemy team capped the point first than us and had a really high percentage when we were able to retake it so we really needed to play smart there. In a team fight we killed 5 of them with only one left that was completely surrounded by our entire team, almost dead. Our Tracer proceeds to use her bomb in that solo doomed target when we had Zarya ult for the next fight.............


( ≖‿≖)
Joined a random stack in comp last night with a bunch of French dudes. Went 3-1 which was shocking considering the game awareness(or lack thereof) was mind boggling.

I might not be that amazing mechanically but I have no doubts I have better game awareness than majority of the people I end up encountering around my SR range.

The prefer feature is fine but give me the ability to avoid again, please. I don't want to play with a platinum ranked Genji, who begs someone else at the start of the game to let him play Genji because he's really pro with him.

We are attacking on Hollywood and we're making a pretty good push and we catch a soldier by himself. Me as Lucio get soldier down to two hits I ask for help and what do I see? The fucking Genji walking right past me and the soldier to grab a health pack which hasn't spawned yet. So I obviously die to the soldier and then I watch unsurprisingly Genji appear on kill feed seconds later dieing to this same soldier.

I don't understand how people can have just such shockingly bad game awareness playing at this sr.

Just throw in retaliation :^)


I remember a game in Nepal where the enemy team capped the point first than us and had a really high percentage when we were able to retake it so we really needed to play smart there. In a team fight we killed 5 of them with only one left that was completely surrounded by our entire team, almost dead. Our Tracer proceeds to use her bomb in that solo doomed target when we had Zarya ult for the next fight.............
I had a koth match playing on Nepal sanctum I think it was. (the one where there's a choke point and you can go top left/right.)

Well my team would go to the choke point every single fucking time. We got slaughtered that game because they would just sit on choke, enemy team build up ults, finally push through enemy ults and wipes us.

It's insane and incredibly frustrating. It didn't help that we had a mercy main that would sit on her ult all fucking game.

The game was 2-2 until of course the tie breaking point was on sanctum so like the lemmings they are they just kept doing the same thing as before. It sucks to play in matches you know for a fact you have no business playing in


I had a koth match playing on Nepal sanctum I think it was. (the one where there's a choke point and you can go top left/right.)

Well my team would go to the choke point every single fucking time. We got slaughtered that game because they would just sit on choke, enemy team build up ults, finally push through enemy ults and wipes us.

It's insane and incredibly frustrating. It didn't help that we had a mercy main that would sit on her ult all fucking game.

The game was 2-2 until of course the tie breaking point was on sanctum so like the lemmings they are they just kept doing the same thing as before. It sucks to play in matches you know for a fact you have no business playing in

Sounds like you need to group up with fellow PS4 Gaffers, or just find a competent group on LFG.


Sounds like you need to group up with fellow PS4 Gaffers, or just find a competent group on LFG.
I do play with the regular gaf group but the time zone difference makes it difficult since I'm in Europe and the guys I do usually play with are in the US.
I remember a game in Nepal where the enemy team capped the point first than us and had a really high percentage when we were able to retake it so we really needed to play smart there. In a team fight we killed 5 of them with only one left that was completely surrounded by our entire team, almost dead. Our Tracer proceeds to use her bomb in that solo doomed target when we had Zarya ult for the next fight.............

Oh man, I've seen so many wasted Ults in lower ranked platinum games.

Lucio breaking it down just for himself. Reaper ulting on a lone Roadhog. Zarya on a lone Rein. Zen transcending for the whole team against one Roadhog. Lucio popping his ult immediately after Zen has popped his.


( ≖‿≖)
I really can't stand those teams that try for epic whacky defenses when its the final round and the enemy team just has to cap point A to win.

"this bastion torbjorn widowmaker comp....impenetrable defense....they won't expect it..."
*loses in 12 seconds*

Added to "reasons to throw" list :^)
I had a koth match playing on Nepal sanctum I think it was. (the one where there's a choke point and you can go top left/right.)

Well my team would go to the choke point every single fucking time. We got slaughtered that game because they would just sit on choke, enemy team build up ults, finally push through enemy ults and wipes us.

It's insane and incredibly frustrating. It didn't help that we had a mercy main that would sit on her ult all fucking game.

The game was 2-2 until of course the tie breaking point was on sanctum so like the lemmings they are they just kept doing the same thing as before. It sucks to play in matches you know for a fact you have no business playing in

Yup I know the map (village), I really hate going through that choke, it's usually just a waste of time, infuriating really.

Speaking of Nepal:

From reddit.

Oh man, I've seen so many wasted Ults in lower ranked platinum games.

Lucio breaking it down just for himself. Reaper ulting on a lone Roadhog. Zarya on a lone Rein. Zen transcending for the whole team against one Roadhog. Lucio popping his ult immediately after Zen has popped his.

It kinda sucks when the fight is won and the ults keep getting used, if the team has the numbers do just save the ults for the next fight.

One problem that happens frequently is using a lot of ults at the same time to follow-up something, but that's to be expected if there wasn't communication beforehand. Lucio/Zen is a classic.
Just had an entire rank 3900 Volskaya match that consisted of teammates yelling at each other because we had 2 people refusing to heal and forcing us into a comp with 1 healer and 1 tank on Offense (Which we terribly lost).

Not sure why people play or care so much about this game that they would get into a 10+ minute yelling argument because someone insulted their virtual honor or called them out for being stupid (When they were).

On the upside, 1 win from breaking into the 3700s atleast.


Just had an entire rank 3900 Volskaya match that consisted of teammates yelling at each other because we had 2 people refusing to heal and forcing us into a comp with 1 healer and 1 tank on Offense (Which we terribly lost).

Not sure why people play or care so much about this game that they would get into a 10+ minute yelling argument because someone insulted their virtual honor or called them out for being stupid (When they were).

On the upside, 1 win from breaking into the 3700s atleast.

LOL, how do people climb with such attitudes
LOL, how do people climb with such attitudes

That was the argument from one of the guys on my team. It was so stupid, right off the bat a 2 man group goes Hanzo and Symmetra and the Symmetra says "This is the closest you'll see me to healing"

I was originally Mercy but went Rein because we desperately needed a shield, and another cool guy went from Tracer to Ana, and they instantly started bitching him out for trying to be a pro Ana


Ive come to realize that I am viewing Competitive mode wrong.

I thought Quick Play is the screw-around mode, and Competitive was where you go when you want to play "serious" and try to win.
Its not though.
There's too many sniper-mains and no thought about team makeup.

I dont know what its actually for, but it aint for serious play, thats for sure.

*Note: Im PS4, which yes, is a big part of the problem.


Ive come to realize that I am viewing Competitive mode wrong.

I thought Quick Play is the screw-around mode, and Competitive was where you go when you want to play "serious" and try to win.
Its not though.
There's too many sniper-mains and no thought about team makeup.

I dont know what its actually for, but it aint for serious play, thats for sure.

*Note: Im PS4, which yes, is a big part of the problem.

I find I have the best time in competitive after I play Quick Play for a few matches. Then I get aggravated at how awful the matches are, head to competitive, and actually have fun! There may be some weird comps once in a while, but it at least feels like players are trying to win.


I might wanna do some Comp tonight if people are on. Just need to do some cleaning first cuz relatives are visiting tomorrow night. Looking forward to the event as well.


Between being the last week of the season and a new event, I'm just going to grind out enough Comp games today to not have to play until next season's placements.


0G M3mbeR
My girlfriend who has barely played a month and is pretty much learning how to use dual stick FPS controls (and play fps's in general) solo queued through placements yesterday with a record of 2-6-2 and got 1370 SR Bronze.

I'm not trying to be an elitist downer, but that seems WAY too high for a relative beginner that is still working on aimming...
My girlfriend who has barely played a month and is pretty much learning how to use dual stick FPS controls (and play fps's in general) solo queued through placements yesterday with a record of 2-6-2 and got 1370 SR Bronze.

I'm not trying to be an elitist downer, but that seems WAY too high for a relative beginner that is still working on aimming...

I just started playing in January, and I placed at 1850..

Then I fell almost a thousand points because my placing was inflated.


Ive come to realize that I am viewing Competitive mode wrong.

I thought Quick Play is the screw-around mode, and Competitive was where you go when you want to play "serious" and try to win.
Its not though.
There's too many sniper-mains and no thought about team makeup.

I dont know what its actually for, but it aint for serious play, thats for sure.

*Note: Im PS4, which yes, is a big part of the problem.

Too many people think about themselves first and the team later. Talk about getting gold elims and we fail miserably isn't "doing your part".
Heads up PS4 players: the spend 100 get 15 bucks back deal starts June 9th. The anniversary event ends June 12. So you might want to wait to buy boxes then.


Awful start today but we managed to minimize the losses in the end.

Saved our attack on gibraltar with my ana gameplay, don't really like using the scope that much but I think I'm gonna start doing it more since the hitbox seems way more generous and it's also hitscan, I missed some easy shots there by not using it, the lack of auto-aim hurts. Also should start doing more damage, have to balance that better. She's infinitely more fun to play than mercy imo, though I have to step up my game. Having to play mercy on attack or koth is just so unfun to me, and sometimes we need more healing (if the 2nd tank is Hog or Zarya I feel I can do much more for the team as Zen, but if we have Rein with D.VA/ Winston it's a bit harder, owzers feeds way too much the orb isn't enough :D).

That last team we faced had some shitty characters for attack but a funny coordination. Glad we won though, ending a night losing to attack sym/torb would make me commit sudoku.

3 more games and you should reach master. Did you play all you needed today to avoid decaying?

Oh wow I'm so close wtf. Yeah I got it reset:)

Still don't know why diamond rank has decay. Keep that in gm
First season doing competitive.

Won the final of the 10 placement matches yesterday and I ended up with winning 7 out of 10 of those games.

I was ranked at 2427 which was a lot higher than I would have ever expected.

So Platinum is in range and as far as I can tell I don't lose anything by trying to rank up, right? Even if I drop back to silver I end up getting competitive points for gold (my highest recorded rank)?


First season doing competitive.

Won the final of the 10 placement matches yesterday and I ended up with winning 7 out of 10 of those games.

I was ranked at 2427 which was a lot higher than I would have ever expected.

So Platinum is in range and as far as I can tell I don't lose anything by trying to rank up, right? Even if I drop back to silver I end up getting competitive points for gold (my highest recorded rank)?

Correct. Comp points based on highest rank tier.
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