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Parks and Rec is the GOAT (spoilers)

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It was a great feel-good show, but there were times in the last few seasons where it really began to feel too sickly-sweet. Like, where other sitcoms get ridiculous in the lengths they go to extend plot-lines and create contrived problems, it seemed like Parks and Rec just went to the opposite end where so many things would go right. Maybe that was just my perception, but ¯|_(ツ)_|¯


Season 1 Tom >

His character was so much funnier before he became the swagged out parody of himself. I still thought he was ridiculously funny in seasons 2 - 6, but season 1 with all his political maneuvering was great.

Brendanaquitz didnt bother me at all, he wasnt as good a character as Ben but still not a chore. He didnt bring the show down like a lot of people say. He was just a week Jim Knock off.

April, not including Leslie, was my favorite character but they changed her up too much over the course of the series and I felt like they were really forcing her "Aprilness" starting with the Trial of Leslie Knope.

I also really liked season 1. The commercials for it seemed so funny when they first started promoing the show. I was an Amy Pohler fan to begin with so I was gonna watch it anyway.

Andy. So glad he stayed in the cast and wasnt just a season 1 story arc like they originally planned. Pratt is now one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Hell always be Andy Dwyer though...and Burt Maclin.

Ron fucking Swanson. No other words needed.

Its tough to put any show over Parks but for me its:
Trailer Park Boys
British and US The Office
30 Rock
and then Parks

They are all really on the same level but thats where Ill rank them.

I cant say enough good things about the show and find it hard to say anything bad. Wish it was still on.

Winter John

I enjoyed the first 4 seasons but it really went downhill around the middle of season 5 and overstayed it's welcome. I was amazed to discover they'd actually made a 7th season. God knows how bad that must be.
I enjoyed it until near the closing seasons when it was just CONSTANT relationship nonsense. Killed the feel good whacky vibes it gave me earlier on.


Loved it. Loved it loved it loved it. It got a little too weird in the finale in my opinion, but whenever they got back to the characters and grounded it I thought it was incredible and hilarious.

RIP Harris. You made me laugh the most.


Junior Member
That's a weird way of spelling Trailer Park Boys.

Check TPB OP, btw, if you love mockumentaries like these, you'll love the boys.
Brendanawicz tarnished the first couple of seasons, and Parks' first season was really rough on its own. I think some of the later stuff veered off as well, although I definitely agree with you that the show always cheered me up. Side characters were great too, from Perd to Ron's ex-wife to Jamm..
I love Brendanawicz. He serves as a great anchor in a cast full of silly characters. They're all great in their own way. Unfortunately, a character like Brendanawicz is exactly what I wanted in the last few seasons when they show turned into a full blown over-the-top circus.


As far as live action comedies, I go Seinfeld > Cheers > 30 Rock for top 3.

I love Parks and Rec, but it goes downhill for me after season 4
Let me just get it out of the way that Archer is the GOAT (although, I pretend Season 5 doesn't exist).

See, and this is why 30 Rock is the real GOAT. With other shows, you have to pretend certain segments don't exist so that you can argue the series is always quality, but with 30 Rock, it IS always quality. Every single season.
That's not how you spell 30 Rock



Parks and Rec is certainly Top Tier, but it's not quite the GOAT. That title is reserved for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the only live action sitcom to be consistently genius for 10 seasons. That said, Parks is great for completely different reasons, it's probably the most charming sitcom there is.

In terms of modern American sitcoms, here's how I rank them:

It's Always Sunny > Parks and Rec = 30 Rock > Curb Your Enthusiasm > Community > The Office


Nothing! I said nothing!
I've given up trying to rank TV shows. P&R is brilliant.

I have a running joke with my wife (only I find it funny) where I will use the Ron line "I think if you would know one thing about me, it would be that I prefer laying wreaths to lighting torches" about anything. Cracks me up every time.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Watched the first season and thought it was terrible. Can't stand this post-Office fake documentary crap, especially when it doesn't even TRY to operate within the confines of being an actual documentary.


I thought season one was bad when it first aired but I've since watched it again and It's very good. I've watched all of the seasons about four times now and it never gets old. I loved 30 Rock when it aired but much like Seinfeld I find it to be unwatchable now.


It's my favorite too. So smart, so positive. You can tell that a lot of care and love went into that show. It never fails to cheer me up.


Junior, please.
Brendanawicz tarnished the first couple of seasons, and Parks' first season was really rough on its own. I think some of the later stuff veered off as well, although I definitely agree with you that the show always cheered me up. Side characters were great too, from Perd to Ron's ex-wife to Jamm.

I actually put off watching the series finale for a couple of weeks because I didn't want the show to end.

This is pretty much how I feel!

Mark killed every scene he was in stone dead. Those episodes are hard to go back and watch now. It does always cheer me up though, it's such a jolly, uplifting show. And I would totally date Leslie Knope.

I wouldn't say it's the GOAT, I wouldn't even put it in my top 3, but I do love it. It might sneak into the top 5 on a good day. But as someone else said, ranking shows is getting harder and harder.

Top 3 for those interested:
1.) Peep Show
2.) 30 Rock
3.) The Office


It's definitely one of my favorites in recent memory. I'm not even in the "First season was bad" camp. It wasn't as good as the other seasons, but it was fun, better than a lot of other tv comedies.

I felt the last 2 seasons were really strong. Also, Parks and Rec gave us Andy.


Brendanawicz tarnished the first couple of seasons
I think Brendanawicz is underrated. I loved how 'normal' he was in all the craziness surrounding him. I also think it's weird how literally everyone forgot about him the moment he left the show.


I may give this show a watch after Seinfeld.
It's high time I found out what makes Ron Swanson so..GIFable.


It's a good show with a lot of heart and a talented cast, but it's also seriously uneven and descends into caricature of itself within the last several seasons. Both Pawnee the city and the characters lost their groundedness. A real case of writers chasing what resonated with fans and so losing a sense of balance, which is a common problem with comedy shows. Just speaking personally, it'd make my top 20 comedies on TV, but not my top 10, and certainly not a top 10 including dramas.

This is pretty much how I felt about the show.

I really enjoyed it at first but as it went on it fell into the same trap that many other shows do, where the characters have some of their defining charms cranked up as high as possible. It got to the point where I started to dislike Leslie, Ron, April, and Andy.
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