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Paper Mario: Color Splash Review Thread


Some of these reviews feel a bit like the writers wanted something of the quality of the last 3 games but simply compromised.

"It's better than nothing!"

Really the writing is good but the story isn't even entertaining.

In esscence the older games had:

More variety in characters.
More characterization.
A more connected story.
Deeper customization in battle system.
More complex battle system.

These new games have:



To be fair, there are a couple of 7s and a 6 among all the 8s.

EDIT: Not ragging on the game, but I understand if one sees the receptiom as "pretty good" as opposed to "fantastic".
So, it's Sticker Star with good writing, an actual story and gameplay enhancements?

Sounds awesome. Mario and Luigi takes a warm dump on Paper Mario in the "is this a good RPG" department anyway. I hope they take out battles entirely for the next outing and focus on making it the best adventure game that they can.

To be fair, there are a couple of 7s and a 6 among all the 8s.

Gameinformer's Paper Mario TTYD Review: 6.75


So what sales number does Color Splash need to achieve to be considered a success?

This IS Wii U we are talking about so I honestly have no idea.
Who knows, depend on Nintendo expectation.

I'd say if it achieve roughly the same as the first Paper Mario (also hurt by being released very late) then it did quite good.

Mory Dunz

Who knows, depend on Nintendo expectation.

I'd say if it achieve roughly the same as the first Paper Mario (also hurt by being released very late) then it did quite good.

I don't have your thread pulled up atm, but I don't even see this breaking 1 mil. Japan and Europe won't help much I feel.


Nice. I kind of wish the battle system was like in the second game though, it was simple, but had a lot more weight to it. Even just badges returning would be great. Something like passive stickers that would take space but give more attack power/hp, etc as long as you kept them on the book.


Been reasonably happy with the reviews, even if it's clear hasn't completely eliminated Sticker Star's issues. The game sure is pretty!...

...but that said, 30fps after Thousand Year Door and Super Paper Mario's rock solid 60 is really disappointing =/


Been reasonably happy with the reviews, even if it's clear hasn't completely eliminated Sticker Star's issues. The game sure is pretty!...

...but that said, 30fps after Thousand Year Door and Super Paper Mario's rock solid 60 is really disappointing =/

I thought it was silky-smooth 60 FPS though? Many videos of it support that framerate.
I'm surprised the reviews are what they are given how frustrated and almost inconsolable Dan Ryckert was on the G-bombcast this week.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Well that gives me some more faith.

Yeah, Andrè has mentioned several times how he didn't like Sticker Star that much (and I'm probably using an euphemism here), but here...he really liked it a lot, going by the review. Big difference.


Good to see lot's of 8s and even a 9+ there! Seems this game ended up being better than we expected and not just Sticker Star 2.0. Can't wait to play it! Wii U's last big exclusive can you believe it? :'(


Who claimed it as the end all be all?


I was just saying that I can understand if one isn't so enthused as to call the reception "fantastic" if they considered the lower scores.

I mean, I'd disagree with them - Andre's Gamexplain review is excellent when you consider how much he hates Sticker Star for instance - but fair enough.




At least the lower games sales will be attributed to the the fact that is a game on the horrible underperforming Wii U.

Oh well, kind of excited to try it after I finish Tokyo Mirage Sessions since I really loved Sticker Star =3
I'll pick it up later, no way im paying $60 for a Paper Mario with little to none RPG elements, ive made that mistake before.


I don't have your thread pulled up atm, but I don't even see this breaking 1 mil. Japan and Europe won't help much I feel.
The only hope this game has is to be recognized as THE Mario game for this holiday season by Nintendo fans and hping that most of the WiiU userbase isn't inactive yet (that is doesn't play or buy games for WiiU anymore).

Mory Dunz

The only hope this game has is to be recognized as the Mario game for this holiday season by Nintendo fans and that most WiiU userbase isn't inactive yet (that is doesn't play or buy games for WiiU anymore).

Yeah, I could maybe see a holiday "resurgence" in Nov, Dec in NA. Which would help. But again, don't see it re entering any charts in JP and Europe after launch. There's no bundles currently iirc
Lots more 8s than expected! :O

Looking forward to getting it this weekend :)

Yeah, doing a bit better than I expected. Sadly, don't have a wii u and with Nx just a few months away, I'd rather hold onto the hope that this game will be ported there, than buy a console which overall has not enough software (to my liking) to justify a purchase.
Unless there is firesale on wii u when Nx comes out and can be had for under £100 with a game.


Visuals, music and writing can be plenty enough to hold up a game, it's just a matter of how much does the supposedly unimpressive gameplay get in the way of the positives. Like I said before I look forward to renting this. Though people do seem to enjoy the exploration and puzzle element so there's some stuff in there, and a couple people praise some elements of the combat so it'll be interesting to see for myself.


"The original game and its sequel, Thousand Year Door, are well-loved by the crowd of Nintendo faithful, but more recent experimentation with the series in Wii’s Super Paper Mario and, especially, 3DS’ Sticker Star have not been met with high praise." -NintendoWorldReport

Super Paper Mario has a 85 metascore and you guys gave it a 9 darnit X(

I appreciate you SPM.

Just a reminder: Sticker Star got positive reviews as well.

Not saying that reviews shouldn't be trusted in this case, reviewers are calling it an improvement over SS after all. But I'm not any less skeptical about this game than I was before.

Well it'd be good to read the content of the reviews and watch some gameplay footage. There should be plenty enough out there to make an informed decision.
Expecting a lot of 7s and 8s.
Basically, a nice little game, with good aspects but nothing mindblowing.

Except that's not what a lot of the reviews actually say. Several of them gush over the game. You can not simply look at the numbers and then write your own sentence describing the game's worth.


dang really?
720p I'm assuming?

Huh... this is the first I'm hearing of that.

I guess not a big deal but... I'm surprised.

I only said that because some gameplay I've seen wasn't in 60fps...so it very well might be :p

Yeah, doing a bit better than I expected. Sadly, don't have a wii u and with Nx just a few months away, I'd rather hold onto the hope that this game will be ported there, than buy a console which overall has not enough software (to my liking) to justify a purchase.
Unless there is firesale on wii u when Nx comes out and can be had for under £100 with a game.

Yeah Wii Us should be cheaper in the near future so waiting it out may not be a bad idea. I doubt it'll get ported to NX for some reason.
It's still not a Paper Mario that should have been made.

Paper Mario is an RPG series. Period.

Except it hasn't been for over 10 years. That is more than half of the series' existence. And with the release of Color Splash, more than half of the games in the series are not RPG's.
Posted in the preloaded thread, but I guess we moved here so:

Read some of the reviews, seems like a nice game to play. Going to keep my preorder and dive in Friday night.

The only real disappointment for me is the lack of unique characters. I do not want to meet 50 of the same-ish Toads
Except it hasn't been for over 10 years. That is more than half of the series' existence. And with the release of Color Splash, more than half of the games in the series are not RPG's.
Sounds like Star Fox where everyone wanted it to be like the first two games, but Nintendo wouldn't keep it like that
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