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Patrick Klepek gets called out on racism, sexism, rape jokes, child rape jokes, voyeurism and more


Isn't this pretty dependent on what they do exactly? I remember reading that NeoGAF was once worth millions of dollars, which should be indicative of the amount of money you can make with online commercials in the video game space. Kotaku is pretty well-known so I wouldnÄ't be surprised if Schreier was earning a pretty good sum.
I mean, sure. But you also hear a lot of lamentations about money but maybe not so much from bigger gaming bloggers. But that makes Schreier's shilling even more gratuitous, IMHO. I'm not against him having/earning money but it rubbed me the wrong way that he used his investigative pieces for this. Makes me question whether he's investigating to inform the public and help to improve working conditions or if he's investigating to get a big story for money. But that's a classic journalistic dilemma, I guess. And maybe I'm wrong looking at it from this way as I keep calling him (and others) gaming bloggers, not journalists.

On a related note, things look a bit more grim on German gaming websites. Money is generally tight there. Maybe my mindset has been influenced by that.


Say what now?

Something about modestly threatening a defamation suit if Resetera allowed propagation of false information claiming he has racist sympathies or something which was the basis of disallowing discussion of his game. As soon as that tweet was made, Restera instantly changed their policy and allowed free discussion of his game.
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He did, yes. I've known him online since I was 14, so I trusted him when I gave him a statement about what went down, didn't ask for anything other than neutrality and pursuit of the facts, but that wasn't really the outcome. He utilized heavily biased anonymous sources that didn't accurately represent the facts and I followed up with him on Twitter a while back cordially, noted that his anonymous sources did not paint an accurate picture whatsoever, and he went straight TMZ mode looking for something I was saying that he could potentially use in a story, so I don't have much in the way of respect for the guy on a human to human level. Still, he was more professional than Kotaku.

Jason Schreier should probably be the one "exposed." Shall I share the emails where he was sucking my figurative D trying to get exposure for his book here in full promo mode on NeoGAF days before publicly claiming that he "should've seen the warning signs sooner" after signing off on the Kotaku hit piece on me and NeoGAF and distancing himself -- a story full of twitter gossip, an agenda to inflame and destroy, and zero fact checking? Maybe we should get around to that part and close the book on this activist journalist hypocrite bullshit, especially since he seems to be in full victim mode right now.

I can’t remember why i hated Jason, i think it’s because he seemed elitist everytime he posted. Kinda wish you guys never unbanned him and their site. Is it me or did he age badly?

They are quick to talk trash about people over there at era yet no post about this, hilarious. He seems to have a lot of followers on twitter, there’s your reason why he’s an sjw. Deep down inside he’s still the same person thats in those pics, its not that easy to change.


It is not due to forgiveness but fear,ostracizing and terror
"Villifying Journalism" is a legitimate ban raisin there, they might also spare him for the same reason why Gunn got a break.
I dunno, this inquisition stuff is getting more confusing by the day.


Something about modestly threatening a defamation suit if Resetera allowed propagation of false information claiming he has racist sympathies or something which was the basis of disallowing discussion of his game. As soon as that tweet was made, Restera instantly changed their policy and allowed free discussion of his game.

That's weird, there's been an OT since early February.


That's weird, there's been an OT since early February.

I'm not sure about the specifics, but apparently there was no free discussion of him or his game at one point.

However it became lax shortly afterwards.

Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread with Vavra stuff. Just was a short aside on the impropriety of the gaming press and community moderation.
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He did, yes. I've known him online since I was 14, so I trusted him when I gave him a statement about what went down, didn't ask for anything other than neutrality and pursuit of the facts, but that wasn't really the outcome. He utilized heavily biased anonymous sources that didn't accurately represent the facts and I followed up with him on Twitter a while back cordially, noted that his anonymous sources did not paint an accurate picture whatsoever, and he went straight TMZ mode looking for something I was saying that he could potentially use in a story, so I don't have much in the way of respect for the guy on a human to human level. Still, he was more professional than Kotaku.

Jason Schreier should probably be the one "exposed." Shall I share the emails where he was sucking my figurative D trying to get exposure for his book here in full promo mode on NeoGAF days before publicly claiming that he "should've seen the warning signs sooner" after signing off on the Kotaku hit piece on me and NeoGAF and distancing himself -- a story full of twitter gossip, an agenda to inflame and destroy, and zero fact checking? Maybe we should get around to that part and close the book on this activist journalist hypocrite bullshit, especially since he seems to be in full victim mode right now.

I like reading and listening to their stuff for the most part, and Schreier has broke some really good stories, but these type of relationships can never truly evolve into a meaningful friendship, because all you'll ever be is a source, and your usefulness to them is defined by how good the information is or the connections you can make for them. Once you had your #MeToo moment, you were no longer useful to them, and much more than that, a positive association with you could damage them within their own social, working environment. So, they both severed ties with you, despite the fact that you've known Klepek since he was 14. It's a pretty shitty way to find out the true worth of your relationship.

As for the social media stuff, it's become ridiculous, it's a beast that now devours anyone with a past that can be readily searched and exposed. People do dumb stuff when they're younger, but thanks to social media, it no longer disappears into an unknowing void, but is catalogued in all its glory for anyone to search through. I don't partake, I keep my outrageous jokes for my friends, and, at the moment, I'm quite happy for the idiots to tear themselves apart. I lean pretty hard left, but there's some things I just can't get on board at times. I don't celebrate any of this, I worry that social media is significantly rewiring the collective unconscious of an entire race for the worse.


Is this topic trying to point out the double standards?

Because outside that, everyone was stupid when younger. There's nothing wrong with that.


Reminds me of the gaming metoo backfire in which several known leftist feminists publicly called for a metoo in gaming, then it basically was discovered its mostly on the left with numerous examples of self proclaimed feminists being kinda mental, after which you dont hear much about gamings metoo anymore gee i wonder why. I dont get the idea of pushing stuff so insanely hard it always backfires on them lol
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People can change a lot in 12 years. Honestly a lot of these sjw people used to be edgelords.

Change a lot, really. =D



Fingerlickin' Good!
I still don’t know if he’s being serious in the pic. If so, I crown him grand master social justice of the order of white knights


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Can you imagine the field day Patrick and his ilk would be having with this if it was a right leaning figure. Karma's a bitch.


I'm not sure about the specifics, but apparently there was no free discussion of him or his game at one point.

At one point there was a thread that was either about him or his game, and a mod stated in red text in the first post that you basically had to agree he was a racist or you'd be banned, so don't post to try and argue that he's not. I remember seeing it and thinking how fucking ridiculous it was, like, you literally were not allowed to think for yourself.

Also, regarding Schreier, didn't someone once dig up a bunch of dirt on him? A bunch of old posts from some forum where he was tossing words like "faggot" around pretty liberally? I vaguely remember something about it.


Everyone thinking of participating in an internet pile on should read Jon Ronson's So You've Been Publicly Shamed. The incentives on Twitter favor hot takes, muck raking and witch hunting which then bubbles up into online journalism because journalists, bloggers, commentators are all on Twitter and other forums where attention/clicks follows a familiar pattern. A thread like this is just contributing to this behavior by turning it into a polarized tribalism that rewards sniping at out group members to reinforce in group status. One of the take aways from Ronson's book is if you don't have anything constructive to add to a controversy you're just contributing to an online mob forming around recreational outrage.


Gold Member
He did, yes. I've known him online since I was 14, so I trusted him when I gave him a statement about what went down, didn't ask for anything other than neutrality and pursuit of the facts, but that wasn't really the outcome. He utilized heavily biased anonymous sources that didn't accurately represent the facts and I followed up with him on Twitter a while back cordially, noted that his anonymous sources did not paint an accurate picture whatsoever, and he went straight TMZ mode looking for something I was saying that he could potentially use in a story, so I don't have much in the way of respect for the guy on a human to human level. Still, he was more professional than Kotaku.

Jason Schreier should probably be the one "exposed." Shall I share the emails where he was sucking my figurative D trying to get exposure for his book here in full promo mode on NeoGAF days before publicly claiming that he "should've seen the warning signs sooner" after signing off on the Kotaku hit piece on me and NeoGAF and distancing himself -- a story full of twitter gossip, an agenda to inflame and destroy, and zero fact checking? Maybe we should get around to that part and close the book on this activist journalist hypocrite bullshit, especially since he seems to be in full victim mode right now.

I must say, thank you for being so transparent now. Makes this site a literal breath of fresh air.

All these virtue signaling false altruism trolls in the other direction sure are getting exposed of their "ethics", or lack there of.

Once again, it adds credence to the ones that are the most vocal on their platforms, share the very same "demons" they blast others for.
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At one point there was a thread that was either about him or his game, and a mod stated in red text in the first post that you basically had to agree he was a racist or you'd be banned, so don't post to try and argue that he's not. I remember seeing it and thinking how fucking ridiculous it was, like, you literally were not allowed to think for yourself.

Also, regarding Schreier, didn't someone once dig up a bunch of dirt on him? A bunch of old posts from some forum where he was tossing words like "faggot" around pretty liberally? I vaguely remember something about it.

It was common only a decade or two ago to use those slurs. The constructive point there is that social change happens at different rates and trying to unperson or excommunicate people is counter productive if you actually care about the norm changing, not just using it as ammunition to appear morally superior i.e. using denigration to raise your social status - what high school bullies do. What's odd about looking deep into a person's past social media postings is that there is no recognition of how norms have changed over time, just sniping from what is perceived to be the high ground (I write perceived because there is a low bar for what counts as a good argument on social media given all the hot takes by the commentariat who have little expertise in topics of dicussion beyond being reasonably intelligent people)
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Gold Member
At one point there was a thread that was either about him or his game, and a mod stated in red text in the first post that you basically had to agree he was a racist or you'd be banned, so don't post to try and argue that he's not. I remember seeing it and thinking how fucking ridiculous it was, like, you literally were not allowed to think for yourself.

Also, regarding Schreier, didn't someone once dig up a bunch of dirt on him? A bunch of old posts from some forum where he was tossing words like "faggot" around pretty liberally? I vaguely remember something about it.

I have seen on other forums pics of posts in the past, but I am unsure if they can prove them to be him.

There is also this pic that has been floating around forever.

I like Klepek. But I am not suprised that he has things now considered embarrassing in his internet history.

People who live in glass houses etc...


Shai-Tan Shai-Tan

I completely agree with you about norms changing, however, in some cases, some of this stuff isn't really related to that. I mean, being racist wasn't some "norm" just a few years ago. I would grant you that "faggot" used to be a more commonly tossed around word though, and a few years ago it was considered more acceptable to use than it is today, but a lot of these "SJW" types do not give any consideration to changing cultural norms when they're the ones digging for dirt on other people.

Look what happened to Nolan Bushnell of Atari fame, for example. People on Twitter, including Brianna Wu of all people, started calling him out for Atari's "culture of sexism" back in the 1970s. 40+ fucking years ago when things were very different compared to today, culturally. Nobody cared about that though. The lifetime achievement award he was due to receive was pulled and the usual vultures started circling, despite nobody even thinking to speak to any of the women that actually worked for Atari back then. When those women did start speaking up, it was to defend Bushnell for the most part.

DeepEnigma DeepEnigma

That image of Schreier is definitely Photoshopped, but it was done based on a bunch of anti-Palestinian posts that he made on LUELinks.


Gold Member
Shai-Tan Shai-Tan

I completely agree with you about norms changing, however, in some cases, some of this stuff isn't really related to that. I mean, being racist wasn't some "norm" just a few years ago. I would grant you that "faggot" used to be a more commonly tossed around word though, and a few years ago it was considered more acceptable to use than it is today, but a lot of these "SJW" types do not give any consideration to changing cultural norms when they're the ones digging for dirt on other people.

Look what happened to Nolan Bushnell of Atari fame, for example. People on Twitter, including Brianna Wu of all people, started calling him out for Atari's "culture of sexism" back in the 1970s. 40+ fucking years ago when things were very different compared to today, culturally. Nobody cared about that though. The lifetime achievement award he was due to receive was pulled and the usual vultures started circling, despite nobody even thinking to speak to any of the women that actually worked for Atari back then. When those women did start speaking up, it was to defend Bushnell for the most part.

DeepEnigma DeepEnigma

That image of Schreier is definitely Photoshopped, but it was done based on a bunch of anti-Palestinian posts that he made on LUELinks.

Thanks for the heads up.

And Bushnell got railroaded due to some fraudulent attention seeking and privileged mouth-breather.
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Thank fuck.

I used to really like Patrick when he started out at Giantbomb. He and Dan had a fantastic back-and-forth, as did he and Alex, during Scoops & The Wolf.

Then Austin came along. I tried really hard to like Austin, but he oozed feigned moral superiority. I feel like this ooze captured Patrick.

I genuinely hope Austin is next, and that they can both take a serious step back, and re-evaluate their position as "influencers" and their supposed moral high-ground.

Dark humour is funny, and allowed.

You're a dad now, Patrick. Don't let your kid(s) grow up in a world where people idolize freedom from choice, over freedom of choice.


Everyone thinking of participating in an internet pile on should read Jon Ronson's So You've Been Publicly Shamed. The incentives on Twitter favor hot takes, muck raking and witch hunting which then bubbles up into online journalism because journalists, bloggers, commentators are all on Twitter and other forums where attention/clicks follows a familiar pattern. A thread like this is just contributing to this behavior by turning it into a polarized tribalism that rewards sniping at out group members to reinforce in group status. One of the take aways from Ronson's book is if you don't have anything constructive to add to a controversy you're just contributing to an online mob forming around recreational outrage.

It’s essentially a back-fire.
He tried to write a piece on someone to get them fired.

Someone else found a ton of dirt on him which is instead seeing all the attention.


He did, yes. I've known him online since I was 14, so I trusted him when I gave him a statement about what went down, didn't ask for anything other than neutrality and pursuit of the facts, but that wasn't really the outcome. He utilized heavily biased anonymous sources that didn't accurately represent the facts and I followed up with him on Twitter a while back cordially, noted that his anonymous sources did not paint an accurate picture whatsoever, and he went straight TMZ mode looking for something I was saying that he could potentially use in a story, so I don't have much in the way of respect for the guy on a human to human level. Still, he was more professional than Kotaku.

Jason Schreier should probably be the one "exposed." Shall I share the emails where he was sucking my figurative D trying to get exposure for his book here in full promo mode on NeoGAF days before publicly claiming that he "should've seen the warning signs sooner" after signing off on the Kotaku hit piece on me and NeoGAF and distancing himself -- a story full of twitter gossip, an agenda to inflame and destroy, and zero fact checking? Maybe we should get around to that part and close the book on this activist journalist hypocrite bullshit, especially since he seems to be in full victim mode right now.
Jason Schreier is no doubt a full of bullshit in his entire journalism career, and most importantly he's an attention seeker.


Eh, he stands on the "right side of history". In a culture where only the right, apparently, is capable of weaponizing morality, he'll be protected.

Being honest, I don't see anything heinous in those photos - this is a college kid being a college kid, and I don't think any of the photographed participants really cared at the time. This was an era where things like the "YOU GON GET RAPED" meme and such were fairly innocuous to the mainstream, before trigger warnings were even a (popular) thing. His hypocrisy being exposed is obviously delightful to some, but his critics will be written off as "basically Nazis" and little will come of it.


Gold Member
Eh, he stands on the "right side of history". In a culture where only the right, apparently, is capable of weaponizing morality, he'll be protected.

Being honest, I don't see anything heinous in those photos - this is a college kid being a college kid, and I don't think any of the photographed participants really cared at the time. This was an era where things like the "YOU GON GET RAPED" meme and such were fairly innocuous to the mainstream, before trigger warnings were even a (popular) thing. His hypocrisy being exposed is obviously delightful to some, but his critics will be written off as "basically Nazis" and little will come of it.

Yep, even though this is the exact same shit they go after their "opponents" for.


Shai-Tan Shai-Tan

I completely agree with you about norms changing, however, in some cases, some of this stuff isn't really related to that. I mean, being racist wasn't some "norm" just a few years ago. I would grant you that "faggot" used to be a more commonly tossed around word though, and a few years ago it was considered more acceptable to use than it is today, but a lot of these "SJW" types do not give any consideration to changing cultural norms when they're the ones digging for dirt on other people.

Look what happened to Nolan Bushnell of Atari fame, for example. People on Twitter, including Brianna Wu of all people, started calling him out for Atari's "culture of sexism" back in the 1970s. 40+ fucking years ago when things were very different compared to today, culturally. Nobody cared about that though. The lifetime achievement award he was due to receive was pulled and the usual vultures started circling, despite nobody even thinking to speak to any of the women that actually worked for Atari back then. When those women did start speaking up, it was to defend Bushnell for the most part.

DeepEnigma DeepEnigma

That image of Schreier is definitely Photoshopped, but it was done based on a bunch of anti-Palestinian posts that he made on LUELinks.

It depends on what you mean by "being racist" and also the age of the people involved at the time. A lot of slurs were used in the past jokingly, particularly by younger people who go through a transgressive stage (there's a lot of hand wringing about gamer culture without considering that yes, children go out of their way to be offensive and gamers are disproportionately children). There are good reasons why those norms are changing like wanting to be inclusive in virtual spaces and not giving cover to racist/sexist/anti-gay attitudes. What you're complaining about by "SJW types" is willfully eliding the distinctions behind the contextual meaning of words like with what happened with PewDiePie who was being playfully transgressive about Nazis and unthinkingly using the N word. PewDiePie did deserve some of the criticism he received and criticism is part of the process of changing norms. To some extent he has to bear it because of his visibility and influence.

But there is a common confusion of social justice (being mindful of the interests of the groups it is commonly associated with), and social justice ideology which has a kind of religious zeal to it particularly among a set of people who see themselves as enlightened cultural mandarins (it's more insufferable in games in the same way you would roll yours eyes about an uncle talking about politics on Facebook - repeating slogans they read elsewhere). As with everything else online intensely tribal ideologies form that deserve ridicule but it shouldn't be confused with the best form of the arguments in their favor - that confusion feeds political polarization and hyperpartisan media that is only looking to score points and misrepresent to stoke a tribal animus. The anti and woke narratives I see online are built on silly generalizations.


I'm not bothered by these jokes one bit since they are............... jokes. That's kind of how jokes work :eek:

But Klepek and his kind would absolutely crucify someone deemed the opposite of him/them if they had posted these jokes, no matter the age. These people like him that want to play this little game of digging up peoples past are playing with fire. This time he was burned by his own little game.

Maybe now some self reflection can take place to not be an asswipe who's always casting judgment on others and then seeks out to destroy their lives/families. That is one of the the lowest forms of human possible.


I think if you have truly changed/grown as a person, it's probably shown by your willingness not to partake in these types of situations and your disgust when these situations arise. I don't feel bad for Patrick Klepek because he was a proponent of this culture. He is still the embodiment of "toxic" gaming culture, just singing a different tune. Reap what you sow bud. Sorry for the rambling, I'm drunk.
I agree with this post wholeheartedly, and kudos for doing it while drunk considering it was on the nose, haha. Especially with the way you described growing up from that period, considering I grew up in '84 and I couldn't agree more.

I was always incredibly upset by that particular culture because it was just (as I mentioned earlier) completely ruining my hobby, or trying to. I was born into video games, and while they're not played as frequently as they used to be (because I don't have enough time), they will always mean a great deal to me and be a part of my life.

I, too, don't feel bad for Patrick, and honestly I think it's kind of funny in the long run. Because I never really cared for him, he irritated me, and I never really knew why. I never kept up with his SJW/GG related tirades, or other ridiculous online rants, but when I discovered him on Giant Bomb many years ago he was my least favorite member hands down. I don't get annoyed easily, it was just something about him I didn't like. I guess it all makes sense now.


However, they control the political games media narrative so nothing will come out of this. They are "do as we say, not as we do."

At least it makes for an entertaining thread.
Yep. If dirt on Moriarty of this kind appeared, the reaction would obviously be very different.


Gold Member
Is this a fake?

This was said in response.

Shai-Tan Shai-Tan

DeepEnigma DeepEnigma

That image of Schreier is definitely Photoshopped, but it was done based on a bunch of anti-Palestinian posts that he made on LUELinks.

Yep. If dirt on Moriarty of this kind appeared, the reaction would obviously be very different.

What he said on "Woman's Day" was not even close to any of this (offensive wise), but he is on the "wrong side of history"... you know, the fascist led one where they control your thoughts and words through action. ;)
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Is this a fake?

I can't remember what it said on the post-it note in the original image, but it wasn't anything offensive.

IIRC, the Photoshopped version of the image originated on Twitter. Someone found a bunch of anti-Palestine forum posts that had supposedly been made by Schreier and they posted a bunch of screenshots of them, and in response someone made that Photoshopped image.

The forum in question is LUElinks. Schreier used to use 2 names on there, "Prism" and "Fox1340". There's an old NeoGAF thread here where you can see the Fox1340 name and some LUElinks posts: -


There's several pieces of evidence that he was also Prism, including this Reddit AMA where someone who knows him says "hi prism" and he responds with "hi aurens": -

As for the offensive posts, just do a bit of Googling and you can easily find loads of them.
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Gold Member
Is this topic trying to point out the double standards?

Because outside that, everyone was stupid when younger. There's nothing wrong with that.
How young is young and when does someone wisen up? I mean, people don‘t seem to have issues destoying lives of someone who says something now. Maybe this person will wisen up as well someday, like Gunn and Klepek. Will their turnaround then be accepted? I‘m a bit confused.


Is this topic trying to point out the double standards?

Because outside that, everyone was stupid when younger. There's nothing wrong with that.
Yes and he would go after them like he id with pewdiepie. Like he did here. And again we are not alking like era wants to make believe about some boobies but rape and pedophilia rape jokes.

And again I would have not cared at all if he would not try over and over again to get people fired for this kind of shit. Also the fact that he deleted 50k tweets makes it even more obvious that he thinks he fucked up and tries to delete everything what could get him even more.
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