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Path of Exile (F2P Loot Hack 'n Slash) Open beta later this year

syko de4d

maybe the new skilltree will delete some old builds but at the same moment we will get Weapon Swap and this will give on mass new Builds ;)
I liked the old passive skill tree better. More choices is always better. Got to make it noob friendly though, :(.

Eh, I don't know, from what I've seen the new one looks more organized. The outdated one seems like they just kept on adding on top of previous iterations until it was kinda messy. We'll just have to see I guess.


0.9.11 will include the new Skill tree, the new Endgame (Maps), Weapon Swapping(yeahe), Act 2 Endboss and many other little things. (The patches in the next 4-6weeks will be like 1-2 Big addons with things like PvP, Endgame, many new Skills, Act 3 etc. *g*)
I hope we will see some new skills :)

And trading! :)


I have an extra beta key up for grabs. First person to link the second avatar from the media section on their webpage gets it. :))



God damn it!

Anyway, is this supposedly big patch or whatever out yet? If it's hitting like anytime now I'd probably wait until after it hits to pick up the beta, no use in trying to learn the game and skilltree and whatnot if it's getting changed a day or two later.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I bought the $25 starter pack and played for a little bit as a Templar. For whatever reason I wasn't fond of the game last I played it, but now I think I rather like it. The slower pace (compared to Diablo III) is kind of refreshing, and the massive skill tree is super enticing. I also like how the skill gem system works. Seems quite neat.

And the best part... the game is actually kind of challenging so far! Great! I'll be playing Guild Wars 2 for the weekend most likely, but I definitely plan on playing more of this soon.
How is the control? The videos look a tad clunky movement wise. One of the best things about D3 is how natural everything moves, and the seamless control.

On the other hand, I haven't played D3 in weeks due to the stupid loot drops in Inferno; despite heavy grinding, nothing of interest drops. I'm rather curious about this game, and really like the art style and the stat focus is definitely up my alley


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
How is the control? The videos look a tad clunky movement wise. One of the best things about D3 is how natural everything moves, and the seamless control.

On the other hand, I haven't played D3 in weeks due to the stupid loot drops in Inferno; despite heavy grinding, nothing of interest drops. I'm rather curious about this game, and really like the art style.

I'm very early on in the game, and while I like a lot about the mechanics, the passive skill tree, the inclusion of energy shields etc etc etc, the one thing that still kinda trips me up is the combat. It just doesn't light my world on fire the way Diablo 3 does. Diablo 3 has a ton of problems, but the combat is really great, and PoE, at least to me, doesn't really match it. I'm still digging into the game, though, so I'm hoping getting a little farther will give me a better impression of what the game has to offer.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How is the control? The videos look a tad clunky movement wise. One of the best things about D3 is how natural everything moves, and the seamless control.

On the other hand, I haven't played D3 in weeks due to the stupid loot drops in Inferno; despite heavy grinding, nothing of interest drops. I'm rather curious about this game, and really like the art style and the stat focus is definitely up my alley

It's not terrible, but it definitely feels a lot more clunky and slow compared to D3. However, the mechanics seem a hell of a lot more interesting.

I can't stomach anymore D3 for quite a while. Everything but the controls/satisfying animations and sound effects turned me off on that game. I was hooked for a while, I'll admit. Beat Inferno Diablo and grinded for a while, but damn if the loot and stats, etc. aren't just boring as all hell in that game.


On the other hand, I haven't played D3 in weeks due to the stupid loot drops in Inferno; despite heavy grinding, nothing of interest drops. I'm rather curious about this game, and really like the art style and the stat focus is definitely up my alley

Just a heads up, you're going to hit the same wall in PoE. You basically grind for "currency" then "craft" which is basically like throwing away all your currency for nothing (unless you get very, very lucky). Feels really bad man.

syko de4d

i hope the smoothness will getting better.
For example:

If u move around with spamming the left mouse button the char runs much more smooth around. It looks like the game only request the position of the mouse only all 200-300ms when u only hold down the left Button.

I hope they will reduce the time.


How is the control? The videos look a tad clunky movement wise. One of the best things about D3 is how natural everything moves, and the seamless control.

On the other hand, I haven't played D3 in weeks due to the stupid loot drops in Inferno; despite heavy grinding, nothing of interest drops. I'm rather curious about this game, and really like the art style and the stat focus is definitely up my alley

You wont be playing this too much, the loot can be even more frustrating in this one with the way you "shape" your items. You need the same uberluck to have the best items, or scam someone (if that is what one is into.)


You wont be playing this too much, the loot can be even more frustrating in this one with the way you "shape" your items. You need the same uberluck to have the best items, or scam someone (if that is what one is into.)

I love when people criticize D3 about how you can't find your own upgrades then praise PoE as the second coming or something. You can't even plan out a build without trading because most skill gems are drops. There are a ton of skill gems I've never even seen before but that are vital in popular builds.

Then we get into linked slots.. holy shit man. First you have to roll your item to get 5-6 slots by spending a ton of jewelers. Then you have to dump 200+ orbs of fusing into it and cross your fingers that you get a 5 link. Then you have to dump a shitload of chromatics to roll the slots into the right colors... and we haven't even talked about getting any kind of affix rolls yet LOL!

If people don't like farming/grinding then this is definitely not the game for them.


if u don´t like farming and want to play this genre... this is like playing Call of Duty and don´t like shooting :D

LOL. Exactly. It's not the first time I've seen someone complain about having to grind in D3 and how PoE was going to be the answer to that or something though.
Path of Exile - End-Game Dungeons


"Watch Chris Wilson be very patient with TotalBiscuit as he putzes around clicking on loot and chests while the aforementioned Chris tries not to die"

Heh. Nice vid though, those dungeons look nails.

Yeah, watching TotalBiscuit was brutal to watch >.<. But damn, maps look awesome. Can't wait for act 3 too.
One of my friends has gotten a voice acting role in this game as a quest giver. I've heard a bit of hype around this game so that was the tipping point to check it out. The complexity of the builds and skill tree is both impressive and terrifying.

That kiwi pet looks mighty tempting...

I love how dead hardcore characters will get "demoted" to the regular league. It makes so much sense!


OMG, this build is amazing, i've just managed to stream it up [i have problems with isp ;\].

Its a tank mage that uses really smart skills to deal high damage without using much mana.
Watch it!


That build is amazing, always thought Molten shell would be a pretty powerful group clearer at higher levels. Might have to try something similar after the new patch hits.

syko de4d

New patch is probably going to hit later today since it is Monday in New Zealand.

first i want to see the patchnotes *g*

In some weeks we need a new Startpost, maybe the Neogaf community should it make together?
E.g. we have the categories:
Endgame Maps
League System
Skill System
Passiv Skill Tree
Currency/Crafting System
Online System
Trading System
Free 2 Play System

Everyone write sth. to one categorie and at the end we have a awesome new Startpost for the Open beta ^^


I am not Max
Just wow at that build. I think I'm going to start going crazy on experimenting with the new passive tree once it's released
Can a mod please change the title of the thread to just say Path of Exile (Closed Beta). Every time I read the title I think the open beta has started :(

syko de4d

Is anyone going to create a thread for open beta? I wouldn't mind working on an OT.

i would but my english sucks hard. But i would write sth about some game mechanics like the Online or Trading System.


For Asia/Australia People:

Chris wrote (GGG Dev):
Singapore server goes live tomorrow.
i would but my english sucks hard. But i would write sth about some game mechanics like the Online or Trading System.


For Asia/Australia People:

Chris wrote (GGG Dev):
Singapore server goes live tomorrow.

I'll try to find that thread where people work on OT and start work on this one soon. I know the open beta is about to happen in a few weeks.


i would but my english sucks hard. But i would write sth about some game mechanics like the Online or Trading System.


For Asia/Australia People:

Chris wrote (GGG Dev):
Singapore server goes live tomorrow.

The server's good news for me, not that I was having major problems with lag , or at least not more than is usual for Australia, but it'll be interesting to see if there's actually a huge difference (seeing as I haven't found a way to see ping in game yet).

syko de4d

Patch will be up in some minutes!!

"Path of Exile 0.9.11 will be deployed in 5 minutes. Downtime may be up to 20 minutes because we're testing a new deployment system."

No idea why a indi developer can do it in 25minutes and other companys need 10hours...

(seeing as I haven't found a way to see ping in game yet).

Press F1
1.77 gig for new patch, lol

Path of Exile - Patch Notes

Version 0.9.11 (Current Version)
Due to substantial changes to the passive skill tree, we've wiped all the passive skills again. Please take care reallocating your passives so that you can use your equipment and gems.
We've added a Singaporean gateway to the Beta realm! Please try it out if you're in Australia. New Zealanders should still use the American gateway for now.

Substantially revamped the Passive Skill tree. Details are in the Passive Skill Tree Balance section below.
Added the Act Two boss and associated world darkness event.
You can now swap between two weapon sets by pressing X or clicking the tabs above the slots on the inventory screen. Gems in the swapped-out set continue to gain experience as normal, but their skills cannot be used unless swapped back in.
Added two new new Unique items designed by our Diamond supporters.
Removed the Maelstrom of Chaos. It has been replaced by our Maps end-game. For more information about Maps, please read the development diary entry on our site.
Added 45 Map areas, each with its own boss.
Added a new currency item - Cartographer's Chisel: Upgrades the quality of a map.
Added three new tilesets from Act Three, which are currently only featured in Map areas.
Added a new Dexterity support gem - Blind: Associated skills have a chance to blind their targets for 4 seconds. Blinded monsters have 75% less chance to hit (multiplicatively).
Added new combat sounds for the Templar.
Renamed Alira's Camp to the Western Forest.
You can now use the arrow keys to move between stash tabs.
Whisper messages now have an arrow to indicate whether they were sent or received.
Added some new Totem types for end-game Map areas.
Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects, environments and sound.

General Balance:
Quest rewards have been rebalanced and now include some rare item rewards in higher difficulties. These rare items cannot get mods higher than the level of your character.
The attack speed bonus for dual wielding is now multiplicative rather than additive with other speed bonuses.
Small chests now drop fewer items and large chests now drop more.
Increased item quantity prefixes have been removed from the game. Items that already have them are unaffected.
Made it slightly easier for players and monsters to be stunned.
Confirmed that the increased item rarity bonus for Large Chests was working correctly. Then we doubled it.

Monster Balance:
The Ship Graveyard Cave is now level 14 in Normal difficulty.
Experience yield for several monsters has been adjusted to reflect their challenge.
Reduced the damage of Rhoas slightly.
Increased level progression towards end of Merciless Act 2.
Difficulty of monsters at level 60 areas has been reduced, with progression now extended to level 70 (in Map areas).
Monster resistances have been increased in all difficulties.
Reduced the experience that necromancers yield when killed.
Increased the experience that Brutus yields when killed.
Vaal Fallen are now stronger.
Reduced Oak's life and improved his skills in higher difficulties.

Active Skill Balance:
Lightning Strike: The damage penalty on its projectiles is now 30% rather than 20%.
Stun Support Gem: Mana cost reduced.
Flicker strike: Now has a cooldown which can be bypassed by spending a Frenzy Charge. Corrected some mistakes in its damage progression.
Cold Snap: Increased its damage. Now has a cooldown which can by bypassed by spending a Power Charge.
Enduring Cry: Now has a cooldown.
Molten Shell: Reduced the damage required to set it off in the first four levels.

Passive Skill Tree Balance:
Redesigned the tree with the following features:
Fewer choices at the very beginning of class start areas.
Class identities strengthened with increased opportunity costs to building heavily off-class
Most builds requiring a few specialised notables and Keystones should be easier
Builds requiring many cross-tree notables and keystones made more costly
Defensive nodes around the tree made more even
Weapon Elemental damage passives reduced.
Water Dancing notable changed to include Dexterity.
Values of Block recovery nodes improved and consolidated.
Shield Armour passive changed to be general defences.
Increased physical weapon damage nodes.

Item Balance:
Improved life gain and leech implicit mods on all Claw weapons.
Slightly increased the implicit fire damage and physical damage on quivers.
Decreased the magnitudes of elemental damage mods on items and physical damage mods on non-weapon items.
Prevented high level elemental and non-weapon physical damage mods from appearing on some item types.
Reduced how often elemental damage mods appear on non-weapons.
Glinting mods changed to have the same values, regardless of what type of item they appear on.
Improved implicit block rate on staves.

Bug Fixes:
If a character has no valid skill on its left mouse button, it is no longer unable to move.
Items shown to you as results of sell-vendor recipes do not display sockets any more. This is to prevent players essentially getting free rerolls of sockets by trying different combinations of items.
Reduced the vertical selectable height of Portals so that it's harder to miss-click and accidentally consume a portal you just created.
You no longer gain experience while dead.
Fire trap can now be supported by area of effect support gems.
Fixed some rare item names that could not spawn before.
Fixed Unique monsters so that they now have a +2 bonus to item level in the same way that Rare monsters do.
Fixed a bug that would cause a resource to be loaded from the hard drive each time an arrow was fired.
Fixed a bug where monsters that were meant to not repeat actions consecutively would in fact repeat them.
Fixed a bug where the wrong environment could be picked when entering a multi-level area area via a portal.
Fog no longer interacts with the shimmer post-processing effect incorrectly.
Skill icons on the character screen now have their backgrounds back.
Fixed a bug that would cause small monsters to drop too many items in multiplayer instances and large monsters too few.
Fixed a bug where Conversion Trap could permanently convert a monster.
Totems with Blood Magic (from either a Support Gem or the player's passives) now do not spend their own life to cast spells.
Clicking on the noticeboard in town will now change to the public party tab if the social panel is visible.
Fixed a bad interaction between on-drink flask effects and the Puncture skill.
Fixed a bug that could allow you to detonate mine when you had none out.
The damage prediction of armour values on the character screen is now more accurate for players over level 30.
Fixed level-up sounds so that you hear them in stereo and other players hear them placed in the 3d world correctly.
The Dripping Dead in the Mud Flats are now the correct level.
Vendor offer prices have been fixed on increased item rarity prefixes.
Global notifications during special leagues now appear even when Hide Global Chat is on.
Settings are no longer saved if you're disconnected while changing them.
The Righteous Fire skill gem can now drop from monsters and chests.
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