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Party like its 1960! The police of the town of the Jena Six are gigantic racists

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Drug bust or racist revenge?
By: Jordan Flaherty, Contributing Writer
Posted: Monday, May 17, 2010 11:36 am
While Jena Sheriff says he is trying to rid his community of drugs, critics accuse him of exacting revenge against Black residents.

At 4 a.m. on July 9, 2009, more than 150 officers from 10 different agencies gathered in a large barn just outside Jena, Louisiana. The day was the culmination of an investigation that Sheriff Scott Franklin said had been going on for nearly two years. Local media was invited, and a video of the Sheriff speaking to the rowdy gathering would later appear online.

The Sheriff called the mobilization "Operation Third Option," and he said it was about fighting drugs. However, community members say that Sheriff Franklin's actions are part of an orchestrated revenge for the local civil rights protests that won freedom for six Black high school students - known internationally as the Jena Six - who had been charged with attempted murder for a school fight.

One thing is clear: The Sheriff spent massive resources. Yet officers seized no contraband. Together with District Attorney Reed Walters, Sheriff Franklin has said he is seeking maximum penalties for people charged with small-time offenses. Further, in a parish that is 85 percent white, his actions have almost exclusively targeted African Americans.

Downtown Baghdad

According to a report from Alexandria's Town Talk newspaper, LaSalle Parish Sheriff Scott Franklin prepared the assembled crowd for a violent day. "This is serious business what we're fixing to do," said Sheriff Franklin. "If you think this is a training exercise or if you think these are good old boys from redneck country and we're just going to good-old-boy them into handcuffs, you're wrong. These people have nothing to lose. And they know the stakes are high."

"It's going to be like Baghdad out in this community at 5 a.m.," he continued dramatically, explaining that their target was 37-year-old Darren DeWayne Brown, who owns a barbershop - one of the only Black-owned businesses in town - and his "lieutenants," who Franklin said supplied 80 percent of the narcotics for three parishes. "Let me put it to you this way," declared the Sheriff, "When the man says, 'We don't sell dope today,' dope won't get sold."

Sheriff Franklin said that option one is for drug dealers and users to quit, option two is to move, and option three is to spend the rest of their lives in prison. And this day was all about option three. "They will get put in handcuffs, put behind bars today and never see the light of day again unless they are going out on the playground in prison," he boasted.

At the end of the day, a dozen people were arrested on charges that ranged from contempt of court to distribution of marijuana, hydrocodone, or cocaine. Despite catching the accused residents by surprise with early morning raids, during which doors were battered down by SWAT teams while a helicopter hovered overhead and then search teams were brought in to take houses and businesses apart, no drugs or other physical evidence were retrieved.

All evidence in the cases comes from the testimony of 23-year-old Evan Brown of Jena, who also wore a hidden camera during the investigation that parish officials have said provides powerful visual evidence. "We're completely satisfied with the results," said LaSalle Sheriff's Department Narcotic Chief Robert Terral, who refused further comment on the operation.

LaSalle Parish is a politically conservative enclave located in northwest Louisiana. Former Klansman David Duke received a solid majority of local votes when he ran for governor in 1991-in fact, he received a higher percentage of votes in LaSalle Parish than in any other part of the state.

The parish became famous in 2007 for the case of the Jena Six. In demonstrations that were called the birth of a 21st- century civil rights movement, an estimated 50,000 people marched in Jena. They were protesting a pattern of systemic racism and discriminatory prosecutions. All six youths, who once faced life in prison, are now either enrolled in college or are on their way.

The Sheriff told the Jena Times that he began preparing for Operation Third Option in November of 2007, less than two months after the historic protests.

A Terrifying Morning

Catrina Wallace, 29, was sleeping in her bed with her youngest child when her door was broken down and she awoke to the feeling of a gun to her head. When she opened her eyes, her small home was filled with police. "I never seen that many police at one time," she recalled. "Everywhere I looked all I saw was police. There were six or seven just in my bedroom." She says police pointed guns at her small children and wouldn't let her comfort them.

Catrina Wallace is the sister of Robert Bailey, one of the Jena Six. Along with her mother, Caseptla Bailey, she was one of the leaders of the campaign to free the accused youths, and she organized meetings and protests for months. Wallace says her political activism made her a target. "I'm a freedom fighter," she says. "I fight for people's rights. I've never been in trouble."

As with every other house raided that day, the police found no drugs in Wallace's home. According to Wallace, police initially claimed they found marijuana on her kitchen table, :lol :lol but later discovered that they had collected broccoli stems,:lol :lol left over from dinner the previous night.

Despite the lack of evidence, and the fact that she has lived her whole life in Jena and is raising three small children, she was held for a $150,000 cash-only bond. Her car, a 1999 Mitsubishi Gallant, was also seized by police, who continue to hold it in an impound lot. If she wants it back, Catrina will have to pay $12 a day to the lot for every day since it was seized, in July of last year - an amount already larger than the value of the car.

Tasered and Traumatized

Samuel Howard was sleeping in his bed, naked, when police broke down his door at 5 a.m. Howard says police tasered him three times, twice in the back and once in his arm, and pointed guns at his three kids. They took him out of his house still naked, and brought him to a baseball field, along with the other arrestees from that day. There, he says he spent another hour without any clothes, standing with the other arrestees, until police brought him an orange jailhouse jumper.

"They treated us like we was hardcore killers," says Howard, who says that in a small town like Jena where everyone knows each other, such violent tactics are uncalled for. "The sheriff knows me," he says. "We went to school together. He knows I'm not a violent person."

Howard is being charged with three counts of distribution of cocaine. His trial is scheduled for May 24 (Catrina Wallace's is scheduled for the same week). As with the other defendants, the only evidence against him is the testimony and video from the police informant. Howard, who has seen the evidence, says he is not implicated in the video.

His home was badly burned up that day, apparently from flares that police fired inside, and his windows were all destroyed. Howard, who does some auto repair work, says his four vehicles - including two older cars that don't run - were also seized by police.

Racially Motivated

Many of Jena's Black residents say that the town's white power structure - including the D.A., Sheriff and the editor of the local paper - wants revenge against Black people in town who stood up and fought against unjust charges. They complain that in a town that is mostly white, all but two of the people arrested were Black, and the only arrestees pictured in the town's paper were Black. The sheriff "just wants to humiliate people," says Caseptla Bailey, Wallace's mother. "Especially the African Americans."

The editor and publisher of the Jena Times, the town's only paper, is Sammy Franklin, who has owned the paper since 1968. His son is Sheriff Scott Franklin.

A white-owned store around the corner from the courthouse in downtown Jena sells T-shirts commemorating Operation Third Option, with a design of a person behind bars. Black residents of Jena say that an earlier version of the shirt featured a monkey behind bars. They say that white residents of Jena have gloated about the arrests.

Four of those arrested on that day have pled guilty. Chelsea Brown, who was arrested for contempt of court, received a sentence of 25 days. Devin Lofton, who pled guilty to conspiracy to distribute, received 10 years. Adrian Richardson, 34, who pled guilty on April 23 to two counts of distribution, received 25 years. Termaine Lee, a 22-year-old who had no previous record but faced six counts of distribution, received 20 years.

Some of the accused have hired attorneys, while others have had public defenders appointed. However, all involved say they doubt they can receive a fair trial in LaSalle. They say that white defendants with similar or worse charges received lower bonds, and face lesser sentences. "It's crooked," says Howard. "They ain't playing fair down here, that's all."

Marcus Jones, father of Mychal Bell, one of the Jena Six youths, doesn't mince words. "This is racially motivated," he says. "It's revenge."

He says that the problem is that while the Jena Six youths were freed, there were no consequences for the Sheriff or D.A. "Wouldn't none of this be going on if justice had been done the way it was supposed to have been," he says.

Jones was not among those arrested, but in a small town like Jena, he knows everyone involved. He says he was shocked at the resources the police brought in. "Why did you need helicopters and military weapons?" he asks. "I could see it if you were going to arrest Noriega or the Mafia, but these are people with kids in their homes. The Sheriff's Department never had any violent run-ins with any of these people."

Jones believes the entire campaign by Sheriff Franklin has been a gesture of asserting control over the Black community, and he calls for a federal investigation of the Sheriff's department and D.A.

Samuel Howard says that now he mostly stays home with his three kids, ages 12, 14, and 15. He's afraid of the Sheriff's office arresting him if he leaves the house, and he wants to stay close to his kids, who were traumatized by his arrest. "It scared them to death," he says. "They still talk about it to this day."

"They know they're wrong," said Howard, referring to the Sheriff and D.A. "You can't tell me they don't know."


Well god damn. Sometimes theres borderline police brutality, sometimes theres questionable corruption, sometimes you wonder whether the police let race determine their actions.

And then sometimes you don't wonder at all because this is the biggest bunch of racist pieces of shit that I have ever seen engaged in the most blatant intimidation campaign since Jim Crow.

The only thing missing is a fucking lynching!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Just don't videotape them, ok? These officers are under a lot of stress.

Eteric Rice

Wanted to post this yesterday, but I have no posting privelages. :(

I live in Louisiana, but I've never been to that part. We're not all racist, guys. :(


listen to the mad man
Inflammable Slinky said:
The only thing missing is a fucking lynching!

... you do know that the jena six thing flared up as a result of white students hanging nooses from a tree at the local school, right?
Eteric Rice said:
Wanted to post this yesterday, but I have no posting privelages. :(

I live in Louisiana, but I've never been to that part. We're not all racist, guys. :(
Then there are many racist over there?


This is the reason why we need the right to video tape cops....

and have Miranda Rights back to it's original state.

This sh*t is unacceptable on so many levels. It's incredible how small town sheriffs can still abuse power without anyone putting him in check.


Cops are never wrong. You know how much stress they are under? Racism is the U.S is long gone guys. I'm sure all those people arrested by the police are criminals. Nope, cops are never wrong.


Junior Member
What lawyer or public defender would allow their clients to plead guilty in a case like this? It almost guarantees that these cops are going to get away with it. If you're not selling drugs, then fight the charges.

Also, I don't get how a cop can go arrest someone for contempt of court. I thought that was something a judge charges people with while they are acting out in court.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Devin Lofton, who pled guilty to conspiracy to distribute, received 10 years. Adrian Richardson, 34, who pled guilty on April 23 to two counts of distribution, received 25 years. Termaine Lee, a 22-year-old who had no previous record but faced six counts of distribution, received 20 years.

those are pretty incredible sentences


Unconfirmed Member
Kinda related story:

Last year the police in Portland, Oregon launched an "anti-gang" enforcement campaign that was explicitly based on racial profiling. Like, they straight up said it's official procedure to randomly stop black kids on the street, question them, and force them to show their IDs. WTF.

And here's a quote from a recent Portland Police Bureau newsletter, in regards to recent police murders (three of the four people mentioned in the beginning are black):

"...Chasse, James, Mejia-Poot, and Campbell will be a list that continues to grow. That growth will not occur because police are doing something wrong. Two disastrous ideas are at work. The first is the 60s radical idea of the right to 'question authority.' The second idea is the notion that those who suffer from mental disorders are best served minimally supervised in the general public as opposed to institutions."

Pretty fucking scary.


listen to the mad man
AVclub said:
Also, I don't get how a cop can go arrest someone for contempt of court. I thought that was something a judge charges people with while they are acting out in court.

this is not a defence of the cops in the op

indirect contempt of court occurs when an offender obstructs or disobeys a court order outside the court. many specific cases of this are illegal under other statutes (for example disobeying a subpoena), but it still provides a catchall for obstructing or disoberying court orders.

that being said, i'm sure here it was just used as a bullshit charge just to demonstrate power over the people being raided


AVclub said:
Also, I don't get how a cop can go arrest someone for contempt of court. I thought that was something a judge charges people with while they are acting out in court.

Can't you be charged with contempt of court for failing to appear?


They need to release the tapes they obtained via their informant. If they are as persuasive as the police say, then let everyone see them.


At the end of the day, a dozen people were arrested on charges that ranged from contempt of court to distribution of marijuana, hydrocodone, or cocaine. Despite catching the accused residents by surprise with early morning raids, during which doors were battered down by SWAT teams while a helicopter hovered overhead and then search teams were brought in to take houses and businesses apart, no drugs or other physical evidence were retrieved.

All evidence in the cases comes from the testimony of 23-year-old Evan Brown of Jena, who also wore a hidden camera during the investigation that parish officials have said provides powerful visual evidence. "We're completely satisfied with the results," said LaSalle Sheriff's Department Narcotic Chief Robert Terral, who refused further comment on the operation.

.... really?
Testimony and a recording of the investigation with powerful visual evidence - yet no physical evidence whatsoever?

Something sounds very wrong.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
This needs to have more attention brought to it.

If this is even 25% true, then the feds need to take over that town, or someone needs to even the score.


"They will get put in handcuffs, put behind bars today and never see the light of day again unless they are going out on the playground in prison"
Prisons have playgrounds?! Awesome!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The thing I never understood about the Jena Six incident is why activists think they should be dropped of ALL CHARGES. Of course they were overcharged and oversentenced but still rewarding someone for beating someone terribly is a horrible sentiment.

All six youths, who once faced life in prison, are now either enrolled in college or are on their way.

Well this is kind of a lie, but okay.


In before Boogie comes to defend their actions because "being a cop is hard work, okay?" and "they're federal employees!"


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Jesus Christ, what an over-the-top "response" from the local authorities. :lol
Shanadeus said:
.... really?
Testimony and a recording of the investigation with powerful visual evidence - yet no physical evidence whatsoever?

Something sounds very wrong.
seriously. I don't understand at all.


I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight violence with violence. It's their language.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
justjohn said:
I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight vience with violence. It's their language.

What the fuck?


justjohn said:
I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight vience with violence. It's their language.
What the fuck?
justjohn said:
I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight vience with violence. It's their language.

You're no SomeDude


I was a bit emotional when I wrote that, but as a young black
male that article fucking pissed me off. What do you suggest they do?
Plead with their good side?

This is racial violence by law enforcement, judges and juries all coming together to target a group simply because they have a different skin colour.

You tell me what they should do? I'm listening.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
justjohn said:
I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight vience with violence. It's their language.

This only perpetuates the vience-->violence-->vience cycle.


The editor and publisher of the Jena Times, the town's only paper, is Sammy Franklin, who has owned the paper since 1968. His son is Sheriff Scott Franklin.

OP should have bolded that part, that's part why I don't want to live in very small towns, too much potential for them to be little fiefdoms.
justjohn said:
I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight violence with violence. It's their language.


Trucker Sexologist
Those people will probably get some calls from lawyers offering to help them sue that shithole into the stone age.
justjohn said:
I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight violence with violence. It's their language.
yes. this is a BRILLIANT idea. nothing could go wrong.
justjohn said:
I keep saying this but African Americans need to start adopting Muslim terrorist activities and start targeting these people. It's the only thing they will understand.

This is nothing but racial violence against a people based on nothing but the colour of their skin. You can't reason with them or plead with them. Fight violence with violence. It's their language.

Thanks. We needed more idiocy after the sheriff's vendetta.


Gold Member
If the video evidence is truly that compelling, that four of these people would just plead guilty, then I have no problem with this. Too much accusation and speculation at this point to have any concrete opinion on the officers involved. All I see when I read all of that is a bunch of low life drug dealers are off the streets and will be for years. Win.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
SapientWolf said:
Those people will probably get some calls from lawyers offering to help them sue that shithole into the stone age.

Only attorneys that want to risk getting disbarred.


:lol LOL stop trolling justjohn. If violence were not met with violence this great country would be called New Yorkshirehampton. Responding w/violence is ok if some people do it, but not if others do it.
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