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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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Unconfirmed Member
Isn't this a good thing that he's actively censoring himself and fighting it?

If you have to actively censor yourself from using the n-word, then it's clearly an entrenched part of your speech pattern and line of thinking.

At least it is an acknowledgement that he shouldn't be doing that, so that is something. Whether that's because he knows it's bad PR or because he's actually genuinely making an effort to change is another matter entirely.


We're giving a third party's Twitter feed views.

Anyway, OT: Fuck PewDiePie. Nothing but an unapologetic racist. YouTube needs to get their shit together and start enforcing some form of punishment for this crap that is all over their site.
YouTube won't act until we stigmatize them with a name like WhiteTube or YouRacist.

Or we summarily identify the most high-profile advertisers on YouTube that have exposure to PewDiePie's videos and advise them we will not purchase any of their products until they pull all of their YouTube advertising budget.


White people really don't have a say on whether we can, or can't say the word 'nigga' and its variations; just don't say it. Not everything is for you.
First, I think I could have been more complete in the post you're responding to. I cut things off before getting into more detail, and I didn't touch on things I should have. I want to emphasize that I think the only thing I disagree with you on is context and approach. We're in full agreement about the fact that racism is bad, even lesser forms.

So let me try to be more complete. Here's a quote from you from earlier in the thread, I think the one that really got things rolling:

I suspect that because you 1) took the strongest possible negative implication from the person you were responding to ("a blank check to be racist towards whites") and 2) refused to initially make any distinction between the two terms, you immediately set people off. Then you found that your attempts to further explain yourself were frustrated.

But above, you've explained to me, in detail, what you mean. I suspect a statement more in that spirit would have done better. I believe you when you say you were not trying to make a veiled defense of white people. But understand that many people have tried to do exactly that in these types of threads. This has rightly raised people's suspicions, and it creates an extra burden for detail and context.

This is what he said....

Reverse racism doesnt exist

When whites are being systematically killed and oppressed by black supremacists then maybe it can be equivalent on any level

After I said it's racist to call someone cracker, he said reverse racism doesn't exist. I never said or mentioned reverse racism in any way. When he said reverse racism doesn't exist, I wasn't sure if he meant because it's just racism, but then he followed up in his next post that it's because whites have killed and oppressed people. So how else was I supposed to take that other than it's not possible to be racist against whites because they have killed and oppressed people? And like I said I wasn't thinking of equivalent at that time as "just as offensive." Just used in the same way.

Also, I think as far as insults to a race go you can't do much better as an actual insult than cracker even if it's not taken as severe. It points out (whip crackers) that shameful and oppressive history of whites enslaving and torturing a race of people, who are still oppressed to this day. As a white person who finds this behavior absolutely abhorrent, shameful and wishes to distance myself from it a much as possible, it does sting a little. It just makes me sad that that is one thing the white race is known for.


For clarification, I'm white. Not that I think that should matter.

I get the conversation around the word is controversial and deeply seeded into some absolutely horrifying history of slavery and racism.

But isn't the fact an entire "race" of people is completely discluded from the discussion of if it's okay to say the word in fact just... and I hate saying this - exactly what racism is? Excluding people from the conversation because of the color of their skin. The word is either okay to say, or it's not okay to say it.

The color of your skin really, REALLY, shouldn't matter, since teh entire point is to eliminate racism on teh whole - and you can't do that if you'r still using someone's skin color to frame a conversation around a term. IMHO, it's simply not okay for anyone to say it. Period. Regardless of the reasoning it was adopted.

If it's not okay for a person of x skin color to say it, it's honestly not okay for anyone to say it all. Isn't this is the entire point of trying to get rid of racism? You can't fight racism by then segmenting people by the color of their skin when it comes to a conversation.

Dunno, just my two cents. I am sure I will get roasted for this. And then of course we're expected to have the youth understand because it they hear it all the time at school from some people who think it's okay to toss it around because of their skin color. I am expected to have my kids understand when I explain why it's wrong and yada yada, and then try to explain tot hem why it's okay for them without trying to make it look like some racist stuff.

Rock and a hard place. The term should be banished from everyone's vocabulary.
Which race was working systematically to suppress votes by niggers in the 1800s?

Which race was hanging niggers from trees?

Which race was treating them like subhuman shit because those niggers weren't human?

Which race was telling those niggers to sit at the back of the bus?

Which race still has millions of people wearing white hoods because they got an issue with the niggers that exist today?

Which race still has law enforcement shooting those niggers because they don't think of them as equals?

Which race was robbing those niggers of their agency as individuals who deserved equal rights and to be treated like human beings, but is now asking to be involved in the conversation of how a word that was used to describe them as filth is now used?

We don't live in a world where black people are treated as equals. You don't get a say in how they use that term. You get a say in how you use that term. And if you're a decent person, you won't.

The meaningful voice you get in this conversation is to tell people you know who aren't black to not use that term if they do it in your presence, to educate them, because there are centuries of history behind that word, and while black people aren't getting hung from trees or sitting on the back of the bus, there are still very clear systemic and social prejudices that exist today. And that is a meaningful voice should you decide to exercise it, if you want to be part of the conversation in a way that you can be.

And if it makes you uncomfortable that I'm putting that on you, then consider how there are millions of white people who I see that have no problem on putting issues relating to black people (or the new whipping boys in Muslims) on the entirety of those people. And it's not just on the street, but in the media, and plastered across a bunch of newspapers on a regular basis.

Note that you complain that it's difficult for you to explain to your kids and have them understand. If that's difficult for you, then what exactly are you trying to accomplish by having this conversation? You cannot and will not eliminate racism when you're afraid to acknowledge its existence because it makes you uncomfortable.

If something that simple cannot be accomplished by you with people who you have complete control over, and the ability to guide them into being decent adults when the time comes; if you cannot even exert that small amount of influence, then what is this entire post of yours? You want to give your opinion on the usage of this word in society, but can't even be bothered to do that much because it's some momentous task?

Black people have a right to do as they please with that word. And even they will be careful of the context of its use, but ultimately, that's their agency and their right.

You own your own shit.
For clarification, I'm white. Not that I think that should matter.

I get the conversation around the word is controversial and deeply seeded into some absolutely horrifying history of slavery and racism.

But isn't the fact an entire "race" of people is completely discluded from the discussion of if it's okay to say the word in fact just... and I hate saying this - exactly what racism is? Excluding people from the conversation because of the color of their skin. The word is either okay to say, or it's not okay to say it.

The color of your skin really, REALLY, shouldn't matter, since teh entire point is to eliminate racism on teh whole - and you can't do that if you'r still using someone's skin color to frame a conversation around a term. IMHO, it's simply not okay for anyone to say it. Period. Regardless of the reasoning it was adopted.

If it's not okay for a person of x skin color to say it, it's honestly not okay for anyone to say it all. Isn't this is the entire point of trying to get rid of racism? You can't fight racism by then segmenting people by the color of their skin when it comes to a conversation.

Dunno, just my two cents. I am sure I will get roasted for this. And then of course we're expected to have the youth understand because it they hear it all the time at school from some people who think it's okay to toss it around because of their skin color. I am expected to have my kids understand when I explain why it's wrong and yada yada, and then try to explain tot hem why it's okay for them without trying to make it look like some racist stuff.

Rock and a hard place. The term should be banished from everyone's vocabulary.
You can't say it, and you are just going to have to come to grips with that at some point.
I offended the "everyone has said it" crowd on Twitter by saying that I've never used a slur out of frustration. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyone seriously comparing that word to "cracker" should read up on the history of the term and learn why they're extremely different. >_>

Has boogie said anything cowardly yet?
Boogie should just record one "let's just stop criticizing bigots and listen to them instead" video and repost it every time something like this happens in the gaming/YouTube sphere.
This is four days old now but you saw this right?


It's pretty well noted at this point that Boogie has a spine made out of jello.

He's largely put out trash since the beginning of rape jokes and screaming incessantly. But hey you say that a year ago and get called a salty jealous hater on here. It's worse now although as others have mentioned you don't just start screaming racist obscenities, he's probably been hiding it as best he could just dying to get the real him out there.....

and now it is. a total fucking douche.

all kinds of threads but especially these have taught me that my own child

1. will never have a computer in their private bedroom (to be used in private without supervision I mean)
2. will not have a locked or otherwise private/hidden social account
3. will not play games online without some basic oversight (sad you would think something like twitch would be a good hobby for a girl to make a bit of money if she was so inclined but nope its a shithole).
Should do that regardless with kids and the internet, shit the whole range of minors. I think we lost a good portion of the a generation to internet cesspools, including the chans, shithead Youtube personalities and whatever else has popped up over the last 15 or so years online and gained some level of influence for people with shit opinions.


I have just been steady thinking about all the ways I could help to make this piece of shit less of a gaming icon.

I already never give him hits.

I warn friends against his "content."

I feel like he already has enough ignorant, racist supporters to cement his place in gaming for years to come :(


Loaded With Aspartame

This is a pretty unfair snippet to use to represent h3h3's entire commentary on what happened. I don't think Ethan's response was perfect, but that clip isn't representative of his overall message.

He spends a while talking about how PewDiePie's use of the word was "completely indefensible", "gross", "irresponsible", how it seems like that was definitely not his first time using the word, and how he does not get a pass for not being from America because he clearly understands the context.

It's definitely a condemnation. Here's the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UZbgH3pOBA

Ploid 3.0

This is a pretty unfair snippet to use to represent h3h3's entire commentary on what happened. I don't think Ethan's response was perfect, but that clip isn't representative of his overall message.

He spends a while talking about how PewDiePie's use of the word was "completely indefensible", "gross", "irresponsible", how it seems like that was definitely not his first time using the word, and how he does not get a pass for not being from America because he clearly understands the context.

It's definitely a condemnation. Here's the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UZbgH3pOBA

Thanks for the link. I think I saw another snip somewhere but I didn't know where the person got it from. It was a video with cuts and older video cuts + a person doing commentary with full face cam. I didn't want to link it here because the guy was just trying to say H3H3 stabbed PDP in the back, but I didn't see any stabs. Finally the full thing.
If you have to actively censor yourself from using the n-word, then it's clearly an entrenched part of your speech pattern and line of thinking.

At least it is an acknowledgement that he shouldn't be doing that, so that is something. Whether that's because he knows it's bad PR or because he's actually genuinely making an effort to change is another matter entirely.
Yeah, he's just trying to hold himself back while streaming to thousands/millions of people live.
He probably does this privately all the time.


I'm really surprised this stupid fuck even censors himself any more....his true colors are out there and it isn't going to hurt him at all and he'll have morons caping for him left and right....

Dude and anyone that tries to rationalize or stick up for him in the slightest are straight up trash...
Yeah, he's just trying to hold himself back while streaming to thousands/millions of people live.
He probably does this privately all the time.


He's a casually racist piece of shit who giggles when he almost says the most offensive word in the English language. Fuck him.


This is a pretty unfair snippet to use to represent h3h3's entire commentary on what happened. I don't think Ethan's response was perfect, but that clip isn't representative of his overall message.

He spends a while talking about how PewDiePie's use of the word was "completely indefensible", "gross", "irresponsible", how it seems like that was definitely not his first time using the word, and how he does not get a pass for not being from America because he clearly understands the context.

It's definitely a condemnation. Here's the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UZbgH3pOBA

Jeez, the toxicity of the YouTube community is on full display in the comments there. It's full on tribal warfare, and the guy with the most subscribers always wins. I guess this is what happens after years of Google steadfastly refusing to take responsibility for moderating YouTube comments, or even giving video creators the tools to do it themselves. It's like the Lord of the Flies without physical violence, if only because that would involve leaving the house.

Ploid 3.0

I think it would be hilarious if YouTube demonetized his channel.

I thought about that after reading a bit of this thread. He'd probably find a way to get kids to donate to him with their parents card. He'd probably be the type of dude that ignore a kid that made a mistake and donated $200 instead of $2 too. I saw a twitch vid on that today too. Luckily the lady refunded the crying kid.
He hasn't been hit by the demonetization wave, right?
I imagine he has enough pull to be successful anywhere, which is a bummer.
Probably can continue off of Patreon or donations too.


We're giving a third party's Twitter feed views.

XzAnyway, OT: Fuck PewDiePie. Nothing but an unapologetic racist. YouTube needs to get their shit together and start enforcing some form of punishment for this crap that is all over their site.

He is an insincerely apologetic racist. Get it right!


Yup no surprise... Like many people said in the last thread.. that was a non apology and didn't come across as sincere at all. While I will never accept his apology regardless, especially at this point... he needs to face serious repercussions for his actions. What a horrible person


If it was something that he was trying to get rid of and felt ashamed about, then it probably wouldn't be too big of a deal. But the fact that he almost slipped up and chuckled makes it clear he hasn't learned shit. He's an arrogant bastard that can't learn shit from anyone. This "cavalier white guy" attitude is honestly getting old.


But isn't the fact an entire "race" of people is completely discluded from the discussion of if it's okay to say the word in fact just... and I hate saying this - exactly what racism is? Excluding people from the conversation because of the color of their skin. The word is either okay to say, or it's not okay to say it.

Two things:

1. White people aren't completely discluded from discussion of the n-word. You are a white person currently included in the discussion, so calm yo ass down. You ain't no victim and you ain't being discriminated against.

2. White people don't have credibility in the n-word discussion, but it's not because of the color of their skin or for any bullshit essentialist reasons. No, white people forfeit their credibility in the discussion because of on-going conflicts of interest. Namely, institutionalized white supremacy and white privilege.
it's obvious at this point that we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg. eventually he's just going to say fuck it and let loose.
Can't he get another chance? Our cells are new after x amount of time so we literally aren't the same. Aren't we all different people from a month ago. Can't we still grow and change after repeatedly doing wrong and never trying to change ourselves?


Rich, privileged white gutter trash being racist, what else is new?

Is this guy really privileged compared to the people he lives around? I feel like he is just the luckiest motherfucker on the planet as far as revenue vs talent.

I read this on reddit: also his username was "yurgay" during the N word stream

I mean lol this fucking guy is an absolute random idiot. I mean, I guess this is what his audience wants. I'm so glad we are over that weird fad where everything was so "gay". It's like this dumbfuck lives ten years ago. That or his audience has made him ever dumber.


Is this guy really privileged compared to the people he lives around? I feel like he is just the luckiest motherfucker on the planet as far as revenue vs talent.

Says rape jokes for years

Decided that a video of him laughing at a sign that says "Death to Jews" was a good idea

Blurts out the n-word live on stream

All that happened? Got one copyright strike from a studio. Still hasnt been punished. Still has the ability to make millions by making Youtube vids.

People's careers have been killed for far far less


Says rape jokes for years

Decided that a video of him laughing at a sign that says "Death to Jews" was a good idea

Blurts out the n-word live on stream

All that happened? Got one copyright strike from a studio. Still hasnt been punished. Still has the ability to make millions by making Youtube vids.

People's careers have been killed for far far less

Yeah I just meant I wasn't sure if he was privileged before he got big. I have no clue I don't pay attention to the guy. But he sure is getting some of that privilege now.


i guess i was being too forgiving when i predicted he'd inevitably "slip up" and casually use racial slurs again in a couple months

instead it took a couple days


Also, I really feel for any black kids that might've been PDP fans. When you're a streamer that big who has a large audience that is young, you have a responsibility. Any decent person would realize how much they must've let down certain people and be ashamed. He clearly doesn't understand.

Two Words

If you have to actively censor yourself from using the n-word, then it's clearly an entrenched part of your speech pattern and line of thinking.

At least it is an acknowledgement that he shouldn't be doing that, so that is something. Whether that's because he knows it's bad PR or because he's actually genuinely making an effort to change is another matter entirely.

He seemed genuinely shook by it. But I would assume that was more him being worried about having to deal with the consequences.


Needs his channel nuked. He if were involved in any other form of entertainment his career would have been over a long time ago.


The "N" word in the US has a lot history (from what I know from history and government class). I feel bad for the people that still is affected by such word. I've seen in movies they use it a lot and no one is complaining. For example, on Django, or that 50 cent movie (Please correct me if im wrong). Or I think on that movie dope, where they say only black people is allowed to "use it". Is this true?

In my country mexico, we use the "N" word as an affection to people with darker skins or black. I want to say that in the northern borders is less common but in the southern or central is actually pretty common.

My only piece of advice is that people shouldnt pay attention to pew die pie. This is just regular marketing and therefore revenue for him.
The "N" word in the US has a lot history (from what I know from history and government class). I feel bad for the people that still is affected by such word. I've seen in movies they use it a lot and no one is complaining. For example, on Django, or that 50 cent movie (Please correct me if im wrong). Or I think on that movie dope, where they say only black people is allowed to "use it". Is this true?

In my country mexico, we use the "N" word as an affection to people with darker skins or black. I want to say that in the northern borders is less common but in the southern or central is actually pretty common.

My only piece of advice is that people shouldnt pay attention to pew die pie. This is just regular marketing and therefore revenue for him.

We say the N word as affection? Que? Don't you say moreno or morena?


The "N" word in the US has a lot history (from what I know from history and government class). I feel bad for the people that still is affected by such word. I've seen in movies they use it a lot and no one is complaining. For example, on Django, or that 50 cent movie (Please correct me if im wrong). Or I think on that movie dope, where they say only black people is allowed to "use it". Is this true?

In my country mexico, we use the "N" word as an affection to people with darker skins or black. I want to say that in the northern borders is less common but in the southern or central is actually pretty common.

My only piece of advice is that people shouldnt pay attention to pew die pie. This is just regular marketing and therefore revenue for him.

You have to realize that peoples' parents/grandparents/great grandparents were severely mistreated and killed hearing that word. It's actually still happening to this day(case in point). A non-black person shouldn't be using it at all to begin with, but there's also a massive difference between the "hard R" one and the pop culture one.

Person 1: "Your mother is a cunt"
Person 2: "WTF!"
Person 1: "Sorry you are so affected by the word 'cunt'. Don't pay attention to me, I'm only trying to get attention."

You realize how ridiculous that logic is? My example is only a fraction of the offense the n word has. If you want to live in society, you need common manners.


For clarification, I'm white. Not that I think that should matter.

I get the conversation around the word is controversial and deeply seeded into some absolutely horrifying history of slavery and racism.

But isn't the fact an entire "race" of people is completely discluded from the discussion of if it's okay to say the word in fact just... and I hate saying this - exactly what racism is? Excluding people from the conversation because of the color of their skin. The word is either okay to say, or it's not okay to say it.

The color of your skin really, REALLY, shouldn't matter, since teh entire point is to eliminate racism on teh whole - and you can't do that if you'r still using someone's skin color to frame a conversation around a term. IMHO, it's simply not okay for anyone to say it. Period. Regardless of the reasoning it was adopted.

If it's not okay for a person of x skin color to say it, it's honestly not okay for anyone to say it all. Isn't this is the entire point of trying to get rid of racism? You can't fight racism by then segmenting people by the color of their skin when it comes to a conversation.

Dunno, just my two cents. I am sure I will get roasted for this. And then of course we're expected to have the youth understand because it they hear it all the time at school from some people who think it's okay to toss it around because of their skin color. I am expected to have my kids understand when I explain why it's wrong and yada yada, and then try to explain tot hem why it's okay for them without trying to make it look like some racist stuff.

Rock and a hard place. The term should be banished from everyone's vocabulary.

So basically "white people not being allowed to use the n-word is the real racism guys".

Jesus fucking Christ on a mother fucking bike.


So basically "white people not being allowed to use the n-word is the real racism guys".

Jesus fucking Christ on a mother fucking bike.

"You see, it was actually racist to abolish slavery...because by abolishing slavery, you are acknowledging race....and isn't that the real racism? A true colorblind person wouldn't find no problem..... I'm just a simple 'ol country boy. Don't mind me, I hate everyone equally!"

The mental gymnastics are insane.


I offended the "everyone has said it" crowd on Twitter by saying that I've never used a slur out of frustration. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyone seriously comparing that word to "cracker" should read up on the history of the term and learn why they're extremely different. >_>

Yeah. I honestly find "White trash" and "Trailer trash" as worse. People have gone to prison for being perceived as such for those two over crackers anyway.
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