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Patrick Klepek gets called out on racism, sexism, rape jokes, child rape jokes, voyeurism and more

It's been mentioned a million times already, it's not about what he has posted.
It is about how horrible he currently is by bullying others and trying to get them fired.

So you agree digging up old stuff from 13 years ago is largely pathetic attempt by mouth breathers to silence him?

People don’t change that much. He is the same as he always was, he’s just putting on a front.

I certainly don’t behave the way I did when I was 21 and in college. I’ve changed a ton. This place changed me for the better in a lot of ways. I guess you could call that ‘fronting’ but If You claim someone can’t change between age 21 and 30 id have to call that ‘projecting’


I certainly don’t behave the way I did when I was 21 and in college. I’ve changed a ton. This place changed me for the better in a lot of ways. I guess you could call that ‘fronting’ but If You claim someone can’t change between age 21 and 30 id have to call that ‘projecting’
If someone actually changed, we should be able to determine that from their actions.

Klepeks actions have only reconfirmed the worst assumptions people make about him. "He has changed." Based on fucking what?
If someone actually changed, we should be able to determine that from their actions.

Klepeks actions have only reconfirmed the worst assumptions people make about him. "He has changed." Based on fucking what?
HE doesn’t post pics of his friends covered in feces? I guess? What do you mean?


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
How is he trying to ruin someone’s life?

I see this bandied about but it doesn’t add up. Let’s see you lay it out for us
He's allegedly calling people's employers and trying to get them fired. That's where the "he's trying to ruin people's lives" narrative is coming from. Essentially people are doing to him what he was doing to others.


always chasing the next thrill
He's allegedly calling people's employers and trying to get them fired. That's where the "he's trying to ruin people's lives" narrative is coming from. Essentially people are doing to him what he was doing to others.
what makes these people as shitty as him.


Patrick seems like a caring guy, but if all of this was about someone in gaming he disagreed with politically, he would have no issue using and condemning the person for it. But I don't see this gaining any traction since the people that would normally be outraged consider him an ally. In general the arrogance that comes out of waypoint is fairly offputting. They see themslves as gaming moral authority. One of their main tactics is labeling a person as bad, immoral to dismiss their arguments or attack their character as a whole. This is what makes him such a hypocrite here.
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Gold Member
He's allegedly calling people's employers and trying to get them fired. That's where the "he's trying to ruin people's lives" narrative is coming from. Essentially people are doing to him what he was doing to others.

It is not "alleged" he tweeted that he was doing it, riling up his followers who are just as fanatical to do the same essentially. He mentions himself, that he emailed/called/tweeted them several times and worded them something like, "are you happy/aware that your employee, blah blah blah..." (paraphrasing).

He is using his "journalism" as a shield for his abusive behavior.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
"are you happy/aware that your employee, blah blah blah..."

And yet he's more than happy taking a paycheck from VICE, a company with at least four court settlements in relation to sexual misconduct. I'm sure he put out some bullshit defense at some point. Austin Walker did the same when people pointed out the fact that anyone working for Kotaku is earning money for Gawker, a super scummy organisation that neither of these wet towels should want to be associated with.
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Gold Member
And yet he's more than happy taking a paycheck from VICE, a company with at least four court settlements in relation to sexual misconduct. I'm sure he put out some bullshit defense at some point. Austin Walker did the same when people pointed out the fact that anyone working for Kotaku is earning money for Gawker, a super scummy organisation that neither of these wet towels should want to be associated with.

They are all hypocrites with their false altruism using the hot-topic IdPol to curate stories and get them clicks.
It's not hard to figure out. Patrick goes after people in the culture war. He does attack pieces. He wants people attacked for their views. So his own past gets brought up to show how much a hypocrite he is.

What happens is Patrick says "I'm changed" or rather, he's in the social justice church now and the social justice church will protect him.

It's not that Patrick has changed for the better. If anything, he's a worse person now. He's just changed team colors.


Unconfirmed Member
What is wrong with fat jokes? Insert Gaben joke here.


I can't believe some people in here as such pig ignorant that they think that Klepek was not trying to get Thorn fired so, as a good SJW, to earn points alongside his peers in the (largely irrelevant now) gaming (so-called) "journalism".


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Wow, this place has really gone to shit since I've last been here.

Original post is a clusterfuck of hypocrisy, and contains shit like "Talking about racism is the real racism." I can't believe anyone is dumb enough to put any weight behind any of it.

Embarassing picks of guy from a long time ago, whoopdee-fucking-doo.
I think the point of this thread is that Patrick shouldn't be acting like his shit doesn't stink when it's just as rank if not ranker than the rest of ours.
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I think the point of this thread is that Patrick shouldn't be acting like his shit doesn't stink when it's just as rank if not ranker than the rest of ours.
If he was attacking people for shit for dumb shit they said in college, maybe, but just because you acted like a fool 12 years ago does not somehow preclude any growth for the rest of their life.

And of course, that isn't what this is about. This idiot on Twitter is not concerned with racism, he's like some GamerGate idiot who doesn't like to be moralized to and is seeking revenge. Which is inherently hypocritical and I don't really see any reason to give it oxygen.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Austin has bigger breasts than most women, thankfully he included his preferred pronouns in his twitter bio so nobody would get confused.

Wow so we just don't care about talking about people like trash now do we? It's cool to hit below the belt like this?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Not one single person at Waypoint deserves any

And this is how the culture war will be continued. Now someone else on the other side will have the same feelings toward Colin Moriarty and back and forth it goes. I guess this will never end.


And this is how the culture war will be continued. Now someone else on the other side will have the same feelings toward Colin Moriarty and back and forth it goes. I guess this will never end.

Colin's gaming channel gets more viewers than Waypoint.

That's says a lot what many gamers think about Waypoint.


Gold Member
Or just show a slight level of respect.

For what it is worth, respect is earned, not given as a default. While I personally will not make those posts you are quoting, respect is not a default option just because you are another human being. Especially for those who make a career out of antagonistic articles, riling up their followers on twitter knowing it turns into a harassment campaign, etc., etc..

They want respect, then they should lead by example.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
For what it is worth, respect is earned, not given as a default. While I personally will not make those posts you are quoting, respect is not a default option just because you are another human being. Especially for those who make a career out of antagonistic articles, riling up their followers on twitter knowing it turns into a harassment campaign, etc., etc..

They want respect, then they should lead by example.

I realize that this is the case for the average person. But people like me give others respect by default, until it's lost. If I see someone on the street and they try to sell me something I wouldn't curse them out of sheer respect. Now if they try to sell me something and call me the "N" word, then all respect lost and they can get the business.

But I can respect others who don't like anybody that works at Waypoint, while I do like them. But is it necessary to act like some people may see Austin as a woman being that he's overweight and some might mistake his chest for boobs? Just seems wack. I still like New NeoGaf, but come on guys get your weight up (not talking to you DeepEnigma DeepEnigma )
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Gold Member
I realize that this is the case for the average person. But people like me give others respect by default, until it's lost. If I see someone on the street and they try to sell me something I wouldn't curse them out of sheer respect. Now if they try to sell me something and call me the "N" word, then all respect lost and they can get the business.

But I can respect others who don't like anybody that works at Waypoint, while I do like them. But is it necessary to act like some people may see Austin as a woman being that he's overweight and some might mistake his chest for boobs? Just seems wack. I still like New NeoGaf, but come on guys get your weight up (not talking to you DeepEnigma DeepEnigma )

I am not talking about the average person on the street. Of course one should be courteous in life by default, not walk around to shit on people's plates unless they have done something to break that courtesy.

People like Austin and his group, have been selling people outrage. They have used their platform of "sactioned" harrassment towards people that are not "on their team" and have partaken in stoking the flames of Twitter and all of their followers. They know the "power" they wield, and do often times act irresponsible, as well as hypocritical as all hell when they have shit in their own backyards.

I think people are finally just venting after years of built-up resentment from the tone policing/group think they were subjected to on here, even if not the most tactful way of going about it.

You even criticize WayTakuGon at all over at the other place, even with respect and grace, you are met with a ban for, "vilifying our protected class of journalism".
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
You even criticize WayTakuGon at all over at the other place, even with respect and grace, you are met with a ban for, "vilifying our protected class of journalism".

LOL!!!! Hold up!!! What's the "Gon" part of WayTakuGon? I know Waypoint and Kotaku.
I realize that this is the case for the average person. But people like me give others respect by default, until it's lost.

And for the people insulting Waypoint staff, respect has been lost. It was lost a long time ago when these journalists decided that anyone who criticizes them, or disagrees with any aspect of their morality crusade, is now associated with a hate movement.

That's the real problem, here. You're not seeing "I respectfully disagree" coming from Waypoint, so some are inclined to reply to insults with more insults.

The thing is, I entirely agree with you. Personal attacks weaken arguments, and just make people look petty. I'd much rather praise Austin Walker's skills as a writer, while disagreeing with the disrespect and generalization that HE shows to those who disagree with him.
I dont know if any one has already pointed this out, but there has been a trending happening where it’s okay to block people you deem unworthy of attention, I think this a a incredible dangerous mindset to live by, but has become the way to live fulfillingly according to artists and people with succesful carriers. While I agree knowing a person that keep dragging you down can destroy your life, livelyhood I do not at all agree that the same sort of attitude should be used in journalism and debate outlets.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
And for the people insulting Waypoint staff, respect has been lost. It was lost a long time ago when these journalists decided that anyone who criticizes them, or disagrees with any aspect of their morality crusade, is now associated with a hate movement.

That's the real problem, here. You're not seeing "I respectfully disagree" coming from Waypoint, so some are inclined to reply to insults with more insults.

The thing is, I entirely agree with you. Personal attacks weaken arguments, and just make people look petty. I'd much rather praise Austin Walker's skills as a writer, while disagreeing with the disrespect and generalization that HE shows to those who disagree with him.

As a guy that likes to listen to Waypoint's podcasts, I do wish they'd step up and get better when it comes to the bolded. I actually hate that about them. But I like the theory of what they try to do. And I appreciate the way they break down games and how they cross our society. But they need to hire more people that think differently than them. Not completely different, just at least 25% different. It'll bring up more from the likes of Austin and Patrick Klepek.


I would argue respect is the wrong word. I cant respect people I don't know anymore than I can love them. It's an emotional value earnt over time. I get what you mean though in treating people respectfully or curtiously. But terminology is important. Same as claiming using improper pronouns is act of violence.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I would argue respect is the wrong word. I cant respect people I don't know anymore than I can love them. It's an emotional value earnt over time. I get what you mean though in treating people respectfully or curtiously. But terminology is important. Same as claiming using improper pronouns is act of violence.

Hmmm....good point actually. Respect is the wrong word. But I have no clue of a better word.


Hmmm....good point actually. Respect is the wrong word. But I have no clue of a better word.
Nah, you're good. Most people in this thread have been basically saying "oh but these guys don't deserve my respect", so they're actually confirming your position on respect lost.

If you're so bent on another word, there's civility.
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I can't take the likes of Walker of Klepek seriously because they had they little boycott over KCD. When the actual root of all of that stuff IIRC goes back to one Arthur Gies of then Polygon infamy years ago showing his complete ignorance of the complexities of medieval Bohemia trying to school Vavra on how multi-cultural it should have been, because of some shitty Tumblr showing a medieval painting of a black Madonna that wasn't even from Bohemia (not even close). I mean as far as showing your arse, Gies was in full on Waterboys 'you saw the whole of the moon' mode. It was just painful. Painful to realise how completely ignorant an allegedly functional human being living today could be about just how different life was before the 20th century. Even today my T-shirts might be made in China, but Wei Shen doesn't personally deliver them, how much less so back before planes, trains and automobiles, and Google translate.

However, Gies showing his arse was nothing compared to the realisation that instead of his peers in the gaming press actually going 'Yeah I think you need to re-evaluate your thinking there Arthur' they started rushing to his defence, with all manner of asinine articles and hit pieces over the years (I'm looking at you RPS & Eurogamer especially) trying to (poorly) argue the toss. Gies failure to comprehend the medieval world was never a hill worth dying on. Ther lack of critical re-examination of the position, even at this juncture shows the paucity of their thinking.
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Waypoint and its "journalists" are admitted Marxist admirers, whos entire shtick is to subvert gaming culture by attacking it from its inception.

Watch Walker's talk at NYU and in reference to why he writes about the topics he writes about/ publishes its a list of Frankfurt School alumni who he greatly admires and whose strategy was also about subversion, only it was directed at Americanism by culturally attacking its historical beginnings.

None of them (Waypoint or its cheer-leading supporters) had took issue writing op eds about Nolan Bushnell and his evil 70's office spa bath (i bet all these 'journalist' just love Anchorman though), and yet somehow this moral position took a back seat when there was photographic evidence of one of their own engaging in behavior that would have ended anyone else career if Waypoint took issue with it.

These aren't gamers, this isn't games journalism and by Walkers own self deprecating admission on article traffic, no one is reading their BS.
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I can't take the likes of Walker of Klepek seriously because they had they little boycott over KCD. When the actual root of all of that stuff IIRC goes back to one Arthur Gies of then Polygon infamy years ago showing his complete ignorance of the complexities of medieval Bohemia trying to school Vavra on how multi-cultural it should have been, because of some shitty Tumblr showing a medieval painting of a black Madonna that wasn't even from Bohemia (not even close). I mean as far a showing your arse, Gies was in full on Waterboys 'you saw the whole of the moon' mode. It was just painful. Painful to realise how completely ignorant an allegedly functional human being living today could be about just how different life was before the 20th century. Even today my T-shirts might be made in China, but Wei Shen doesn't personally deliver them, how much less so back before planes, trains and automobiles, and Google translate.

However, Gies showing his arse was nothing compared to the realisation that instead of his peers in the gaming press actually going 'Yeah I think you need to re-evaluate your thinking there Arthur' they started rushing to his defence, with all manner of asinine articles and hit pieces over the years (I'm looking at you RPS & Eurogamer especially) trying to (poorly) argue the toss. Gies failure to comprehend the medieval world was never a hill worth dying on. Ther lack of critical re-examination of the position, even at this juncture shows the paucity of their thinking.
Well said.

Something you touched on -- and the source of people's disdain for Klepek and his fellows -- is that we don't expect people to never ever make mistakes. I have a lot of respect for people who can own up to their mistakes and move on.

There is absolutely none of that among game journalists. It's not that "Klepek did something naughty in the past" and it's not even that he's gone after others for this kind of behavior. It's that they don't own up to their behavior and try to reevaluate how they should behave in the future. I can't take someone seriously when they're too cowardly to mea culpa for the same behavior they grill other people for.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Waypoint and its "journalists" are admitted Marxist admirers, whos entire shtick is to subvert gaming culture by attacking it from its inception.

Watch Walker's talk at NYU and in reference to why he writes about the topics he writes about/ publishes its a list of Frankfurt School alumni who he greatly admires and whose strategy was also about subversion, only it was directed at Americanism by culturally attacking its historical beginnings.

None of them (Waypoint or its cheer-leading supporters) had took issue writing op eds about Nolan Bushnell and his evil 70's office spa bath (i bet all these 'journalist' just love Anchorman though), and yet somehow this moral position took a back seat when there was photographic evidence of one of their own engaging in behavior that would have ended anyone else career if Waypoint took issue with it.

These aren't gamers, this isn't games journalism and by Walkers own self deprecating admission on article traffic, no one is reading their BS.

What's wrong with doing the bolded? And they are gamers! Stop trying to limit the scope of what a gamer is supposed to do and say. It's okay that you don't like and disagree with gamers that do and say things that you don't like. But they most definitely are gamers.


Something you touched on -- and the source of people's disdain for Klepek and his fellows -- is that we don't expect people to never ever make mistakes. I have a lot of respect for people who can own up to their mistakes and move on.

Well, it demonstrates a level of maturity and growth. Take someone like Colin Moriarty, he was the originator of the whole 'entitled gamers' meme (IIRC), around the time of the Mass Effect 3 backlash, which was in many ways the pre-cursor to the whole gamergate thing because the gaming press started biting at the hand that feeds them in terms of response to players vocal unrest both at the paucity of Mass Effect 3, as well as the lack of reflection in the many review scores and coverage of the game. Now admittedly Colin didn't have a reason to re-examine his attitude at the time, however, when he found himself on the outs he certainly did and I think he's all the better for it as a result.


What's wrong with doing the bolded? And they are gamers! Stop trying to limit the scope of what a gamer is supposed to do and say. It's okay that you don't like and disagree with gamers that do and say things that you don't like. But they most definitely are gamers.

They can say anything they want, what I and many gamers take issue with is the hypocrisy. People who enjoy games don’t give AF about this subversive nonsense. These “toxic” issues Klepek and ilk write about are fringe issues that represent single digit populations and yet its presented by Waypoint and others as THE issue in gaming. Walker makes it clear in the NYU talk that the numbers on identity/ political issues pale in comparison to stories about new DLC for Battlefield. He is visibly black pilled by it. Gamers don’t care about this stuff.

As much as I dislike the Waypoint crew, I could care less about what they did as younger men just as I could care less about things Bushnell did in the 70’s or David Cage supposedly did last year. And I’m in the majority. Gamers do not care about this stuff. The Waypoints of the world are taking their lead from their Frankfurt school comrades by trying to meme this into importance in an attempt to subvert and divide the community.

If this isn’t true why hasn’t the entire games journalist community destroyed Klepek? Imagine they found identical images of Tim Soret?? How do you think that would of went?
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