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PAL Charts - Week 2, 2013

I didn't find them upsetting at all. Like a subtitle like "No Wii U or Vita games in top 40" would be a good informative way to get people into the topic. "Wii U BOMBA VITA DIES LULZ" I don't think is. I feel like that's reasonable, but maybe I'm just being a party pooper.

that's a gross exaggeration if I ever saw one. neither of the subtitles said anything remotely close to that.

I feel I also need to point out that the subtitles wouldn't have been limited to just the wii u or vita. my doing the threads just so happen to be at the same time.
that's a gross exaggeration if I ever saw one. neither of the subtitles said anything remotely close to that.

I feel I also need to point out that the subtitles wouldn't have been limited to just the wii u or vita. my doing the threads just so happen to be at the same time.

Davis just admit it. You want to make us Vita, Wii U owners cry ourselves to sleep at night. I know your end game man.
That's comparing apples and oranges. The jump from 2D to 3D was challenging because it required rethinking game design on a fundamental level. The power jump this passing generation was challenging because it massively increased the complexity of generating game assets.

And the reason people think Nintendo may be struggling with it is because pretty much the entire industry struggled with it. Look at SE, their HD development is still a clusterfuck. 4 and a half years after MGS4, Kojipro have produced 1 PSP game and an HD collection while most of their resources are tied down in sorting out their engine development. Nevermind the list of developers and publishers who have crashed out.

The question isn't why would Nintendo be affected by the problems of HD development, it's why would they be immune when the rest of the industry wasn't?

Because unlike those third-party developers, Nintendo has the luxury of developing for a console they've been intimately familiar with since its conception. If the HD and 3D comparison is equivalent to apples and oranges, then so is comparing Nintendo's proficiency as an HD game developer for their own systems with that of third-party developers for the PS3/360. Case in point, how much did Sony and its first party struggle with making games for the PS3 this gen?
Davis just admit it. You want to make us Vita, Wii U owners cry ourselves to sleep at night. I know your end game man.

no way man.


anyway, I feel I've derailed the thread enough. let's talk about the charts.

not surprised that razor's edge didn't chart, didn't see a single ad for it anywhere. I even happened past this afternoon and there was no indication that the game had even been released.

also haven't spotted anarchy reigns anywhere, surprised to see it chart at all.
that's a gross exaggeration if I ever saw one. neither of the subtitles said anything remotely close to that.

I feel I also need to point out that the subtitles wouldn't have been limited to just the wii u or vita. my doing the threads just so happen to be at the same time.

I know it wouldn't. I wasn't trying to say you had some specific agenda against Wii U or Vita because honestly I agree that it would be good for these threads to be more active especially this year with all that's happening. I also should mention that I found the titles funny as hell so sorry if this is coming off as an attack =)

But yeah, honestly I didn't expect Ninja Gaiden 3 to chart if Nintendoland can't even make it to the top 40 through bundles. Iwata is putting up a good front with the whole "we're not freaking out about week to week sales" but you can bet the emergency lights are going off right now.
I know it wouldn't. I wasn't trying to say you had some specific agenda against Wii U or Vita because honestly I agree that it would be good for these threads to be more active especially this year with all that's happening. I also should mention that I found the titles funny as hell so sorry if this is coming off as an attack =)

no worries. I didn't feel it was coming off as an attack. the opposite in fact. you raised some very good points that I wrestled with when I created the first thread. maybe it's for the best that sales thread stay about the sales and not about what the next subtitle will be.

But yeah, honestly I didn't expect Ninja Gaiden 3 to chart if Nintendoland can't even make it to the top 40 through bundles. Iwata is putting up a good front with the whole "we're not freaking out about week to week sales" but you can bet the emergency lights are going off right now.

pretty much, but I did expect some level of ad campaign seeing as it's basically a new game. at this rate, I fear for other games like lego city undercover, rayman and others.

Nintendo seem to be completely indifferent to what's happening, I can't quite understand what their end game is here. to let it coast or are they really freaking out because they didn't anticipate its poor reception and sales?


Are we gonna see some counter reaction to this dire performance here, then? 3DS-type price slash imminent? Rushed 1st party games backfiring? Or is the Wii U just doomed to failure here and Nintendo are gonna watch it pass by?
Are we gonna see some counter reaction to this dire performance here, then? 3DS-type price slash imminent? Rushed 1st party games backfiring? Or is the Wii U just doomed to failure here and Nintendo are gonna watch it pass by?

I hope so. Nintendo need to do something, but I fear they won't until after their next quarterly figures. before that and it could and probably would result in calls for the top brass to go and for there be a complete shift in how the company works.

a price cut along with an ambassador really does seem to be the only way to move forward. the alternative is to lower the trade price and pressure retailers to offer more aggressive bundles.
Are we gonna see some counter reaction to this dire performance here, then? 3DS-type price slash imminent? Rushed 1st party games backfiring? Or is the Wii U just doomed to failure here and Nintendo are gonna watch it pass by?

Well even if Wii U is doomed in the UK (and maybe Europe) Nintendo isn't going to let the US and Japan follow into that failure, so I would expect strong aggression including rushing out whatever first party they are working on now and probably a price drop by summer.


Is there any one here actually kind of pleased to see the Wii U failing here?

Hear me out.

I've been a lifelong Nintendo gamer. Grew up on the things. Loved my SNES and was pretty much a fanboy through my teens, getting the N64 and GC when they came out.

But I've been completely dissatisfied with the direction they've taken with these Wii consoles and it's simply not what I wanted from a personal standpoint. I've always had other consoles, too, like PS1, PS2 and Dreamcast, but Nintendo was where it was always at for me. But since the release of the Wii, I've become completely dependent on my PS3 for the last 3-4 years. For me, it offers exactly what I want in terms of gaming.

I can't speak for everyone, and I suppose it's also a case of "why should Nintendo do what I want them to do?"... but for a guy that's grown up on Nintendo and was a fanboy for years, to now be in this case where I am sick of the poor direction they have gone with the Wii and Wii U, it's a real shame. I sort of want the Wii U to become a disaster in the hope that it might just give Nintendo a real kick up the bloody arse and get their act together. Again, I can't speak for all Nintendo fans, but I personally wish they would deliver like they used to. As it is, they've turned me, once a huge fan of Nintendo, completely away from them, and instead gets game time from their competitors. It almost feels like they don't give a shit about their older fans who grew up on them these days.

Does that make sense to any one? I know it sounds selfish. Just because I don't like the direction they've gone, why should they listen to me? But all I know is that they've turned a once-huge Nintendo fan away from them and will have a very hard time winning me over. There must be other once-Nintendo fans that feels similar?

And apologies if this has slightly gone off-topic. I will edit if I need to. Just wanted to get my frustration out.

I understand completely. My truly enjoyable wii experiences boiled down to SMG 1&2, and that fact left me really sad wrt Nintendo in general. The 3ds could have mitigated that, but the bad launch, the shitty old tech, & the fact that the ergonomics of the thing gave me actual physical pain meant I abandoned that platform. Oh, and I really could care less about the gimmicky 3D.

So I'm at the point where buying the latest Nintendo console isn't something I plan on doing until really late into its lifespan. I can justify spending $100 on a used home console, and a $100 for 4 or 5 used Nintendo games. I cannot justify spending $350 + possibly $100 for external storage for something that will gather dust 98% of the time.

The wii had no games and no utility for the past 2-3 years, not even as a friggin DVD player or hd netflix box.

The PS3, even if someone stopped playing games, could still be used quite regularly as a top notch blu-ray player and good hd netflix streamer, the 360 DVDs + hd netflix.

The fact that millions of unplugged dusty wiis have been sitting under hdtvs means that anything with 'wii' in the name = shitty outdated gimmicky hardware to many people. And I would have to agree with them to a large extent.

So, I'm sitting here thinking what is it that I want in the next console I buy, and how much am I willing to spend.

I want:
  • Seemless, account tied online experience that allows me to buy games quickly and conviently with a minimum of cruft & perferably no non-game related advertising.
  • No ongoing fees for stuff I can get free elsewhere, eg MS charging for netflix access.
  • A solid online multplayer experince, again with no extra charges.
  • all multiplatform games should be released on the system.
  • ≥ power with the other consoles.
  • Noticeable power bumb from current consoles
  • abiltiy to play blu-ray
  • optical out, because I'm not buying a new reciever.
  • future proof for the next 5 years.
  • focus on core gaming in terms of controller scheme. I do not want kinect or move as anything but optional. And spending $100 on a tablet controller when that money could have been spent on better cpu/gpu/memory is not something I want either.
  • HDD standard and upgradeable to ssd.
  • Less than $499 for the deluxe sku.

Wii U fails at most of these, and is therefore a profoundly disappointing product to me. yes there are Ninty games, but like I said, I'll be waiting 3+ years to buy everything used for less than $200 including the games. ymmv yadda yadda.


I understand completely.
Thanks for further reassurance that I'm definitely not alone in these thoughts.

It's a tired phrase now, but it does seem to be a case that for every step Nintendo takes forward, they take two steps back. Their desire to constantly innovate (whilst obviously a good thing to keep VGs fresh and appealing to many people) seems to take too much of a focus and they seem to disregard a lot of the major points that appeal to a lot of gamers. It's almost as if they refuse to listen, stay ignorant, and say "we don't need to give you a console with strong power and online abilities, because our way is different, better and the right way." Why can't they give us what we all want at the same time as offering their new control schemes and such? The more they try to distance themselves from Sony and MS, the more they lose out on bringing such gamers to buy their console... and indeed continue to keep once-long time Nintendo fans like myself from ever coming back.

There are the odd two or three games I would pick up the console for (Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero), but it would not be at the price the system is now. Not when I can continue to play the same level and quality of games on my PS3 that I've had for years, and, more importantly, much more of them and at a cheaper price.
Wii U is doing awful...blah blah blah broken record. The thing that should frighten Nintendo is that despite the supposed huge 3DS push this past holiday season they sold much fewer units in the US than last year and their numbers for software/hardware in Europe look dreadful as well. At what point do Nintendo need to wonder if the 'weak hardware wrapped around a single gimmick' approach is maybe not working outside of Japan? I wonder if despite killing off Wii support years ago we don't have big games right off the bat for the Wii U is because Nintendo found out the hard way that making HD games isn't easy.

I don't know about you, but it's hard for any company to ignore the success that philosophy has had. While the Wii U is obviously not succeeding in the UK, it's a stretch to call the 3DS and Wii U sales worldwide bad by any creative definition of the word.

Is there any one here actually kind of pleased to see the Wii U failing here?

Hear me out.

I've been a lifelong Nintendo gamer. Grew up on the things. Loved my SNES and was pretty much a fanboy through my teens, getting the N64 and GC when they came out.

But I've been completely dissatisfied with the direction they've taken with these Wii consoles and it's simply not what I wanted from a personal standpoint. I've always had other consoles, too, like PS1, PS2 and Dreamcast, but Nintendo was where it was always at for me. But since the release of the Wii, I've become completely dependent on my PS3 for the last 3-4 years. For me, it offers exactly what I want in terms of gaming.

I can't speak for everyone, and I suppose it's also a case of "why should Nintendo do what I want them to do?"... but for a guy that's grown up on Nintendo and was a fanboy for years, to now be in this case where I am sick of the poor direction they have gone with the Wii and Wii U, it's a real shame. I sort of want the Wii U to become a disaster in the hope that it might just give Nintendo a real kick up the bloody arse and get their act together. Again, I can't speak for all Nintendo fans, but I personally wish they would deliver like they used to. As it is, they've turned me, once a huge fan of Nintendo, completely away from them, and instead gets game time from their competitors. It almost feels like they don't give a shit about their older fans who grew up on them these days.

Does that make sense to any one? I know it sounds selfish. Just because I don't like the direction they've gone, why should they listen to me? But all I know is that they've turned a once-huge Nintendo fan away from them and will have a very hard time winning me over. There must be other once-Nintendo fans that feels similar?

And apologies if this has slightly gone off-topic. I will edit if I need to. Just wanted to get my frustration out.

Curious about two things.
(1) Ideally, what direction would you want to see Nintendo go;
(2) Baffled by your dislike of the Wii. The Wii was home to some of the best games Nintendo has ever made.


Case in point, how much did Sony and its first party struggle with making games for the PS3 this gen?

Last guardian? GT5? ... not all sony developers got a good experience working with ps3 ... almost all the "tech" involved in sony developments has been developed by their western studios. Santa monica, guerrilla, naughty dog and the "tech" group inside sony, the ice team.


Curious about two things.
(1) Ideally, what direction would you want to see Nintendo go;
(2) Baffled by your dislike of the Wii. The Wii was home to some of the best games Nintendo has ever made.

1) I think what I was hoping for before the Wii U came out was actually a true next gen console, and not a repeat of the Wii in the sense that it's a current gen console that will inevitably miss out on a lot of third party support in the coming years. I appreciate that it will get some unique games, just as the Wii did, but I've grown tired of a severe lack of games on Nintendo machines that don't match up to the quality of days gone by. I just don't see why they couldn't offer a console that stays competitive with the other consoles to keep those third party games coming, but still provide whatever innovate ideas Nintendo want to implement - motion, Miiverse, whatever. As it is, you're left waiting and waiting for the next first party or exclusive title to come along.

2) I don't deny the Wii has some great games. But best Nintendo has ever made? I'd be interested to hear some examples. I appreciate the Galaxy games were brilliant 3D platformers, of course. I love the Metroid Prime games, but felt MP3 wasn't as good as the GC ones. Zelda TP was a GC port. Skyward I loved at the time, but it still feels outdated and I have other issues with it. Zelda needs to evolve further. DKC Returns I had a good blast with. To be honest, drunk online Mario Kart was the most fun I had with the Wii. Only thing lacking there was voice chat. But I can't think of examples of the best games Nintendo has ever made... So I'd be grateful to hear your thoughts and see if I agree.
2) I don't deny the Wii has some great games. But best Nintendo has ever made? I'd be interested to hear some examples. I appreciate the Galaxy games were brilliant 3D platformers, of course. I love the Metroid Prime games, but felt MP3 wasn't as good as the GC ones. Zelda TP was a GC port. Skyward I loved at the time, but it still feels outdated and I have other issues with it. Zelda needs to evolve further. DKC Returns I had a good blast with. To be honest, drunk online Mario Kart was the most fun I had with the Wii. Only thing lacking there was voice chat. But I can't think of examples of the best games Nintendo has ever made... So I'd be grateful to hear your thoughts and see if I agree.

I never got into the Galaxy games, but as a reference point, I want to share that 2002-2003 was the lowest opinion I ever had of Nintendo, and I was quite disgruntled and displeased by their direction. Particularly Star Fox Adventures, which was a total piece of unplayable trash in my point of view.

Metroid Prime 3 blew me away, mostly due to the controls. It wasn't as good as MP1 maybe due to the novelty of MP1 at the time, but I enjoyed it very much.

I was shocked, and elated, that we got a sequel to Sin and Punishment. Really enjoyed that offering.

Mario Kart Wii in my opinion is the best Mario Kart, and revived my interest in that franchise after the disappointing Double Dash.

Smash Bros. Brawl was great. Not as good as Melee, but still a great game.

I loved Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, they are my favorite Zeldas after a Link to the Past.

Finally, Xenoblade is one of the greatest games I've ever played. I could gush on and on about Xenoblade.

In my view, the Wii was home to some of the best games Nintendo ever made.


I never got into the Galaxy games, but as a reference point, I want to share that 2002-2003 was the lowest opinion I ever had of Nintendo, and I was quite disgruntled and displeased by their direction. Particularly Star Fox Adventures, which was a total piece of unplayable trash in my point of view.

Metroid Prime 3 blew me away, mostly due to the controls. It wasn't as good as MP1 maybe due to the novelty of MP1 at the time, but I enjoyed it very much.

I was shocked, and elated, that we got a sequel to Sin and Punishment. Really enjoyed that offering.

Mario Kart Wii in my opinion is the best Mario Kart, and revived my interest in that franchise after the disappointing Double Dash.

Smash Bros. Brawl was great. Not as good as Melee, but still a great game.

I loved Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, they are my favorite Zeldas after a Link to the Past.

Finally, Xenoblade is one of the greatest games I've ever played. I could gush on and on about Xenoblade.

In my view, the Wii was home to some of the best games Nintendo ever made.

I still need to play Xenoblade, but I can take your word that is among the best on Wii, especially with what others say, too. Just need to find the urge to go through a long RPG again...

The other games are all very well and good. Even if I don't think they're the best games ever, they're still high quality games and certainly rank highly with what's on the Wii.

But there's not an awful lot else aside from these main Nintendo titles. This is becoming the problem for me, since there's just not as big a variety of choice as on other consoles. What I'll just end up doing is waiting and waiting for these big Nintendo games to come out before I buy a Wii U, which will by then, hopefully be at a cheap price that warrants it.

But I realise I should probably stop moaning about it because I get my gaming fix with PlayStation these days. Why do I care that the Wii U might have no games worth buying? I'm probably still stuck in the past and thinking about the times I loved getting new Nintendo consoles that usually had enough to satisfy me. But it's just the sign of the times that I've changed and Nintendo games don't appeal to me any more. I suppose I just feel that it's a shame that Nintendo consoles aren't my consoles of choice any more, after being glued to them for so many years.


I still need to play Xenoblade, but I can take your word that is among the best on Wii, especially with what others say, too. Just need to find the urge to go through a long RPG again...

The other games are all very well and good. Even if I don't think they're the best games ever, they're still high quality games and certainly rank highly with what's on the Wii.

But there's not an awful lot else aside from these main Nintendo titles. This is becoming the problem for me, since there's just not as big a variety of choice as on other consoles. What I'll just end up doing is waiting and waiting for these big Nintendo games to come out before I buy a Wii U, which will by then, hopefully be at a cheap price that warrants it.

But I realise I should probably stop moaning about it because I get my gaming fix with PlayStation these days. Why do I care that the Wii U might have no games worth buying? I'm probably still stuck in the past and thinking about the times I loved getting new Nintendo consoles that usually had enough to satisfy me. But it's just the sign of the times that I've changed and Nintendo games don't appeal to me any more. I suppose I just feel that it's a shame that Nintendo consoles aren't my consoles of choice any more, after being glued to them for so many years.

+1 for the most part except I still like the fact that they are going to make AAA 3D platformer with some screamingly difficult optional levels, which afaik nobody else will ever do.


Not sure whether this was posted already, but here is the list for 2012's best selling games in the UK.

1. CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS II – Activision Blizzard
2. FIFA 13 – Electronic Arts
4. HALO 4 – Microsoft
6. JUST DANCE 4 – Ubisoft
7. FAR CRY 3 – Ubisoft
8. FIFA 12 – Electronic Arts
9. THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM – Bethesda Softworks
10. BORDERLANDS 2 – 2K Games
11. MASS EFFECT 3 – Electronic Arts
13. NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED – Electronic Arts
14. FIFA STREET – Electronic Arts
16. SKYLANDERS GIANTS – Activision Blizzard
17. BATTLEFIELD 3 – Electronic Arts
18. CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 3 – Activision Blizzard
19. MAX PAYNE 3 – Rockstar
20. SLEEPING DOGS – Square Enix
21. RESIDENT EVIL 6 – Capcom
24. DISHONORED – Bethesda Softworks
25. WWE ‘13 – THQ
27. FORZA MOTORSPORT 4 – Microsoft
28. NEW SUPER MARIO BROS 2 – Nintendo
29. MEDAL OF HONOR: WARFIGHTER – Electronic Arts
31. JUST DANCE 3 – Ubisoft
32. MARIO KART 7 – Nintendo
33. F1 2012 – Codemasters
34. BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY – Warner Bros
35. FOOTBALL MANAGER 2013 – Sega
36. SUPER MARIO 3D LAND – Nintendo
37. FORZA HORIZON – Microsoft
39. SKYLANDERS: SPYRO’S ADVENTURE – Activision Blizzard
41. SNIPER ELITE V2 – 505 Games
43. RAYMAN ORIGINS – Ubisoft
44. FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 – Square Enix
46. ZUMBA FITNESS – 505 Games
47. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN – Activision Blizzard
49. LEGO PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN – Disney Interactive
50. SSX – Electronic Arts
51. KINECT STAR WARS – Microsoft
52. TIGER WOODS PGA TOUR 13 – Electronic Arts
54. THE SIMS 3 – Electronic Arts
55. ZUMBA FITNESS 2 – 505 Games
56. CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS – Activision Blizzard
57. NEED FOR SPEED: THE RUN – Electronic Arts
58. PROTOTYPE 2 – Activision Blizzard
59. DIABLO III – Activision Blizzard
60. MARIO KART WII Nintendo
61. RAGE – Bethesda Softworks
63. WWE ‘12 – THQ
64. CARS 2 – Disney Interactive
66. PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2013 – Konami
67. SKATE 3 – Electronic Arts
69. FOOTBALL MANAGER 2012 – Sega
73. LEGO HARRY POTTER: YEARS 1-4 – Warner Bros
74. MARIO PARTY 9 – Nintendo
75. KINECT SPORTS – Microsoft
76. F1 2011 – Codemasters
78. GRAN TURISMO 5 – Sony
81. GRAND THEFT AUTO IV – Rockstar
83. ANGRY BIRDS TRILOGY – Activision Blizzard
88. TOY STORY 3 – Disney Interactive
89. GUILD WARS 2 – NCSoft
90. THE SIMS 3: PETS – Electronic Arts
91. UNCHARTED: GOLDEN ABYSS – Sony Computer Ent
92. DOOM 3: BFG EDITION – Bethesda Softworks
93. ROCKSMITH – Ubisoft
95. WII FIT PLUS – Nintendo
97. DANCE CENTRAL 2 – Microsoft
98. DIRT SHOWDOWN – Codemasters
99. 007 LEGENDS – Activision Blizzard


Based on Anarchy Reigns, this week the bottom of the UK individual formats is probably somewhere between 1-1.5K.

Damn. I wonder how satisfied the third party publishers are with the software performance on wiiu. Especially I wonder what Ubi thinks of the zombiU performance
But there's not an awful lot else aside from these main Nintendo titles. This is becoming the problem for me, since there's just not as big a variety of choice as on other consoles. What I'll just end up doing is waiting and waiting for these big Nintendo games to come out before I buy a Wii U, which will by then, hopefully be at a cheap price that warrants it.

But I realise I should probably stop moaning about it because I get my gaming fix with PlayStation these days. Why do I care that the Wii U might have no games worth buying? I'm probably still stuck in the past and thinking about the times I loved getting new Nintendo consoles that usually had enough to satisfy me. But it's just the sign of the times that I've changed and Nintendo games don't appeal to me any more. I suppose I just feel that it's a shame that Nintendo consoles aren't my consoles of choice any more, after being glued to them for so many years.

Yeah I guess I'm operating under the assumption that most of us own multiple consoles or PCs.

I didn't pick up a Wii until 2009, had a great time catching up with the backlog, so I don't really associate it with the negative memories that you seem to (justifiably) attach to the droughts.


An blind dancing ho
Not sure whether this was posted already, but here is the list for 2012's best selling games in the UK.


there is a thread (Clay Davis)

FIFA 12 and 13 lol. FIFA 11 shoulda been there too for lulz.

here is the funny thing.

2. FIFA 13 – Electronic Arts
8. FIFA 12 – Electronic Arts
14. FIFA STREET – Electronic Arts
66. PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2013 – Konami

PES was the "king" of last gen.
If it's pulling low thousands in terms of HW, I'm curious whether the Wii U has reached 100K yet in the UK. (Any LTD hints?)

From what I can surmise the Wii U is selling even worse in the UK than the XBOX 360 did in Japan at launch. Which is something of an achievement I guess...

Wii U < 100k.


Ouch. Seems that could indeed be worse than the 360 managed in Japan (to start with).

Yep, just digged out an article on the first month or so of Xbox 360 Japanese sales figures.


The Xbox 360 went on sale in Japan on December 10. Just over 62,000 consoles were snapped up in the first two days after launch, but sales then slowed and by January 15 only 107,800 units had been purchased. Worryingly for Microsoft, the original Xbox - which never succeeded in capturing a substantial share of the Japanese market - performed somewhat better, with almost 124,000 units sold in the first three days after launch.


I don't know about you, but it's hard for any company to ignore the success that philosophy has had. While the Wii U is obviously not succeeding in the UK, it's a stretch to call the 3DS and Wii U sales worldwide bad by any creative definition of the word.

Curious about two things.
(1) Ideally, what direction would you want to see Nintendo go;
(2) Baffled by your dislike of the Wii. The Wii was home to some of the best games Nintendo has ever made.

You are right, I'd call the WiiU worldwide sales atrocious.

Regarding the Wii design philosophy, it should be noted that the specific philosophy resulted in a reduced shelf life (of 4 years) and one of the key factors for success was the reasonable entry price.


To be fair, hardware sales in Japan are generally twice as big as in the UK.

Not to mention digital sales.

Vita launch week numbers were greater than WiiU launch numbers in the UK. That's saying something!
To be fair, hardware sales in Japan are generally twice as big as in the UK.

Not to mention digital sales.

I'll need to double check tomorrow, but I think Wii U will be the slowest to 100k in the UK when it reaches it on current trends.

It is doing very poorly in the country. The attach ratio is also very, very poor.
Wii U software reminds me of sales of lesser 3rd party PS3 launch titles, I seem to recall something selling 17 copies or so and UKResistance or Digitiser going crazy about it.
Is there any one here actually kind of pleased to see the Wii U failing here?

Hear me out.

I've been a lifelong Nintendo gamer. Grew up on the things. Loved my SNES and was pretty much a fanboy through my teens, getting the N64 and GC when they came out.

But I've been completely dissatisfied with the direction they've taken with these Wii consoles and it's simply not what I wanted from a personal standpoint. I've always had other consoles, too, like PS1, PS2 and Dreamcast, but Nintendo was where it was always at for me. But since the release of the Wii, I've become completely dependent on my PS3 for the last 3-4 years. For me, it offers exactly what I want in terms of gaming.

I can't speak for everyone, and I suppose it's also a case of "why should Nintendo do what I want them to do?"... but for a guy that's grown up on Nintendo and was a fanboy for years, to now be in this case where I am sick of the poor direction they have gone with the Wii and Wii U, it's a real shame. I sort of want the Wii U to become a disaster in the hope that it might just give Nintendo a real kick up the bloody arse and get their act together. Again, I can't speak for all Nintendo fans, but I personally wish they would deliver like they used to. As it is, they've turned me, once a huge fan of Nintendo, completely away from them, and instead gets game time from their competitors. It almost feels like they don't give a shit about their older fans who grew up on them these days.

Does that make sense to any one? I know it sounds selfish. Just because I don't like the direction they've gone, why should they listen to me? But all I know is that they've turned a once-huge Nintendo fan away from them and will have a very hard time winning me over. There must be other once-Nintendo fans that feels similar?

And apologies if this has slightly gone off-topic. I will edit if I need to. Just wanted to get my frustration out.
No, but most of the people that are happy it's failing wouldn't give a single fuck if Nintendo went out of business.
I'll need to double check tomorrow, but I think Wii U will be the slowest to 100k in the UK when it reaches it on current trends.

It is doing very poorly in the country. The attach ratio is also very, very poor.

Damn. I figured for sure it had at least hit 100k through the holidays.


Is there any one here actually kind of pleased to see the Wii U failing here?

Hear me out.

I've been a lifelong Nintendo gamer. Grew up on the things. Loved my SNES and was pretty much a fanboy through my teens, getting the N64 and GC when they came out.

But I've been completely dissatisfied with the direction they've taken with these Wii consoles and it's simply not what I wanted from a personal standpoint. I've always had other consoles, too, like PS1, PS2 and Dreamcast, but Nintendo was where it was always at for me. But since the release of the Wii, I've become completely dependent on my PS3 for the last 3-4 years. For me, it offers exactly what I want in terms of gaming.

I can't speak for everyone, and I suppose it's also a case of "why should Nintendo do what I want them to do?"... but for a guy that's grown up on Nintendo and was a fanboy for years, to now be in this case where I am sick of the poor direction they have gone with the Wii and Wii U, it's a real shame. I sort of want the Wii U to become a disaster in the hope that it might just give Nintendo a real kick up the bloody arse and get their act together. Again, I can't speak for all Nintendo fans, but I personally wish they would deliver like they used to. As it is, they've turned me, once a huge fan of Nintendo, completely away from them, and instead gets game time from their competitors. It almost feels like they don't give a shit about their older fans who grew up on them these days.

Does that make sense to any one? I know it sounds selfish. Just because I don't like the direction they've gone, why should they listen to me? But all I know is that they've turned a once-huge Nintendo fan away from them and will have a very hard time winning me over. There must be other once-Nintendo fans that feels similar?

And apologies if this has slightly gone off-topic. I will edit if I need to. Just wanted to get my frustration out.

Yep, it makes sense and largely describes my gaming history as well. I just don't think Nintendo see it as a possibility to compete with the same hardware that Sony and MS are putting out there and after their success with the wii, I doubt they will try for a while. I don't want to see them fail as I'd love for them to carry on putting out their games of course, I'm just disappointed they haven't improved enough..it's too little change for me to justify buying into again.


Yep, it makes sense and largely describes my gaming history as well. I just don't think Nintendo see it as a possibility to compete with the same hardware that Sony and MS are putting out there and after their success with the wii, I doubt they will try for a while. I don't want to see them fail as I'd love for them to carry on putting out their games of course, I'm just disappointed they haven't improved enough..it's too little change for me to justify buying into again.

Indeed. The ideal scenario for me would be for Nintendo to go third party. I don't think their stubbornness would ever let them do that, but I think I'd have more respect for them if they took that path than they kept churning out shoddy hardware and ignoring their fans.

I would obviously not want them to have a hard time as third party, like SEGA has had trouble since going that way, but if they could do it and have a good business whilst really concentrating on their games for other platforms, that would be brilliant. Hell, become a Sony second party - that would be amazing.

But that's fantasy land, and will never happen.

But I'm pleased to see people confirming my beliefs - that there are a lot of people that used to love Nintendo and played their games, but have since abandoned them in favour of other consoles because they don't offer what they want any more. And despite all the BS Reggie comes out with, they will never get all of those fans back if they keep putting out under performing hardware with little third party support.

Or maybe it is as we've said elsewhere - we've simply grown up.
Wanting Nintendo to go third party is stupid, sorry but it is.
There's no justification for that unless you hate them.
What if you want to be wowed the first time you laid eyes on a new Mario or Zelda or Metroid, like back in N64 or Game cube days, rather than simply thinking 'nice art style but I wish it was on modern hardware'? 3rd party is the only way we will ever again see a Nintendo game using the latest graphics/ physics etc technology.


Wanting Nintendo to go third party is stupid, sorry but it is.
There's no justification for that unless you hate them.

That's interesting. To assume I would hate a games company I've been playing its consoles of for my whole life is pretty stupid.

Relax, it's just a fantasy. I don't see what harm it does to wonder what it would be like to play Zelda on PlayStation. No need to flip over it.

What if you want to be wowed the first time you laid eyes on a new Mario or Zelda or Metroid, like back in N64 or Game cube days, rather than simply thinking 'nice art style but I wish it was on modern hardware'? 3rd party is the only way we will ever again see a Nintendo game using the latest graphics/ physics etc technology.

And this is the case. The next Zelda and Metroid will undoubtedly look great and should hopefully allow for a lot more than we got on Wii and GameCube. But I could have already had that if Nintendo allowed it. I'm sure that once I experience the next gen of games I'll be wanting to play Zelda and Metroid with those leaps, too. Yet I won't be able to.
That's interesting. To assume I would hate a games company I've playing its consoles of for my whole life is pretty stupid.

Relax, it's just a fantasy. I don't see what harm it does to wonder what it would be like to play Zelda on PlayStation. No need to flip over it.
Didn't really mean to say you hate them, but it's still ridiculous to want them to go third party.


Didn't really mean to say you hate them, but it's still ridiculous to want them to go third party.

I honestly can't see why, personally. Because it seems odd, perhaps? The same way it was odd to think of SEGA going third party?

Nintendo are having a torrid time as a console-making company in recent times, and I think it's very fair for people to start imagining them having a better time as a games-only maker.
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